🇵🇸 Automated Apartheid in Palestine
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Blue Wolf is part of a broader surveillance policy, initiated by the Israeli army in 2016, which deployed facial recognition technology, sensors, and cameras to monitor Palestinians in the occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank @internet_privacy_io_2
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Elbit: Exporting Oppression from Palestine to Latin America – Upside Down World – 2014

The technology Elbit is using to profit off of the “Wall of Death” along the US-Mexico border was first deployed in Palestine along Israel’s Apartheid Wall. Stretching more than 700 kilometers when finished, and cutting through Palestinian farms and villages, blocking residents from their family and friends, healthcare, education, land and work, the Apartheid Wall is a key component of Israel’s settler-colonial project in the occupied West Bank. Elbit provides “intrusion detection systems” for the Wall. This involves the use of drones, armed Unmanned Ground Vehicles, and LORROS surveillance cameras. Elbit products are used in the Ariel settlement section as well as around Jerusalem and a-Ram.

#Elbit #Technology #Surveillance
Elbit Systems has frequently touted a major advantage over it's competitors: the fact that its products are “field-proven” on Palestinians. The company built surveillance sensors for Israel’s separation barrier through the West Bank, which has been deemed illegal under international law, as well as around the Gaza Strip and on the northern border with Lebanon and Syria.

Elbit is also one of the main contractors on a new kind of underground wall, still under construction, around the blockaded Gaza Strip. Elbit’s drones patrol the Mediterranean Sea as part of the European Union’s bid to seal off access to migrants from North Africa, and it has provided its technologies to militaries in Australia, Africa, Asia, Central America, and South America

Border Patrol, Israel’s Elbit Put Reservation Under Surveillance – 2019 - The Intercept

#Elbit #Surveillance #Technology
From Pegasus to Blue Wolf: How Israel’s ‘Security’ Experiment in Palestine Became Global

In Gaza, two million Palestinians are living under an Israeli blockade. They are surrounded by walls, electric fences, underground barriers, navy ships and multitudes of snipers. From above, the tannaana, the Arabic slang word Palestinians have for unmanned drone, watches and records everything. At times, these armed drones are used to blow up anything deemed suspicious from an Israeli ‘security’ perspective. Moreover, every Palestinian wishing to leave or return to Gaza—with only a few who are allowed such privilege—is subjected to the most stringent ‘security’ measures, involving various government intelligences and endless military checks. This applies as much to a Palestinian toddler as it does to a terminally-ill woman.

#NSO #Pegasus #BlueWolf
The Palestine Laboratry - May 2023 - Anthony Loewenstein

My aim in The Palestine Laboratory is to show how the Israel/Palestine conflict has been exported globally. The tools and technologies Israel uses to repress Palestinians are sold to over 130 nations around the world. Repression and surveillance tech, from spyware to facial recognition tools, are "battle-tested" in Palestine and then marketed to countries across the globe, many of which want to oppress their own unwanted populations, from journalists and human rights workers to dissidents and critics. I wrote this book as both an investigation and warning to remind people that Israel's occupation isn't just brutalizing Palestinians but also finding its way into countless other countries.

#Israel #Technology
#IsraelTechnologies #ToolsOfRepression #Palestine
#Apartheid #Export #Business
The Technology of Occupation Has Become One of Israel’s Main Exports - DAWN – May 2023

Yehoshua Verbin, commander of the military government that ruled over Arab citizens between 1948 and 1966, admitted that ethnic cleansing occurred in 1948. "We expelled around half a million Arabs, we burnt homes, we looted their land— from their point of view—we didn't give it back, we took land…" he said. The "solution" offered, then and now, was eerily similar to Kimmerling's thesis; either make the Arabs disappear, and if that was not possible render them unequal in the hope that they might emigrate by choice for a better life elsewhere. Kimmerling could have added that politicide became a market- able tool around the world for nations and officials that wanted to emulate Israeli "success."

#EthnicCleansing #genocide
#Palestine #Technology #TechnologyOfOccupation
Israel Experiments on Palestinians With Ai-Powered Gun at Checkpoints – MintPress - 2022

Palestinians argue the remote-controlled gun has a more sinister intention than the army is letting on. “Israeli security companies use Palestinians as training objects,” Amro said. “The Israeli army practices their new technology [on Palestinians] to check if it’s working or not, then they sell it to other countries.”

Smart Shooter is the company behind the newly-installed weapon. According to its website, the Israeli arms manufacturer uses artificial intelligence, machine learning, and computer vision to turn traditional firearms into smart weapons. The company’s slogan boasts “one shot, one hit”, indicating its target detection capabilities are so precise they’re able to hit moving objects with incredible accuracy.

Currently, Smart Shooter has several agreements with foreign militaries across the world.

#AI #Technology #SmartShooter #Apartheid #Palestine #Arms #ArmsBusiness #business
#Experimentation #NATO

Boycott AnyVision: Israel’s “field-tested” facial recognition surveillance company | BDS Movement – 2019

Human Rights Watch has called on Microsoft to review its investments in AnyVision given the “human rights risk associated with the investment in a company that’s providing [facial recognition] technology to an occupying power.” AnyVision violates Microsoft’s own principles on facial recognition because they provide technology used for unlawful surveillance. 

HPE, which supplies servers to Israel’s population control registry, a pillar of its apartheid system, uses AnyVision facial recognition technology in its servers. 

Spanish telecommunications transnational Telefónica and G4S also use AnyVision’s technology. The city of
Nice, France, surveils citizens with AnyVision and entry to the London stadium was surveilled by AnyVision last summer.

#AnyVision #Microsoft #FacialRecognition #France #Nice #UK #Spain #Palestine #Apartheid #Technology
Palestinians Renew Call to Boycott Israeli Facial Recognition Company AnyVision | BDS Movement – 2020

Palestinian civil society supports calls for an ultimate ban on facial recognition technology and reiterates call for local authorities, corporations, universities to immediately end all ties with Israeli company AnyVision over its involvement in crimes against Palestinians.

AnyVision also maintains surveillance cameras for the Israeli military deep inside the occupied West Bank. AnyVision’s technology is used to spy on Palestinians and enables the Israeli military’s illegal targeting of Palestinian civilians. AnyVision, which is led by veteran Israeli military and intelligence personnel, is able to market its technology as “field-tested” on Palestinians.

#AnyVision #Apartheid #Palestine #FacialRecognition
Biometrics and counter-terrorism: Case study of Israel/Palestine | Privacy International - 2021

A case study illustrating the use and looming dangers of collection and use of biometrics in the name of counter-terrorism.

In Israel/Palestine, the Israeli government has been deploying biometrics, including cutting-edge facial recognition technology, in the name of counter-terrorism. The Israeli state routinely surveils and severely restricts Palestinians’ freedom of movement using myriad technologies, including biometrics, which result in furthering the policies of systemic segregation. Since many Palestinians live under Israeli occupation, they have little control over the way their sensitive data is turned against them.

This report was compiled by Keren Weitzberg, a tech and migration researcher, in collaboration with Privacy International.

#Biometrics #FacialRecognition #Palestine #Apartheid #Report
Israel Is Using a Vast Network of Biometric Cameras to Terrorize Palestinians - Truthout – June 2023

The facial recognition surveillance system violates Palestinians’ human rights to freedom of movement and privacy.

Israel is deepening its system of apartheid in the occupied Palestinian territories by using artificial intelligence-powered biometric facial recognition technology to track and restrict the movements of Palestinian people.

Facial recognition technology identifies and categorizes people on the basis of their physical features, including race, ethnicity, gender, age and disability status

#Israel #Palestine #Apartheid #Technology #FacialRecognition #surveillance #AI #Biometrics
Media is too big
The Palestine Laboratory & Surveillance Capitalism

Journalist Antony Loewenstein, author of Disaster Capitalism, uncovers this largely hidden world in a global investigation with secret documents, revealing interviews and on-the-ground reporting. This book shows in-depth, for the first time, how Palestine has become the perfect laboratory for the Israeli military-techno complex: surveillance, home demolitions, indefinite incarceration and brutality to the hi-tech tools that drive the 'Start-up Nation'. From the Pegasus software that hacked Jeff Bezos' and Jamal Khashoggi's phones, the weapons sold to the Myanmar army that has murdered thousands of Rohingyas and drones used by the European Union to monitor refugees in the Mediterranean who are left to drown. Israel has become a global leader in spying technology and defence hardware that fuels the globe's most brutal conflicts. As ethno-nationalism grows in the 21st century, Israel has built the ultimate model.

#Apartheid #Technology #Palestine #Book #AIA
Israel's arms and spyware: Used on Palestinians, sold to the world | Middle East Eye – 2023

Countries flocking to Israel to buy weapons and surveillance equipment seem happy to ignore that they've been lethally tried and tested in the 'Palestine laboratory'

This admiration for Israel is both unsurprising and disturbing. The praise for Israel almost always completely ignores its occupation of Palestinian territory - one of the longest in modern times - and the ways in which this colonial project is implemented.

When Taiwan, Ukraine or any other country looks to Israel for innovation, it’s a highly selective gaze which completely disappears the more than five million Palestinians under Israeli military occupation in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza.

#Palestine #Technology #Apartheid #business
Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights: The Case of Israeli Surveillance of Palestinians - ArabCenterDC - 2023 - - > Video

Arab Center Washington DC (ACW) organized a webinar titled, “Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights: The Case of Israeli Surveillance of Palestinians.” Panelists were: Rasha Abdul Rahim, Director of Amnesty Tech at Amnesty International; Sophia Goodfriend, PhD Candidate in the Department of Anthropology at Duke University; Mona Shtaya, Non-resident Fellow at the Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy (TIMEP); and Rohan Talbot, Director of Advocacy and Campaigns at Medical Aid for Palestinians. Tamara Kharroub, Deputy Executive Director and Senior Fellow at ACW, moderated the event.

#Technology #Surveillance
Repression Diplomacy – whoprofits – Flash report | Jun 2021

This flash report sheds light on Israel’s cybersecurity industry, including the role of the military and military industries, government agencies and academic institutions in the production and marketing of cyber technologies, and examines the ways cyber is mobilized by the state to enhance Israel’s political power and export repression, focusing on the UAE as a case study.

#Apartheid #Technology #cyber