🇵🇸 Automated Apartheid in Palestine
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Blue Wolf is part of a broader surveillance policy, initiated by the Israeli army in 2016, which deployed facial recognition technology, sensors, and cameras to monitor Palestinians in the occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank @internet_privacy_io_2
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🇵🇸 Hamas Uses Human Shields? | Mint Press

Hamas uses Palestinians as human shields. You’ve heard the claim echoed ad nauseam in Western corporate media. Yet numerous reports from HRW and other human rights groups have found the allegations, which are brought to bear by Israeli officials nearly every time Gaza hits the news, to not only be untrue, they’ve discovered that Israel itself has consistently engaged in wanton use of Palestinian civilians, including children, as human shields.

In 2014 Amnesty International monitored and investigated such reports, but did not find evidence that Palestinian civilians have been intentionally used by #Hamas or Palestinian armed groups during the current hostilities to “shield” specific locations or military personnel or equipment from Israeli attacks

Since the beginning of the occupation in 1967, Israeli security forces have repeatedly used Palestinians in the West Bank and in the Gaza Strip as human shields-Btselem

#HumanShields #Hasbara #Propaganda #IOF
Israel Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan Over a Year Ago - The New York Times –

Israeli officials obtained Hamas’s battle plan for the Oct. 7 terrorist attack more than a year before it happened, documents, emails and interviews show. But Israeli military and intelligence officials dismissed the plan as aspirational, considering it too difficult for Hamas to carry out.

The approximately 40-page document, which the Israeli authorities code-named “#JerichoWall,” outlined, point by point, exactly the kind of devastating invasion that led to the deaths of about 1,200 people.

The translated document, which was reviewed by The NYT, did not set a date for the attack, but described a methodical assault designed to overwhelm the fortifications around the Gaza Strip, take over Israeli cities and storm key military bases, including a division headquarters.

#ForeKnowledge #Gaza #Hamas #OperationAlAqsaFlood
Media is too big
🇵🇸 Haaretz article: Detailing unverified and inaccurate accounts of the 7 October Hamas attack

A leading Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, has detailed how unverified and inaccurate accounts of the 7 October Hamas attack and alleged atrocities committed by Palestinian fighters, led to the widespread publication of stories that appear to be false.

Haaretz cross-referenced some of these allegations provided by Israeli officials and soldiers as well as search and rescue volunteers, in a report published on Sunday, and found that they did not add up.

Analysts have asserted that such spreading of misinformation and fabrications which typically focus on particularly inflammatory issues are used to rile up popular sentiment in favour of atrocities against a specific entity and in this case, have paved the way for Israel’s deadly assaults in Gaza.

Source : Middle East Eye
#Israel #WarLies #Hasbara #Propaganda #Misinformation #Media #MainstreamMedia #MassMedia #Hamas #Gaza #OperationAlAqsaFlood #Narative
🇵🇸 Israel stages fake Hamas surrender with abducted Palestinian civilians | The Cradle

Israeli forces abducted dozens of Gaza men from the market street in Beit Lahia in northern Gaza on 7 December. The men were forced to strip off their clothes and sit in rows on the street. They were then searched and humiliated before they were taken in trucks to an unknown location.

Israel claimed the men were Hamas fighters who surrendered and released footage showing one of the nearly naked men walking toward the soldiers with a Kalashnikov rifle above his head. He then lays the rifle down on the pavement.But another video emerged showing the same scene, but this time, the man is holding the rifle in his right hand, showing the scene was recorded multiple times.

This suggests Israeli forces staged a fake Hamas surrender using captured Palestinian civilians.

#Civilians #Hamas #Fake #WarCrimes
Israel admits to "immense" amount of "friendly fire" on 7 October | The Electronic Intifada –

Israel’s army on Tuesday admitted that an “immense and complex quantity” of what it calls “friendly fire” incidents took place on 7 October.
The key declaration was buried in the penultimate paragraph of an article by Yoav Zitun, the military correspondent of Israeli outlet Ynet.
It is the first known official army admission that a significant number of the hundreds of Israelis who died on 7 October were killed by Israel itself, and not by Hamas or other Palestinian resistance factions.

#Gaza #OperationAlAqsaFlood
#FrendlyFire #Hamas
🇵🇸 Further testimonies by Israeli soldiers prove that an Israeli Apache, as well as Israeli tanks, were responsible for killing Israelis in Gaza's envelope settlements on October 7.

Israel claims that Hamas attacked the settlers and committed murders and rapes, while the resistance movement stresses that it only attacked Israeli military sites in the settlements.

Via QudsNen
#Gaza #OperationAlAqsaFlood #Hamas #FriendlyFire
🇵🇸 Palestinian says soldiers sent him into Hamas tunnel strapped with bombs | Middle East Eye –

In a distressing testimony, one of Gaza's innocent detainees recounts being forced to wear an explosive vest and enter a tunnel, serving as a human shield for the Israeli army in Gaza.

"He forced me to wear the vest, which was equipped with IEDs and a GoPro camera, and secured a rope around my waist, guiding me down into the tunnel."

Hakim, who prefers to remain anonymous, further disclosed, "They didn't hesitate to send me down the tunnel. A 15-year-old boy was also forced into the same situation, and the boy who was detained with me survived and was released days later."

#Gaza #IOF #WarCrimes #Hamas #Tunnels #Civilians #GenevaConvention
Initial investigation and testimonial reports from October 7th confirm that Israeli tanks were shooting indiscriminately at houses, resulting in the deaths of settlers.

Did Israel kill its own hostages as part of the Hannibal directive? More details here

Via @QudsNen & @thecradlemedia
#Israel #HannibalDirective #OperationAlAqsaFlood #Hamas #FriendlyFire
🇵🇸 The Spark That Lit the Fire: The Untold Story of the October 7 Attacks – MintPress

The earth-shattering events in Palestine starting on October 7 have taken many people by surprise. However, attentive observers were not among them.

Few expected that Palestinian fighters would be parachuting into southern Israel on October 7; that instead of capturing a single Israeli soldier – as done in 2006 – hundreds of Israelis, including many soldiers and civilians, would find themselves captive in besieged Gaza.

The reason behind the ‘surprise,’ however, is the same reason that Israel is still reeling under collective shock, which is the tendency to pay close attention to political discourses and intelligence analyses of Israel and its supporters – while largely neglecting the Palestinian discourse.

For better comprehension, let us go back to the start.

#Palestine #Gaza #OPT #WestBank #Occupation #Colonisation #Apartheid #Resistance #Hamas #OperationAlAqsaFlood
Media is too big
🇵🇸 The New York Times "weaponized" Hamas rape story is a fraud. Ali Abunimah debunks it | Electronic Intifada

#Hasbara #WarLies #Propaganda #OperationAlAqsaFlood #MassMedia #MainstreamMedia #Hamas #Gaza #Israel
Media is too big
🇵🇸 Turning Point: Gaza Blockade

On 26 January 2006, a significant shift in the balance of power began.

The surprise triumph of Hamas in the Palestinian legislative elections shattered four decades of Fatah's rule, split the West Bank and Gaza between the groups and caused the indefinite blockade of Gaza.

In this episode of MEE’s history explainer series Turning Point, we take a look at how this moment led to Israel's implementation of a land, air, and naval blockade on the Gaza Strip. A siege confining 2.2 million Palestinians in the world's largest "open-air prison".

#Palestine #Gaza #Fatah #Hamas #Elections #Blockade #GazaBlockade
Israeli army ordered mass Hannibal Directive on 7 Oct: Media | The Cradle

An investigation from Israel's leading newspaper indicates Israel deliberately killed many of its own civilians and soldiers during Hamas' Operation Al-Aqsa Flood to prevent them being taken captive back to Gaza

#IOF #HannibalDirective #Hamas #FriendlyFire #OperationAlAqsaFlood
🇵🇸 Gaza : 100 days on, a regional catastrophe looms | MEE

Israel has not achieved any of its goals of destroying Hamas, emptying Gaza or reshaping the Middle East. So what happens next?

One hundred days into the most ferocious aerial bombardment the world has witnessed since the bombing of Dresden, Hamburg and Tokyo by the Allies in WW2 , Hamas has retained its ability to fight and to inflict losses on Israeli tanks and soldiers.

The current networks are deeper and more hardened, resembling the large infiltration tunnels of North Korea. Hamas used advanced civilian boring technologies to dig them, taking its subterranean capabilities to the next level.

#Hamas’s growing reliance on the tunnels and its elaborate construction effort have paid off. Never in the history of tunnel warfare has a defender been able to spend months in such confined spaces. The digging itself, the innovative ways Hamas has made use of the #tunnels, and the group’s survival underground for this long have been unprecedented.”

How Israeli forces trapped and killed ravers at the Nova Festival | The Cradle

New evidence points to Israeli security forces, not Hamas, for causing the most fatalities at the music festival - civilian deaths that were then utilized to justify Tel Aviv's Gaza genocide.

Via @thecradlemedia
#OperationAlAqsaFlood #FriendlyFire #HannibalDirective #Hamas #NovaFestival #IOF
🇵🇸 Israel has Failed to Achieve All of Its Objectives in Gaza | Palestine Chronicle –

The Israeli military’s high command has raised doubts about the feasibility of Israeli objectives in Gaza, in view of “Israel’s limited progress in dismantling Hamas”, the New York Times reported on Saturday. 

The report further details the failure of the Israeli operations on the ground in Gaza. 
One of the lofty goals set by the Israeli army was the complete destruction of the tunnel network. However, it seems that it did not succeed in doing so.

Arab military analysts are saying that Hamas has managed to regroup in northern Gaza, reorganizing 12 different brigades that are now engaged in fighting on all fronts :‘No Military Victory in Gaza’ - Resistance Roundup - Day 106

#Gaza #Hamas #IOF #Tunnels #Resistance
Why the Guardian’s ‘Hamas mass rape’ story doesn’t pass the sniff test | Jonathan Cook - Blog

How is it that #journalists are not pausing to question the outrageous improbability of so many of the evidence-poor Hamas rape stories being advanced?

The Guardian has just published the latest in the western media’s endless cycle of stories claiming Hamas committed “systematic, mass rape” on October 7. Its article is headlined: “Evidence points to systematic use of rape and sexual violence by Hamas in 7 October attacks”.

The biggest problem with these stories isn’t just the continuing absence of any meaningful evidence for “systematic” rape; or Israel’s long track record of lying to justify state terrorism; or Israel’s refusal to cooperate with independent investigators; or the racist, anti-Arab tropes that pass for sophisticated analysis in western circles.

#OperationAlAqsaFlood #Hamas #Israel #Hasbara #WarLies #Media #IOF #MediaLies #MainstreamMedia #MassMedia #Propaganda
#FakeNews #Infox
Media is too big
🇵🇸 Hamas, Fatah and the history of Palestine liberation | Azzam Tamimi | The Big Picture S3E02

The history of Palestinian liberation movements is paved with setbacks, betrayals and bitter rivalries.

What began as an attempt to unify the resistance against Israeli occupation has over time been undermined by regional and global political interests, ideological differences and disagreements over the justification, and use, of guerilla tactics.

Today the question of who represents Palestinian interests is hotly contested, with Hamas and Fatah vying for control, and a wave of dissatisfied young factions on the rise in Gaza and the West Bank.

British-Palestinian academic and political activist Dr Azzam Tamimi.

In the light of the ongoing violence in Gaza and Israel, and the devastating toll on civilian life, Dr Tamimi explains how these movements began, and why another Palestinian uprising is inevitable

#Palestine #OPT #Gaza #History #Resistance #PLO #Fatah #PFLP #Hamas #AzzamTamimi
🇵🇸 Israeli military knew of Hamas's October 7 plans before terror attack | The Jerusalem Post

The IOF had precise information about Hamas's intentions, but due to prevailing conceptions in the security establishment and possible negligence by officials, the warning signs were not acted on.

A newly surfaced document has revealed that the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) and intelligence systems had detailed knowledge of Hamas's plan to raid Israel and kidnap 250 people weeks before the October 7 massacre.

The document, which was compiled in the Gaza Division, outlined Hamas's intentions and was known to top intelligence officials, according to a report by Kan News.

The document, titled "Detailed End-to-End Raid Training," was distributed on September 19, 2023, and described in detail the series of exercises conducted by Hamas's elite units.

#Hamas #ForeKnowledge #AlAqsaFlood #EndtoEndRaidTraining
Media is too big
🇵🇸 An Israeli media investigation reveals that Israeli occupation forces instructed their units to target all vehicles and groups in Israeli settlements and those heading towards Gaza on October 7, using tank and helicopter fire.

This contrasts with Israeli official reports alleging the mass killing of civilian settlers by Hamas, a narrative widely disseminated by Israel and its supporters to justify the ongoing genocide in Gaza.

Via @qudsnen
Note : this was revealed and well documented by the alternative press several months ago see => #HannibalDirective ( 7 articles/videos)

#Hamas #IOF #OperationAlAqsaFlood #Gaza #Genocide