🇵🇸 Automated Apartheid in Palestine
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Blue Wolf is part of a broader surveillance policy, initiated by the Israeli army in 2016, which deployed facial recognition technology, sensors, and cameras to monitor Palestinians in the occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank @internet_privacy_io_2
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🇵🇸 Jenin refugee camp becomes a scene of desolation

An Israeli army raid in the Jenin refugee camp, occupied West Bank, that went on for 60 hours left a scene of desolation, Al Jazeera’s Hoda-Abdel Hamid says.

“This is a desolate city, everything is shut down,” Abdel-Hamid said, reporting at the entrance of the refugee camp where Israeli soldiers were stationed.

Walls of shops at the site show drawings of the Star of David and other Israeli symbols, while sewage water fills the streets as the camp’s infrastructures were destroyed.

“Bulldozers were the first to go in and destroyed everything on their way to make people’s life here more difficult,” she said.

At least 12 people were killed and more than 500 arrested in the raid. Many of those detained were later released, Abdel-Hamid said, adding that some of those were badly beaten during questioning.

#Jenin #Palestine #OPT #WestBank #Destruction #Oppression #Detention #Raids #IOF
🇵🇸 Palestinians recount abuse inside Israeli prisons

Testimonies gathered by +972 Magazine from Palestinians released from Israeli prisons in recent weeks — both as part of the ceasefire agreement and independently of it — paint a picture of a surge in abuse and humiliation inside prison cells, in interrogation rooms, and during arrests. According to these testimonies, Israeli forces and prison authorities have used methods of #torture, threatened to #rape a female detainee and her young daughter, and beaten a prisoner to death — one of six Palestinians known to have died in Israeli custody since October 7.

#Palestine #OPT #Prison #Detention #Testimonies #HR #Detainees
🇵🇸 New Guantánamo”: Euro-Med Monitor calls for international probe into Israel’s torture and murder of Gaza detainees

Geneva - An impartial and urgent investigation is needed to probe the Israeli army’s torture and murder of Palestinian civilians detained in different areas of the Gaza Strip, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said in a statement issued on Monday.

Testimonies gathered by Euro-Med Monitor teams confirm reports published by Israel’s Haaretz newspaper about Israeli field executions of Gazan detainees. Additional detainees have died after being subjected to extreme torture and mistreatment in the “Sde Teman” Israeli army camp, located between Beersheba and Gaza.

Via @EuroMedHR
#Gaza #GenevaConvention #Civilians #Detainees #Torture #Detention #HR #WarCrimes #IOF
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🇵🇸They tortured us, subjected us to electric shocks. We suffered a lot.”

Some 60 Palestinian men detained by Israeli forces returned to Gaza on Monday, entering the territory through the recently opened Kerem Shalom crossing.

All of the men said they were tortured in an unspecified facility in southern Israel. One of the released detainees said that many of them were employees of the Palestinian Authority.

This confirms previously cited souces published here

Source : Middle East Eye
#Gaza #Civilians #HR #IOF #Detainees #Prisoners #Detention #Torture #PA #Testimonies
🇵🇸 Urinating on Prisoners: Why Humiliation is Functional in Israel’s War on Palestinians | Mint Press

Zionist militias, using advanced Western arms, conquered historic Palestine in 1947-48, they expressed their victory through the deliberate humiliation of Palestinians.

Much of that humiliation targeted women, in particular, knowing how the dishonor of Palestinian females represents, according to Arab culture, a sense of dishonor to the whole community.

This strategy remains in use to this day.When scores of Palestinian women were released following prisoner exchanges between the Palestinian Resistance and Israel, starting on November 24, there was very little room to hide the facts.

Unlike the 75-year-ago Palestinian community, this current generation no longer internalizes Israel’s intentional humiliation of women and men alike, as if an act of collective dishonor.

Via @MintPress
#Palestine #Prisoners #Apartheid #Detention #Humiliation #HR #OPT #Gaza #WestBank #IOF #WarCrimes
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🇵🇸 Interview with Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur | PSC

Palestine Solidarity Campaingn spoke with Francesca Albanese about Israel's treatment of Palestinian prisoners, including children, and how imprisonment is used as a tool of #repression against Palestinians.

Francesca Albanese is UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967. She has published widely on the legal situation in Israel/Palestine; her latest book, Palestinian Refugees in International Law (Oxford University Press, 2020), offers a comprehensive legal analysis of the situation of Palestinian refugees from its origins to modern-day reality.

#Palestine #OPT #Children #Prisoners #Prison #Detention #UNSR #UN #FrancescaAlbanese
Israel required by law to reveal the fate of dozens of women arrested in Gaza, intl. community must investigate images and claims of torture, harassment | EuroMed HR Monitor

Geneva – Israel is obligated to disclose the whereabouts of the nearly 3,000 Palestinian #civilians—including #children as well as dozens of women—it has kidnapped from homes and shelter centres, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said in a statement urging the international community to put pressure on Israel to end its policy of enforced #disappearance.

According to information received by Euro-Med Monitor, over the past few days the Israeli army has been detaining hundreds of Palestinians in the #SheikhRadwan neighbourhood in Gaza City. Among them are dozens of #women who were taken to #YarmoukStadium, where they had their veils removed and were searched by soldiers. Many of them also endured explicit #abuse, #beatings, and #harassment.

Via @EuroMedHR
#Gaza #IOF #Abduction #Kidnapping #HR #Detention #Detainees
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🇵🇸 Testimonies from Gaza Journalist Dia Al Kahlout | Al-Haq Video

Journalist Dia Al Kahlout was arbitrarily arrested by the Israeli Occupying Forces from his home in #BeitLahia & detained for 33 days.

Upon his release, family members of others arbitrarily detained desperately try to get information about their loved ones.

Post concerning the initial conditions of his detention among other civilian prisoners - [December 2023]

#Gaza #WarCrimes #IOF #Journalist #Testimonies #Detainees #Civilians #Prisoners #Detention #DiaAlKahlout #AlHaq
🇵🇸 Israeli Knesset’s decision to deny Gaza detainees legal representation provides legal cover for crime of enforced disappearance

The Israeli #Knesset’s General Assembly approved regulations that prevent Gazan detainees from meeting with their lawyers for an additional four months, thereby creating a legal cover for the crime of enforced #disappearance committed against thousands of #detainees.

According to the statement, the detainees’ prolonged forced disappearance may be a sign of the degree of #torture and violence they have endured during their arrest, interrogation, and #detention. EMHR emphasised that offering legal cover to conceal detainees indicates the involvement of multiple Israeli authorities in human rights violations. This cover is worthless, however, given that enforced disappearance is considered a crime against humanity by the #RomeStatute of the International Criminal Court.

Via @EuroMedHR
#Gaza #InternationalLaw #Prisoners
🇵🇸 Remembering Therese Halasa, Palestinian revolutionary: Rima Tannous’ prison story | Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

After her release, Therese Halasa was expelled from occupied Palestine. She lived the rest of her life in #Jordan, marrying and working as a #nurse caring for patients with disabilities. She continued to tell her story, including to documentarians and filmmakers researching the history of the Sabena hijacking and the Palestinian #revolution. Despite her illness and battle with lung cancer, she continued to be present at countless sit-ins and demonstrations for Palestine in Jordan.

#Palestine #Resistance #History #Hijacking #SabenaHijacking
#Testimonies #Book #Detention #Prisoners #RimaTannous #ThereseHalasa

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🇵🇸 Remembering Therese Halasa, Palestinian revolutionary: Rima Tannous’ prison story | Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network

Rima Tannous, Therese’s comrade-in-arms, shared her story of involvement, resistance, torture and oppression inside Israeli prisons in a statement published in 1979 after her release as part of a collection, Palestinian Political Prisoners: Struggle Behind Iron Bars, published by the PLO’s Unified Information Department and the Committee for the Defense of Political Prisoners in Israeli Jails.

Rima’s story includes a detailed description of her and Therese’s reunification behind bars, as well as their interaction with international political prisoners jailed by Israel for their involvement in the Palestinian struggle.

#Palestine #Resistance #Prisoners #Detention #Torture #Testimonies #History #Book
#RimaTannous #ThereseHalasa

🇵🇸More horrific than Abu Ghraib’: Lawyer recounts visit to Israeli detention center | 972mag

The situation there is more horrific than anything we’ve heard about Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo.” This is how Khaled Mahajneh describes the Sde Teiman detention center as the first lawyer to visit the facility. More than 4,000 Palestinians whom Israel arrested in Gaza have been held at the military base in the #Naqab/#Negev since October 7; some of them have subsequently been released, but most remain in Israeli detention.

#Palestine #OPT #Prisonners #Detention #SdeTeiman
This Is Palestine: Inside Israel’s Torture Camp | www.imeu.org

In this episode, host #DianaButtu shares the horrifying details about one of Israel's secret #torture camps or Israeli prisons, #SdeTeiman, through the words of a Palestinian journalist from #Gaza, Muhammad Arab.

Muhammad's story is conveyed to Buttu through his lawyer, Khaled Mahajneh. #Mahajneh is a Palestinian lawyer who has spent most of his legal career representing Palestinians who have been tried before Israeli military courts. Most famously, he is the lawyer who represented the 6 Palestinians, who escaped #Gilboa #prison near #Jenin, after they were picked up 5 days after their prison break.

Mahajneh is the first and only attorney to visit the Israel Sde Teiman torture camp. Currently, there are over 20,000 Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza who are being held captive in Israeli prisons, some as young as 10 years old.

#Podcast #IMEU #Detainees #Testimonies #OPT #WestBank #Detention #TortureCamps
🇵🇸 UN probe finds Palestinians subjected to beatings, electric shocks and sexual violence in Israeli detention | Middle East Eye –

Thousands of Palestinian administrative detainees – those being held without charge or trial – are subject to ill-treatment including dire physical conditions, torture and #SexualViolence, according to a report released on Wednesday by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (#OHCHR).

The report detailing the “prolonged secret and incommunicado detention” of Palestinians by Israeli authorities states that dozens have also died in Israeli custody.

#Palestine #Torture #UN #Detainees #Prison #Prisonners #Detention #OPT #WestBank #HumanRights #Report
998.9 KB

Thematic Report
#Detention in the context of the escalation of hostilities in Gaza (October 2023-June 2024)

31 July 2024
#OHCHR #Report
🇵🇸 Welcome to Hell: The Israeli Prison System as a Network of Torture Camps | B'Tselem

"“Welcome to Hell” is a report on the abuse and inhuman treatment of Palestinians held in Israeli custody since 7 October 2023.

B’Tselem collected testimonies from 55 Palestinians held during that time and released, almost all with no charges. Their testimonies reveal the outcomes of the rushed transformation of more than a dozen Israeli prison facilities, military and civilian, into a network of camps dedicated to the abuse of inmates as a matter of policy. Facilities in which every inmate is deliberately subjected to harsh, relentless pain and suffering operate as de-facto torture camps.

"We were taken to #Megiddo. When we got off the bus, a soldier said to us: "Welcome to hell."

From the testimony of Fouad Hassan 45, from Qusrah in Nablus District"

#Palestine #Gaza #OPT #Detainees #Detention #Torture #TortureCamps #SdeTeman #Btselem #Report
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🇵🇸 " Abu Ghraib in Iraq is Megiddo in Israel"

Former Palestinian detainees testify to the inhumane treatment and torture in Israeli #detention centers, as detailed in a B'Tselem report.

The report reveals that over a dozen Israeli prison facilities, both military and civilian, were converted into a network of torture camps. The testimonies expose how these facilities are designed to inflict severe and relentless pain on inmates, functioning as centers of systematic abuse.

#Palestine #OPT #Detainees #Torture #TortureCamps #Report #Megiddo #SdeTeman #Btselem #Testimonies
🇵🇸 Documentation of the rape of a Palestinian who was kidnapped last March from the #Jabalia refugee camp by fighters from #Unit100 of the Israeli occupation army in the "Sde Timan" concentration camp.

After hours, he was transferred to the hospital, bleeding and suffering from a torn rectum, ruptured bowels, damaged lungs, and broken ribs.
It was found that two soldiers suspected in the rape case were lying in a lie detector test, where they were asked two identical questions. The first: "Did you insert an object into the Palestinian's anus during the search?" The second:
"Are you hiding the identity of the person who inserted an object into the Palestinian's anus?" They answered both questions with denial. The examiner found that with regard to both questions, they were lying.

❗️B'Tselem #Report

#Palestine #OPT #Gaza #WestBank #Torture #TortureCamps #SdeTiman #SdeTeiman #SdeTeman #IOF #Rape #ConcentrationCamps #WarCrimes #Zionism #Apartheid #Occupation
#Detention #Prisonners #Detainees
🇵🇸 West Bank: Palestinian MP Khalida Jarrar faces slow death in Israeli solitary confinement; effective and immediate action needed | Euro Med Monitor

"I die every day. The cell is like a small closed box where no air enters. There is only a toilet in the cell with a small window above it, which was later sealed just one day after my transfer. They left me no space to breathe, and even what is called the 'ashnav' (peephole) on the cell door was sealed. There is only a small opening where I sit most of the time to breathe. I am suffocating in my cell, waiting for the hours to pass, hoping to find some oxygen particles to breathe and stay alive."

#Palestine #OPT #WestBank #KhalidaJarrar #Detention #Detainees #Torture