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#Recaps of the UpScale Community telegram group, discussion and items not already seen nor shared elsewhere.
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Monday to Thursday 2021-09-23

#Marketing :
How best promote and market the EOS platform is an ongoing discussion and this week more ideas and proposals introduced. To better organize and run various EOS related social media was also discussed as well as better promoting the many quality apps already operating in the EOS eco-system but not known by the masses.

#EOS_Foundation :
No one would have missed that the 200,000 EOS grant from the EOS Network Foundation has now been transferred. On October 4 there will be a 2nd transfer - 200 EOS multiplied with total membership count of Eden at the time of its MSIG proposal.

Eden treasury today at 204,029 EOS. Current membership plus pending invites totals 245 which equals 49,000 EOS with another week or so to go until 2nd transfer amount set. Until then all current members encouraged to invite their potential new members and have them inducted in coming days.

#Eden_elections :
Criticism was raised on the low number of participants registered so far for the first official Eden election on October 9. Comments followed mainly agreeing on the need for more members to sign up. Eden need strive for high participation level.

One sentence from the initial post ""As a community we are each responsible for the reputation and legitimacy of Eden on EOS and therefore signalling your commitment to participate in community governance makes a big difference.""

Very important all Eden members understand there is no need run as a candidate nor to have a pitch. Members can just participate and listen in and then give their vote (or not) for someone deserving. Participants not putting themselves up as candidates spend only about one hour in the initial group doing their part toward even better Eden governance through strong level of participation in the elections.

As one member expressed it ""I believe voter participation is incredibly important, being the minimum requirement of an Eden Member and what will essentially lend legitimacy to this process, .. , there is little to no good reason for anyone who has joined Eden on EOS to not participate in the first election."".

#EOS_BPs :
Various discussions this week on ranking of BP's among various sites and how might or might not influence the Eden Member's Approved Proxy.

#Dispute_Resolution :
This week Daniel Larimer posted his thoughts on "Decentralized Dispute Resolution". It has been discussed widely in several groups over past few days. If you not yet read the initial piece it is strongly recommended do so to be aware: https://medium.com/edenoneos/decentralized-dispute-resolution-25cf812861a9

The above topic also saw Dan inviting Eden members to an ad hoc Voice Chat. There was a recording initiated but unfortunately when chat ended discovered the recording had not functioned as should.

= END =
#Recap Eden Member group, up to & including Sunday 2022-07-24

#Author_Comments : A number of topics extensively discussed these past weeks and has been in area of fundamentals from a wide range of viewpoints. Among these #MyvoteEOS, #Inductions, #Eden_elections, #Infrastructure, #EDAO, #Funding, #Treasury, #Governance, #Bylaws and more. #Recaps do not reflect much, if any at all, of these intense discussions. This because it is quite impossible to give a fair balanced view of these discussions in the short #recap format.

#EOS_distribution? : 2022-07-10 :
--M1-- : "Is there anywhere one can go to see EOS distribution worldwide?"
--M2-- : "You can see geo distribution of inflation to BPs here - https://mainnet.eosio.online/rewards-distribution"
--M1-- : "Thanks, I'll check it out. Still having to make a series of assumptions here such as: . . "

#Eden_Delegates : 2022-07-10 : "Eden Season 3 Delegates channel has been set up, for current delegates to coordinate and stay in contact with other delegates of this seasons election."

#Eden_elections / #Accountability :
--M1-- : "Does anyone have an expense list for Eden elections? I'm curious where most of the costs come from. From first contact interview with Yves it sounds that it's really expensive."
--CD-- : "Here is a summary of the bids, . . "
--M2-- : "There was shockingly low participation from Eden members on that Vote.Eden Lead RFP."

#Dispute_Resolution / #Induction : 2022-07-12 : "I'd argue we need the dispute resolution before the removal/reduction of entry friction, depending on how much friction we're removing. We may also need a way to report people mid election if they won't/can't turn their camera on."

#FIO_Crypto_Handles : 2022-07-12 : "Wanted to let everyone know I added 123 more FIO Crypto Handles for Eden members: https://forums.eoscommunity.org/t/all-edenos-members-now-have-eden-fio-addresses/3462/29?u=lukestokes - They used to be called FIO Addresses). If everyone mapped addresses to various blockchains, we might be able to engage those chains to do Eden specific airdrops, knowing Sybil attack is impossible as it’s one handle per person."

#Eden_future : 2022-07-13 :
--M1-- : "Eden offers a process to distribute funds in a beautiful democratic way. This part is awesome. But I think the main problem with Eden is that it doesn't promote leadership for the community. During the election, many . . . "
--CD1-- : "Leadership over what tho. Over its own treasury? Sure, that much is obvious but when we try to govern other bigger system, while not proving we can even properly run eden, then... it looks like a naive proposition"
--CD2-- : ""Leadership" doesn't need to be interpreted as governing EOS, although that can certainly be a lofty goal that we can shoot for, and even there 'governing' EOS is full of nuance, and not binary."
--M2-- : "I would start by saying that there were a lot of concepts circulated in the community initially as to the vision for Eden. Then there wasn’t much follow up on some of those things and it all sort of took a life of its own. The biggest . . "

#Eden_future / #Workshop : 2022-07-13 : " What is Eden to Ourselves & to the World" :
--CD-- : "Join us for a manual Eden-style event on digging into why we're here. 🤔 We're looking to have the first of what will likely be a couple group calls on brainstorming what Eden is, and more importantly what can it become. 🚀"
--M1-- : "I expanded some ideas in the current election and will continue to advocate for a product management approach to Eden’s evolution. This morning I published an article on governance largely in reflection of the recent Eden election, available at linkedin or medium:
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-govern-your-self-others-world-web3-gavriel-shaw or
https://medium.com/@gavriel/how-to-govern-your-self-others-and-the-world-in-web3-a3bb82a07ea2 Very much looking forward to facilitating these workshops."
#Recap Eden Member group (WK50) - Sunday 2022-12-18
(Post 1 of 3)

#Eden_Sybil protection : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39463 :
--M1-- : "QUESTION: "Whats the plan?"
--CD-- : "Contract automatically issues SBT when you vote"
--M2-- : "Created github repo for ntt and badge issuer. ntt repo is ... - ... and badge issuer repo is ... - ... . Working on hashing out further details in these."
--M1-- : "thnx, will check"
--M2-- : "This is the latest code - ..."

#Eden_future survey : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39547 : "Would you (or anyone reading this) be willing write out a short list of:
A. What you believed/expected Eden to be when joining vs what you experience it as.
B. What changes since Genesis do you disagree/agree with?"

#Eden_Horizons : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39620 : "For those wanting to just watch the "3 Horizons of Eden" part of last CD's session (*as I'm still looking for more feedback from members here*) - It's a first attempt at bringing together all the offerings of Eden into a simple format. - https://youtu.be/qj4ULqtfVNs - Let me know what I'm missing!"

#Eden_Poll 1 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39550 : "Stance on the 500k EOS donation to Eden from B1 - *May select multiple options* - Any major stances missing?"

#Eden_Poll 2 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39845 : "Member dues are currently on the table for consideration for by-laws changes. - At Genesis Eden membership dues were ~$50. Today it's ~$3. What range should dues be? ... "

#Eden_Poll 3 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39853 : "Should polls remain anonymous? For: Decreases potential for retribution against members and their positions Against: Increases potential for non-members/Sybil/bots/etc to manipulate a poll ... "

#Eden_Poll 4 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39859 : "Should Membership Dues be charged: ... - *Choose multiple options you support*"

#Eden_Poll process : "You can always go back and change your vote if things change based on discussion :). Just click on the poll text and click "retract vote" and vote again. All polls in the "Eden Sense Making" channel will remain open for voting, so new members can go and add their sentiments when they join and existing members can go and update their perspectives at any time."

#Eden_UpVote_bot test 1 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39582 : "I want to see how people respond when they are not prepared, its better stress test that way. Simulates chaos :). The links and all the instructions will be shared in tester group" - "The Up Vote Bot test was successful, thank you everyone who joined. ..."

#Dispute_Resolution : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39638 :
--CD-- : "Dispute resolution system - Recap: 1. Person A wants to remove Person B, 2. A finds 3 other members to endorse B’s removal, 3. A posts $ ... - ... 12. If defendant wins, B gets ... "
--M1-- : "I've not studied the proposed model in that much depth yet but what jumps out at me is that 2 weeks is too short a time period. No member should need to check in every thirteen days or risk being removed in absentia. At the very least, a month. I mean, you could go on holiday and be removed before you got back."

#Eden_Funds distribution : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39790 : "The last payments will be for the remaining time of Current CDs, so the payment will be pro rated to 1 day. After the election a new distribution for the next 30 days will be available for newly elected delegates. - https://t.me/c/1186628781/39800 : "Eden distributes funds in advance. You ... "

#Accountability : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39807 : "There should be accountability towards where the money is being put to use. Hopefully next set of CDs use the spend explorer tools - https://spending.eden.eoscommunity.org"

#Bylaws : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39810 : QUESTION: "Anyone have a handy link to current bylaws?" - ANSWER: https://www.edenelections.com/eden-bylaws"
#Recap UpScale (aka EdenOnEOS) Community : 21-27 Oct, 2023.

#Meeting_Schedule Weekly "All Delegates" & WGs : https://t.me/c/1580300708/1/16169 : "Add this UpScale Google Calendar to be reminded recurrent weekly Meetings Term 8: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/r?cid=ZWRlbm9uZW9zLm1lZGlhQGdtYWlsLmNvbQ" :
Graphic version of calendar, as of 231027: https://t.me/c/1580300708/2342/16190
Mondays: 1500 UTC - Bylaws/Governance / 1600 UTC - Finance/Admin/Elections
Tuesdays: 1600 UTC - Tech/Dev / 1800 UTC - Reputation
Thursdays: 1600 UTC - All Delegate Meeting
Fridays: 1500 UTC - Comms/Media / 1600 UTC - Ambassador/Incubator

#UpScale_Ambassadors - CDs! : https://t.me/c/1580300708/651/16187 : "We can put more effort into developing Ambassador Educational Material and some structure to the actual Ambassador part of the Program. - @sachitdabas @Creamyvanill @gavrielshaw @cypherbadger @grahappa @softwarefocus @mozds @novacryptoltd @trantienthuc @EOS_korea_jsy @cxzvnk"

#Dispute_Resolution Case 0001 - 22 Oct, 2023 : https://t.me/c/1580300708/770/15989 : " . . . the relevant information posted in the UpScale Dispute Topic Telegram Channel as well as Disputes . . . "

Main UpScale/EdenOnEOS public sites:
Website: https://upscalenow.io/
X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/UpscaleNowIO
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@UpscaleNowIO
Telegram: https://t.me/EdenOSinfo

= END =
- Mondays: https://t.me/Recaps_EOS
EdenOnEOS Community - Saturdays: https://t.me/EdenMembers_recaps
Ad Hoc: https://t.me/recaps_ad_hoc
#Recap - UpScale DAO : 26 Feb - 01 Mar, 2024.

#UpScale_Weekly CD meeting - 29 Feb 2024 : https://t.me/c/2076304702/4/82 : Recorded video (51m) of weekly meeting Term 9 CDs, open for members to join/view. - Topics discussed: Genesis.eden funds to operational account executed, Telegram private group "hick-up", New Telegram private group, Daily demo/test sessions of UpScale DAO Fractal app - the "all in one" election tool, UpVote vs Fractal - hybrid process?, Governance considerations and processes, Reputation system use in governance processes, "USP" Project funding and Treasury - EOS or USDT, current "runway" and more.

#UpScale_Telegram - NEW member group : https://t.me/EdenOSinfo/51464 : "A new Members private group has been created - If you would like to be invited, apply here with who you are and what you bring or plan to bring to UpScale DAO: https://t.me/EdenOSinfo

#UpScale_Election fractal app - demo/tests : https://t.me/c/2076304702/1/52 : "Daily demo elections in the new "Fractally" app for UpScale. We try to test it with as many users as possible to make sure it is stable enough until we have our next UpScale election. If you want to join us and check out the app you can sign-up at: . . . "

#UpScale_Treasury Management : https://t.me/c/2076304702/6/69 : "So as to keep the community informed, this MSIG has been presented to unlock our treasury and transfer the funds . . . "

#Reputation_System : https://t.me/c/2076304702/5/63 : "This is the White Paper for the Reputation System being built for UpScale. . . . "

#Dispute_Resolution Process : https://t.me/c/2076304702/9/33 : "The following is the Dispute Resolution Process as it has been approved in Term 9, for those who need to reference it: . . . "
- https://t.me/c/2076304702/9/35 : "If you are in need of utilizing the process, the following link will take you step by step through filing the appropriate claim: . . . "

#UpScale_Ambassador Program : https://t.me/c/2076304702/13/76 : "Whenever we're ready to go i think it's worthwhile to revisit how we want to introduce and utilize what has already been built for the ambassador program. Here are the four courses and their documentation with written curriculums: . . . "

Main UpScale DAO public sites:
Website: https://upscalenow.io/

= END =
#Recaps-EOS : Mondays : https://t.me/Recaps_EOS -
*(recapped since 2022-05-15)*
#Recaps-UpScale : Saturdays : https://t.me/EdenMembers_recaps -
*(recapped since 2021-08-02)*