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📣 Two “breaking news” items this week provided a timely opportunity for the United States and its media-intelligence apparatus to regain control of the narrative.

The claims about Russian space-based nuclear weapons unraveled to become a joke 😱 Fortunately, the death of Western-sponsored dissident Alexei Navalny then occurred to enable Western media to go into a frenzy of anti-Russia headlines.

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#Space #NuclearWeapons #Navalny #UnitedStates #PsyOps

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🇷🇺 President Vladimir Putin made an interesting admission in a recent interview with Russian media. He said he “regretted” not acting sooner to order the military operation in Ukraine.

Overall, Putin sounded confident in the interview about the prospects of victory in Ukraine against the U.S.-led NATO proxy war. The conflict marks two years this week since Russian forces entered Ukraine on February 24, 2022.

Independent analysts and even Western media outlets are admitting that the NATO-backed Kiev regime is teetering on defeat by superior Russian military forces. The fall of the strategic city of Avdiyivka in recent days portends a final collapse for the regime.

Russia controls about 20 percent of the territory in the east and south of what was Ukraine. The territory includes the Donbass region and Crimea which are now a legal, integral part of the Russian Federation.

Nonetheless, the Russian leader candidly said in the interview that he should have ordered Russia’s military to confront the Ukrainian regime sooner.

Russia will defeat the U.S.-led NATO axis in its Ukraine proxy war. But the victory has taken longer and has been more bloody than if Putin had acted sooner ⭐️

💬 Read more by Finian Cunningham

#NATO #Russia #Ukraine #UnitedStates #Putin

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🦅 Recently, the U.S. began spreading rumors about alleged Russian space-based nuclear weapons. According to American intelligence, Moscow is developing a powerful anti-satellite weapon to be deployed in space, thus violating international norms that prohibit the militarization of Earth’s orbit.

Rumors about “Russian space-based nukes” look like a smokescreen 🌀

💬 Read more by Lucas Leiroz

#Russia #space #UnitedStates

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🇺🇸🇹🇼 Ever since China’s civil war ended in 1949 with victory for the Communist side, the island of Taiwan off China’s southern coast has been a U.S. pawn as a haven for anti-Communist forces. The United States has sponsored the Taiwanese separatists first under the dictatorship of Chiang Kai-shek and up to the present administration in Taipei. Ironically, Washington portrays Taiwan as “democratic and free”.

Taiwan is a useful pawn in the U.S. strategy of confronting China as a “great power competitor”.

💬 Read more by Finian Cunningham

#Taiwan #China #UnitedStates #geopolitics

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⚠️ The GOP base does not favour giving more cash to Ukraine – will little or no prospect that it can prevail.

💬 Alastair Crooke writes

#Gaza #Israel #UnitedStates #CIA #Ukraine

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