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पाहिमं श्री राजराजेश्वरी क्र्पकारि शङ्करी


एहि सुखं देहि सिंहवाहिनी दया प्रवाहिनी मोहिनी

प प म र स ध प प म म र र स र स र ग म प स र ग
म प ध प म प ध प नि स प नि स र स र ग म र
स स ध प म र स र ग म


भाण्ड चन्द मुण्ड खण्डानि महिस भनजानि रञ्जनी निरन्जनि
पण्डित श्री गुहादसा पोसनि सुभसिनि रिपु भिसनि वर भुसनि #NavratrispecialMusic
About Sakthi Worship - 0 to 5.00mts
Srividya Upasana - 5.00 to 7.00mts
Worship of Sri Yantra - 7.00 to 12.00mts
Intro Muthuswami Dikshitar's Navavarna Kritis - 10.00 to 14.50 mts
Sri Vidhya Mantra in Navavarna Kritis - 14 - 18.00 mts
Meaning of SriKamalambike - a dhyna kriti of Dikshitar - at 21.00mt
👉The actual rendering of the Kriti Sri kamalambike - at 25.25 mt👈👈👈

Ragam: Thodi (8th melakartha)

ARO: S R1 G2 M1 P D1 N2 S ||
AVA: S N2 D1 P M1 G2 R1 S ||

Talam: Rupakam
Composer: Muthuswami Dikshitar

Kamalaambike Ashrita Kalpalatike Chandike
Kamaaneeya-Arunaam-Shuke Kara-Vidhruta-Shuke Maamava

Kamala-Aasana-Adi Poojita Kamalapade Bahu Varade
Kamala-Aalaya Teerttha Vaibhave Shive Karuna-Aarnave

Sakala Loka Naayike Sangeeta Rasike Suka Vitva Pradaayike Sundari Gatamaayike
Vikalebara Muktidaana Nipune Agha-harane Viyadaadi Bhoota Kirane Vinoda Charane Arune
Sakale Guru Guhakarane Sadaa Shivaanta: Karane Akachata-tapaadi Varne Akhandaika-Rasa Purne
कमलाम्बां भजरे - रागं कल्याणि - ताळं आदि
(द्वितीयावरण कीर्तनम्)
कमलाम्बां भजरे रे मानस
कल्पित माया कार्यं त्यज रे
कमला वाणी सेवित पार्श्वां
कम्बु जय ग्रीवां नत देवां
(मध्यम काल साहित्यम्)
कमला पुर सदनां मृदु गदनां
कमनीय रदनां कमल वदनाम्
सर्वाशा-परिपूरक-चक्र स्वामिनीं
परम-शिव कामिनीं
दुर्वासार्चित गुप्त-योगिनीं
दुःख ध्वंसिनीं हंसिनीम्
निर्वाण निज सुख प्रदायिनीं
नित्य कल्याणीं कात्यायनीं
शर्वाणीं मधुप विजय वेणीं
सद्-गुरु गुह जननीं निरञ्जनीम्
(मध्यम काल साहित्यम्)
गर्वित भण्डासुर भञ्जनीं
कामाकर्षिण्यादि रञ्जनीं
निर्विशेष चैतन्य रूपिणीं
उर्वी तत्वादि स्वरूपिणीं
rE rE mAnasa - O mind!
bhaja - Worship
kamalAmbA - goddess Kamalamba.
tyaja rE - Give up
kalpita mAyA kAryaM - the actions of the illusory Maya!

kamalA vANI sEvita pArSvAM - (Worship) the one who is flanked and served by Lakshmi and Sarasvati,
kambu jaya grIvAM - the one whose neck triumphs over the conch (in loveliness),
nata dEvAM - the one saluted by the gods,
(madhyama kAla sAhityam)
kamalA pura sadanAM - the resident of Kamala-pura (Tiruvarur),
mRdu gadanAM - the soft-spoken one,
kamanIya radanAM - the one with beautiful teeth,
kamala vadanAm - the lotus-faced one,

sarvASA-paripUraka-cakra svAminIM - the empress of Sarvasha Paripuraka Chakra, the Chakra that fulfills all desires,
parama-Siva kAminIM - the beloved of the great god Shiva,
durvAsArcita gupta-yOginIM - the secret deity worshipped by Sage Durvasa,
duHkha dhvaMsinIM - the one who makes sorrows perish,
haMsinIm - the one riding a swan or embodying the Hamsa mantra,
nirvANa nija sukha pradAyinIM - the one who confers the true bliss of final liberation,
nitya kalyANIM - the ever-auspicious one,
kAtyAyanIM - the daughter of Sage Katyayana,
SarvANIM - the wife of Shiva (Sharva),
madhupa vijaya vENIM - the one whose braid excels the (blackness of) bees,
sad-guru guha jananIM - the mother of the noble Guruguha,
niranjanIm - the blemish-less one,
(madhyama kAla sAhityam)
garvita bhaNDAsura bhanjanIM - the annihilator of the arrogant demon Bhandasura,
kAmAkarshiNyAdi ranjanIM - the one who delights the deities such as Kamakarshini,
nirviSEsha caitanya rUpiNIM - the embodiment of absolute, unqualified consciousness,
urvI tatvAdi svarUpiNIM - the personification of the principles beginning with the earth.

This Kriti is in the second Vibhakti
The names ‘hamsiNI’ ‘ kAtyAyanI’ ,’SarvANI’, ‘niranjanI’ are found in the Lalita Sahasranama
This kRti refers to second AvaraNa – shODaSa daLa (sixteen petals) of SrI cakra – sarvASA paripUraka cakra – where Mother is called tripurESI as also gupta yOgini. There are sixteen nitya-kalA dEvis in this cakra beginning with kAmAkarshiNi.
Note: The actual kriti starts at 5.10 mts of this video☝️👇👇👇
कमलाम्बिकायै कनकांशुकायै - रागं काम्भोजि - ताळं अट
(चतुर्थावरण कीर्तनम्)

कमलाम्बिकायै कनकांशुकायै
कर्पूर वीटिकायै नमस्ते नमस्ते

कमला कान्तानुजायै कामेश्वर्यै अजायै
हिम गिरि तनुजायै ह्रींकार पूज्यायै
(मध्यम काल साहित्यम्)
कमला नगर विहारिण्यै खल समूह संहारिण्यै
कमनीय रत्न हारिण्यै कलि कल्मष परिहारिण्यै

सकल सौभाग्य दायकाम्भोज चरणायै
संक्षोभिण्यादि शक्ति युत चतुर्थावरणायै
प्रकट चतुर्दश भुवन भरणायै
प्रबल गुरु गुह सम्प्रदायान्तःकरणायै
अकळङ्क रूप वर्णायै अपर्णायै सुपर्णायै
सु-कर धृत चाप बाणायै शोभन-कर मनु कोणायै
(मध्यम काल साहित्यम्)
सकुङ्कुमादि लेपनायै चराचरादि कल्पनायै
चिकुर विजित नील घनायै चिदानन्द पूर्ण घनायै


namastE namastE - Repeated salutations
kamalAmbikAyai - to Goddess Kamalamba,
kanaka-aMSukAyai - the one wearing golden garments,
karpUra vITikAyai - the one who accepts betel-leaf folded with flavourings like (edible) camphor,

kamalA kAnta-anujAyai - the younger sister of Vishnu (beloved of Lakshmi),
kAma-ISvaryai - goddess Kameshvari,
ajAyai - the one with no birth,
hima giri tanujAyai - the daughter of Himavan,
hrIMkAra pUjyAyai - the one worshipped with the ‘hreem’ mantra,
kamalA nagara vihAriNyai - the one sporting in Kamala-nagara (Tiruvarur),
khala samUha saMhAriNyai - the destroyer of the hordes of evil-doers,
kamanIya ratna hAriNyai - the one donning attractive gem necklaces,
kali kalmasha parihAriNyai - the one who removes the impurities of Kaliyuga,

sakala saubhAgya dAyaka-ambhOja caraNAyai - the one with lotus feet that grant good fortune and happiness,
saMkshObhiNya-Adi Sakti yuta caturtha-AvaraNAyai - the one whose fourth enclosure has goddesses starting with Samkshobini,
prakaTa caturdaSa bhuvana bharaNAyai - the sustainer of the manifest fourteen worlds,
prabala guru guha sampradAya-antaH-karaNAyai - the one at the heart of the renowned cult of Guruguha,
akaLanka rUpa varNAyai - the one with flawless form and complexion,
aparNAyai - the one who performed austerities without eating even leaves,
suparNAyai - the one lovely as a lotus creeper,
su-kara dhRta cApa bANAyai - the one holding bow and arrows with beautiful hands,
SObhana-kara manu kONAyai - the one residing in the brilliant fourteen-angle Chakra,
sakunkuma-Adi lEpanAyai - the one who is anointed with saffron and other fragrances,
cara-acara-Adi kalpanAyai - the creator of this world, with its moving and non-moving objects,
cikura vijita nIla ghanAyai - the one who vanquishes dark clouds with (the beauty of) her tresses,
cidAnanda pUrNa ghanAyai - the one densely filled with the bliss of consciousness .

This Kriti is in the fourth Vibhakti
The names ‘aparNA’, ‘ajA’ and ‘kAmESvarI’ are found in Lalita Sahasranama
The names ‘sakunkuma-vilEpanA and ‘kali kalmasha nASinI’ and ‘karpUra vITikAmOda samAkarshi digantarA’ are found in Lalita Sahasranama ,similar to the epithets in this kriti (the first being in the Dhyana Shloka)
The first line of the Caranam contains the indicative Raga Mudra
This kRti refers to fourth AvaraNa – manu kONa (14 triangles) of SrI cakra – sarva saubhAgya dAyaka cakra – where Mother is called tripura vAsini as also sampradAya yOgini. There are eight Saktis in this cakra beginning with sarva saMkshObhiNi. caturdaSa bhuvana – fourteen triangles (manu kONa) of this AvaraNa represents fourteen worlds.
☝️Note: The actual kriti starts at 4.12mts👈👈👈

श्री कमलाम्बिकायाः परम् - रागं भैरवि - ताळं झम्प
(पञ्चमावरण कीर्तनम्)

श्री कमलाम्बिकायाः परं नहिरे रे चित्त
क्षित्यादि शिवान्त तत्व स्वरूपिण्याः

श्री कण्ठ विष्णु विरिञ्चादि जनयित्र्याः
शिवात्मक विश्व कर्त्र्याः कारयित्र्याः
(मध्यम काल साहित्यम्)
श्री-कर बहिर्दशार चक्र स्थित्याः
सेवित भैरवी भार्गवी भारत्याः

नाद-मय सूक्ष्म रूप सर्व सिद्धि -
प्रदादि दश शक्त्याराधित मूर्तेः
श्रोत्रादि दश करणात्मक कुळ -
कौळिकादि बहु विधोपासित कीर्तेः
अभेद नित्य शुद्ध बुद्ध मुक्त -
सच्चिदानन्द-मय परमाद्वैत स्फूर्तेः
आदि मध्यान्त रहिताप्रमेय
गुरु गुह मोदित सर्वार्थ साधक पूर्तेः
(मध्यम काल साहित्यम्)
मूलादि नवाधार व्यावृत्त दश ध्वनि -
भेदज्ञ योगि बृन्द संरक्षण्याः
अनादि मायाऽविद्या कार्य कारण विनोद -
करण पटु-तर कटाक्ष वीक्षण्याः

rE rE citta - O mind!
paraM nahi - There is none greater
SrI kamalAmbikAyAH - than Goddess Kamalamba,
kshiti-Adi Siva-anta tatva svarUpiNyAH - the one who embodies all the principles starting from the earth and ending with Shiva,

SrI kaNTha vishNu virinci-Adi janayitryAH - the mother of Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma and other gods,
Siva-Atmaka viSva kartryAH - the creator of this universe which consists of Shiva,
kArayitryAH - the impeller of all actions
SrI-kara bahiH-daSa-Ara cakra sthityAH - the resident of the auspicious outer ten triangle Chakra,
sEvita bhairavI bhArgavI bhAratyAH - the one served by goddesses Kali, Lakshmi and Sarasvati,

nAda-maya sUkshma rUpa - the one whose subtle form is made of sound (nAda),
sarva siddhi-prada-Adi daSa Sakti-ArAdhita mUrtEH - the one whose form is worshipped by the ten goddesses led by Sarva-siddhi-prada,

SrOtra-Adi daSa karaNa-Atmaka - the one who manifests as the ten Indriyas (sense and motor organs) beginning with the ear,

kuLa-kauLika-Adi bahu vidha-upAsita kIrtEH - the one who is renowned for being worshipped in many ways of Kula, Kaulika etc.,

abhEda nitya Suddha buddha mukta-sat-cit-Ananda-maya parama-advaita sphUrtEH - the wellspring of supreme non-dualism of the nature of undifferentiated, eternal, pure, aware, liberated (unbounded) existence-consciousness-bliss,

Adi madhya-anta rahita-apramEya guru guha mOdita - the one delighted with Guruguha who is devoid of beginning, middle and end and is immeasurable,

sarva-artha sAdhaka sphUrtEH - the one shining forth in the Sarvartha Sadhaka Chakra, the Chakra of achievement of all ends,

mUla-Adi nava-AdhAra vyAvRtta daSa dhvani-bhEdajna yOgi bRnda saMrakshaNyAH- the protector of the groups of Yogis who know the variations of the ten sounds that permeate the nine Chakras beginning with Muladhara,

anAdi mAyA-avidyA kArya kAraNa vinOda-karaNa paTu-tara kaTAksha vIkshaNyAH - the one whose glance is very adept at dispelling primal delusion and ignorance, and (the resultant duality of) cause and effect

This Kriti is in the fifth Vibhakti.
daSa-dhvani - anAhata nAda
This kRti refers to fifth AvaraNa –bahirdaSAra (outer ten triangle) of SrI cakra – sarvArtha sAdhaka cakra – where Mother is called tripura SrI as also kulOttIrNa yOgini. There are ten Saktis in this cakra beginning with sarva siddhi pradhA dEvi.
☝️The actual Kriti Starts at 4.02mts👈👈

कमलाम्बिकायास्तव - रागं पुन्नाग वराळि - ताळं - रूपकम्
(षष्ट्यावरण कीर्तनम्)

कमलाम्बिकायास्तव भक्तोऽहं
शङ्कर्याः श्री-कर्याः सङ्गीत रसिकायाः श्री

सुम शरेक्षु कोदण्ड पाशाङ्कुश पाण्याः
अति मधुर-तर वाण्याः शर्वाण्याः कल्याण्याः
(मध्यम काल साहित्यम्)
रमणीय पुन्नाग वराळि विजित वेण्याः श्री

दश कलात्मक वह्नि स्वरूप -
प्रकाशान्तर्दशार सर्व रक्षा-कर चक्रेश्वर्याः
त्रि-दशादि नुत क-च-वर्ग-द्वय-मय सर्वज्ञादि -
दश शक्ति समेत मालिनी चक्रेश्वर्याः
त्रि-दश विंशद्वर्ण गर्भिणी कुण्डलिन्याः
दश मुद्रा समाराधित कौळिन्याः
(मध्यम काल साहित्यम्)
दश रथादि नुत गुरु गुह जनक शिव बोधिन्याः
दश करण वृत्ति मरीचि निगर्भ योगिन्याः श्री


ahaM - I
tava bhaktO - (am) your devotee,
SrI kamalAmbikAyAH - of (you who are) Goddess Kamalamba,
SankaryAH - the consort of Shiva (Shankara),
SrI-karyAH - the one who bestows prosperity,
sangIta rasikAyAH - the one who delights in music,

suma Sara-ikshu kOdaNDa pASa-ankuSa pANyAH - the one holding flower arrows, sugarcane bow, noose and goad in your hands,
ati madhura-tara vANyAH - the one whose voice and speech are very sweet,
SarvANyAH - the wife of Shiva (Sharva),
kalyANyAH - the auspicious one,
ramaNIya punnAga varALi vijita vENyAH - the one whose braid defeats (the beauty and blackness of) the distinguished bees of the pleasing Punnaga flowers,

daSa kalA-Atmaka vahni svarUpa-prakASa - the one who shines as the form of the fire having ten divisions,
antardaSAra sarva rakshA-kara cakra-ISvaryAH - the deity of the inner ten triangles known as the Sarva-raksha-kara Chakra, the Chakra of protection of everyone,
tri-daSa-Adi nuta - the one praised by the gods,
ka-ca-varga-dvaya-maya sarvajna-Adi-daSa Sakti samEta mAlinI cakra-ISvaryAH - the deity of the Malini Chakra with the ten goddesses beginning with Sarvajna, who represent the (ten) letters of the two groups “ka” and “ca”,
tri-daSa viMSad-varNa garbhiNI kuNDalinyAH - the one who is the Kundalini encompassing the thirty and twenty (i.e. fifty) letters,
daSa mudrA samArAdhita kauLinyAH - the goddess of Kulachara, worshipped by the ten Mudras,
daSa ratha-Adi nuta - the one praised by King Dasharatha and others,
guru guha janaka Siva bOdhinyAH - the one who awakens or enlightens Shiva (the father of Guruguha),
daSa karaNa vRtti marIci nigarbha yOginyAH - the one served by Nigarbha Yoginis who illumine the workings of the ten Karanas (sense and motor organs)

This Kriti is in the sixth Vibhakti
The names ‘SrI-karI’, ‘SarvANI’ , ‘kalyANI ‘ and ‘daSa mudrA samArAdhyA’ are found in Lalita Sahasranama
‘punnAga’ is the Alexandrian Laurel tree , known as Punnai in Tamil
This kRti refers to sixth AvaraNa –antardaSAra (inner ten triangle) of SrI cakra – sarva rakshAkara cakra – where Mother is called tripura mAlinI as also nigarbha yOgini. There are ten Saktis in this cakra beginning with sarvajnA.
☝️The actual Kriti Starts at 3.40mts👈👈
श्री कमलाम्बिकायां भक्तिं - रागं सहान - ताळं त्रिपुट
(सप्तमावरण कीर्तनम्)

श्री कमलाम्बिकायां भक्तिं करोमि
श्रित कल्प वाटिकायां चण्डिकायां जगदम्बिकायाम्

राका चन्द्र वदनायां राजीव नयनायां
पाकारि नुत चरणायां आकाशादि किरणायाम्
(मध्यम काल साहित्यम्)
ह्रींकार विपिन हरिण्यां ह्रींकार सु-शरीरिण्यां
ह्रींकार तरु मञ्जर्यां ह्रींकारेश्वर्यां गौर्याम्

शरीर त्रय विलक्षण सुख-तर स्वात्मानुभोगिन्यां
विरिञ्चि हरीशान हरि-हय वेदित रहस्य योगिन्याम्
परादि वाग्देवता रूप वशिन्यादि विभागिन्यां
चरात्मक सर्व रोग हर निरामय राज योगिन्याम्

(मध्यम काल साहित्यम्)
कर धृत वीणा वादिन्यां कमला नगर विनोदिन्यां
सुर नर मुनि जन मोदिन्यां गुरु गुह वर प्रसादिन्याम्


bhaktiM karOmi - I practice devotion
SrI kamalAmbikAyAM - unto Goddess Kamalamba,
Srita kalpa vATikAyAM - the garden of wish-fufillling celestial trees, to those who have sought refuge,
caNDikAyAM - the fierce one (to evildoers),
jagat-ambikAyAm - the mother of the universe,

rAkA candra vadanAyAM - the one whose face is like the full moon,
rAjIva nayanAyAM - the lotus-eyed one,
pAka-ari nuta caraNAyAM - the one whose feet are worshipped by Indra (slayer of the demon Paka),
AkASa-Adi kiraNAyAm - the one who has radiated out as the (five elements) ether etc.,
hrIMkAra vipina hariNyAM - the doe (roaming) in the forest of the Hreem mantra,
hrIMkAra su-SarIriNyAM - the personification of the Hreem mantra,
hrIMkAra taru manjaryAM - the flower-bunch in tree of the Hreem mantra,
hrIMkAra-ISvaryAM - the deity of the Hreem mantra,
gauryAm - the fair one,

SarIra traya vilakshaNa sukha-tara svAtma-anubhOginyAM - the one who enjoys the great bliss of the self, that differs from the three bodies (gross, subtle and causal),

virinci hari-ISAna hari-haya vEdita rahasya yOginyAm - the secret deity who is understood only by Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and Indra,

parA-Adi vAg-dEvatA rUpa vaSini-Adi vibhAginyAM - the one who has apportioned herself as the eight Vakdevatas led by Vashini who embody the four kinds of speech beginning with Para,

cara-Atmaka sarva rOga hara nirAmaya rAja yOginyAm - the goddess of the healing Rajayoga which removes all maladies that afflict moving creatures

kara dhRta vINA vAdinyAM - the one playing the Veena held in her hands,
kamalA nagara vinOdinyAM - the one who enjoys residing in Kamala Nagara (Tiruvarur),
sura nara muni jana mOdinyAM - the one who gladdens the gods, humans and Rishis,
guru guha vara prasAdinyAm - the one who favours Guruguha with boons.

This Kriti is in the seventh Vibhakti
The names ‘caNDikA, and ’gaurI’ are found in Lalita Sahasranama
The names “rAkEndu vadanA’ and ‘rAjIva lOcanA’ are found in the Lalita Sahasranama, similar to the epithets in this kriti
The names ‘hrIMkAra araNya hariNI’ and ‘hrIMkAra taru manjarI’ and hrIM SarIriNI’ are found in the Lalita Trishati
This kRti refers to seventh AvaraNa – eight triangles of SrI cakra – sarva rOga hara cakra – where Mother is called tripurA siddhA as also rahasya yOgini. There are eight vAgdEvatAs in this cakra beginning with vaSinI.
☝️The actual Kriti Starts at 3.40mts👈👈

श्री कमलाम्बिके अवाव - रागं घण्टा - ताळं आदि
(अष्टमावरण कीर्तनम्)

श्री कमलाम्बिके अवाव
शिवे कर धृत शुक शारिके

लोक पालिनि कपालिनि शूलिनि
लोक जननि भग मालिनि सकृद्-
(मध्यम काल साहित्यम्)
आलोकय मां सर्व सिद्धि-प्रदायिके
त्रिपुराम्बिके बालाम्बिके

सन्तप्त हेम सन्निभ देहे
सदाऽखण्डैक रस प्रवाहे
सन्ताप हर त्रिकोण गेहे
सकामेश्वरि शक्ति समूहे
सन्ततं मुक्ति घण्टा मणि -
घोषायमान कवाट द्वारे
अनन्त गुरु गुह विदिते
कराङ्गुलि नखोदय विष्णु दशावतारे
(मध्यम काल साहित्यम्)
अन्तःकरणेक्षु कार्मुक शब्दादि -
पञ्च तन्मात्र विशिखाऽत्यन्त -
राग पाश द्वेषाङ्कुश धर -
करेऽति रहस्य योगिनी परे


SrI kamalAmbikE - O Goddess Kamalamba!
ava-ava - Protect, protect (me)!
SivE - O auspicious one!
kara dhRta Suka SArikE - O one holding a parakeet as a talking bird or pet in your hand!

lOka pAlini - O protector of the world!
kapAlini - O one holding a skull,
SUlini - O one carrying a trident!
lOka janani - O mother of the worlds!
bhaga mAlini - O Goddess Bhagamalini,
AlOkaya mAM - Glance at me
sakRd - once (at least).
sarva siddhi-pradAyikE - O giver of all Siddhis!
tripura-ambikE - O mother Tripura!
bAlA-ambikE - O youthful goddess (bAlA tripurasundari)!

santapta hEma sannibha dEhE - O one whose body shines like molten gold!
sadA-akhaNDaika rasa pravAhE - O one who is always a flood of infinite sheer bliss!
santApa hara trikONa gEhE - O one whose home is the triangle that dispels all sorrows!
sa-kAmESvari Sakti samUhE - O one in the company of the goddesses led by Kameshvari!
santataM mukti ghaNTA maNi-ghOshAyamAna kavATa dvArE - O one whose doors have jeweled bells that constantly proclaim liberation !
ananta guru guha viditE - O one understood by the infinite Guruguha,
kara-anguli nakha-udaya vishNu daSa-avatArE - O one from the nails of whose hands’ fingers, the ten incarnations of Vishnu have sprung forth,

antaH-karaNa-ikshu kArmuka Sabda-Adi-panca tanmAtra viSikhA - O one who has a sugarcane bow symbolising the mind and arrows that signify the five sense objects beginning with sound!

atyanta-rAga pASa dvEsha-ankuSa dhara-karE - O one holding in your hands a noose that signifies intense passion and a goad that signifies hate!

ati rahasya yOginI parE - O one who is attended to by very secret Yoginis!

This Kriti is in the eighth(Sambodhana Prathama) Vibhakti
The names ‘SivA’,’bhaga mAlinI’’, ‘tripurAmbikA ‘ are found in Lalita Sahasranama
The names ‘karAnguli nakhOtpanna nArAyaNa daSAkrtih’, ‘trikONa gA’, ‘rAga svarUpa pASADhyA’, ‘krOdhAkArAnkuSOjjvala’ , mano rUpEKshu kOdanDA’ and ‘panca tanmAtra sAyakA’ are found in the Lalita Sahasranama, similar to the epithets in this kriti
This kRti refers to eighth AvaraNa – trikONa (triangle) of SrI cakra – sarva siddhi prada cakra – where Mother is called tripurAmbA as also ati-rahasya yOgini.
☝️The actual Kriti Starts at 4.20mts👈👈
⚠️ Very Important Information

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