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🇮🇳🇵🇰 One thing that was not endemic among the rulers of the princely states was religious extremism. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of the current prime minister of India and the radical Islamist political leaders of Pakistan.

READ MORE by Wayne Madsen

#India #Pakistan
🇦🇫🇮🇳🇵🇰🇺🇸 Biden and his hawks should pause to think where they’re trying to take the world, and consider an approach that could lead to compromise.

India and Pakistan share a long border and do not get along well, to put it mildly. The main cause of disagreement is the divided territory of Kashmir which as long ago as 1948 necessitated UN Security Council attention, resulting in a Resolution determining, among other things, that there should be a “free and impartial plebiscite to decide whether the State of Jammu and Kashmir is to accede to India or Pakistan.” This has not happened and the seemingly insoluble dispute could well lead to a fourth war between the countries, both of which are nuclear-armed.

It might be thought that in such circumstances the world’s “best-educated, best-prepared” nation that President Biden also declares has “unmatched strength” would apply at least some of its education, preparation and power to encouraging India and Pakistan to engage in meaningful negotiations and move towards rapprochement.

Not a hope.

#Afghanistan #India #Pakistan #UnitedStates

🇺🇸🇦🇺🇮🇳🇯🇵 QUAD provides an umbrella to huddle together behind closed doors and give vent to their grouse against China in hushed tone — a safety valve for pent-up frustrations.

The scheduling of the QUAD ministerial meeting in Canberra on February 9 right in the middle of the Ukraine crisis and cascading U.S.-Russia tensions served to highlight that China remains Washington’s top foreign policy priority.

Possibly, Washington also gave a nuanced message that it has the capability to simultaneously tackle China and Russia. Washington probably hoped that such messaging would resonate in the Asia-Pacific region, which largely refuses to take sides between the U.S. and China.

Read more by Melkulangara Bhadrakumar:

#Quad #Australia #India #Japan #UnitedStates #China

🥳 The trend toward multipolarity in the world order made a quantum leap in the past one hundred days.

Curiously, the Western strategy to isolate Russia is prompting Moscow to reboot its ties with India and Iran, which are credited with independent foreign policies.

💬 By Melkulangara Bhadrakumar

#India #Iran #multipolatrity

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🇮🇳🇵🇰🇨🇳 Is India doing Washington’s bidding by disrupting China’s strategic interests in Pakistan?

A recent surge in deadly terrorist attacks on China’s strategic partnership projects in Pakistan has raised concerns that a foreign sponsor may be orchestrating the violence.

💬 Read more by Finian Cunningham

#India #China #Pakistan

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🍏 Apple has its latest iPhones 12 and 13, and since this year also iPhone 14, finally assembled in the South Indian special economic zone Chennai in the state of Tamil Nadu.

Numerous Indian electronics companies are established here, supplying Western car companies such as BMW and Ford, and digital companies such as Nokia, Dell, Hewlett Packard, Microsoft and Apple.

In the U.S., the Western world’s best-looking, best smartphone from the “world’s largest democracy” costs from $1,500 — up to $2,099 depending on the model.

For this Apple has contracted Taiwan’s Foxconn.

🏭 Foxconn is the world’s largest organizer of barracked lowest-wage labor, especially in microelectronics. Foxconn uses subcontractors to recruit young women from poor rural areas. They can be fobbed off with particularly low wages, working eight hours, six days a week, spread over three shifts. They do not have a regular employment relationship, but a contract for work that can be terminated at any time.

Is the assembly of Apple iPhones in India “good corporate governance“? 🍎

💬 Werner Rugemer writes

#India #AppleInc #Foxconn #capitalism #imperialism

⚔️ Top 20 Military Powers in 2023

The 2023 Military Strength Ranking by shows that the United States, Russia, and China have remained the world’s top military powers with China continuing its climb to the No.2 spot.

🔗 Follow this link to find the high-res infographic.

✌️©You are free to repost, reproduce and print this infographic.

#sc_infographic #China #India #UK #UnitedStates

⚠️ There is far more to the current multi-modal geopolitical war than just what’s happening in Ukraine.

This conflict has led to a myriad of downstream effects and moves which are just as important as what the encirclement of Bakhmut means.

For years the wildcard in the BRICS Alliance has been India 🇮🇳

💬 Read more by Tom Luongo

#India #Brazil #BRICS #geopolitics

🇧🇷🇷🇺🇮🇳🇨🇳🇿🇦 A multi-faceted Hybrid War has been designed to undermine BRICS+ from the inside.

The Empire will go no holds barred to not lose key pivots to Latin American and African hegemony.

As a whole, the RICs – and perhaps soon RIICs - should concentrate their attention on Africa. That doesn’t mean that a host of African nations should be allowed to join BRICS+ literally tomorrow; the question is to be able to help them in several crucial fields as the process of breaking from imperial/neocolonial control is now irreversible.

The Empire never sleeps – at least those who really run the show: Crash Test Dummies impersonating Presidents is another matter. With Taiwan false flag dreams fast waning, all bets are off that the Empire might set up its next big war psyop in Africa 🌍

💬 Read more by Pepe Escobar @rocknrollgeopolitics

#BRICS #SouthAfrica #BRICSsummit #Africa #China #India #Iran #GlobalSouth

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🇺🇸🇮🇳 The United States and its Western allies appear to be mounting a hostile media campaign against the Indian government of Narendra Modi.

Sensational media accusations of India running an assassination program against expatriate dissidents and spying operations in Western countries have gathered pace recently, leading to acrimonious relations.

Parsing the Western allegations, it is plausible that Washington and its Five Eyes partners are amping up false-flag provocations to coerce New Delhi into adopting pro-Western policies toward Russia and China.

The streamlined Western media campaign to compromise the Indian government is suspiciously orchestrated.

💬 Read more by Finian Cunningham

#India #NarendraModi #UnitedStates

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🇮🇳 Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi could be forgiven for thinking the United States has a schizoid view of his government and the world’s most populous country.

Modi’s narrow re-election this month was greeted in the U.S. media with petulant satisfaction that Indian voters had “woken up”, as an oped piece in the New York Times put it.

The Washington Post’s editorial board rebuked Modi with the headline: “In India, the voters have spoken. They do not want autocracy.”

That is quite a withering rap sheet for a political leader who not so long ago was given the VIP treatment in Washington.

The American media’s contempt for the 73-year-old Indian leader is a dramatic turnaround from how he was lionized by the same media only a year ago.

Back in June 2023, Modi was feted by U.S. President Joe Biden with a privileged state dinner in the White House. The Indian premier was invited to address the Congress and the media were rhapsodic in their praise for his leadership.

Back then, the Washington Post’s editors recommended “toasting” Modi’s India, which Biden duly did at the White House reception. Raising a glass, Biden said: “We believe in the dignity of every citizen, and it is in America’s DNA, and I believe in India’s DNA that the whole world – the whole world has a stake in our success, both of us, and maintaining our democracies.” With trademark stumbling words, Biden added: “[This] makes us appealing partners and enables us to expand democratic institutions across, around the world.”

Modi may well wonder what happened over the past year. The Indian leader has gone from receiving the red carpet treatment to having the rug pulled from under his feet.

The difference is explained by the changing geopolitical calculation for Washington, which is not to its liking.

💬 Read more by Finian Cunningham

#India #NarendraModi

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