🇵🇸 Automated Apartheid in Palestine
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Blue Wolf is part of a broader surveillance policy, initiated by the Israeli army in 2016, which deployed facial recognition technology, sensors, and cameras to monitor Palestinians in the occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank @internet_privacy_io_2
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🇵🇸 Israel admits burning hundreds of people on 7 October | The Electronic Intifada – 18/11/2023

Israel has never explained how Palestinian fighters who crossed from Gaza on 7 October could have caused mass destruction to Israeli homes, as seen here in Kibbutz Be’eri, with their light weapons. There’s mounting evidence that heavy, indiscriminate fire by Israeli forces killed Palestinians and Israeli civilians alike.

#Palestine #Gaza #Hasbara #Lies #Propaganda #Media #MassMedia #WarPropaganda #OperationAlAqsaFlood #Hamas #Hostages #IOF
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Debunked: Israel's evidence of Hamas HQ in Shifa Hospital

A MEMO analysis of CNN and IDF footage from Israeli military raids at the Al-Shifa and Rantisi hospitals in Gaza appears to reveal attempts by the Israeli army to falsify evidence in an effort to assert the hospitals are being used as Hamas bases and justify attacks against them. Social media users were quick to debunk their evidence and raise question marks about their much touted 'intelligence' that Hamas has a command HQ under Gaza's largest hospital, Al-Shifa.

Source : Middle East Monitor
#Palestine #Lies #Hasbara #Propaganda #WarPropaganda #FabricatedEvidence #Media #MassMedia #Hospital #AlShifa #Hamas #HQ
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🇵🇸 Israeli helicopter shot civilians at 7 October rave, police find | The Electronic Intifada – 18/11/2023

An Israeli military helicopter shot civilians at the Supernova rave where Israel says 364 people were killed on 7 October.

Israeli investigators have concluded that Hamas fighters who crossed the boundary from Gaza that day had no prior knowledge of the music festival held near Kibbutz Re’im, an Israeli colonial settlement a few kilometers east of Gaza, the Tel Aviv newspaper Haaretz reported on Saturday.

#Palestine #Lies #Hasbara #Propaganda #WarLies #IOF #Israel #OperationAlAqsaFlood #Hamas #WarPropaganda #Hostages #MainstreamMedia
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🇵🇸 Did Israel really find a tunnel under al-Shifa hospital? | Electronic Intifada

The Electronic Intifada's contributing editor Jon Elmer and executive director Ali Abunimah analyze, in detail, a video promoted by the Israeli military that supposedly shows a robot drone inside a tunnel used by the Palestinian resistance.

“The thing that I noticed is that that’s not underneath al-Shifa [hospital]. So they made it sound like there was a command center, as if people were all going into Shifa, down into this lair, and then all of a sudden, they cut out on the far corner of the campus,” Jon said.

"The Israelis say that there’s 1,300 tunnels – if you dig down in various spots in downtown Gaza City, you’re presumably going to find a tunnel. I think the thing that’s interesting to me, whether that video is fake or not … [is] that that’s only 10 meters down. And they lost control of whatever that was."

#Gaza #AlShifa #Hospital #Tunnels #WarCrimes #Propaganda #Hasbara #Hamas
🇵🇸 How a slogan became bigger news than the murder of babies in Gaza | Jonathan Cook - Middle East Eye –

The protest chant 'From the river to the sea' rejects not Israelis or Jews but the apartheid nature of Israel. This is why pro-Israel western politicians and media want to criminalise it

In media coverage, the roles of occupier and occupied, of predator and prey, of abuser and victim, have been reversed

#Palestine #Apartheid #FromTheRiverToTheSea
#FreePalestine #Protest
#Hasbara #Propaganda #MainstreamMedia #MassMedia #Media
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🇵🇸 Hamas Uses Human Shields? | Mint Press

Hamas uses Palestinians as human shields. You’ve heard the claim echoed ad nauseam in Western corporate media. Yet numerous reports from HRW and other human rights groups have found the allegations, which are brought to bear by Israeli officials nearly every time Gaza hits the news, to not only be untrue, they’ve discovered that Israel itself has consistently engaged in wanton use of Palestinian civilians, including children, as human shields.

In 2014 Amnesty International monitored and investigated such reports, but did not find evidence that Palestinian civilians have been intentionally used by #Hamas or Palestinian armed groups during the current hostilities to “shield” specific locations or military personnel or equipment from Israeli attacks

Since the beginning of the occupation in 1967, Israeli security forces have repeatedly used Palestinians in the West Bank and in the Gaza Strip as human shields-Btselem

#HumanShields #Hasbara #Propaganda #IOF
Israeli army plants new fake Hamas atrocity story – The Cradle

Israeli journalists are becoming increasingly wary of claims made by the Israeli army and rescue services surrounding 7 October

The Israeli military is seeking to manipulate Israeli journalists to plant false stories of Hamas atrocities in the media.

On 28 November, Israeli journalist Yishai Cohen published video of an interview in which an Israeli soldier claimed that dead “Babies and children were hung in a clothes line in a row,” in Be’eri, a settlement near Gaza that was attacked by Hamas on 7 October. 

Cohen later deleted the video, as the claim could not be confirmed, but the video garnered hundreds of thousands of views on the social media site X during the eight hours it was online. Other X users continued to share the clip after Cohen deleted the post.

#Israel #FakeNews #MediaLies #MainstreamMedia #WarLies #Propaganda #MassMedia
Israeli drone pilots targeted own settlements, bases, civilians on 7 October: Report – The Cradle

Israel’s fleet of Hermes 450 “Zik” armed drones carried out attacks on Israeli military bases, settlements, and civilians during the Hamas attack on 7 October, according to a 14 November report from Mishpacha Magazine.

Previous reports have emerged showing that Israeli forces used tanks to kill Israeli civilians barricaded inside homes with their Hamas captors, and Apache helicopters to fire on Hamas fighters and their Israeli captives while returning back to Gaza. 

During the fighting, some 1,200 Israelis were killed, with some killed by Hamas, and others by Israeli forces. Hamas took some 240 Israeli soldiers, civilians, and foreign workers captive.

#Gaza #OperationAlAqsaFlood
#WarLies #MediaLies #Hasbara #Propaganda #IOF #AI #AIA #HannibalDirective #Drones
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🇵🇸 Language of War in Gaza: Genocide is Not War

Why is it that Palestinians always murder while Israelis kill, or, at times, Palestinians 'die' on their own in 'clashes'. This is how mainstream media twisted the narrative on Palestine, and why we should fight back

Ramzy Baroud is the editor of Palestine Chronicle , he contributes to many other ME medias and has covered Palestine for decades

Ramzy Baroud: Politics for the People : https://ramzybaroud.net/
Telegram :https://t.me/ramzybaroud

In 2022 Ramzy co-edited a book with Ilan Pappé: OUR VISION FOR LIBERATION: Engaged Palestinian Leaders & Intellectuals Speak Out – CLARITY PRESS –

#Palestine #Gaza #Genocide #Hasbara #MainstreamMedia #MassMedia #Media #Narrative
#Propaganda #WarPropaganda #WarLies #RamzyBaroud
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🇵🇸 Haaretz article: Detailing unverified and inaccurate accounts of the 7 October Hamas attack

A leading Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, has detailed how unverified and inaccurate accounts of the 7 October Hamas attack and alleged atrocities committed by Palestinian fighters, led to the widespread publication of stories that appear to be false.

Haaretz cross-referenced some of these allegations provided by Israeli officials and soldiers as well as search and rescue volunteers, in a report published on Sunday, and found that they did not add up.

Analysts have asserted that such spreading of misinformation and fabrications which typically focus on particularly inflammatory issues are used to rile up popular sentiment in favour of atrocities against a specific entity and in this case, have paved the way for Israel’s deadly assaults in Gaza.

Source : Middle East Eye
#Israel #WarLies #Hasbara #Propaganda #Misinformation #Media #MainstreamMedia #MassMedia #Hamas #Gaza #OperationAlAqsaFlood #Narative
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🇵🇸 Two State Solution Dead, US Wars for Israel ? | Mary Davis - 2020

The Greater Israel Project – https://www.christiansofpalestine.com/post/the-greater-israel-project-blog

How the US is fighting in Syria on behalf of Israel – https://www.christiansofpalestine.com/post/https-www-christiansofpalestine-com-post-how-the-us-is-fighting-in-syria-on-behalf-of-israel

My Blog Exposes Israel's Media Propoganda (video) #hasbara

This is exactly why the #Zionists were trying to get me fired from my job. I know the truth and have been exposing them for years. They cannot say the narrative I'm pushing is #propaganda, because I have documented their propaganda long before October 7, 2023.

Mary Davis Blog: https://www.christiansofpalestine.com

#Palestine #PalestinianChristians #Christians #Gaza #Genocide #GreaterIsraelProject #Oslo
Israel's 43-minute Hamas atrocity video exposed – The Cradle

From private screenings to media manipulations and outright lies, the Israeli military is pulling out all the stops in its propaganda blitz to justify a total war on Gaza

When first presented to 100 international media representatives on 23 October, Israeli army spokesperson Daniel Hagari drew parallels between Hamas and ISIS.

But now prominent Guardian journalist Owen Jones, who watched the footage at a private screening, has emerged to say that not only does the video fall short of those claims, but it is being deliberately used to justify Israel's horrific assault on Gaza's civilians.

“We were told of large-scale beheading, including of 40 babies … [But] we don’t see children being killed … If there was torture, no evidence is given ... If there was rape and sexual violence committed, we don’t see this on the footage either"

See Also

#Hasbara #WarLies #MainstreamMedia #OperationAlAqsaFlood #Propaganda #Medias #Israel
Why is the media ignoring evidence of Israel’s own actions on 7 October? – Jonathan Cook

"What western governments and institutions should have done is demand an independent investigation to clarify the extent of Hamas atrocities that day rather than echo Israeli officials who wanted an excuse to trash Gaza and drive its inhabitants into neighbouring Sinai.

"The western media’s performance has been even more dismal - and dangerous. It professes to be a watchdog on power. But it has repeatedly amplified the Israeli occupier’s evidence-free claims, peddled libels against Palestinians with little or no scrutiny, and actively suppressed evidence challenging Israel’s official narrative"

#Israel #OperationAlAqsaFlood #Media #Hasbara #WarLies #MediaLies #Propaganda #MainstreamMedia #MassMedia #FriendlyFire #IOF #HannibalDirective #Narrative
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🇵🇸 The New York Times "weaponized" Hamas rape story is a fraud. Ali Abunimah debunks it | Electronic Intifada

#Hasbara #WarLies #Propaganda #OperationAlAqsaFlood #MassMedia #MainstreamMedia #Hamas #Gaza #Israel
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🇵🇸It’s a bloodbath, and you cannot ignore it,” says Israeli journalist Gideon Levy

Israeli journalist Gideon Levy, in an interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour on Tuesday, describes Israel’s ongoing war on Gaza as "a bloodbath, and you cannot ignore it." Levy continues to explain why he believes the goals declared by Israel are "partly unachievable" and asserts that Israel has crossed the limits of the war "a long time ago."

Levy states that Israelis “are the only people in the world right now who are not exposed at all to what’s going on in Gaza.” He continues by comparing Israel to Russia during the war on Ukraine, saying, “We were always laughing at the Russian TV covering the war in Ukraine. Ours is much worse because here it is voluntary.”

Source : Middle East Eye
#Gaza #Genocide #Hasbara #Propaganda #MainstreamMedia #MassMedia #GideonLevy #Hareetz
Israel's well-oiled PR machine collapses – The Cradle

Greg Shupack’s book, The Wrong Story: Palestine, Israel and the Media, highlights three central frameworks that form the foundations of Israel's narrative to the west: 

Creating equal blame between both parties to the conflict.
Framing ‘extremists’ as the main obstacle to peace efforts and undermining moderate voices.
Emphasizing Israel's right to ‘self-defense’ even in the face of unarmed protests, with little regard for Palestinian rights.

These frameworks essentially guide western mainstream media coverage of the “Palestinian-Israeli conflict." Though additionally, Israel leverages historical claims to Palestinian land and anti-Semitism accusations to shape its narrative and appeal to western sympathy.

Several key Hasbara strategies were employed to impact the western media narrative following the Al-Aqsa Flood operation:

Reminder : Video on Hasbara
PDF : Luntz Hasbara Doc

#Hasbara #Israel #MassMedia #MainstreamMedia #Propaganda #Book
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How Israel indoctrinates its people w/Miko Peled | The Chris Hedges Report - Real News Network

To understand the genocidal campaign unfolding before our eyes, we must examine the roots of Israeli society. Israel is a settler colonial state whose existence depends on the elimination of Palestinians. Accordingly, Israel is a deeply militarized society whose citizens are raised in an environment of historical revisionism and indoctrination that whitewashes Israel's crimes while cultivating a deep-seated racism against Palestinians. Miko Peled, former IOF Special Forces and author of The General's Son: Journey of an Israeli in Palestine, joins The Chris Hedges Report for a frank conversation on the distortions of history and reality at the foundations of Israeli identity.

#Israel #Palestine #Apartheid #Zionism #Endoctrination #Propaganda #Settler #Colonisation #Dispossession #Hasbara #Occupation #History #MikoPeled
Why the Guardian’s ‘Hamas mass rape’ story doesn’t pass the sniff test | Jonathan Cook - Blog

How is it that #journalists are not pausing to question the outrageous improbability of so many of the evidence-poor Hamas rape stories being advanced?

The Guardian has just published the latest in the western media’s endless cycle of stories claiming Hamas committed “systematic, mass rape” on October 7. Its article is headlined: “Evidence points to systematic use of rape and sexual violence by Hamas in 7 October attacks”.

The biggest problem with these stories isn’t just the continuing absence of any meaningful evidence for “systematic” rape; or Israel’s long track record of lying to justify state terrorism; or Israel’s refusal to cooperate with independent investigators; or the racist, anti-Arab tropes that pass for sophisticated analysis in western circles.

#OperationAlAqsaFlood #Hamas #Israel #Hasbara #WarLies #Media #IOF #MediaLies #MainstreamMedia #MassMedia #Propaganda
#FakeNews #Infox
🇵🇸 Free Speech Under Fire: How Israel’s Tech Guard Is Killing Free Speech Online | Mintpress

Entitled Israel Tech Guard, the coalition of Israeli tech employees has pulled together what it’s termed an “army” of citizen volunteers primarily to defend Israel’s image online. The group has launched or collaborated on several projects aimed at targeting pro-Palestine content while boosting Israeli propaganda.

Israel Tech Guard comprises over 250 Israeli tech workers and was founded by entrepreneur Mor Ram-On, who worked for Israeli arms manufacturer Rafael Advanced Defense Systems(#RADFS); Ron Balter, a software engineer at #Cybereason, a U.S. cybersecurity firm, and who served with the Israeli navy; and Lior Mizrahi, who heads the IT company #Maveriks.

Via @mintpress
#Apartheid #Censorship #Palestine #FreeSpeech #IsraelTechGuard #Propaganda #Hasbara