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EU LAW AT TIPPING POINT. While the highest EU court plays the game of the Merkel regime and auxiliary EU governments by delivering a politically ordered ruling on Muslim “migrant quotas” for relocation to member states against their will and national law, Hungary announces to ignore the decision. This could break the voluntary legal and judicial system of the EU as such. Brussels plays with real political and legal explosives.
The GATESTONE Institute, Soeren Kern, 7.9.2017: “The European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled that the European Commission, the powerful executive arm of the European Union, has the legal right to order EU member states to take in so-called asylum seekers, and, conversely, that EU member states have no legal right to resist those orders [...] Many so-called asylum seekers have refused to relocate to Central and Eastern Europe because the financial benefits there are not as generous as in France, Germany or Scandinavia. Hundreds of migrants who have been relocated to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, which rank among the poorest countries in the EU, have since fled to Germany and other wealthier countries in the bloc [...] At a September 3 campaign rally in the town of Kötcse, Orbán cited expert predictions that more than 60 million people are expected to make their way from Africa into Europe during the next 20 years — thereby pushing Europe's Muslim population to above 20% by 2030. ‘The Islamization of Europe is real,’ Orbán warned.”
#hungary #ungarn #slovakia #slowakei #poland #polen #eu #europe #greatexchange #grosseraustausch #defendeurope #migration #islamisation #islamisierung #merkelregime #refugeeswelcome #willkommenskultur #law #recht #resist #widerstand
MERKEL SICKNESS KILLS GERMANY. In 20 years ethnic Germans will be a minority in a Muslim country; this is demographics, not nationalist propaganda. The GATESTONE Institute, 5.10.2017: “If Merkel succeeds in forming a coalition, it will be a precarious and unstable assemblage that will keep Germany on the verge of paralysis and make the country the sick man of 21st century Europe. Germany actually already is a sick country, and Angela Merkel is part of the sickness [...] In 2016, almost half the crimes in Berlin were committed by recent migrants to the country. Jihadist networks took shape. Terrorist acts started to take place. Muslim anti-Semitism led to attacks on synagogues. The costs of welfare rose sharply. Merkel expressed no regret [...] She tried to impose her decisions on immigration on the reluctant European countries of Hungary, the Czech Republic and Poland. She is still trying [...] Germany is today the most anti-American country in the Western world . Stern, Germany's most popular news weekly magazine, recently put on its cover an image of Donald Trump performing a Nazi salute while draped in the American flag [...] The capacity for receiving immigrants has reached its limits; living conditions in many shelters have become substandard: floors are not cleaned regularly and are soiled for days with blood, urine, feces, and invasion of cockroaches are frequent. The German Commissioner for Immigration recently said that only a quarter to a third of the refugees who settled in Germany could enter the labor market. The others will have to rely on government benefits for the rest of their lives. Diseases that were nearly eradicated, such as tuberculosis, made a comeback [...] Demographers say that unless the current trends are reversed, Germans will become a minority in their own country, possibly in fifteen to twenty years. Nothing at the moment indicates that the trends will reverse [...] Rolf Peter Sieferle, a former counselor of Angela Merkel, wrote several articles describing the self-destruction of Germany. "A society that can no longer make the difference between itself and the forces that dissolve it lives morally beyond its means," he said in 2015. Insulted and rejected by those with whom he used to work, he committed suicide in September 2016. A collection of his notes was published after his death, Finis Germaniae ("The End of Germany") [...] The AfD party is not Nazi, however. Its members rather seem to fear that Germany and Germans will disappear under the weight of Islam. The Nazis were anti-Semitic, militarist, socialist, and desired to conquer. The AfD is not anti-Semitic, not militarist, not socialist, and does not want to conquer other countries. Jewish leaders in Germany are frightened because they think that if the AfD is hostile to one minority, the Muslims, it could grow hostile to other minorities. They are probably wrong. There is no comparison between Muslims and Jews. The AfD has strongly supported Israel's right to exist and Israel's right to has to fight the Islamic threat against it [...] AfD is currently Germany's most pro-Israeli party.”
(The author, Dr. Guy Millière, a professor at the University of Paris, is the author of 27 books on France and Europe)
#merkel #merkelregime #cdu #csu #fdp #gruene #spd #germany #deutschlandschafftsichab #guymilliere #gatestoneinstitute #finisgermania #islam #islamisation #islamisierung #replacementmigration #grosseraustausch #defendeurope #widerstand
CZECHS WAKE UP, CONFRONTING MERKEL REGIME. Andrej Babis, candidate for prime minister of the Czech Republic: "The West European politicians keep repeating that it is our duty to comply with what the immigrants want because of their human rights. But what about the human rights of the Germans or the Hungarians? Why should the British accept that the wealth which has been created by many generations of their ancestors, should be consumed by people... who are a security risk and whose desire it is not to integrate but to destroy European culture?”
#babis #andrejbabis #ano #czech #merkel #merkelregime #islamisation #islamisierung #greatexchange #grosseraustausch #eu #europe #europa #politik #politics #mutbuerger #widerstand
FACEBOOK WIRD DSCHIHADBUCH. Die pro-islamistische Ausrichtung, Zensur von “Facebook” tritt insbesondere auch in Frankreich offen zutage. GATESTONE Institute, 17.10.2017: “Vor allem muslimische Hass-Redner vervielfältigen sich weiterhin auf Facebook, während Anti-Islamisten mit Schikanen und dem Verlust ihrer Konten konfrontiert sind [...] Es ist wichtig, sich daran zu erinnern, dass Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel 2015 auf dem Höhepunkt der Migrationskrise den Facebook-Gründer Mark Zuckerberg gedrängt hat, die Tausenden von Anti-Massenmigrations-Postings auf Facebook zu entfernen. ‘Arbeitest du daran?’ fragte Merkel auf Englisch, worauf Zuckerberg ‘bejahend’ antwortete.”
#facebook #zensur #censorship #islamism #islamismus #jihad #dschihad #islamisierung #islamisation #merkelregime #netino #concileo #atchik #arvato #freespeech #meinungsfreiheit #netzdg #netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz #france #frankreich #resistance #defendeurope #widerstand
LAST NIGHT, IN SWEDEN. Do we want this Europe? Sweden has passed the point of no return, but which lessons do other Europeans learn?
The GATESTONE Institute, 11.12.2017: “On Saturday, December 9, masked men threw firebombs at a synagogue in Gothenburg, Sweden. The attack took place shortly after 10:00 pm, at a time when about thirty children and teenagers (the Swedish word ‘ungdomar’, used in media reports, suggests they were teens, but could be younger or both) were attending a party at the Jewish Center adjoining the main building. When the assault began, the guards rushed them into the cellar, and finally allowed them to go home at about 11:30 pm. (Guards, of course, are a fixture at European synagogues these days.) A mother of one of the girls at the party received a text message from her daughter saying that she was scared and that there was a smell of gasoline. Yes, in Western Europe, in 2017, a group of young Jews stood huddled in a basement, helpless, amid the gasoline fumes from firebombs.”
#lastnightinsweden #gothenburg #sweden #failedstate #hate #antisemitism #antizionism #antiisrael #islamisation #islam #palestine #jerusalem #replacementmigration #migration #muslimriots #intifada #jews #remigration #defendeurope #resist #widerstand #standwithisrael #amisraelchai
GUTMENSCHEN REALITY SHOCK. "The following is a documentation of an interview with the German artist, activist for the rights of indigenous peoples, and UN advisor Rebecca Sommer, by the Polish website EuroIslam from January 18, 2018.
Rebecca used to support Muslim 'refugees' in Germany, and describes how her experience made her gradually change her mind over core issues.
It is a long text but well worth the read. Please note that there is currently a mistranslation circulating, claiming that she said too she was moving to Poland. This is inaccurate; she said she knows Germans who are moving to Poland."
#gutmenschen #gutmensch #euroislam #rebeccasommer #lefties #activism #activist #refugeeswelcome #immigration #islamisation #islamisierung #merkelmigration #merkelregime #leak #leaks