🇵🇸 Automated Apartheid in Palestine
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Blue Wolf is part of a broader surveillance policy, initiated by the Israeli army in 2016, which deployed facial recognition technology, sensors, and cameras to monitor Palestinians in the occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank @internet_privacy_io_2
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Palestinian Journalist’s Agonizing Detention Spotlights Israel’s Crackdown on Free Press

On July 15, Palestinian journalist Basel Adra found himself apprehended by the military after documenting an Israeli settler’s assault in the occupied West Bank. Adra was subjected to handcuffing, blindfolding, and forced to endure hours under the scorching sun. While the Union of Journalists in Israel decried this incident as a grave infringement on press freedom, his ordeal mirrors the distressing reality encountered by countless Palestinian reporters.

According to the Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms (MADA), violations against journalists and media freedom in Palestine witnessed an
 alarming 8% surge from 2021 to 2022. The rights organization attributed this escalation to two fatal attacks targeting Palestinian journalists, curbs on social media expression, the Israeli offensive on Gaza, and a surge in settler-instigated violence.

#Journalist #Press #FreePress #Repression #Palestine #Apartheid
🇵🇸 Adalah Report: Two years after the May 2021 events – May 2023

In this issue of Adalah’s News, we report on our new publication on the May 2021 events, also known as the “Dignity Uprising”, and how the violent suppression by Israeli security forces – which took place throughout historic Palestine (Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory) - laid the foundation for the current draconian policing practices by Israel’s radical, right-wing government against Palestinian citizens of Israel (#PCI).

Website : Adalah

#Palestine #WestBank #Adalah #Report #Police #Repression #OPT
In this issue of Adalah’s News, we report on our new publication on the May 2021 events, also known as the “Dignity Uprising”, and how the violent suppression by Israeli security forces – which took place throughout historic Palestine (Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory) - laid the foundation for the current draconian policing practices by Israel’s radical, right-wing government against Palestinian citizens of Israel (PCI).


May 2023
#Palestine #WestBank #Report
#Adalah #Repression #Police #OPT
🇵🇸 Arrests and harassment threaten Palestinians in Israel | The Take - Al Jazeera - podcast

Prominent Palestinians in Israel were arrested on Thursday for planning a small anti-war protest. For the last month, people have grappled with rising threats, harassment, and restrictions. Where does the post-October 7 world leave Palestinians?

In this episode:  Amjad Iraqi, +972 Magazine Senior Editor

#Palestine #OPT #WestBank #Repression #Audio #Podcast #Testimonies
Prominent Palestinians in Israel were arrested on Thursday for planning a small anti-war protest. For the last month, people have grappled with rising threats, harassment, and restrictions. Where does the post-October 7 world leave Palestinians?

In this episode :  Amjad Iraqi, +972 Magazine Senior Editor

The Take - Al Jazeera #Podcast
10/11/2023 #Repression #OPT #WestBank #Palestine #Testimonies #Audio
Media is too big
🇵🇸 Repression in the Shadow of Israel’s War on Gaza Pt 1: 5 Israeli Human Rights Groups Sound the Alarm | Foundation For Middle East Peace

Five of Israel’s leading human rights groups for a collective call to examine the widespread violation of Palestinian rights across all areas under Israeli control. While the international spotlight is on #Gaza, Israel’s extreme-right government has pursued a radical #agenda to violate the rights of Palestinians in Israeli prisons, in the West Bank, in #Jerusalem, and within Israel.

Featuring Samah Bsoul, Association for Civil Rights in Israel (#ACRI); Jessica Montell, HaMoked: Center for the Defense of the Individual(#Hamoked); Anat Litvin, Physicians for Human Rights – Israel (#PHRI); Tal Steiner, Public Committee Against Torture (#Torture )in Israel (#PCATI); Yahav Erez, Yesh Din, in conversation with Lara Friedman (#FMEP)

#OPT #WesBank #Repression #Prisoners #HR #Prison #Detention #Apartheid
The shooting, killing and intimidation of Palestinians in the streets and in their homes is nothing new. They have been under threat and pressure of military and settler violence for years. The legal phrase that describes these actions is “creating a coercive environment” so that the Palestinians will leave of their own volition — and eventually collapse under this ongoing pressure.

The fact that the occupied West Bank is not controlled by Hamas means the Israeli-stated goal of getting rid of those “terrorists” fails to justify their actions. And this has not stopped them from increasing their military presence throughout the occupied areas.

This film delves into the current situation in the occupied West Bank as experienced by Palestinians, with a range of views from Palestinians and Israelis. It explores how life there, already difficult for Palestinians, is becoming unbearable as well as what is really at stake here for Israel and what long-term plans for the West Bank may be.

A film by Zainab Walji & Mays Al Shobasy, DOP: Loai Al Saeed & Abdallah Motan, Edited by Jameel Hodzic

#Palestine #Occupation #Colonisation #Apartheid #Settler #Violence #WestBank #OPT #Chekpoints #Curfew #Repression #Detention
🇵🇸 Report : Interrogations, Arrests, and Indictments of Palestinian Citizens of Israel since 7 October - Adalah –

Since 7 October 2023, Palestinian citizens of Israel have faced political persecution and a severe crackdown on their freedom of expression and assembly. The repression of speech is the result of widespread and coordinated efforts between government offices, Israeli institutions, and far-right groups, all targeting Palestinian citizens and those who dare to express dissent against the military’s retaliatory attacks on Gaza.

Adalah's legal team cooperates with the High Follow-up Committee for Arab Citizens of Israel and its Emergency Committee, as well as with lawyers, popular committees and partner NGOs in many towns and villages to monitor and document rights violations and to represent Palestinian citizens of Israel facing these criminal charges.

 #Palestine #OPT #Oppression #Repression #Apartheid #Judiciary #Adalah
🇵🇸 Interrogations, Arrests, and Indictments of Palestinian Citizens of Israel since 7 October - Adalah –

Since 7 October 2023, Palestinian citizens of Israel have faced political persecution and a severe crackdown on their freedom of expression and assembly. The repression of speech is the result of widespread and coordinated efforts between government offices, Israeli institutions, and far-right groups, all targeting Palestinian citizens and those who dare to express dissent against the military’s retaliatory attacks on Gaza.

Adalah's legal team cooperates with the High Follow-up Committee for Arab Citizens of Israel and its Emergency Committee, as well as with lawyers, popular committees and partner NGOs in many towns and villages to monitor and document rights violations and to represent Palestinian citizens of Israel facing these criminal charges.


#Palestine #Apartheid
#Adalah #Report #Repression #Detention #OPT #Judiciary
November 2023
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🇵🇸 'They Assaulted All The Girls' - Jailed For Posting a Palestinian Flag | AJ+

Palestinian teenager Zeina Abdo was jailed for posting a Palestinian flag on social media. 🇵🇸  

She says Israel retaliated against Palestinian detainees after Hamas’ attack on October 7th.

Source : Al Jazeera +
#Palestine #OPT #WestBank #Repression #Detention #FemalePrisoner #Prison #Prisoners #Judiciary #Testimonies
🇵🇸 Children's drawings from the previous wars on Gaza and in Occupied Palestinian Territories

#Children #Palestine #OPT #WestBank #Ilustrations #Drawings #Trauma #Occupation #Colonization #Apartheid #Testimonies #Repression #Gaza
Media is too big
🇵🇸 Interview with Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur | PSC

Palestine Solidarity Campaingn spoke with Francesca Albanese about Israel's treatment of Palestinian prisoners, including children, and how imprisonment is used as a tool of #repression against Palestinians.

Francesca Albanese is UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967. She has published widely on the legal situation in Israel/Palestine; her latest book, Palestinian Refugees in International Law (Oxford University Press, 2020), offers a comprehensive legal analysis of the situation of Palestinian refugees from its origins to modern-day reality.

#Palestine #OPT #Children #Prisoners #Prison #Detention #UNSR #UN #FrancescaAlbanese
Media is too big
🇵🇸 Life in Jerusalem under Israel's military dictatorship | The Greyzone Documentary

Journalist Jeremy Loffredo visits the occupied East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah, a climate of unprecedented repression has descended since October 7. Loffredo documents settler terror attacks on businesses and speaks to local activists who tell him they fear arrest and beatings from Israeli police if they speak out against the assault on Gaza.

#Palestine #WestBank #SheikJarrah #EastJerusalem #OPT #Repression #Settler #SettlerViolence #SettlerTerror
#Testimonies #Documentary
🇵🇸 We Are the Palestinian People: Revolution Until Victory (1973) Documentary

Made by a breakaway faction of the US Newsreel collective Pacific Newsreel, We Are the Palestinian People (Revolution Until Victory, 1973) edits exclusively archival footage into a detailed, historical reconstruction of the conflict. Great attention is paid to the political genesis of #Zionism, the role of colonial Britain in assigning Palestine to #zionists and the strategic role Israel has played ever since in the control and monopoly of the world’s most sought-after commodity, oil.

While other titles in the season stressed the internationalist dimension of the Palestinian #revolution by linking it to other #AntiColonial struggles, the same concept is rendered here specularly – for if #AntiImperialism is a transglobal phenomenon, so is #repression. Incorporated into the montage is footage of general Moshe Dayan visiting Vietnam to learn about counter-insurgency techniques.

#Palestine #Fedayeen #History #Documentary
🇵🇸 Surviving until the next raid: Life in Nur Shams refugee camp under Israeli assault | Mondoweiss

Since October 7 Israel’s crackdown on the West Bank town of #Tulkarem has intensified. Raids are almost daily, have been more destructive and lethal, and have transformed the lives of more than 8,000 Palestinians living in the city’s refugee camps.

Tulkarem, a small city in the northwestern occupied West Bank, just on the #GreenLine,  has become the primary target of Israeli raids in recent years, ever since the resurgence of armed resistance groups in the area in 2022. The formation of the ‘Tulkarem Brigade’, which operates primarily out of the city’s two refugee camps, has prompted an escalation in Israeli military operations, with Israel using everything from foot soldiers to drone strikes to try and quash the armed militias, composed mostly of local young men.

#Palestine #OPT #WestBank #Testimonies #Apartheid #Repression #NurShams
🇵🇸 UK Prime Minister Terrorizing Palestine Supporters | Consortium News

The arrest on Thursday of Palestine solidarity activist Sarah Wilkinson, following the arrest of journalist Richard Medhurst last week — both based on an improbable claim they have violated Section 12 of the Terrorism Act — is definitive proof that Keir Starmer’s authoritarian purges of the Labour left are being rolled out against critics on a nationwide basis.

Now safely ensconced in No 10 Downing Street, #Starmer can crush the basic rights of British citizens with as much relish as he earlier pummelled the remnants of democracy inside the Labour Party — and for much the same reason.

The British prime minister is determined to terrorise into silence critics highlighting his, and now his government’s, complicity with Israel and its #genocide in #Gaza.

#PalestineSolidarityMovement #UK #Repression #TerrorismAct