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LAST NIGHT, IN SWEDEN. Do we want this Europe? Sweden has passed the point of no return, but which lessons do other Europeans learn?
The GATESTONE Institute, 11.12.2017: “On Saturday, December 9, masked men threw firebombs at a synagogue in Gothenburg, Sweden. The attack took place shortly after 10:00 pm, at a time when about thirty children and teenagers (the Swedish word ‘ungdomar’, used in media reports, suggests they were teens, but could be younger or both) were attending a party at the Jewish Center adjoining the main building. When the assault began, the guards rushed them into the cellar, and finally allowed them to go home at about 11:30 pm. (Guards, of course, are a fixture at European synagogues these days.) A mother of one of the girls at the party received a text message from her daughter saying that she was scared and that there was a smell of gasoline. Yes, in Western Europe, in 2017, a group of young Jews stood huddled in a basement, helpless, amid the gasoline fumes from firebombs.”
#lastnightinsweden #gothenburg #sweden #failedstate #hate #antisemitism #antizionism #antiisrael #islamisation #islam #palestine #jerusalem #replacementmigration #migration #muslimriots #intifada #jews #remigration #defendeurope #resist #widerstand #standwithisrael #amisraelchai
DEJA VU IN PARIS, ÜBERALL ANTISEMITEN? ⚠️🇨🇵🇮🇱⚠️ Man kennt die Strategie des Merkel- und Macron-Regimes leider zur Genüge: jeder Dissident, jeder Regime-Kritiker wird aus Politik, Medien, Gesellschaft als "Antisemit", "Judenfeind", "Nazi" diffamiert.
Dazu werden von staatlichen oder nicht staatlichen "Agents Provocateurs" Anlässe, Ereignisse fabriziert.
Macron macht das nun in Frankreich mit der Rebellion der "Gilets Jaunes": alle "Gelben Westen" seien "Rassisten", "Antisemiten", hassen "Juden" 🇮🇱 Dumm nur, dass in den ersten Monaten des Jahres 2018 die judenfeindlichen Straftaten bereits um 69 Prozent gestiegen waren - lange bevor es "Acte 1" der "Gelbwesten" gab.
Tatsächlich ist es das Macron-Regime, das mit seiner laxen Politik gegen arabische Juden- und Israelfeindlichkeit Frankreichs Juden aus dem Lande treibt. Mögen wir es als Warnung sehen was auf Merkels Bunterepublik zukommt 🕎
#giletsjaunes #giletjaune #gelbewesten #gelbwesten #juden #jews #judenfeinde #israelfeinde #antizionismus #antizionism #infowar #desinformation #dgsi #diffamierung #subversion #infiltration #falseflag #standwithisrael #amisraelchai
GERMAN FOREIGN OFFICE GOES ANTI-ISRAEL 🇩🇪💥🇮🇱 The Jerusalem Post, July 23, 2020: "German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Foreign Ministry has been plunged into a devastating new antisemitism scandal for the hiring of a radical Islamist who defends the annual Iranian regime-sponsored rally al-Quds Day calling for the obliteration of Israel. Andreas Görgen,the director of the Foreign Ministry’s department for culture and communication, welcomed the Islamist Nurhan Soykan on Monday on his Twitter feed, writing that Soykan will be on 'our team Religion and Foreign Policy' at the Foreign Ministry [...] Rabbi Abraham Cooper, the associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, told The Jerusalem Post that the 'German government bemoans antisemitism then appoints secretary-general of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany, Nurhan Soykan, as a consultant for the Foreign Ministry’s Religion and Foreign Policy team. So she can promote more antisemitic al-Quds marches and justify hatred of Jewish state.'
In her defense of the antisemitic al-Quds rally, Soykan told German radio station Deutschlandfunk in 2014 that opponents of Israeli politics' who want to show their anger sometimes' must be given the opportunity 'to clear the air in the way of a demonstration.' [...] The Post first revealed in April that Görgen sent out at least seven tweets in support of an alleged antisemitic academic, Achille Mbembe, who has trivialized the Holocaust and supported "Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) activity against Israel." [...] Soykan represents the German Council of Muslims that serves as an umbrella organization for a spectrum of Sunni and Shi’ite associations and mosques, including radical antisemitic entities. Soykan is a zealous supporter of head coverings for women. She was born in Turkey and moved to Germany as a young child.
Neo-Nazis, Iranian regime supporters, BDS activists, Hezbollah members, radical leftists and members of the Palestinian terrorist entity Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) participated in the al-Quds rally in Berlin that Soykan defended.
A spokesperson for Merkel's office defended German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas's decision to hire Soykan. 'We have nothing to add to the answer that you received from the Federal Foreign Office on this subject,' a spokesperson told the Post."
#merkelregime #merkel #islamism #islamists #jihad #germany #buntland #auswärtigesamt #auswaertigesamt #israelfeindlichkeit #antizionism #antiisrael #judenfeindlichkeit #antisemitismus #antisemitism #antijewish #heikomaas #spd #pflp #alquds #bds #andreasgörgen #nurhansoykan #soykan #diplomacy #diplomatie #achillembembe #standwithisrael #amisraelchai