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⚔️ Top 20 Military Powers in 2023

The 2023 Military Strength Ranking by shows that the United States, Russia, and China have remained the world’s top military powers with China continuing its climb to the No.2 spot.

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#sc_infographic #China #India #UK #UnitedStates

🚨 The goal of the Anglo-Saxon plutocratic elites today is for the Americans to militarily control all of Europe and to continue their aggressive expansion towards Siberia, to bring the Russians to their knees and make them beg for mercy, and to keep down not only the Germans but also the French and all other European nations — all of this, of course, at the expense of the Europeans themselves, who are expected not only to pay the hefty costs of their own occupation but also to finance the insane Anglo-Saxon proxy war against Russia, which is being waged through the previously occupied Ukraine.

As we all know, after the 2014 coup, directed by the CIA and MI6, Ukraine was deprived of real democracy, freedom, and its authentic national identity, while Ukrainians were pushed into a war against the inexhaustible military, human, and economic potential of the Russian Federation. The hapless Ukrainians are expected to fight to the last in order to revive America’s recessionary economy by more forcefully spinning the flywheel of its infamous military-industrial complex. This, by the way, is one of two favorite tricks that Americans learned during World War II, when they saved themselves from the Great Depression by starting a massive military industry. America’s second favorite trick is, of course, just participating in war and wantonly plundering other people’s resources 🌪

Although the American calculation in all this is clear to everyone, the interests of Ukraine and Europe are certainly quite different. Does Europe really want the fate of Ukraine to befall it, that is, to enter into an endless military conflict now not only with Russia but also with the power of Eurasia that rises protectively behind it? Do the Europeans really want to die in America’s dirty war to the last while the Anglo-Saxons watch it all from a safe distance and count the money earned? What mysterious force keeps the Europeans in a subordinate position in relation to the U.S. and makes them work against their interests?

💬 By Davor Slobodanovich Vuyachich

#West #US #UK #war

🇬🇧🇺🇸 The much-vaunted Anglo-American “special relationship” is gaining a new dubious meaning as Britain emerges as an adept agent provocateur for inciting a wider NATO war against Russia.

Warmongering British lawmakers are this week demanding a more robust NATO response over an alleged “act of war” by Russia involving a Royal Air Force spy plane and a Russian fighter jet.

For the most part of the past century, the failed British empire was assigned the junior role as the butler to service the needs of the American empire. This special relationship involved London giving political and diplomatic cover for its American boss, as well as military services when required for one dirty war or another.

It is axiomatic that a dying empire is a dangerous beast, liable to lash out to salvage its waning power. The American empire has reached its death throes moment. But perhaps more dangerous than a dying imperial power is a dying imperial side-kick flunky.

Today, Britain is a broken-down impoverished de-industrialized wasteland whose shocking numbers of poor are like an army of living dead. It has long ago lost former colonies to parasite off. But there is one former colony – the United States – that might just be stupid enough to allow Perfidious Albion to manipulate a catastrophic war.

The tensions over the NATO proxy war in Ukraine with Russia are a powder-keg situation. And the British dirty-tricks brigade are the past masters that merit being closely watched 🤯

💬 Read more by Finian Cunningham

#UK #UnitedStates #ProxyWar

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🇬🇧 One almost feels sympathy for the good-for-nothing Charles, who seems determined on the Crown’s behalf to commit institutional suicide even before he formally ascends to the throne and his brief reign commences.

After an interminably long and frustrating wait comparable to that of his predecessor Edward VII, errors of judgement borne of impatience should perhaps be treated leniently.

However, Charles’ looney coronation plans demonstrate that after the decades he has had to prepare for his tasks and maturely think them through, he has in fact forgotten everything that his mother’s courtiers must have taught him, or, even worse, that he learned nothing from them. If this assessment is correct, he and his dynasty are destined for oblivion like the Bourbons, whose colossal obtuseness he is foolishly replicating.

Indisputably, Britain today does not resemble, even remotely, the country that over seventy years ago crowned as its Sovereign Charles’ mother, the late Queen, Martin Jay writes.

#UK #Charles #monarchy

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👑 Let us, who walk on two legs and not four, salute those unsung legions who fell to make this knock-off Caesar appear to be great.

💬 Read more by Declan Hayes

#UK #KingCharles

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🦅 How much longer has Zelensky got with his so-called special relationship with western elites and NATO?

It is a popular notion among geopolitical experts that the relationship is beginning to sour as in recent weeks there have been a number of indicators which hint that the marriage of convenience may well be on the rocks.

💬 Read more by Martin Jay

#Zelensky #Ukraine #UK #West

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🇬🇧 Britain’s top military minister Ben Wallace was in Kiev this week on a surprise visit – only days after the stunning news of Russian forces finally taking the city of Artyomovsk (Bakhmut).

This year marks the 80th anniversary of the same city being liberated by the Soviet Red Army from the Nazi Wehrmacht and their Ukrainian fascist collaborators.

The shockwaves from the defeat of the NATO-backed Kiev regime are shaking Western capitals, and none more so than in Washington and London, the two most prominent protagonists of the proxy war against Russia in Ukraine.

Ben Wallace, like his American counterpart, Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin, is up to his neck in pushing this dangerous proxy war.

The fall of Artyomovsk comes after nearly nine months of intense and grueling fighting, which is reckoned, conservatively, to have cost up to 30,000 Ukrainian military deaths. The defeat of NATO’s well-armed proxy army demolishes the relentless propaganda narrative in the Western media claiming Ukraine’s eventual success against Russia.

Wallace has been one of the most gung-ho Western politicians, predicting at the end of last year Ukraine’s victory against Russia.

Now, it’s a debacle akin to NATO’s defeat fiasco in Afghanistan. Questions will be asked: what of all the tens of billions worth of weapons that the West has plowed into Ukraine?
The blowback is going to be torrid for Western posturing about “defending Ukraine for as long as it takes”.

When the NATO-backed Nazi regime in Kiev is finally defeated, people like Ben Wallace will be answerable to war crimes prosecutions 💢

💬 Finian Cunningham writes

#war #UK #BenWallace

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🇬🇧 Much has been talked about in recent weeks about the war in Ukraine being taken to the next level. For NATO and western elites, this is a natural progression based on misguided policies and ideas which have been carried out for over a year and have not achieved the goal.

There’s a lot of fake news about it. In fact, at times, it seems that the only news about Ukraine is fake news.

Surely the biggest lie, delivered as fake news, is with this notion that NATO is all about ‘de-escalating’ the war. What utter codswallop. Is there anyone, even people who work for NATO who actually believe this garbage?

What to make of UK’s foreign minister’s comments recently when he indicated that Ukraine had every right to attack Russia, on its own turf?

Answering questions from the media while in Estonia, Mr Cleverly was asked about the recent drone attack on Moscow and whether Ukraine had the right to attack Russian territory.

He said: “I don’t have details, and I am not going to speculate about the nature of the drone attacks in Moscow. So what I’m about to say are more general points, rather than on that specific incident.

What’s behind the UK foreign minister’s comments and what can we expect from NATO in the longer term? Escalation. Escalation. Escalation 🚨

💬 Read more by Martin Jay

#NATO #UK #war

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🇬🇧🇺🇸 British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak went to Washington last week cap-in-hand hawking a nefarious deal. Post-Brexit Britain is seeking a much-coveted bilateral trade pact with the United States, and to avail of Uncle Sam’s favor the British are offering to step up its role as provocateur-in-chief in the proxy war against Russia.

U.S. President Joe Biden and Sunak hailed the usual platitudes about their nations’ “special relationship” during the British premier’s two-day trip to Washington. Sunak added a new unctuous epithet, referring to the U.S. and Britain as the world’s “indispensable alliance”.

Topping their agenda in the White House summit was the conflict in Ukraine, Russia, China and trade issues.

Biden and Sunak unveiled an “Atlantic Declaration” promising closer cooperation on economics, security, military and artificial intelligence between the United States and Britain.

But crucially missing from the U.S. side was any concrete commitment to a new bilateral trade deal. When Britain left the European Union in 2020, the historic departure from that trade bloc was calculatedly made with the aspiration of securing an alternative special trading arrangement with the United States.

Reality check: warmongering Britain and the U.S. are leading the world to the abyss 🌑

💬 Finian Cunningham writes

#UK #UnitedStates #War

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🐲🦅 Although the United States and its various satrapies might well prevail over the shorter term in its looming war with China, over the longer term, the Yankee warlords can have no future in Asia. The best that America can do is to somehow trick China into acting preemptively and to thereby score an important tactical victory that will delay the inevitable final day of reckoning for Asia’s Pax Americana.

Though China, together with Russia, has a unique opportunity to lay the groundwork for a better world 🌞, that world cannot come to pass without Southern Asia and Southeast Asia being full partners in it.

💬 Declan Hayes writes

#China #EU #NATO #Taiwan #UK

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🚸 Britain’s schools are not just out for summer. Autumn too, apparently. Hundreds of schools across England are being forced to close because they are in danger of falling down on the heads of children. That issue alone says a lot about the decrepit condition of Britain today.

Added to this embarrassing blow to British prestige is the reported destruction of its Challenger 2 main battlefield tank deployed with great fanfare in Ukraine earlier this year.

The supposedly invincible tank was first stopped in its tracks by a Russian mine, and then the turret was promptly blown off by an incoming Russian Kornet missile. It is thought to be first time, the Challenger 2 has been so visibly destroyed. Even the BBC’s reporting couldn’t cover up the shock from such a blow to presumed British military prowess.

In previous deployments during Britain’s criminal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Challengers were up against militarily weaker opponents. They earned an overblown reputation as robust fighting machines. Now up against withering Russian firepower, the British equipment is under more testing conditions – and not faring so well.

Thus, it was a bad week alright for Britain. Schools crumbling from cheap concrete structures and then the formidable Challenger tank being pummeled like a cardboard box under Russian attack.

The obscene misallocation of public funds by an unelected prime minister says everything about decrepit Britain 🗿

💬 Read more by Finian Cunningham

#education #RishiSunak #Ukraine #UK #WarCrimes

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