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🇮🇷🇸🇦🇺🇸 It’s easy to understand why Iran wants to play hardball with Biden now after the suffering of years of Trump’s sanctions. The problem is that Biden has to see a halt to enrichment as a crucial gesture. Is there a compromise?

The news that Joe Biden took steps recently to withdraw the specific actions by Donald Trump which led the U.S. to quit the JCPOA deal signed in 2015 is welcome by anyone who hopes for peace in the Middle East, but in many respects is nothing more than a diplomatic stunt with nothing really to glean from either side.

Most keen analysts knew that this was likely and Iranian officials were expecting as much. Some critics have even argued that it has put him in an even weaker negotiating position. But no matter.
In recent days, much backchannel chattering has been going on, with some messaging in the press from the Iranians of what they expect next, which is the real issue and the one to judge Biden on. Sanctions.

🔗 READ MORE by Martin Jay ⤵️

#Martin_Jay #Iran #Biden #SaudiArabia
🇸🇦🇦🇪🇺🇸 If U.S. weapons are to be sold to a foreign country, then it’s an ‘ally’ and there is no investigation into any of that leader’s crimes. But if the weapons are to be used against a country, then whatever the person does is condemned-in-advance.

The U.S. regime condemns and threatens the Governments of Russia, China, and Iran, and pretends to be not a regime itself, though it is one, and so are most of its ‘allies’. (Whether any of those three targeted nations of the U.S. regime — Russia, China, and Iran — is or is not a regime will not be a topic here, but my personal judgment on that would be no, because each one of those three nations is a target of the world’s only super-power; and, therefore, is tragically and authentically compelled to be obsessed about its national security, in order for it to maintain its own independence and national sovereignty and not become yet another vassal-nation of the U.S. empire. All of the international aggression is actually being led by Washington and practiced by the U.S. and its allies. That is my personal view. But it’s actually irrelevant here, because the topic of this article is America, not any its target-nations. The target-nations are not the topic here, and nothing is assumed about any of them.)

To be a regime is to be a dictatorship, which the U.S. itself has already been scientifically studied and established to be — a dictatorship by its aristocracy. At the very least, if the Government of Russia, or of China, or of Iran, is a regime, then America’s accusing it of being one is simply a pot’s calling the kettle black, in which case, all of the U.S. regime’s holier-than-thou pontifications against its targets are laughable, instead of being informative. But the situation, in the present case, is even worse than that if the aggressor-nation — the U.S. — is alleging idealistic reasons for targeting other nations. That claim would then raise the U.S.’s accusation to an even higher level of aggressive hypocrisy.

🔗 READ MORE by Eric Zuesse ⤵️

#Eric_Zuesse #UAE #SaudiArabia #UnitedStates
🇺🇸🇸🇦The so-called strategy of Biden to put the Kingdom in line and to alienate MbS has been a disaster and massively backfired.

Biden needs to now show the Saudis that he was wrong and is sorry as he needs Riyadh more than ever before 🤭

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has always grown accustomed to the game of the seesaw when U.S. presidents take office, as one great friend and supporter is replaced by a ‘frenemy’ who gives Riyadh the cold shoulder. But few could have predicted that this seesaw would swing back within the four-year span of a U.S. presidency, which is what we are witnessing now with the somewhat preposterous stance that Joe Biden is now forced to take with the Saudis.

💬 Martin Jay writes

#Biden #SaudiArabia

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🗽🌍 Biden’s top and only priority is to shore up a failing U.S. policy of aggression toward Russia, China and Iran.

In a desperate attempt to align Middle Eastern states against Russia, China and Iran, President Joe Biden this week demonstrated with a tour de force – more accurately tour de farce – the humongous scale of U.S. hypocrisy and political bankruptcy.

The stench of Washington’s hypocrisy and duplicity was at once stomach-churning while also farcical 👺

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#Biden #diplomacy #MiddleEast #SaudiArabia

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🇨🇳🇸🇦 Xi Jinping’s visit to Saudi Arabia is heralding more tectonic changes in the rules of the Great Game in ways that few have begun to realize.

While many people are quick to criticize China for having looked the other way while the atrocious Saudi-led offensive in Yemen has continued to kill hundreds of thousands of civilians since 2015, these same people miss the fact that a higher geopolitical reality is being born which will have a much greater benefit to both the people of Yemen and humanity more generally if it is not sabotaged.

Just to be clear: Saudi Arabia has a lot of blood on her hands 🩸

However, the monarchy is also not merely the unidimensional player which many often assume whose goal is to simply bask forever in oil profits while spreading wahhabite radicalism across the Arab world while subduing any nation who stands in their way.

💬 Read more by Matt Ehret @CanadianPatriotPress

#China #SaudiArabia

🇺🇸🇸🇦 Much was made of Joe Biden’s recent trip to Saudi Arabia where he met the country’s crown prince and attempted to walk away with a better deal on oil, leading up to America’s midterm elections.

The fist bump photo is still doing the rounds on social media, as is the speculation over who were the winners and losers of the trip.

For Biden, it was a lesson that future presidents should heed ☝️

Biden’s comment about making the country a “pariah” was simply stupid and misplaced, Martin Jay writes.

#Biden #SaudiArabia

💸⛽️ Prohibitively brutal sanctions against Russia have revived the old fears of the old system based on the U.S. dollar.

As a result, the countries such as Saudi Arabia are trying to lessen their heavy dependence on the U.S. currency and certainly the renewed talks on petroyuan indicate that the new alternatives devour U.S. dominance world order all the more so.

Some tend to believe that it is already happening that Saudi Arabia is selling some amount of oil to China in yuan already but neither the Chinese nor the Saudis want to place a particular emphasis on that publicly.

Both sides are overly exposed to petrodollar yet there is no reason for their mutual trade to be carried out using the currency of a third party other than theirs. Particularly because the third party is not a friend of either of them anymore 🤨

One wonders as to how important the Chinese President Xi ‘s visit to Saudi Arabia is and what the birth of petroyuan brings to the world and even more importantly what ‘the jackal on its dying legs’ aka the USA will do about it?

💬 Read more by Natasha Wright

#Dollar #Yuan #China #SaudiArabia #oil

🇸🇦🇸🇾 In November 2022, Saudi Arabia formally changed its stance on Syria. Saudi Arabia is the political powerhouse of the Middle East, and often shares positions on foreign policy and international issues with the UAE, which has previously re-opened their embassy in Damascus.

“The kingdom is keen to maintain Syria’s security and stability and supports all efforts aimed at finding a political solution to the Syrian crisis,” Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan told the November Arab League summit in Algeria.

There is a new Middle East emerging which makes its own policies and is not subservient U.S. interests 🤞

💬 Read more by Steven Sahiounie

#Syria #SaudiArabia #MiddleEast

🇨🇳🇸🇦🇮🇷 After it agreed with Saudi Arabia in December 2022 to purchase its oil in Chinese yuan and not only in dollars any more, and while Russia has also been cooperating with Saudi Arabia with great success as regards the oil business and with Iran, too within the Shanghai Organization for Cooperation (SCO) together with China, China has managed to clinch a historic reconciliation of Iran and Saudi Arabia despite the unrelenting efforts by the USA to wreak havoc and cause continual conflicts among them, all in line with the notorious test and tried model by the Roman Empire — divide and rule; rather than ‘bring peace, unite and cooperate’.

The intrinsic logic of each and every empire of the political West seems to be such. Perhaps the wretched citizens of Yemen and those of Saudi Arabia as well might have a chance to sigh a breath of relief but the USA will surely not. A superb economic and political turn-up for the history book in the Middle East could easily prove to be fatal for their imperial interests in which their dollar will be the first casualty to suffer losses but certainly not the only one.

We are yet to mull and muse as to how China has succeeded in bringing peace to the two countries which the USA has always tried to drive a wedge in between 🐲

💬 Read more by Natasha Wright

#China #SaudiArabia #Iran #MiddleEast

🇸🇾 Syria is on the brink of recovery as Saudi Arabia plans to invite Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to the Arab League summit in Riyadh on May 19.

Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan will travel to Damascus soon to hand Assad a formal invitation to attend the summit, in what will be the most significant development in the Arab rapprochement with Assad.

Riyadh and Damascus are in talks to reopen embassies in both countries, in a culmination of diplomatic meetings, statements and policy shifts demonstrating new and independent positions on Syria.

The people of Aleppo say that they went to bed one night, and they woke up under occupation of armed fighters supported by the U.S. Obama administration, Turkey and Qatar.

In December 2016 the city was liberated from Al Qaeda and their affiliates, and they have been trying to recuperate, but with U.S.-EU sanctions opposing their reconstruction plans, the recovery has been slow going.

The people of Aleppo have hoped that as quickly as their lives were turned upside down by outside forces, the turning point of recovery and prosperity would be just as quick.

Syria stands today on the threshold of a recovery which may hold peace and prosperity in the near future for 21 million inhabitants 🙏

💬 By Steven Sahiounie

#Syria #SaudiArabia #ArabLeague #MiddleEast

🇮🇷🇸🇦🇱🇧 The surprise agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia signed on March 10 may hold the key political reconciliation in Lebanon.

Saudi Arabia has traditionally supported the Lebanese Sunni politicians, such as the late Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and his son PM Saad Hariri. However, Saad Hariri resigned himself from political life.

With Saudi Arabia supporting Sunni politicians and Iran backing the Shiite group Hezbollah, the long-standing rivalry between the two has shaped the political scene in Lebanon.

The newly found reconciliation between Riyadh and Tehran may set the stage in Lebanon for compromise 🤝

💬 Steven Sahiounie writes

#Iran #SaudiArabia #Lebanon

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🕌 The Middle East has long suffered from Western intervention and U.S.-led regime change adventures, such as in Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, and Syria.

The result has been catastrophic and left those countries devastated, most notably in Iraq, which has never recovered from the U.S. invasion and occupation. Syria needs billions, and perhaps decades to recover 🇸🇾

The Arab League is just a meeting place to be used as networking tool bringing those with money to help Syria together, such as the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). Syria’s economy has collapsed and needs cash influx to rebuild infrastructure damaged and ruined from years of fighting against armed terrorists supported by the U.S. and its allies.

The Obama-Biden regime change project in Syria depended on massive participation of Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Emirates. Once the Crown Prince came into a leadership position in the Kingdom, he changed course and withdrew funding of terrorists following Radical Islam, a political ideology.

U.S.-EU sanctions on Syria are an obstacle to helping Syria to rebuild and end the suffering of the people, including bringing home refugees from abroad. The UAE and Saudi Arabia hope to work toward lifting or easing the sanctions in order to help the Syrian people recover.

The Crown Prince is an independent leader and making decisions in the best interest of his country, which is not always aligned with U.S. directives from the Oval Office. He has taken several steps to let Washington know that the Kingdom comes first, writes Steven Sahiounie.

#Syria #MiddleEast #ArabLeague #UAE #Qatar #SaudiArabia

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🇸🇾 Dr. Faisal Mekdad, Syria’s Foreign Minister, is in Saudi Arabia for meetings held on June 11 and 12, which marks his third visit to the Kingdom in the last three months. In April, he made his initial visit and accompanied President Assad to Jeddah to attend the Council of the League of Arab States summit on May 19.

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, known as MbS, promoted the aid and recovery of Syria through his position as host of the Arab League Summit in May. MbS asked for an Arab decision to bring Syria back to the brotherly league of Arab nations, while the U.S. voiced condemnation of the plan.

The U.S. and its allies, who created the war and supported terrorists, refuse to participate in the recovery process for the Syrian people💢

💬 Steven Sahiounie writes

#Syria #SaudiArabia #ArabLeague

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🇸🇦🇦🇪 Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman, gathered Saudi journalists in Riyadh in December to say that the United Arab Emirates had been an ally for decades, but had stabbed Saudi Arabia in the back, and threatened a response.

According to Gulf experts, the disagreement between MBS and Mohammed bin Zayed is because of the competition between the two over geopolitical and economical leadership in the region. The rivalry stems from the question as to who will be in control of the global oil market ⛽️

The Saudi-UAE alliance, once hailed as an unbreakable pillar in the region, is experiencing significant strain due to Yemen’s complexities, economic rivalry, energy diplomacy, the Qatar crisis, and power struggles in the region.

💬 Read more by Steven Sahiounie

#SaudiArabia #UAE #GulfCountries #MiddleEast

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🌸 Spring is the season of flowering, including for the Arab and Islamic people, who are increasingly united in their revolutionary struggle for national liberation.

💬 Eduardo Vasco writes

#ArabSpring #MiddleEast #MENA #Libya #Egypt #Yemen #Qatar #SaudiArabia #Iraq #Lebanon

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🇮🇱🇸🇦 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated in late 2022 that his priority was to sign a normalization agreement with Saudi Arabia. He called it his number one objective for Israel’s national security. Now, he has lost his dream.

Saudi Arabia stood up alongside 51 countries, and testified at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against Israel’s attack on Gaza which has been classified as genocide, and apartheid by human rights experts, South Africa and others. The evidence being presented to the ICJ rule is to prove that the occupation of Palestine is illegal, and must be ended.

The moral authority of the U.S. has been ripped from Washington, DC. by the power of the genocide and war crimes in Gaza, carried out by Israel while using weapons sent to Tel Aviv from the U.S. State Department.

💬 Read more by Steven Sahiounie

#Netanyahu #Gaza #Palestine #SaudiArabia

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