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​​ResNeSt: Split-Attention Networks

A novel variation of ResNet architecture that outperforms other networks with similar model complexities.
Usually, downstream applications use the ResNet or one of its variants as the backbone CNN. Its simple and modular design can be easily adapted to various tasks. However, since ResNet models are originally designed for image classification, they may not be suitable for various downstream applications because of the limited receptive-field size and lack of cross-channel interaction.

Main contributions of the paper:
- Split-Attention block. Each block divides the feature-map into several groups (along the channel dimension) and finer-grained subgroups or splits, where the feature representation of each group is determined via a weighted combination of the representations of its splits. By stacking several Split-Attention blocks, they get a ResNet-like network called ResNeSt (S stands for β€œsplit”). This architecture requires no more computation than existing ResNet-variants, and is easy to be adopted as a backbone for other vision tasks
- a lot of large scale benchmarks on image classification and transfer learning.

Models utilizing a ResNeSt backbone are able to achieve SOTA performance on several tasks, namely: image classification, object detection, instance segmentation, and semantic segmentation.
ResNeSt-50 achieves 81.13% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet using a single crop-size of 224 Γ— 224, outperforming previous best ResNet variant by more than 1% accuracy


#computervision #deeplearning #resnet #image #backbone #downstream #sota
​​Transformer Reasoning Network for Image-Text Matching and Retrieval

A new approach for image-text matching using Faster-RCNN Bottom-Up and BERT.

Usually, downstream applications use the ResNet or one of its variants as the backbone CNN. Its simple and modular design can be easily adapted to various tasks. However, since ResNet models are originally designed for image classification, they may not be suitable for various downstream applications because of the limited receptive-field size and lack of cross-channel interaction.

Authors suggest an architecture, where images and texts are processed at first, and then their representations are combined.

Main contributions of the paper:
- TERN Architecture
- NDCG metric in addition to Recall@K
- show SOTA result on the benchmark


#computervision #deeplearning #bert #imagetextmatching
​​ReXNet: Diminishing Representational Bottleneck on Convolutional Neural Network

The authors propose a set of design principles that improves model performance significantly based on the analysis of representation bottlenecks.

Authors think that commonly used architectures have a representation bottleneck and try to fix it by expanding channel size, using more expand layers, and better activation functions. This also improves the performance of models on ImageNet and good results on transfer learning on classification and object detection.
Authors hope that their design ideas could be used by NAS to create even better models.


#deeplearning #pretraining #transferlearning #computervision #pytorch
​​Funnel Activation for Visual Recognition

Authors offer a new activation function for image recognition tasks, called Funnel activation (FReLU), that extends ReLU and PReLU to a 2D activation by adding a negligible overhead of spatial condition.

Extensive experiments on COCO, ImageNet and CityScape show significant improvement and robustness.


#deeplearning #activationfunction #computervision #pytorch
​​Revisiting ResNets: Improved Training and Scaling Strategies

The authors of the paper (from Google Brain and UC Berkeley) have decided to analyze the effects of the model architecture, training, and scaling strategies separately and concluded that these strategies might have a higher impact on the score than the architecture.

They offer two new strategies:
- scale model depth if overfitting is possible, scale model width otherwise
- increase image resolution slower than recommended in previous papers

Based on these ideas, the new architecture ResNet-RS was developed. It is 2.1x–3.3x faster than EfficientNets on GPU while reaching similar accuracy on ImageNet.

In semi-supervised learning, ResNet-RS achieves 86.2% top-1 ImageNet accuracy while being 4.7x faster than EfficientNet-NoisyStudent.

Transfer learning on downstream tasks also has improved performance.

The authors suggest using these ResNet-RS as a baseline for further research.


Code and checkpoints are available in TensorFlow:

A detailed unofficial overview of the paper:

#deeplearning #computervision #sota
​​Next-ViT: Next Generation Vision Transformer for Efficient Deployment in Realistic Industrial Scenarios

While vision transformers demostrate high performance, they can't be deployed as efficiently as CNNs in realistic industrial deployment scenarios, e. g. TensorRT or CoreML.

The authors propose Next-ViT, which has a higher latency/accuracy trade-off than existing CNN and ViT models. They develop two new architecture blocks and a new paradigm to stack them. As a result, On TensorRT, Next-ViT surpasses ResNet by 5.4 mAP (from 40.4 to 45.8) on COCO detection and 8.2% mIoU (from 38.8% to 47.0%) on ADE20K segmentation. Also, it achieves comparable performance with CSWin, while the inference speed is accelerated by
3.6Γ—. On CoreML, Next-ViT surpasses EfficientFormer by 4.6 mAP (from 42.6 to 47.2) on COCO detection and 3.5% mIoU (from 45.2% to 48.7%) on ADE20K segmentation under similar latency.


A detailed unofficial overview of the paper:

#deeplearning #cv #transformer #computervision
​​InceptionNeXt: When Inception Meets ConvNeXt

Large-kernel convolutions, such as those employed in ConvNeXt, can improve model performance but often come at the cost of efficiency due to high memory access costs. Although reducing kernel size may increase speed, it often leads to significant performance degradation.

To address this issue, the authors propose InceptionNeXt, which decomposes large-kernel depthwise convolution into four parallel branches along the channel dimension. This new Inception depthwise convolution results in networks with high throughputs and competitive performance. For example, InceptionNeXt-T achieves 1.6x higher training throughputs than ConvNeX-T and a 0.2% top-1 accuracy improvement on ImageNet-1K. InceptionNeXt has the potential to serve as an economical baseline for future architecture design, helping to reduce carbon footprint.

A detailed unofficial overview of the paper:

Paper link:

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#cnn #deeplearning #computervision