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🦠🇪🇺 The European Commission president has to be a failed politician who will be dazzled by the bodyguards, motorcades and photo ops with world leaders, but not really take the lead from the front.

When Ursula von der Leyen became European Commission president in December 2019, many journalists responded with vitriol over how such a German political lightweight could take the top job in Brussels. She literally had no success stories in Germany in previous ministerial positions and many Germans when hearing of her appointment reacted with “Ursula who?”.

And yet, with the exception of Jacques Delors, European Commission presidents are traditionally selected on the basis of them being underperformers – so that the real powers behind the throne (French and German leaders) can manipulate them at will and use them like putty in their palms. There is another argument also that in Brussels, where the EU institutions are run by aging freemasons, the choice of a political retard at the end of their careers is really about appeasing these old guys, who the system assures you never see or hear of, ever.

🔗 READ MORE by Martin Jay ⤵️

#Martin_Jay #pandemic #Europe
😷🔒The draconian lockdowns imposed by dozens of Democratic leaders, did very little to halt the outbreak of Covid, Robert Bridge writes.

Gavin Newsom and Andrew Cuomo, the governors of California and New York, respectively, appear to be struggling for their political lives over their bungled handling of the pandemic. Is the tide finally turning against the lockdown mentality?

The groundswell of public animosity currently being directed at the Democratic state leaders disproves the adage that ‘all publicity is good publicity’. Just ask New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. Despite a fawning media that only shows its fangs at Republican prey, the accusations against Cuomo are becoming harder to ignore considering that they border on criminal neglect.

The problems for the governor date back to March 1, 2020 when the first reported case of Covid emerged in New York. Nineteen days later, with just 35 fatalities connected to the virus in New York City, Cuomo ordered all nonessential workers to stay home, prohibited gatherings of any size, while demanding that citizens comply with a 6-foot social distancing decree. At this point, many New York citizens were wondering ‘where’s the science’ behind the seemingly irrational commands.

Then came a truly bizarre move. On March 25, the Cuomo administration barred nursing homes from refusing seniors on the grounds that they had COVID-19. If ever there was a perfect way for spreading a deadly virus, all the more virulent among senior citizens, many of them already suffering other health issues, this was it. New York health officials said that nursing homes were forbidden “by law” to reject anyone they couldn’t adequately care for. While that may be true, it was an unforgivable directive from officials who were trying to come to grips with a pandemic that had just shut down their entire economy. And the ‘oversight’ would prove deadly.

🔗 READ MORE by Robert Bridge ⤵️

#Robert_Bridge #lockdown #NewYork #pandemic
🗽 Both parties in the United States are making the Covid-19 pandemic an even greater disaster. One from cowardice and the other from denialism.

In the bitter, bipartisan cauldron of U.S. politics, it may seem odd to bracket the two main parties as being on the same side of a problem. But that only seems odd if one mistakenly believes there is any substantive difference between them.

Both parties are the same when it comes to supporting Big Business and war. Why not the Covid pandemic too?

#Democrats #Biden #Pandemic

😷 Given that so many medical voices have expressed concern about the mandatory vaccine mandates, why is the media not balancing their reporting with a healthy modicum of skepticism, as one would expect to find?

With each passing day, politicians around the world increasingly believe it is within their purview to force their subjects to make a choice between getting a vaccine and putting food on the table. This political overreach, however, constitutes a dangerous threat to liberty and freedom that should give everyone tremendous pause.

Let’s start by stating something that most people could agree on: the human body represents the ultimate ‘personal property,’ a sacred temple that no outside power should be permitted to touch without our unforced consent. ‘My body, my choice,’ as the expression goes. Yet this ‘last frontier’ of ownership is now being grossly violated as politicians, appearing to be taking their marching orders from Big Pharma instead of their constituents, are demanding people roll up their sleeves for an injection or lose their livelihood.

#Covid19 #pandemic #UnitedStates

💊🌐 American culture has been artificially shifted in the most radical way, not seen since the introduction of mandatory public schooling a century ago.

The mandatory Covid vaccination policy in the U.S. army is an extension of Biden’s ideological purging program, but the logic behind it is not thoroughly understood by the public.

Conservatives see a likely decrease in morale and enlistment, while liberals see an opposite likely outcome. But enlistment in a volunteer army may not be the end-goal, and so we must interpret the moves in light of the growing potential of a blanket draft.

Superficially, the premise for the purge is the equating of vaccine hesitancy with so-called ‘Trumpism’, which in turn is ‘linked’ to right-wing extremism such as white nationalism – a logical fallacy. Because the logical fallacy is so clear, and the purge of norm-centric political views is the goal, it gives rise to all kinds of questions and theories. Read more by Joaquin Flores @NewResistance ⬇️

#BigPharma #Biden #Pandemic #sociology

🔐 It would be wise to heed the words from the Harvard team at a time when society is being increasingly divided between two warring camps, Robert Bridge @robertbridge writes.

As millions of U.S. workers are about to be made redundant in the wake of the Biden administration’s harsh vaccine mandate, a recent study by Harvard University, which appears to show no discernable link between people fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases, deserves a second look.

By all indications, there is a Cateogy-5 socio-economic hurricane barreling down on the United States, yet few people – least of all in the legacy media – are willing to talk about. Read more ⬇️

#lockdown #pandemic #UnitedStates

🇦🇺🇳🇿 The tragic state of affairs, justified by a disease with a better than 99 percent survival rate, cannot continue indefinitely.

Even as scientific studies show that vaccines alone cannot extricate humanity from the Covid-19 crisis, governments are rushing headlong towards the creation of a ‘vaccinated economy’ without any consideration for the consequences. It’s time for an injection of sanity and informed democratic debate.

An astonishing thing happened this week that should have – were it not for a media industrial complex that coddles and cossets the powers that be – incited journalists to scream bloody murder around our increasingly imprisoned planet. What the world got instead was the deafening cacophony of crickets. Read more by Robert Bridge @robertbridge ⬇️

#Australia #NewZeland #pandemic

🦠🦅 COVID-19 vs. America’s Deadliest Wars and Pandemics

In September 2021, COVID-19 deaths topped those of the 1918 flu in the United States, officially becoming the deadliest pandemic in American history. Earlier, the COVID-19 toll surpassed that of each of America’s wars.

🔗 Follow this link to find the full high-res infographic.

✌️©You are free to repost, reproduce and print this infographic.

#Pandemic #UnitedStates #Covid19 #conflicts #PublicHealth

🇦🇹💉 While vaccines can play a major role in fighting against the current pandemic, to enforce this medical intervention on anyone violates every aspect of human liberty and freedom, which many generations of men and women have fought to ensure.

Western media has been shockingly nonchalant about Austria announcing it would become “the first European country” to make vaccines against Covid 19 mandatory, with possible prison sentences for non-compliance. Can we get a second opinion?

#Austria #HumanRights #Pandemic

😷 A new wave of restrictions, more lockdowns, and – eventually – trillions of dollars in new stimmie cheques may be in prospect.

Were you following the news this last week? Vaccine mandates are everywhere: one country, after another, is doubling-down, to try to force, or legally compel, full population vaccination. The mandates are coming because of the massive uptick in Covid – most of all in the places where the experimental mRNA gene therapies were deployed en masse. Read more by Alastair Crooke 👇

#GreatReset #Pandemic #NewWorldOrder #Lockdown

Media is too big
😷 Internationally published journalist Robert Bridge explains some of the big problems he sees in the break-down of civil society in Austria. New mandates pose a big problem, and threaten to entirely eliminate important lessons learned in the 20th century about coercion and freedom.

🎙Tim @timkirbyhardcore and Joaquin @NewResistance run the discussion.

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#StrategicPodcast #pandemic #lockdown

🇷🇺😷 One thing the individual can do is resist, and when the majority of the population decides to grind the wheels the engine comes to a halt.

The sum of all fears for the average Russian has just been averted. The large packet of totalitarian answers to a problem of questionable magnitude has been booted from the State Duma.

There has been an air of dread amongst the populace who were waiting to see if nationwide QR-code legislation would make it into law destroying their lives and businesses to separate those vaccinated from plague ridden riff raff. There was an expectation that some sort of Hegelian Dialectic gamesmanship would get a watered down, but still crushing version of this system passed.

Thankfully for the sake of the Russian economy and sanity itself this is now not to be. This decision to completely bail on a QR Code apartheid not only comes at an interesting moment in history but has great relevance for Russia itself and issues related to Covid-19 on a global scale.

Read more by Tim Kirby @timkirbyhardcore:

#Conservatism #pandemic #Russia #society

🇨🇦 It’s not a good sign that Justin Trudeau has removed himself from the public spotlight at possibly the most pivotal point in his political career.

The Canadian Prime Minister, who recently described the trucker convoy as a “small fringe minority” who hold “unacceptable views” against Covid mantes, may have unwittingly unleashed the greatest challenge ever to his political career.

Like those in the medical profession, long-haul truckers dutifully perform their jobs largely behind the scenes, even during the peak of the Covid pandemic. And just like thousands of nurses and doctors – many of whom were exposed to the virus in the line of duty and probably protected by natural immunity – unvaccinated truckers have found themselves out on the street, or rather, out on the highway.

Read more by Robert Bridge:

#Canada #Trudeau #protests #pandemic

🇨🇦 This war will not be over when the mandates end, it is no longer just about that. Humanity is entering uncharted waters and what comes next is far from certain.

#Canada #Pandemic #Crisis

😱 The horrendous death toll in the U.S. and Europe has been caused not so much by a virus but by an underlying disease of capitalist psychopathy.

The death toll from the Covid-19 pandemic in the United States is now well over 1.1 million. New mass infections and the proliferation of immune-resistant virus variants indicate the death toll will continue to rise as the third winter of the pandemic hits.

Europe faces a similarly bleak outlook of mounting sickness and deaths from the novel coronavirus known as SARS-Cov-2, which has undergone numerous mutations since the world pandemic was declared in early 2020. This is while Western governments pretend that the pandemic is over and adopt a policy of their populations “living with Covid”.

Let’s put these figures in perspective. The worldwide total deaths from the disease are estimated at 6.6 million, according to the authoritative Johns Hopkins University. The U.S. death toll of 1.1 million (and counting) represents over 16 percent of the world’s total even though its national population is only about 4.2 percent of the globe.

China’s deaths from Covid-19 are around 5,200, according to the same database. That is an astounding three orders of magnitude smaller. Even though China has a population nearly four times that of the United States, its mortality figure is less than 0.5 percent of the U.S.

China’s population of 1.4 billion people is about 18.5 percent of the globe. That means its death toll from Covid-19 is approximately 0.00006 percent of the global deaths from the disease. Again, the U.S. Covid death toll is nearly 16 percent of the world.

Surely, any rational-thinking person would want to explore the reasons for such a vast disparity. But not, it seems, in the West where the corporate media’s function is to stifle critical thinking.

The stark and shocking contrast in these U.S. and China figures is down to the difference between capitalism and socialism 🏟

💬 Read more by Finian Cunningham

#Capitalism #China #Pandemic #UnitedStates

🗽Daniel Lazare is a journalist, author and commentator who specializes in critically analyzing the politics and Constitution of the United States. He has authored several books, including The Velvet Revolution and the Decline of American Democracy.

Daniel Lazare in this interview with Finian Cunningham says that the United States of America is locked in a fateful political and economic crisis that will produce either of two outcomes. Either the country is heading towards more authoritarian rule or there will be a second American revolution.

🎥 Watch on YouTube

#Capitalism #Fascism #Pandemic #Socialism #UnitedStates
