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🗽🤑 Neo-feudalism is what we are being offered in place of the “American dream”. This is why we are seeing growing efforts of workers to organize unions.

The following interview is a follow-up to an earlier one conducted this month with American writer and veteran labor rights activist Bruce Gagnon.

He explains the current U.S.-led NATO conflict against Russia in a historical context. U.S.-dominated Western capitalism is addicted to war as a modus operandi going back to its original genocidal conquest and foundations in slavery through its colonial wars and other wars of aggression over the past century and more. The current conflict playing out in Ukraine is but a continuum of class war against the workers of the United States and other Western states.

American workers, however, are fighting back in the form of a resurgence in unionizing and strike actions. The crisis in capitalism is driving the U.S. ruling class and its European NATO associates to war against Russia, and ultimately a Third World War. The struggle for real democracy in the U.S. (and Europe) is part of the same challenge to defeat American-led Western imperialism. What’s at stake is the very future of the planet.

👤 Bruce Gagnon coordinates the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space. He began his political career in 1978 organizing Florida fruit pickers for the United Farm Workers Union (UFW). While working for the UFW, he served on the union team negotiating contracts between the Coca-Cola Corporation (Minute Maid orange juice) and the UFW. He writes a daily blog called Organizing Notes.

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#Capitalism #Crisis #Economy

⚖️🌐 A better world is incompatible, indeed is impossible under the reign of U.S.-led capitalist dysfunction and destruction.

That the world is on the rack of tumultuous times is widely agreed. The immediate turmoil comes from the global economic impact of soaring inflation in the price of basic consumer goods. Of priority concern is food insecurity and hunger for billions of people on our planet, and not just for those nations considered low-income and underdeveloped. Poverty has hit record levels in so-called “rich nations” where many citizens are finding it harder to put food on the table for their families.

All this is an expression and condemnation of historic failure in the Western economic system. The system of private profit over human need is increasingly seen to be totally inadequate and obsolete. Moreover, it is increasingly seen to be deliberately subjecting people to poverty and crisis which makes it all the more condemnable. Corporate capitalism has created dire problems facing the planet and is exacerbating these problems, not alleviating them. The system itself must be repudiated for something more democratic, sustainable, and effective in delivering human needs.

But on top of the inherent economic failings of the Western system, we should add the abject failure of ideologically driven politics.

The present growing economic crisis has been intensified by specific policy choices made by corporate-controlled governments and their unelected grossly overpaid bureaucrats.

Laughably, the Western mis-rulers have sought to shift the blame onto Russia.

💬 Read more in our latest Editorial

#Capitalism #Energy #Propaganda #Sanctions

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⚔️ The possibilities of non-confrontation arrangements among nations lie more on diplomatic engineering of checks and balances that are able to tie up and suppress the violent behaviors of the countries than on the real possibility of eliminating religion, geopolitics, and capitalism.

Recent events concerning some speeches of international authorities might help to understand heavier social dynamics regarding the reasons for the war in Ukraine.

💬 Writes Mauricio Metri

#security #capitalism #Ukraine #NATO

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🕹🌐 “If you would know who controls you,” Tacitus, the Roman historian and politician once advised, “see who you may not criticize.”

For a long time that unspeakable persona was none other than the billionaire financier George Soros, and despite the fact that his political protégés have gone on to radically alter the political landscape of the country.

Now, as cracks are beginning to appear in the foundation of his vast franchise, dissenting voices are becoming more commonplace.

💬 Read more by Robert Bridge

#Soros #capitalism #Democrats

😱 The horrendous death toll in the U.S. and Europe has been caused not so much by a virus but by an underlying disease of capitalist psychopathy.

The death toll from the Covid-19 pandemic in the United States is now well over 1.1 million. New mass infections and the proliferation of immune-resistant virus variants indicate the death toll will continue to rise as the third winter of the pandemic hits.

Europe faces a similarly bleak outlook of mounting sickness and deaths from the novel coronavirus known as SARS-Cov-2, which has undergone numerous mutations since the world pandemic was declared in early 2020. This is while Western governments pretend that the pandemic is over and adopt a policy of their populations “living with Covid”.

Let’s put these figures in perspective. The worldwide total deaths from the disease are estimated at 6.6 million, according to the authoritative Johns Hopkins University. The U.S. death toll of 1.1 million (and counting) represents over 16 percent of the world’s total even though its national population is only about 4.2 percent of the globe.

China’s deaths from Covid-19 are around 5,200, according to the same database. That is an astounding three orders of magnitude smaller. Even though China has a population nearly four times that of the United States, its mortality figure is less than 0.5 percent of the U.S.

China’s population of 1.4 billion people is about 18.5 percent of the globe. That means its death toll from Covid-19 is approximately 0.00006 percent of the global deaths from the disease. Again, the U.S. Covid death toll is nearly 16 percent of the world.

Surely, any rational-thinking person would want to explore the reasons for such a vast disparity. But not, it seems, in the West where the corporate media’s function is to stifle critical thinking.

The stark and shocking contrast in these U.S. and China figures is down to the difference between capitalism and socialism 🏟

💬 Read more by Finian Cunningham

#Capitalism #China #Pandemic #UnitedStates

🗽Daniel Lazare is a journalist, author and commentator who specializes in critically analyzing the politics and Constitution of the United States. He has authored several books, including The Velvet Revolution and the Decline of American Democracy.

Daniel Lazare in this interview with Finian Cunningham says that the United States of America is locked in a fateful political and economic crisis that will produce either of two outcomes. Either the country is heading towards more authoritarian rule or there will be a second American revolution.

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#Capitalism #Fascism #Pandemic #Socialism #UnitedStates

🤑 Pay Gap Between U.S. CEOs and Typical Workers

CEO pay, including stock awards and options, is up 1,460% since 1978, an Economic Policy analysis found. This increase was not matched by increased pay for typical workers, as the chart below shows.

🔗 Follow this link to find the full high-res infographic.

✌️©You are free to repost, reproduce and print this infographic.

#sc_infographic #capitalism #money #economy #crisis

🍏 Apple has its latest iPhones 12 and 13, and since this year also iPhone 14, finally assembled in the South Indian special economic zone Chennai in the state of Tamil Nadu.

Numerous Indian electronics companies are established here, supplying Western car companies such as BMW and Ford, and digital companies such as Nokia, Dell, Hewlett Packard, Microsoft and Apple.

In the U.S., the Western world’s best-looking, best smartphone from the “world’s largest democracy” costs from $1,500 — up to $2,099 depending on the model.

For this Apple has contracted Taiwan’s Foxconn.

🏭 Foxconn is the world’s largest organizer of barracked lowest-wage labor, especially in microelectronics. Foxconn uses subcontractors to recruit young women from poor rural areas. They can be fobbed off with particularly low wages, working eight hours, six days a week, spread over three shifts. They do not have a regular employment relationship, but a contract for work that can be terminated at any time.

Is the assembly of Apple iPhones in India “good corporate governance“? 🍎

💬 Werner Rugemer writes

#India #AppleInc #Foxconn #capitalism #imperialism

🪙 Western capitalism and its supposed democracy are in terminal crisis as increasing numbers of people reject the system’s abysmal economic failure: record levels of poverty, inequality and relentless militarism and warmongering.

Professor Jodi Dean, the author of The Communist Horizon (Verso), says we are living in a rare historic situation of social, economic and political turmoil where breakthrough revolutionary change can happen.

People are increasingly realizing that “Western-style democracy” and its much-vaunted “values” are a grotesque illusion. In reality, what we have is a “dictatorship of billionaires” that is brutally oppressive and destructive

Increasingly, people and workers are taking to the streets in protests and in industrial strikes, from Europe to the United States, because they have “had it” with capitalist exploitation and militarism. This is a formidable sign of positive change, says Dean in this wide-ranging interview on the prospects of a socialist alternative.

She points out that the massive bailouts of banks and private corporations by the state, both in the U.S. and Europe, clearly demonstrate to people that socialist control of the economy is actually viable and doable, only instead of “socialism for the rich” we should implement socialism for workers, the vast majority of society.

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#West #imperialism #capitalism

🦅 Western liberal democracy and its ubiquitous “austerity economics” is a euphemism for fascism. And the charade is finally coming to an end.

Austerity is not some recent policy under neoliberal capitalism. It was born out of the historic crisis in the Western system following the First World War and during the 1930s when fascism became a way to curtail any democratic challenge to the prevailing capitalist system.

That political instrument of repression is wielded today across all Western states. Quite amazingly, for a long time, few people recognized their captive, repressive state as fascism. We generally lived under the illusion that we were free citizens in “liberal democracies”.

In this interview, Clara E Mattei explains how the technocratic-sounding “austerity” is used to hide the brutal reality of dictatorship and repression against the vast majority of citizen workers in Western states.

👤Clara Mattei is an Assistant Professor in the Economics Department of The New School for Social Research, New York. She is the author of The Capital Order: How Economists Invented Austerity and Paved the Way to Fascism.

Her book investigates the origins of austerity as an economic policy after the crisis of World War One. Crucially, she argues that austerity is not merely about governments balancing financial budgets. Professor Mattei contends that austerity policy implemented by all Western governments is a political instrument of mass repression to prevent any challenge to the prevailing capitalist order.

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#sc_interview #West #capitalism #liberalism

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🦅 It is slowly and reluctantly dawning on Western officials and their servile media that the Ukraine counteroffensive is failing. Not only the two-month-old counteroffensive but indeed the entire conflict. Ukraine hasn’t a chance of prevailing against Russia’s superior forces.
Still, the violence and killing go on. No diplomacy, peace, or sanity. Why?

Only a couple of months ago, the Western media were full of bravado claims that the United States’ and NATO’s weapons and training would turn the tide for a “stunning victory” against Russia. Today, those same media are meekly reporting on a “grinding counteroffensive” (Washington Post, New York Times, CNN) and “failed expectations” (London Times).

How to explain the glaring conundrum? The United States and its European NATO allies have supplied the Kiev regime with up to $100 billion worth of weaponry over the past year, ranging from battlefield tanks to Patriot missiles. And the military gifts keep coming, with the Biden administration requesting another $12 billion for Ukraine last week. In the coming months, the U.S. and its allies are planning to supply F-16 fighter jets.

And yet all this mind-boggling largesse won’t make a difference to the outcome of an eventual Russian victory. Tens of thousands more Ukrainian soldiers will be killed of course and a wider all-out nuclear war with Russia is a reprehensible risk. But why does the insanity continue? Why are Western politicians and media not exploring diplomatic alternatives to the endless slaughter?

This war in Ukraine is the ghoulish epitome of Western capitalism

💬 Finian Cunningham writes

#capitalism #military #Ukraine #war #West

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⛓️ Once again, a courageous soul who challenged the establishment has been virtually silenced – tarred, feathered and portrayed as guilty of sexual assault before any trial has begun.

Is this another example of a media-coordinated hit job against an inconvenient voice? 📢

💬 Robert Bridge writes

#capitalism #crisis #MassMedia #RussellBrand

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