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#Recaps of the UpScale Community telegram group, discussion and items not already seen nor shared elsewhere.
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#Recap Eden Member group (WK50) - Sunday 2022-12-18
(Post 1 of 3)

#Eden_Sybil protection : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39463 :
--M1-- : "QUESTION: "Whats the plan?"
--CD-- : "Contract automatically issues SBT when you vote"
--M2-- : "Created github repo for ntt and badge issuer. ntt repo is ... - ... and badge issuer repo is ... - ... . Working on hashing out further details in these."
--M1-- : "thnx, will check"
--M2-- : "This is the latest code - ..."

#Eden_future survey : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39547 : "Would you (or anyone reading this) be willing write out a short list of:
A. What you believed/expected Eden to be when joining vs what you experience it as.
B. What changes since Genesis do you disagree/agree with?"

#Eden_Horizons : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39620 : "For those wanting to just watch the "3 Horizons of Eden" part of last CD's session (*as I'm still looking for more feedback from members here*) - It's a first attempt at bringing together all the offerings of Eden into a simple format. - https://youtu.be/qj4ULqtfVNs - Let me know what I'm missing!"

#Eden_Poll 1 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39550 : "Stance on the 500k EOS donation to Eden from B1 - *May select multiple options* - Any major stances missing?"

#Eden_Poll 2 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39845 : "Member dues are currently on the table for consideration for by-laws changes. - At Genesis Eden membership dues were ~$50. Today it's ~$3. What range should dues be? ... "

#Eden_Poll 3 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39853 : "Should polls remain anonymous? For: Decreases potential for retribution against members and their positions Against: Increases potential for non-members/Sybil/bots/etc to manipulate a poll ... "

#Eden_Poll 4 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39859 : "Should Membership Dues be charged: ... - *Choose multiple options you support*"

#Eden_Poll process : "You can always go back and change your vote if things change based on discussion :). Just click on the poll text and click "retract vote" and vote again. All polls in the "Eden Sense Making" channel will remain open for voting, so new members can go and add their sentiments when they join and existing members can go and update their perspectives at any time."

#Eden_UpVote_bot test 1 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39582 : "I want to see how people respond when they are not prepared, its better stress test that way. Simulates chaos :). The links and all the instructions will be shared in tester group" - "The Up Vote Bot test was successful, thank you everyone who joined. ..."

#Dispute_Resolution : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39638 :
--CD-- : "Dispute resolution system - Recap: 1. Person A wants to remove Person B, 2. A finds 3 other members to endorse B’s removal, 3. A posts $ ... - ... 12. If defendant wins, B gets ... "
--M1-- : "I've not studied the proposed model in that much depth yet but what jumps out at me is that 2 weeks is too short a time period. No member should need to check in every thirteen days or risk being removed in absentia. At the very least, a month. I mean, you could go on holiday and be removed before you got back."

#Eden_Funds distribution : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39790 : "The last payments will be for the remaining time of Current CDs, so the payment will be pro rated to 1 day. After the election a new distribution for the next 30 days will be available for newly elected delegates. - https://t.me/c/1186628781/39800 : "Eden distributes funds in advance. You ... "

#Accountability : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39807 : "There should be accountability towards where the money is being put to use. Hopefully next set of CDs use the spend explorer tools - https://spending.eden.eoscommunity.org"

#Bylaws : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39810 : QUESTION: "Anyone have a handy link to current bylaws?" - ANSWER: https://www.edenelections.com/eden-bylaws"
#Recap Eden Member group - up to end of 31 Dec, 2022, (UTC) - (Post 5 of 7)

#Eden_future 21 Dec, 2022 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/41443 :
--M1-- : ""... In my view the challenge to those who want to be CDs and leaders of Eden moving forward, how do you take this moment of divisiveness and find enough common ground to move this experiment forward with the needs, concerns and desires of both sides kept in constant esteem and consideration?""
--M2-- : ".. an excellent summary of where focus needs to be."
--M3-- : "Don't just think about the glorious accomplishments you will have, small things too are also worthy of our attention, and necessary for proper functioning of this org."
--M4-- : "To me Eden is a governance process that allocates resources towards projects that help EOS. Pretty straightforward."

#Eden_3_Horizons Dec 23, 2022 : https://t.me/c/1186628781/41842 : "... What's currently being attempted with the "3 horizons of Eden" model is a start to clarify our shared compass (Where are we going and why would others want to join. And what's is the common thread behind the various projects and proposals seeking funding. Or simply, what is Eden?). ..." - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/13MlKUPPs4zZFrFzIlQS9UnTcUwKNsSvFWIqBcmIxJLA/edit?usp=drivesdk

#Eden_Poll 4 of these from CDs : Dec 19, 2022 - https://t.me/c/1186628781/40865 : "#Recap partial repeat, for easy find, of these 4 member polls, just in case you not yet given your voice!"

#Eden_Poll - 22 Dec, 2022: https://t.me/c/1186628781/41551 :
--M1-- : " ... I think polling is an art and a science, and we may need to begin at the beginning to discern which questions need to be asked in what order, and ... "
--CD.. : "Good points. Hard to find a balance btw simplicity and details. Hopefully we can start a culture of polling in EDEN and no doubt we will get better."
--M2-- : "Polls currently are binary (yes/no), I mean that could be extended with some texts arguments . I think Consortium could be extented."
--M3-- : "Also we need to come up with ways for more engagement for a more accurate outcome, having 10 participants doesn’t tell you anything"

#Accountability_Transparency : https://t.me/c/1186628781/41577 :
--CD-- "If any Delegate would like to let us know here or in PM I will update this tracker with the results ... " - "If you were a previous Delegate and have a summary that is missing ... " - https://t.me/c/1186628781/43155
--M-- : "No excuse not to display how .. - https://spending.eden.eoscommunity.org/"
--M2-- : "Tried to use spend explorer yet?"

#Eden_Delegate_Roles : https://t.me/c/1186628781/41676 :
--CD-- : "What is CDs Job? Is there a clear job description somewhere? I believe it would be helpful to explicitly state in the bylaws what Rights and responsibilities we're expecting from each layer of delegates. ... "
--M1-- : "Fundamentally the role of CDs is to help the community fulfil its own defined mission as developed in our series of community workshops which ..." - https://t.me/c/1186628781/41428
--CD-- : "... What you're sharing here I believe is critical organising needs to help this community and I started with the assumption that CD's would meet this need as well (and why ... "
--M2-- : "If we are inserting personal preferences, I would much rather see teams coming to get funding for their specific piece of the puzzle, and get their representative voted in ... "
--M1-- : "Yeh perhaps a mix of CD focuses and talents. To be clear, which bit should CDs not all be doing?"
--M3 : "The challenge is how to design the long-term strategies that delegates and CD can align with constantly regardless of who makes it to the top"
--M4-- : "This is one of the best experiments in decentralization around. It's success is up to each of you/us. What should we be doing? This isn't the only place that argues. I think ..."

#Eden_Sybil protection : https://t.me/c/1186628781/39463 :
--M1-- : "QUESTION: "Whats the plan?"
--CD-- : "Contract automatically .. "
--M1-- : "thnx, will check"
--M2-- : "This is the latest code - ..."