🇵🇸 Automated Apartheid in Palestine
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Blue Wolf is part of a broader surveillance policy, initiated by the Israeli army in 2016, which deployed facial recognition technology, sensors, and cameras to monitor Palestinians in the occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank @internet_privacy_io_2
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Israel Experiments on Palestinians With Ai-Powered Gun at Checkpoints – MintPress - 2022

Palestinians argue the remote-controlled gun has a more sinister intention than the army is letting on. “Israeli security companies use Palestinians as training objects,” Amro said. “The Israeli army practices their new technology [on Palestinians] to check if it’s working or not, then they sell it to other countries.”

Smart Shooter is the company behind the newly-installed weapon. According to its website, the Israeli arms manufacturer uses artificial intelligence, machine learning, and computer vision to turn traditional firearms into smart weapons. The company’s slogan boasts “one shot, one hit”, indicating its target detection capabilities are so precise they’re able to hit moving objects with incredible accuracy.

Currently, Smart Shooter has several agreements with foreign militaries across the world.

#AI #Technology #SmartShooter #Apartheid #Palestine #Arms #ArmsBusiness #business
#Experimentation #NATO

Amid Systemic Censorship of Palestinian Voices, Facebook Owes Users Transparency | Electronic Frontier Foundation –2021

Palestinian digital rights organization 7amleh has spent the past few weeks documenting content removals, and a coalition of more than twenty organizations, including EFF, have reached out to social media companies, including Facebook and Twitter. Among the demands are for the companies to immediately stop censoring—and reinstate—the accounts and content of Palestinian voices, to open an investigation into the takedowns, and to transparently and publicly share the results of those investigations.

Facebook Report: Censorship Violated Palestinian Rights – 2022

#SocialMedia #censorship #Twitter #Facebook #Meta
#Palestine #Surveillance
Censoring Palestine: Swarms of Israeli Bots Are Crippling Pro-Palestinian Twitter Accounts – MintPress

"Some suggest it’s a means to degrade the algorithmic quality of a Twitter account so that it possibly gets suspended; some suggest it’s others trying to boost popularity of an account. When it’s unsolicited, as in this case, I tend to think it’s more of a targeting operation. I am naturally cynical, but most people who get a sudden influx of fake followers feel unnerved and uncomfortable. If that fact is widely known, it functions as a tool of surveillance and potentially intimidation (e.g., you are being watched). It also makes many people mute their accounts for a bit which has a censorship effect.”

#Twitter #Intimidation #bot
#Censorship #Surveillance
Six Palestinian Activists and Researchers Hacked by NSO Spyware: Pegasus | Al Mayadeen English – 2021

Intruders gain access to everything a person keeps and does on their phone, including real-time communications, monitoring the victim through his or her microphone or camera if a Pegasus infection is effective

#Pegasus #NSO #spyware #Palestine #Surveillance
See allso @pegasus_nso_n_other_spyware
Surveillance of Palestinians and the Fight for Digital Rights - Al-Shabaka – 2017

Surveillance of Palestinians has always been an integral part of Israel’s colonial project. Before the creation of the state of Israel, squads from the Zionist paramilitary group the Haganah roamed Palestinian villages and cities, gathering information on Palestinian residents. Such surveillance over Palestinian lives continued after Israel’s 1967 occupation of the Golan Heights, the Gaza Strip, and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Tools deployed included population registries, identification cards, land surveys, watchtowers, imprisonment, and torture.

#Surveillance #Colonial #Occupation #ColonialProject #Apartheid #Palestine
Privacy and Personal Data Protection in Palestine: Double Violations and Absent Legislation - 7amleh - 2022

This report, conducted by Journalists Firas al Taweel and Buthaina Saffarini, sheds light on the issue of privacy and data protection in Palestine, examining the extent to which Palestinians’ privacy is respected and personal data protected, by the Palestinian Authority and telecommunications companies, internet providers, and digital payment companies, in the occupied Palestinian territory. It further investigates the relationship between private companies and Palestinian governmental bodies, and attempts to highlight how exposed Palestinians are, electronically and digitally, to the Israeli Authorities.

#Palestine #MassSurveillance #Data #privacy #DataProtection
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2022 - Privacy and Personal Data Protection in Palestine
- 7 Amleh.org
Settlements and Population Transfer - IHL Applications in the Occupied Palestinian Territory - https://www.alhaq.org/ - 2022

This short segment of our longer IHL film, elaborates on illegal settlements and population transfer practiced by Israel, the occupying power in the context of the occupied Palestinian territory.

#Palestine #IHL #OPT #Settler #ForcedDisplacement
#PopulationTransfer #EthnicCleansing #InternationalLaw #Colonisation #Settlements
Introduction to IHL in the Palestinian Context - Al Haq - 2022

This inclusive animated film explains the applications of the International Humanitarian Law (IHL) to the Palestinian context with focus on the occupied Palestinian territory. The film also explains key international law violations committed against the Palestinian people.

The War Crime of Pillage - IHL Applications in the Occupied Palestinian Territory - Al Haq - 2022

This short segment which is part of a larger film explains how Israel, the occupying power commits the war crimes of pillage in the occupied Palestinian territory.

#Palestine #IHL #Dispossession #Colonisation #Documentary #Apartheid #Theft #Pillage #WarCrimes
Media is too big
The War Crime of Pillage - IHL Applications in the Occupied Palestinian Territory - Al Haq - 2022
House Demolitions- IHL Applications in the Occupied Palestinian Territory - Al Haq - 2022

This short segments explains the policy of house demolitions carried out by Israel, the occupying power against Palestinian homes and property in the occupied Palestinian territory.

#IHL #Demolitions #OPT #Occupation #Colonisation #Dispossession
Water Apartheid and Corporate Complicity - Al Haq - 2022

In Palestine, a region rich in water sources, Israel’s discriminatory water policies have led to a humanitarian water crisis, resulting in water shortages, droughts and lack of accessibility to water by Palestinian communities. This is due to Israel’s water apartheid. This apartheid regime systematically denies Palestinians their right to water, institutionalizing a regime of racial domination and oppression over the Palestinian people.

#Water #IHL #AlHaq #Apartheid #Colonisation
Israel's Settler Colonial Apartheid Regime: Segregating the Palestinian People - Al Haq - 2023

In the struggle of the Palestinian people for liberation, dismantling Israel’s apartheid regime is a necessary step towards decolonisation and reunifying the Palestinian people, to enable them to realise their inalienable rights of return and self-determination.

#IsraeliApartheid #IsraeliApartheidWeek #Apartheid #Palestine #DismantleApartheid #EndIsraeliApartheid #EndImpunity #AlHaq #UNInvestigateApartheid