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🎙 In an interview with Finian Cunningham, professor Colin Cavell warns that the United States is on a dangerous cusp of emerging outright fascism – if a genuinely progressive democratic movement is not mobilized.

The United States is facing a historical crisis from its own internal political authority crumbling, according to American political science professor Colin Cavell. In the following interview, Cavell takes the long historical view of how the two-party system has been used traditionally as a reactionary device to conceal and shore up the oligarchic power of U.S. capitalism. The essence of the system is dividing the mass of ordinary working Americans into petty rival camps of two parties distracted by reactionary political issues. That mechanism, he contends, has now reached the end of its effectiveness. The system is moribund from deep-seated, corrosive social problems of inequality and a lack of political direction, which neither Democrat nor Republican Party can fix. That, in turn, is creating a crisis of governance for the ruling class of American capital. Cavell warns that the United States is on a dangerous cusp of emerging outright fascism – if a genuinely progressive democratic movement is not mobilized.

👤 Colin S. Cavell is a tenured Full Professor of Political Science at Bluefield State College, West Virginia. He earned his Doctorate of Philosophy degree in Political Science from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst in 2001. He has previously taught at several academic institutions across the U.S. and internationally.

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📛 The war in Ukraine is not just about Ukraine and Russia with the U.S. and NATO acting as seemingly benevolent supporters of Ukraine, as the Western media portray.

The United States and its NATO allies are deeply involved in the conflict. The military withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 – after 20 years of futile occupation – was a calculated “reorganization of firepower” against Russia, says Pepe Escobar @rocknrollgeopolitics in his interview for SCF.

Ukraine is merely a proxy and ultimately cannon fodder for American imperial planners.

This war is part of a bigger geopolitical confrontation between the U.S. and Russia, China and other nations that are pushing for the emergence of a multipolar world.

That is a multipolar world no longer under the hegemony of U.S.-dominated Western capitalism 🎡

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📣 Former Marine Corps intelligence officer @ScottRitter answers his critics who accuse him of being a “Russian stooge” and an “anti-American traitor” owing to his trenchant criticism of U.S. involvement in the Ukraine war with Russia.

Ritter says, “they can go to hell!” He adds, “my job is to tell the truth based on fact-based analysis”.

Scott Ritter has gained international respect for his independent analysis of the war in Ukraine and the deceptive involvement of the U.S. and NATO.

“I do not serve the U.S. government, I serve the people and the Constitution,” says Ritter.
Ritter explains what guides his military and geopolitical views – “fact-based analysis”.

In his interview for SCF he says this truth-telling has always got him in trouble with the Pentagon, the CIA and the U.S. government 🗽

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🦅 Western liberal democracy and its ubiquitous “austerity economics” is a euphemism for fascism. And the charade is finally coming to an end.

Austerity is not some recent policy under neoliberal capitalism. It was born out of the historic crisis in the Western system following the First World War and during the 1930s when fascism became a way to curtail any democratic challenge to the prevailing capitalist system.

That political instrument of repression is wielded today across all Western states. Quite amazingly, for a long time, few people recognized their captive, repressive state as fascism. We generally lived under the illusion that we were free citizens in “liberal democracies”.

In this interview, Clara E Mattei explains how the technocratic-sounding “austerity” is used to hide the brutal reality of dictatorship and repression against the vast majority of citizen workers in Western states.

👤Clara Mattei is an Assistant Professor in the Economics Department of The New School for Social Research, New York. She is the author of The Capital Order: How Economists Invented Austerity and Paved the Way to Fascism.

Her book investigates the origins of austerity as an economic policy after the crisis of World War One. Crucially, she argues that austerity is not merely about governments balancing financial budgets. Professor Mattei contends that austerity policy implemented by all Western governments is a political instrument of mass repression to prevent any challenge to the prevailing capitalist order.

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#sc_interview #West #capitalism #liberalism

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🎬 Ron Ridenour, an international journalist who has reported extensively on CIA murder operations, believes the United States is stepping up efforts to assassinate Russian President Vladimir Putin 😱

The proposition may seem absolutely ludicrous given the risk of triggering a nuclear world war. But bear in mind the long history of U.S. obsessive aggression towards Russia and the former Soviet Union. Bear in mind the CIA’s long history of murdering foreign enemies. And bear in mind the reckless, desperate gambit that the U.S. may be calculating to trigger internal turmoil in Russia and regime change.

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#sc_interview #CIA #Putin

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🎬 Author and writer John Rachel warns in this interview that the United States needs to undergo regime change if the country is to have any chance of restoring its democracy.

Not only for restoring democracy and a decent society for the majority of its people but also for adhering to peaceful diplomatic relations and avoiding a nuclear world war with Russia and China

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#sc_interview #UnitedStates #Russia #China

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