🇵🇸 Automated Apartheid in Palestine
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Blue Wolf is part of a broader surveillance policy, initiated by the Israeli army in 2016, which deployed facial recognition technology, sensors, and cameras to monitor Palestinians in the occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank @internet_privacy_io_2
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🇵🇸 Israel-US Plan for Gaza Envisions "Fragmenting Gaza and Isolating It from the World". Mike Whitney | Global Research -

Unit 601 of the IOF’s Combat Engineering Corps is clearing a vast swath of land across central Gaza splitting the 25-mile-long territory into two parts.

The so-called #NetzarimCorridor (#Highway749)—which crosses Gaza from east to west—will provide faster transport for IOF troops operating in the area and will also function as vital part of Israel’s security cordon separating the north from the south. There is no doubt that military outposts will be established along the corridor as well as in locations along the western coast.

The aim of these actions is to protect the development of new #settlements that will be built north of the corridor.

In short, the Israeli government is using its war on Hamas to divert attention from its real objective which is the expansion of the Jewish state on Palestinian land.

#Gaza #Colonisation
🇵🇸 UK Prime Minister Terrorizing Palestine Supporters | Consortium News

The arrest on Thursday of Palestine solidarity activist Sarah Wilkinson, following the arrest of journalist Richard Medhurst last week — both based on an improbable claim they have violated Section 12 of the Terrorism Act — is definitive proof that Keir Starmer’s authoritarian purges of the Labour left are being rolled out against critics on a nationwide basis.

Now safely ensconced in No 10 Downing Street, #Starmer can crush the basic rights of British citizens with as much relish as he earlier pummelled the remnants of democracy inside the Labour Party — and for much the same reason.

The British prime minister is determined to terrorise into silence critics highlighting his, and now his government’s, complicity with Israel and its #genocide in #Gaza.

#PalestineSolidarityMovement #UK #Repression #TerrorismAct
🇵🇸 One child’s journey through genocide: the story of Tala Dallul | Mondoweiss –

One child’s journey through genocide: the story of Tala Dallul

10-year-old Tala Dallul has seen and survived so much during the Gaza genocide. Here she tells her story.

#Palestine #Gaza #Children #Testimonies #TalaDallul
Forwarded from Wizard Bisan
Daily routine during the genocide
Forwarded from Wizard Bisan
Media is too big
Look who is with me, I swear to you it's not only for filming! They have the will! They strive to study anything and to gain knowledge in anyway! But Israel is continuing the genocide for 11 months depriving them from a second educational year!
🇵🇸 Testing the boundaries for ethnic cleansing in the West Bank | Mondoweiss

The current operation in the West Bank is meant to test the boundaries of what Israel will be allowed to get away with. It is setting the stage for the forced ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people.

#Palestine #OPT #WestBank #EthnicCleansing #Occupation #Genocide
🇵🇸 Exposed: The US and Canadian Funding Behind Israeli Soldiers Accused of Rape

Cuffed and blindfolded 24 hours a day. Confined to animal pens. Attacked by dogs. This is reportedly the treatment of Palestinian detainees at Sde Teiman, an Israeli military base in the #NaqabDesert. While claims of torture and abuse at the facility began circulating in December, the Israeli military did not open an investigation into the allegations until July 29, when 10 Israeli soldiers were detained on suspicion of sexually abusing a detainee

MintPress uncovers the financial and political infrastructure, including from the #US and #Canada, backing these soldiers through tax-exempt organizations and crowdfunding platforms. This marks a disturbing shift in global support for human rights violations, now extending even to those implicated in the Israeli military’s acts of #SexualViolence.

#Palestine #OPT #Gaza #Detainees #Torture #Rape #SdeTeman #SdeTeiman
🇵🇸 According to a report by Israeli newspaper Haaretz, Palestinian detainees at Megiddo Prison are systematically subjected to humiliation and torture. The Israeli Prison Service (#IPS) later claimed this was part of a "routine drill" to ensure safety, but provided no evidence of seized weapons.

One Palestinian testified that Israeli guards take detainees to areas away from surveillance to torture them, including hitting them in their groins and private parts. A senior IPS official confirmed awareness of the severe violence against Palestinian detainees in #MegiddoPrison.

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#Palestine #OPT #Megiddo #Torture #Prison #Detainees
🇵🇸Days filled with terror’: Palestinians in Jenin recount harrowing 10-day Israeli army invasion

I carried the white flag so we could get our young men out. The Israeli soldiers show no mercy to anyone. We just want to get our sons out. We are not afraid for ourselves, but for them. We left amidst the destruction and gunfire.

Civilian, Jenin

Um Weam Hariri, an elderly displaced woman we met on the fifth day of the military operation, told us that the Israeli soldiers forced her to evacuate her home, blowing up the doors while she, her children, and grandchildren were inside. She told Mondoweiss that for five days, the family did not have access to food or water as they were trapped inside their home. 

The extent of the damage is enormous. Jenin has indeed become a devastated city,” Obeidi said. “The commercial district was targeted, the power towers were struck, and even the underground power lines were uprooted and destroyed

#Palestine #OPT #IOF #Jenin #Testimonies