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🗽Today many people remember Iraq, some have a clue about Ukraine. But Serbia, which preceded them, is off the radar screen of most Americans.

The United States approaches the November 2020 election with growing apprehension, even dread.
Among the possibilities:

👉 Protracted uncertainty about the presidential contest. Think Florida 2000 but with several states’ results unresolved for weeks or even months (“Experts held ‘war games’ on the Trump vs. Biden election. Their finding? Brace for a mess”)

👉 A disputed outcome, perhaps with Donald Trump and Joe Biden both claiming victory, compounded by a “blue shift,” where states are claimed by Trump on election night but flip over to Biden as additional absentee and mail-in ballots conveniently turn up days or weeks later

👉 Violent civil conflict, spurred on in the streets by goon squads mobilized and funded by Who’s Who of the corporate and foundation establishment

👉 A color revolution style regime change operation staged by groups like the Soros-linked “Transition Integrity Project” and managed by people like “legal hatchet man” Norm Eisen, perhaps culminating in a military coup to remove Trump and install Biden in the Oval Office (as detailed by former Virginia State Senator and Judge Advocate General officer Richard Black)

For those who have followed events outside the United States during the past few decades, much of this sounds familiar. We’ve seen it before – inflicted on other countries.

#Iraq #Kosovo #Serbia #Ukraine #JoeBiden

🧨🦅 Washington is a criminal regime as its illegal wars and deliberate mass murder demonstrate beyond any doubt.

An important report published this week reveals in extensive detail the shocking scale of war crimes committed by the United States in the Middle East. Thousands of civilian deaths, including children, are documented as a result of aerial bombardments conducted by the U.S. military.

It is crucial to remark that the published survey – while voluminous involving thousands of pages and documents – represents only a fraction of the full scale of mass murder. The research focuses on Syria and Iraq over a three-year period between late 2014 and early 2018. Considering that U.S. forces have been occupying those two countries alone for over a decade and considering American military operations contemporaneously in other nations, one can safely assume that the full scale of murder perpetrated is orders of magnitude greater.

#HumanRights #Iraq #WarCrimes #UnitedStates

🇮🇶🦅 This week, March 20, saw the 20th anniversary of the U.S.-British war launched on Iraq. The war resulted in over one million deaths and a decade of brutal military occupation.

It spawned sectarian civil war, millions of displaced and destitute, and terrorism that engulfed the entire Middle East, as well as large swathes of Africa and Asia. Iraq and several other ancient nations have been destroyed because of the Anglo-American war. And it was a war based on flagrant American and British lies over alleged Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.
The 20th anniversary of the U.S.-British war on Iraq, which was also supported by NATO partners, should be an occasion for proper accounting with Nuremberg-standard war crimes prosecutions of American and British political and military figures. Persons such as George W Bush, the former U.S. President, and Tony Blair, the ex-British premier, should be facing jail time for capital crimes.

The current U.S. President Joe Biden should also be in the dock since his role as a senior Senator at the time was crucial in enabling the war. Also up for indictment are several Western media outlets such as the New York Times and Washington Post which promulgated the lies that made the case for war.
Despicably, the man who shed so much light on the crimes, publisher Julian Assange, is the one who languishes in a prison torture dungeon.
Twenty years on, there is an eerie sense of collective amnesia among Western politicians and media over the colossal war crimes associated with Iraq. It’s almost as if it did not happen. The Western protagonists and their propaganda outlets have gotten away with mass murder

The morally bankrupt Western media lied to start the Iraq War as they did dutifully about starting other wars for their imperial masters. Twenty years after aiding and abetting the crime of the 21st century, the Western media are at it again.

💬 Read more in this week’s Editorial

#Iraq #war #West #MiddleEast

🇮🇶🦅 Remembering the Iraq Invasion

Twenty years ago, the United States supported by some if its allies, launched the invasion of Iraq. It invaded a sovereign country under a false pretext and unleashed almost two decades of armed conflict, which claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.

🔗 Follow this link to find the high-res infographic.

✌️©You are free to repost, reproduce and print this infographic.

#sc_infographic #Iraq #war

📹 This month marks the 13th anniversary since the publication of the now globally renowned video known as “Collateral Murder”. The short video clip of approximately 39 minutes in duration shows the cold-blooded murder of 18 Iraqi civilians by American troops flying Apache helicopter gunships over Baghdad.
The killings occurred on the morning of July 12, 2007, during the American military occupation of Iraq following the U.S.-British illegal war that was launched against the Arab country in 2003 (the 20th anniversary of the war was marked last month). The U.S.-British war on Iraq, which was built on a pile of flagrant lies about alleged weapons of mass destruction, resulted in over one million deaths and a cascade of horrendous repercussions for the entire Middle East, and indeed beyond.

The United States and British establishments have never forgiven Julian Assange for his truth-telling and the fatal damage he inflicted on their pretensions. Assange exposed the fraudsters and criminals in high office all of whom are shamefully still at large today; people like former President George W Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair. While it is disconcerting that no prosecutions for war crimes have been levied so far, at least one consolation brought by Wikileaks’ publications is the grievous undermining that it inflicted on the supposed moral authority that the Americans and British had often abused to justify their wars of aggression.

If Daniel Ellsberg was permitted to have his freedom then all the more so should Julian Assange. Many well-wishers pray that Assange does not become another collateral murder by foul judicial means 13 years on. He should be freed immediately 🕊

Both men exposed the lies behind America’s imperial wars in Vietnam and Iraq. The world owes them an inestimable debt of gratitude for the truth. Because only through knowing the truth can we possibly change the world for the better.

💬 Read more in this week’s Editorial

#FreeAssange #WikiLeaks #Iraq #Vietnam #truth

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🌸 Spring is the season of flowering, including for the Arab and Islamic people, who are increasingly united in their revolutionary struggle for national liberation.

💬 Eduardo Vasco writes

#ArabSpring #MiddleEast #MENA #Libya #Egypt #Yemen #Qatar #SaudiArabia #Iraq #Lebanon

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🇮🇶🇹🇷🇸🇾 Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani said on May 31, his government was working on reconciliation between Ankara and Damascus.

“God willing, we will see some steps in this regard soon,” Sudani told a Turkish broadcast media, adding that he was in contact with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad as well as Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in regards to reconciliation efforts.

💬 Steven Sahiounie writes

#Iraq #Turkey #Syria #MiddleEast

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