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🌐🦅 In order to lead the world, Biden’s America cannot rely on empty hypocritical statements.

#Biden #UNGA #worldorder

🌐🦅 How has the U.S. changed, when it is still advocating for violence and determining which countries are worthy of U.S. support, based upon subservience to imperialism?

U.S. President Joe Biden’s speech made a big deal of portraying his administration as different from that of his predecessor. But apart from rejoining and engaging with UN institutions, there is little to account for a change in U.S. foreign policy. Running contradictory statements, particularly around the U.S. terror narrative and military violence, is not the way to convince an audience, particularly countries which have been targeted by U.S. intervention.

Biden’s speech attempted to portray the U.S. in a new light, away from its bloody legacy of supporting coups and intervention. The humanitarian approach to Covid19 is one tactic which Biden utilized to assert a departure from the Trump Administration, as was the environmental card played in the speech.

However, the U.S. has not altered its policies and much less its tactics. Democracy as designated by powerful countries allows leaders to monopolise the narrative, but its implementation will always be far from the rhetoric.

#Biden #UNGA #worldorder

🇷🇺🇨🇳 Russia and China are proof that an alternative basis of international relations is possible. And fortunately, both are strong enough to prevail for the sake of peace.

For many observers around the world, the cordial and cooperative relations between Russia and China are inspiring, precisely at a time of mounting international tensions and belligerence.

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin hailed the bilateral relations between Russia and China as a model for inter-state cooperation in the 21st century.

#China #Russia #WorldOrder

🇺🇸🇷🇺 What Moscow is really asking for is to redraw the borders of influence between Russia and the West.

One of the most frequently asked questions about U.S.-Russian relations over the last few years has been “have we hit rock bottom?”. No matter how bad things seem, about every six months a few Congressmen with questionable motivations come up with a new pack of sanctions or other threats to make the situation get just a bit worse. After many years of this it seems as though there is always room for relations to somehow plummet even further down the dank shaft they are in.

However, Washington may have run out of ideas and threats as both sides of Cold War 2.0 are set to meet around January 10th right after the holiday season in Russia officially ends to build a solid mutually approved deal so that hopefully U.S.-Russian relations can finally be exposed to daylight again. Read more by Tim Kirby @timkirbyhardcore

#Russia #West #worldorder

🌏🌍🌎 The era of the unipolar world is over.

The rupture with the West is irreversible and definitive. No pressure from the West will change it.

Russia has renewed with its sovereignty. Reinforcement of political and economic sovereignty is an absolute priority.

The EU has completely lost its political sovereignty. The current crisis shows the EU is not ready to play the role of an independent, sovereign actor. It’s just en ensemble of American vassals deprived of any politico-military sovereignty.

The future world order, already in progress, will be formed by strong sovereign states.

The ship has sailed. There’s no turning back 🌞

How does it feel, for the collective West, to be caught in such a crossfire hurricane? 🌀🌪

💬 Read a new piece by Pepe Escobar

#BRICS #multipolarity #WorldOrder

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🌞🌐 The Suicide Spectacular Summer Show, currently on screen across Europe, proceeds in full regalia.

Much to the astonishment of virtually the whole Global South: a trashy, woke Gotterdammerung remake, with Wagnerian grandeur replaced by twerking.

Decadent Roman Emperors at least exhibited some degree of pathos. Here we’re just faced by a toxic mix of hubris, abhorring mediocrity, delusion, crude ideological sheep-think and outright irrationality wallowing in white man’s burden racist/supremacist slush – all symptoms of a profound sickness of the soul.

To call it the Biden-Leyen-Blinken West or so would be too reductionist: after all these are puny politico/functionaries merely parroting orders.

This is a historical process: physical, psychic and moral cognitive degeneration embedded in NATOstan’s manifest desperation in trying to contain Eurasia, allowing occasional tragicomic sketches such as a NATO summit proclaiming Woke War against virtually the whole non-West.

💬 Read more by Pepe Escobar

#BRICS #G20 #geopolitics #worldorder

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🌏🌍 Putin’s policy of cleansing the Augean Stables of ‘predatory western capital’ is music to the ears of the Global South, Alastair Crooke writes.

Of course, the conflict, to all intents, is settled – though is far from over. It is clear that Russia will prevail in the military war – and the political war too – by which is meant that whatever emerges in Ukraine after the military action is complete will be dictated by Moscow on its terms.

Plainly, on the one hand, the regime in Kiev would collapse were it to have terms dictated to it by Moscow. And, on the other hand, the entire western agenda behind the Maidan coup d’état in 2014 would implode, too.

This is why an off-ramp, short of a Ukrainian rout, is next to impossible

This moment thus marks a crucial point of inflection.

💬 Read more by Alastair Crooke

#Ukraine #worldorder

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🇬🇧 Western leaders would sooner drag down the entire planet than surrender their fever dream of a one-world political system.

The British butcher of Iraq, speaking on the demise of a Western-led one world order, is advocating for yet more stockpiling of weapons of mass destruction to even the score.

💬 Read more by Robert Bridge

#UK #WorldOrder

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📣 Putin in fact did nail where we are: on the edge of a Revolution.

In an all-encompassing address to the plenary session of the 19th annual meeting of the Valdai Club, President Putin delivered no less than a devastating, multi-layered critique of unipolarity.

From Shakespeare to the assassination of Gen Soleimani; from musings on spirituality to the structure of the UN; from Eurasia as the cradle of human civilization to the interconnection of BRI, SCO and the INSTC; from nuclear dangers to that peripheral peninsula of Eurasia “blinded by the idea that Europeans are better than others”, the address painted a Brueghel-esque canvas of the “historical milestone” facing us, in the middle of “the most dangerous decade since the end of WWII.”

Putin even ventured that, in the words of the classics, “the situation is, to a certain extent, revolutionary” as “the upper classes cannot, and the lower classes do not want to live like this anymore”.

So everything is in play, as “the future of the new world order is being shaped before our eyes” 🌐

💬 By Pepe Escobar @rocknrollgeopolitics

#Putin #Eurasia #WorldOrder

💣 The dirty bomb plan can be seen as a culmination of an orchestrated propaganda campaign to criminalize Russia. Who gains?

The NATO-backed Kiev regime has a long record for dirty tricks, from carrying out false-flag massacres to nuclear terrorism over the Zaporozhye power plant shelling.

Ukraine’s so-called president, Vladimir Zelensky, who many observers believe is a cocaine addict, has built a personal fortune from scamming and skimming, as investigative reporter Jeremy Kuzmarov has splendidly detailed.

Therefore, Russia’s dramatic claims this week of Kiev planning to use a dirty nuclear bomb fit plausibly into the record of such sleaze-ball scheming and provocations.

Not surprisingly, the United States and its NATO allies dismissed Moscow’s warnings. U.S. President Joe Biden even suggested that Russia was itself plotting a false-flag atrocity with a dirty bomb in order to justify an escalation of the war in Ukraine.

Talk about the plot thickening! 🌀

💬 Read more in this week’s Editorial

#Putin #Eurasia #WorldOrder

🥁🌎 Is the West preparing its narrative to cut from this unwinnable conflict –Ukraine – and to move on?

Is this feasible? Is the West not too deeply invested narratively in the ‘Bleed Russia’ storyline; Putin must not be allowed to win; for that to happen? No, it can happen. Look what occurred in Afghanistan: A huge and profitable boondoggle was wound up within days. And just over a year later, on its anniversary, the Kabul débacle is scarcely noted in the Western press.

Media headlines moved on seamlessly from Afghanistan to Ukraine, scarcely with a backwards glance. And already, a diversionary ‘tethered goat’ is being prepared to grab compliant western MSM attention, as the Ukraine meme is quietly shelved, and Serbia’s ‘aggression’ against Kosovo becomes the new ‘aggression’.

Look around: the tectonic plates of geo-politics and geo-finance are shifting – shifting radically away from an increasingly flailing West 🎳

💬 By Alastair Crooke

#West #Ukraine #geopolitics #WorldOrder

🗺 For years some of us have been showing how the emerging multipolar world is defined – but goes way beyond – high speed interconnectivity, physical and geoeconomic.

Now, as we reach the next stage, it’s as if Putin and Xi Jinping, each in their own way, are conceptualizing the two key civilizational vectors of multipolarity. That’s the deeper meaning of the Russia-China comprehensive strategic partnership, invisible to the naked eye.

Metaphorically, it also speaks volumes that Russia’s pivot to the East, towards the rising sun, now irreversible, was the only logical path to follow as, to quote Dylan, darkness dawns at the break of noon across the West.

As it stands, with the wobblin’, ragin’ Hegemon lost in its own pre-fabricated daze, the real runners of the show feeding burning flesh to irredeemably mediocre political “elites”, China may have a little more latitude than Russia, as the Middle Kingdom is not – yet – under the same existential pressure Russia has been put under.

Whatever happens next geopolitically, Russia is at heart a – giant – obstacle on the warmongering path of the Hegemon: the ultimate target is top “threat” China.

The strategists of Russia and China are now working full time on how to return all strands of Hybrid War against the Hegemon 🛡

💬 Pepe Escobar writes

#China #Russia #geopolitics #worldorder

@strategic_culture 🤝 @rocknrollgeopolitics
🌀 “The world is going step by step towards the brink of abyss. I am not sure if there will be anybody in their right mind to stop it and invite everybody to gather at the round table to discuss and negotiate.

Each war regardless and they normally last for four years (it has been calculated by the military tactics experts why the war normally lasts for four years: the economy can withstand the pressure, the population can, the number of casualties can) after that they have to sit at the table and negotiate with ten, twenty or like in the first and second world wars with 50 million deaths at hand. Generally we are not in a good place in the whole world.

The polarization of the world is ongoing and we are witnessing it but it is not abundantly clear whether we shall experience a definite division but we also can see the fact that the new blocs and the new spheres of interest are in the making. The world will never be the way it used to be. The world will split.

Russia and China will go in one direction together for sure. The EU, or at least what the names are of those countries there, will take the other direction, provided that they do not disintegrate by themselves because of the protests and strikes and serious turmoil they have on their own personal national levels.

The USA will get isolated at some point because nobody will listen to the U.S. any more as is already the case, and another powerful bloc will emerge: so called the Third World countries
🌞 – because of the economy and their huge populations.”

🔗 The article by Tatiana Obrenović is based on the Sputnik interview with Dušan Kovačević, a renowned Serbian dramatist, film director, screenwriter, author and academic.

#West #WorldOrder #GlobalSouth #geopolitics #China

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🗺 The panorama of geopolitics has long been proscribed from the public gaze and ignored.

Geopolitics is a relatively young scientific discipline which was established in the second half of the 19th century under the influence of many societal and historical processes characteristic of that period in world history. It was conditioned by the interaction of three factors as follows:

the first element: the expansion of capitalism as a way of societal provision and ‘managing’ the economy, which required new forms of transport, traffic, communication of people and trade.
the second element: the change in spiritual-religious paradigm in which the element of spatiality as a key element of geopolitics is not viewed in its metahistorical and metaphysical meaning any more as a sacred or sacral reality and more and more as a physical geographical given and as a resource potential about which the great powers of the time/age contemplate.
the third element: strictly political relations around the process of the unification of Germany in 1871. That event most profoundly changed the course of the European and the world politics because from 1871 to the beginning of the First World War came the period which the scientific historiography marks as the era of Imperialism; when the great world powers of that time were striving to articulate their own imperial goals theoretically through geopolitics as a new scientific discipline. The process of the unification of Germany opened up a serious geopolitical issue, which left its indelible mark on the whole 20th century and particularly its first half. That issue was the challenges of the centrality of Germany. Therefore, in the same way as the obsessive topic of German geopolitics was to articulate the German sphere of interest and then in the same way as it was the obsessive issue among competitive powers to limit and restrain this German influence and to respond in such a way that that German challenge caused a colossal protest in the social conscience of the societal and geopolitical elites of Europe at the time.

This article by Tatiana Obrenovic is based on the lecture by historian Milorad Vukasinovic presented at KCNS, Serbia.

#geopolitics #WorldOrder

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📍Which Country Is the Most Politically Influential?

A recent U.S. News & World Report survey ranked Russia as the world’s most politically influential country by a variety of metrics, followed by the U.S. and China. This infographic shows top ten world leaders.

🔗 Follow this link to find the full infographic.

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#sc_infographic #geopolitics #WorldOrder

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🔔 China and Russia have been remarkably quiet, watching carefully the global tectonic plates shifting around in response to the ‘two wars’ (Ukraine and Israel’s ‘multiwar’). Really it is not surprising; both states can sit back to simply watch Biden and his team persist with their strategic mistakes in Ukraine and in Israel’s multiple wars.

The interlacing of the two wars will, of course, shape the new era 🏁

There are substantive risks, but for now they can observe with comfort from afar as a climatic juncture in world politics unfolds, gradually raising the pace of the attrition to a circle of fire.

💬 Read more by Alastair Crooke

#geopolitics #WorldOrder #Gaza #Yemen #MiddleEast #China #Yemen #NewWorldOrder

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