🇵🇸 Automated Apartheid in Palestine
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Blue Wolf is part of a broader surveillance policy, initiated by the Israeli army in 2016, which deployed facial recognition technology, sensors, and cameras to monitor Palestinians in the occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank @internet_privacy_io_2
Download Telegram
Israel can monitor every telephone call in West Bank and Gaza, says intelligence source | Middle East Eye – 2021

Israel can listen to every telephone conversation taking place in the West Bank and Gaza, a former member of the Israeli Army’s elite signals intelligence unit 8200 has told Middle East Eye.

Every mobile or phone imported into Gaza through the Kerem Shalom crossing - in Gaza's south - is implanted with an Israeli bug, and anyone using the only two mobile networks serving the occupied territories - Jawwal and Wataniya - is being monitored as well, the former signals intelligence member said.

#Palestine #Telephony #Mobile
#GSM #MassSurveillance #mobileNetwork
#Unit8200 #Surveillance
Amid Systemic Censorship of Palestinian Voices, Facebook Owes Users Transparency | Electronic Frontier Foundation –2021

Palestinian digital rights organization 7amleh has spent the past few weeks documenting content removals, and a coalition of more than twenty organizations, including EFF, have reached out to social media companies, including Facebook and Twitter. Among the demands are for the companies to immediately stop censoring—and reinstate—the accounts and content of Palestinian voices, to open an investigation into the takedowns, and to transparently and publicly share the results of those investigations.

Facebook Report: Censorship Violated Palestinian Rights – 2022

#SocialMedia #censorship #Twitter #Facebook #Meta
#Palestine #Surveillance
Censoring Palestine: Swarms of Israeli Bots Are Crippling Pro-Palestinian Twitter Accounts – MintPress

"Some suggest it’s a means to degrade the algorithmic quality of a Twitter account so that it possibly gets suspended; some suggest it’s others trying to boost popularity of an account. When it’s unsolicited, as in this case, I tend to think it’s more of a targeting operation. I am naturally cynical, but most people who get a sudden influx of fake followers feel unnerved and uncomfortable. If that fact is widely known, it functions as a tool of surveillance and potentially intimidation (e.g., you are being watched). It also makes many people mute their accounts for a bit which has a censorship effect.”

#Twitter #Intimidation #bot
#Censorship #Surveillance
Six Palestinian Activists and Researchers Hacked by NSO Spyware: Pegasus | Al Mayadeen English – 2021

Intruders gain access to everything a person keeps and does on their phone, including real-time communications, monitoring the victim through his or her microphone or camera if a Pegasus infection is effective

#Pegasus #NSO #spyware #Palestine #Surveillance
See allso @pegasus_nso_n_other_spyware
Surveillance of Palestinians and the Fight for Digital Rights - Al-Shabaka – 2017

Surveillance of Palestinians has always been an integral part of Israel’s colonial project. Before the creation of the state of Israel, squads from the Zionist paramilitary group the Haganah roamed Palestinian villages and cities, gathering information on Palestinian residents. Such surveillance over Palestinian lives continued after Israel’s 1967 occupation of the Golan Heights, the Gaza Strip, and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Tools deployed included population registries, identification cards, land surveys, watchtowers, imprisonment, and torture.

#Surveillance #Colonial #Occupation #ColonialProject #Apartheid #Palestine
Privacy and Personal Data Protection in Palestine: Double Violations and Absent Legislation - 7amleh - 2022

This report, conducted by Journalists Firas al Taweel and Buthaina Saffarini, sheds light on the issue of privacy and data protection in Palestine, examining the extent to which Palestinians’ privacy is respected and personal data protected, by the Palestinian Authority and telecommunications companies, internet providers, and digital payment companies, in the occupied Palestinian territory. It further investigates the relationship between private companies and Palestinian governmental bodies, and attempts to highlight how exposed Palestinians are, electronically and digitally, to the Israeli Authorities.

#Palestine #MassSurveillance #Data #privacy #DataProtection
Media is too big
Inside Israel’s surveillance machine - 2023

Palestinian existence in Jerusalem is under threat - carefully watched, recorded and restricted. In the Old City’s narrow streets and alleys, cameras are inescapable.

In the second episode of a two-part special, Tariq Nafi reports from the occupied West Bank, on how Israel’s surveillance machine infiltrates the lives of Palestinians. He also speaks with a former Israeli lieutenant in Unit 8200 - the elite intelligence unit responsible for spying on Palestinians.

Rula Jamal - Head of Monitoring & Documentation, Al Haq
Jalal Abukhater - Writer
Amal Sumarin - Silwan resident
Helga Tawil-Souri - Associate Professor, NYU
Israeli former Lieutenant Eli - Unit 8200

#Unit8200 #Palestine #Apartheid #Surveillance #RedWolf #FacialRecognition
#Silwan #Documentary
Fact Sheet: Israeli Surveillance & Restrictions on Palestinian Movement | IMEU – 2021

The Israeli government closely monitors the communications and movements of millions of Palestinians in the occupied territories (West Bank, East Jerusalem, Gaza), who have lived under Israeli military rule since 1967, and inside Israel, making Palestinians one of the most surveilled people in the world. 
This mass surveillance is part of a complex web of control Israel has imposed on Palestinians, particularly in the occupied territories. This system of control includes restricting the physical movement of people and goods, dividing and isolating Palestinian cities and towns from one another and the outside world, and suppressing freedom of speech on and offline.
The following fact sheet provides an overview of Israel’s methods of surveillance and physical control over Palestinians in the occupied territories

#RedWolf #BlueWolf #Pegasus #Biometrics #FacialRecognition
#surveillance #Report #Occupation #Apartheid #maps
Israel Is Using a Vast Network of Biometric Cameras to Terrorize Palestinians - Truthout – June 2023

The facial recognition surveillance system violates Palestinians’ human rights to freedom of movement and privacy.

Israel is deepening its system of apartheid in the occupied Palestinian territories by using artificial intelligence-powered biometric facial recognition technology to track and restrict the movements of Palestinian people.

Facial recognition technology identifies and categorizes people on the basis of their physical features, including race, ethnicity, gender, age and disability status

#Israel #Palestine #Apartheid #Technology #FacialRecognition #surveillance #AI #Biometrics
Step-by-step: How Israel Police used NSO’s Pegasus to spy on citizens - CTech – 2022

Dozens of investigators in Israel Police are using the different capabilities of NSO’s Pegasus system in order to intimately track intelligence targets. Some of these targets are dangerous criminals, but Calcalist’s exposé revealed that some are citizens that were labeled as dangerous after it became apparent that their political views oppose those of the Israeli government under the leadership of former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

#Palestine #Pegasus #NSO
#spyware #surveillance
Nowhere to hide: The impact of Israel's digital surveillance regime on the Palestinians | Middle East Institute – 2022

Over the course of 2020 and 2021, groundbreaking investigations revealed in stark detail Israeli authorities’ intensifying use of surveillance and predictive technologies to police and control Palestinians. Subjecting Palestinians to such scrutiny from security and military apparatuses narrows their expressive spaces and plunges them into a state of constant anxiety. This practice also carries out a commercial purpose: Occupied Palestine effectively functions as an open-air laboratory for Israel to test techniques of espionage and surveillance before selling them to repressive regimes around the world. This commerce has troubling implications, particularly as more governments have leveraged digital monitoring tools against political opponents, activists, journalists, civil society workers, and others deemed “threatening.”

#surveillance #Palestine #Apartheid #Techology #RedWolf
Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights: The Case of Israeli Surveillance of Palestinians - ArabCenterDC - 2023 - - > Video

Arab Center Washington DC (ACW) organized a webinar titled, “Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights: The Case of Israeli Surveillance of Palestinians.” Panelists were: Rasha Abdul Rahim, Director of Amnesty Tech at Amnesty International; Sophia Goodfriend, PhD Candidate in the Department of Anthropology at Duke University; Mona Shtaya, Non-resident Fellow at the Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy (TIMEP); and Rohan Talbot, Director of Advocacy and Campaigns at Medical Aid for Palestinians. Tamara Kharroub, Deputy Executive Director and Senior Fellow at ACW, moderated the event.

#Technology #Surveillance
Saifan and the Weaponization of Trade Secrets - Verfassungsblog – June 2023

In this post, we offer an overview of current Knesset discussions; the contested legal grounds on which the Israeli police and Ministry of Justice rely for spyware authorization; and an analysis of governmental procurement of surveillance technology, with particular emphasis on the weaponization of trade secrets to strategically conceal governmental operations.

Current public engagement has chiefly focused on the uncertain legal basis for the police’s enhanced surveillance capacities as a result of using spyware. However, this is not the only concern with the use of technologies as advanced and powerful as Saifan by public bodies. In particular, we argue that the current combination of outdated laws with nontransparent operations makes public accountability and oversight with regards to how such technology is used intensely and unduly difficult.

#Pegasus #NSO #spyware #surveillance #Knesset #Israel
The Former Israeli Spies Working in Top Jobs at Google, Facebook and Microsoft – MintPress - June 2023

AMintPress study has found that hundreds of former agents of the notorious Israeli spying organization, Unit 8200, have attained positions of influence in many of the world’s biggest tech companies, including Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Amazon.

The Israeli Defense Forces’ (IDF) Unit 8200 is infamous for surveilling the indigenous Palestinian population, amassing kompromat on individuals for the purposes of blackmail and extortion. Spying on the world’s rich and famous, Unit 8200 hit the headlines last year, after the Pegasus scandal broke. Former Unit 8200 officers designed and implemented software that spied on tens of thousands of politicians and likely aided in the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

#NSO #Pegasus #Israel #Unit8200 #ProjectNimbus #Google #Meta #Facebook #Microsoft #Intel #spyware #surveillance
🇵🇸 Israel-Palestine war: The 'war on terror' continues to target pro-Palestine activists | Middle East Eye – 06/11/2023

In the aftermath of 10/7, the post-9/11 repressive policies are back in full swing as the US government targets activists and Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim communities

Of course, the targeting and surveillance of Muslim, Arab, and Palestinian communities did not begin after 9/11: a 2021 Project South report, "Spying on the Margins", documented the history of US racist and Islamophobic surveillance stretching back to the colonial period.

#Palestine #Surveillance