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✴️ Creatine and beta-alanine – One formidable combination

💪 If you have any interest in bodybuilding or even training in general, you’ve probably heard of creatine supplementation. Being one of the most studied supplements out in the market, there are hundreds of studies and articles proving its effectiveness and safety.

Basically, the way creatine works is by increasing your phosphocreatine stores, making it easier for the body to resynthesize adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the immediate energy compound utilized to drive several processes in living cells, including muscle contraction and nerve impulse propagation, both essential for any physical activity.

#Bodybuilding #Endurance #Energy #Supplementation

🟠 Shock techniques

Almost everyone will reach a point in their training program where it seems they are working their butt off but getting nowhere. This is described as a “plateau”. When you plateau, something needs to change. First, you should evaluate your program. Ask yourself: How long have I been consistent? How often do I change up my workout routine? What is my diet like? And HOW MUCH SLEEP AM I GETTING?

#endurance #sportsperformance #training

🧔🏻‍♂️ Tips for men to maintain healthy Estrogen levels

Estrogen is a hormone that is present in both men and women, but it is typically found in higher levels in women. Elevated levels of estrogen in men can lead to a number of health issues, including weight gain, decreased muscle mass, decreased libido, and an increase risk of prostate and testicular cancer.

To keep estrogen in check, men should focus on maintaining a healthy diet and regular exercise routine. Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, while also limiting processed foods and added sugars, can help to reduce estrogen levels. These foods contain phytoestrogens, which are natural compounds that can block estrogen receptors. Additionally, incorporating healthy fats such as omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, nuts, and seeds, can also help to reduce estrogen levels.

#diet #endurance #energy

☝🏻Tips For Low Libido

Well, let me tell you, even the most alpha of males can hit a dry spell every now and then. But don’t worry, we’ve got some tips and tricks to help you get that fire burning again.

First things first, let’s talk about what could be causing your low libido. Hormonal imbalances, stress, and poor nutrition can all play a role.

#Diet #Endurance #Energy #Testosterone #WeightLoss

☝🏻Beyond “No pain, No gain!”: Understanding pain in bodybuilding

Welcome to the world of bodybuilding, where the motto “no pain, no gain” has been around for decades. We’ve all heard it before, but what does it really mean? Is it always true? And what about pain? How do we differentiate between good and bad pain?

Over the course of this article, we’ll delve beyond the popular mantra of “no pain, no gain” and discuss the importance of understanding pain in bodybuilding. Throughout my career, I’ve witnessed the detrimental effects of overworking and ignoring pain in bodybuilding. Therefore, I would like to explore the different types of pain, how to differentiate between good and bad pain, and ways to prevent injury and promote recovery.

#Bodybuilding #Endurance #Resistance

🦾 Jump Higher, Run Faster: Exploring the Benefits of Plyometrics

Plyometrics is a form of exercise that involves explosive and powerful movements designed to increase muscular power and speed. The exercises typically involve jumping, bounding, and hopping movements that challenge the muscles to generate maximum force in a short amount of time.

The key principle behind plyometric exercises is the stretch-shortening cycle. This refers to the way in which the muscles and tendons work together to store and release energy. During the eccentric (lengthening) phase of a movement, the muscles and tendons are stretched, creating a potential energy. Then during the concentric (shortening) phase, that energy is released, resulting in a powerful contraction.

#Bodybuilding #Endurance #SportPerformance

🦾 Training techniques for the advanced

Are you looking to take your workout routine to the next level? If so, you may be interested in incorporating advanced training techniques into your workouts. These techniques are designed to push your body to new limits and help you achieve your fitness goals faster.

However, it’s important to remember that advanced training techniques should be approached with caution. These methods can be effective, but they can also be risky if not executed properly. It’s crucial to have a solid foundation of basic exercises and proper form before attempting more complex moves.

#Bodybuilding #Endurance #SportsPerformance

📅 Four weeks to a six-pack: your comprehensive AB training program

If you’re looking for a way to take your ab training to the next level, you need a plan that challenges your core from different angles and with different intensities. You also need a plan that doesn’t neglect the other muscles that support your abs, such as your lower back, glutes, and hip flexors. In this article, we’ll show you a four-week ab workout plan that will help you sculpt a strong and defined six-pack, while also improving your overall performance and stability.

#Bodybuilders #Endurance #ProTip

👨🏻‍🏫 The Conjugate Method

The Conjugate Method is a training system that combines different methods of strength and conditioning to achieve optimal results. It was developed by Louie Simmons and the Westside Barbell Gym, based on the principles of Soviet and Bulgarian weightlifting.

It is designed to overcome plateaus, prevent injuries, and enhance athetic performance by constantly varying the exercises, intensities, and stimuli.

#Atheletes #Endurance #SportsPerformance

💊 ITPP 101: The Ultimate Endurance PED?

Inositol Trispyrophosphate (ITPP) is a synthetic compound derived from inositol, a naturally occurring sugar alcohol. It was initially developed as a potential therapeutic agent for conditions involving inadequate oxygen supply to tissues, such as cardiovascular diseases. ITPP is believed to enhance oxygenation by facilitating the release of oxygen from red blood cells (RBCs), thus potentially improving endurance and performance.

For that reason, it is often used by
endurance athletes to maximize stamina and cardiovascular output. In this article, we will explore the mechanism of action of ITPP, its pros and cons, as well as how to use it effectively.

#Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Cardio #CardiovascularHealth #Cholesterol #Endurance #FatLoss #HarmMitigation #ITPP #ProTip

😎 Dapoxetine for premature ejaculation

Dapoxetine is a very, very interesting medication. On paper, it is an SSRI (antidepressant). In practice, it is an incredibly useful sexual enhancer that helps men delay ejaculation so as to not disappoint their partner.

The reason why it isn’t also used as an antidepressant despite belonging to the same class of drugs as other antidepressants is that its half-life is incredibly short (under 2 hours).

This means that it cannot increase serotonin’s action for long enough to have an anti-depressant effect, but it does increase it for long enough to allow one to delay ejaculation (studies have shown that low serotonin levels are linked to premature ejaculation).

#Anabolic #Steroids #Bodybuilder #Bodybuilding #DidYouKnow #Endurance #Energy #HarmPrevention #MaleEnhancement #ProTips #Protocol #SexualDysfunction #SexualHealth #Steroids

💉 Erythropoietin 101

Erythropoietin (EPO) is a hormone that plays a critical role in the production of red blood cells. It is produced primarily by the kidneys in response to low oxygen levels in the body, and its primary function is to stimulate the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow.

Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, which is responsible for carrying oxygen to tissues and organs throughout the body. For that reason, many athletes (specifically
endurance athletes like runners, swimmer and cyclists, but also fighters and lifters to some extent) use EPO as a PED to boost oxygenation and increase their endurance.

#Athlete #Athletism #Bodybuilders #Bodybuilding #Cardarine #Cardio #CardiovascularHealth #Cycles #Endurance #EPO #HarmMitigation #ProTips #Running #ShortCycles #Swimming

⌛️ Tempo play: the rhythm of gains in bodybuilding

Ah, the gym, where iron meets determination, and gains are forged in the crucible of sweat. Today, we’re diving into the rhythmic realm of tempo play – a secret sauce in the recipe for sculpting a physique that turns heads. Get ready to groove to the tempo, sculptors, because we’re about to dance our way to muscle mastery.

#Endurance #Lifting #ProTips #Tempo #Variations

🚴 Is all cardio the same? Understanding heart rate zones

Starting a cardio training routine involves more than just breaking a sweat. In order to maximize the benefits of your workouts and achieve your fitness goals faster, it’s essential to understand heart rate zones — the key to tailoring each cardio workout to reap the most benefits and reach your body’s full potential during exercise. In this article, we’ll explore the fundamentals of heart rate zones and how to use them effectively in your cardio regimen.

Your heart rate (the number of times your heart beats per minute) varies depending on the intensity of your exercise. Heart rate zones are specific ranges of heart rates that correspond to different levels of intensity. These zones are typically calculated based on a percentage of your maximum heart rate (MHR), which can be easily estimated by simply subtracting your age from 220.

#AerobicCapacity #Cardio #Endurance #FatBurning #HeartRate #HIIT

💪🏽 Muscle fiber types: how muscle composition influences performance

When it comes to training, fitness and athletic performance, understanding the composition of the muscles is crucial. Our muscles are made up of different types of fibers, each with its own characteristics and functions. In this article, we’ll take a quick look into the science behind muscle fiber types, exploring how muscle composition can impact muscle size, athletic abilities and overall performance.

#Endurance #FastTwitch #MuscleFibers #RedFibers #SlowTwitch #WhiteFibers