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💣 Despite continuing to be described by Western media as a “war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza”, the conflict in the Middle East is quickly becoming an all-out regional war, involving multiple political actors. Israel has bombed several countries since the beginning of the conflict with the alleged aim of eliminating specific targets and deterring enemy forces. These dangerous maneuvers could start a major escalation, leading to intensified tensions.

Israel tries to internationalize hostilities in order to receive more international support 💢

💬 Lucas Leiroz @lucasleiroz writes

#Gaza #MiddleEast #Israel

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🌍🦅 How absurd! U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is “frenetically” crisscrossing the Middle East “warning” that the conflict is escalating to engulf the region.

Arsonist Washington is shouting ‘Fire’ in a region it is blowing up 🧨

This is while Washington is fueling Israel’s non-stop genocide in Gaza and the West Bank. And while the United States and Israel assassinate top Hamas, Hezbollah and Iranian commanders in Lebanon and Iraq.

This is while the United States blatantly blocks calls at the United Nations for a ceasefire, and while it dispatches warships and warplanes to the region.

Blinken is touring nine countries this week including Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, as well as Israel.

💬 Read more by Finian Cunningham

#Blinken #MiddleEast #Palestine #Gaza #UnitedStates

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Forwarded from Tucker Carlson Fanbase
Gonzalo Lira, Sr. says his son has died at 55 in a Ukrainian prison, where he was being held for the crime of criticizing the Zelensky and Biden governments. Gonzalo Lira was an American citizen, but the Biden administration clearly supported his imprisonment and torture. Several weeks ago we spoke to his father, who predicted his son would be killed.
Strategic Culture Foundation pinned «💢 Gonzalo Lira becomes another innocent victim of Zelensky’s draconian dictatorship. R.I.P. 🕯️ 💬 Declan Hayes writes #GonzaloLira #Zelensky #Ukraine 🌐 Stay tuned 🌐 Subscribe 🌐 Join us on VK»
Forwarded from Laura Ru (Laura Ru)
I read the article. It makes no mention of threats. Even the NYT fiction writers couldn't come up with a single example of intimidation or threat from Beijing. But since the article is behind a paywall, most people will just stop at the title. @LauraRuHK
La política mundial 🍽

🌏 As we enter incandescent 2024, four major trends will define the progress of interconnected Eurasia.

1️⃣ Financial/trade integration will be the norm. Russia and Iran already integrated their financial message transfer systems, bypassing SWIFT and trading in rials and rubles. Russia-China already settle their accounts in rubles and yuan, coupling immense Chinese industrial capacity with immense Russian resources.

2️⃣ The economic integration of the post-Soviet space, tilting towards Eurasia, will predominantly flow not so much via the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU) but interlinked with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

3️⃣ There will be no significant pro-Western inroads in the Heartland: the Central Asian “stans” will be progressively integrated into a single Eurasia economy organized via the SCO.

4️⃣ The clash will become even more acute, pitting the Hegemon and its satellites (Europe and Japan/South Korea/Australia) against Eurasia integration, represented by the three top BRICS (Russia, China, Iran) plus the DPRK and the Arab world incorporated to BRICS 10.

China, Russia and Iran will take the fight towards a more equal and just system to the next level 🚀

💬 Pepe Escobar writes @rocknrollgeopolitics

#Eurasia #multipolarity #China #Russia #BRICS #SCO #Heartlend #SilkRoad

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Forwarded from Pepe Escobar

(Assuming it was gamed in the Beltway)

Cut off the EU from Chinese imports and Qatari gas.

As in: speed up EU de-industrialization.

Means to an end: launch a few missiles and block Maersk.

Obviously no one in Brussels did the math.
🇫🇮 As public support for Ukraine has waned over time, and Washington’s policy elites are shifting their focus more toward the conflict in Gaza, an endgame for Ukraine is desperately needed. U.S. and European officials have reportedly broached the issue of possible peace negotiations with their Ukrainian counterparts. This begs the question: What could a peace treaty between Kyiv and Moscow look like? One historical instance stands out among many as a potential model for how the Russo-Ukrainian War could end.

The “Winter War,” or the Soviet-Finnish War that took place from November 1939 to March 1940 (and was renewed by the Finns as allies of Germany between June 1941 and September 1944), has drawn some comparisons with the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia. After Finland rejected an ultimatum to concede a considerable portion of its territory and the Soviet signing of the 1939 Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, Joseph Stalin’s Red Army invaded Finland to install a puppet Communist Finnish government and eliminate a potentially hostile presence near the Soviet Union’s second city and only Baltic port of Leningrad.

Similar to the initial phase of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Soviet officials predicted that Helsinki would fall to Soviet troops in as little as three days. However, despite the Soviets outnumbering the Finns in soldiers by three to one, Helsinki succeeded in holding off the Red Army for more than three months, inflicting extremely heavy casualties on the invading forces.

Though Finland was eventually defeated and forced to concede about 11 percent of its territory, the Finns scored a moral victory. It is widely considered that the grit and courage of Finland’s resistance convinced Stalin that incorporating Finland into the Soviet Union or turning it into a Communist client state like Poland would be more trouble than it was worth. This also contributed to Stalin’s eventual agreement to sign a peace treaty with Finland in 1944 in return for a small amount of additional territory and a commitment on Helsinki’s part to neutrality. Finland thus became the only part of the former Russian Empire that was not reincorporated into the Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin.

Helsinki had to sacrifice territory for autonomy, but its pride and prosperity soared 🏄

💬 Read more by Anatol Lieven and Alex Little

#Finland #Russia #USSR #history #Ukraine #war

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