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First Telegram Data Science channel. Covering all technical and popular staff about anything related to Data Science: AI, Big Data, Machine Learning, Statistics, general Math and the applications of former. To reach editors contact: @haarrp
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​​Introducing AresDB: Uber’s GPU-Powered Open Source, Real-time Analytics Engine


#Uber #analytics #opensource
Intro to Pythia — Visual Question Answering framework from Facebook

Pythia works in terms of #VQA by taking input picture and question and providing the answer to the latter in terms of picture semantics.


#DL #facebook #pythia #VQA #opensource
​​Release of 27 pretrained models for NLP / NLU for PyTorch

Hugging Face open sources a new library that contains up to 27 pretrained models to conduct state-of-the-art NLP/NLU tasks.


#SOTA #NLP #NLU #PyTorch #opensource
​​HiPlot: High-dimensional interactive plots made easy

Interactive parameters' performance #visualization tool. This new Facebook AI's release enables researchers to more easily evaluate the influence of their hyperparameters, such as learning rate, regularizations, and architecture.

Pip: pip install hiplot

#hyperopt #facebook #opensource
​​Ultimate post on where to start learning DS

Most common request we received through the years was to share insights and advices on how to start career in data science and to recommend decent cources. Apparently, using hashtag #wheretostart wasn't enough so we were sharing some general advices.

So we assembled a through guide on how to start learning machine learning and created another #ultimatepost (in a form of a github repo, so it will be keep updated and anyone can submit worthy piece of advice to it).

We welcome you to share your stories and advices on how to start rolling into data science, as well as to spread the link to the repo to those your friends who might benefit from it.

Link: Ultimate post

#entrylevel #beginner #junior #MOOC #learndatascience #courses #mlcourse #opensource
🦜 Hi!

We are the first Telegram Data Science channel.

Channel was started as a collection of notable papers, news and releases shared for the members of Open Data Science (ODS) community. Through the years of just keeping the thing going we grew to an independent online Media supporting principles of Free and Open access to the information related to Data Science.

Ultimate Posts

* Where to start learning more about Data Science.
* @opendatascience channel audience research.

Open Data Science is an international community of people anyhow related to Data Science.



Through the years we accumulated a big collection of materials, most of them accompanied by hashtags.

#deeplearning #DL — post about deep neural networks (> 1 layer)
#cv — posts related to Computer Vision. Pictures and videos
#nlp #nlu — Natural Language Processing and Natural Language Understanding. Texts and sequences
#audiolearning #speechrecognition — related to audio information processing
#ar — augmeneted reality related content
#rl — Reinforcement Learning (agents, bots and neural networks capable of playing games)
#gan #generation #generatinveart #neuralart — about neural artt and image generation
#transformer #vqgan #vae #bert #clip #StyleGAN2 #Unet #resnet #keras #Pytorch #GPT3 #GPT2 — related to special architectures or frameworks
#coding #CS — content related to software engineering sphere
#OpenAI #microsoft #Github #DeepMind #Yandex #Google #Facebook #huggingface — hashtags related to certain companies
#productionml #sota #recommendation #embeddings #selfdriving #dataset #opensource #analytics #statistics #attention #machine #translation #visualization


- Data Science Chat
- ODS Slack through invite form at website

ODS resources

* Main website:
* ODS Community Telegram Channel (in Russian): @ods_ru
* ML trainings Telegram Channel: @mltrainings
* ODS Community Twitter:

Feedback and Contacts

You are welcome to reach administration through telegram bot: @opendatasciencebot
Hi, our friends @mike0sv and @agusch1n just open-sourced MLEM - a tool that helps you deploy your ML models as part of the DVC ecosystem

It’s a Python library + Command line tool.

📦 MLEM can package an ML model into a Docker image or a Python package, and deploy it to Heroku (we made them promise to add SageMaker, K8s and Seldon-core soon :parrot:).

⚙️ MLEM saves all model metadata to a human-readable text file: Python environment, model methods, model input & output data schema and more.

💅 MLEM helps you turn your Git repository into a Model Registry with features like ML model lifecycle management.

Read more in release blogpost:
Also, check out the project:
And the website:

Guys are happy to hear your feedback, discuss how this could be helpful for you, how MLEM compares to MLflow, etc.
Ask in the comments!

#mlops #opensource #deployment #dvc
#opensource : RuLeanALBERT от Yandex Research
2.9B трансформер для русского, которая влезет в домашнюю ПеКарню ресерчера

Мало того, что это самая большая БЕРТ-подобная модель для русского языка, которая показывает крутые результаты в бенчмарках, так еще и с кодом для fine-tuning-а


А в статье можете узнать, как обучалась эта модель (а-ля коллаборативное глубокое обучение) на фреймворке по децентрализованному обучению Hivemind
​​OBELISC: An Open Web-Scale Filtered Dataset of Interleaved Image-Text Documents

The OBELICS dataset is a game-changer in the world of machine learning and AI! Unlike existing closed-source datasets, OBELICS is a vast, open-source, web-scale dataset specially curated for training large multimodal models. Boasting 141 million web pages from Common Crawl, 353 million high-quality images, and an impressive 115 billion text tokens, OBELICS sets a new standard in the richness and diversity of training data.

But it's not just about the numbers; it's about results. To prove its mettle, models with 9 and 80 billion parameters were trained on OBELICS, showcasing competitive performance across various multimodal benchmarks. Named IDEFICS, these models outperformed or matched their closed-source counterparts, proving that OBELICS isn't just a theoretical concept—it's a practical, high-impact alternative.

Paper link:
Model card link:
Blogpost link:

A detailed unofficial overview of the paper:

#deeplearning #cv #nlp #largelanguagemodel #opensource
​​Giraffe: Adventures in Expanding Context Lengths in LLMs

Modern Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized our ability to process and understand vast amounts of textual data. Yet, these models, like LLaMA and LLaMA2, often come with a caveat: they're constrained by fixed context lengths, which means they're limited in handling longer sequences of input data at evaluation. This paper tackles that constraint by investigating a variety of methods for "context length extrapolation," which essentially enables these models to understand and work with longer text sequences. Among the techniques explored, the paper introduces an innovative "truncated basis" strategy for altering positional encodings within the attention mechanism, promising a more scalable future for LLMs.

The researchers put their theories to the test with three brand-new evaluation tasks—FreeFormQA, AlteredNumericQA, and LongChat-Lines—providing a more nuanced measure of model performance than the traditionally used metric of perplexity. Their findings? Linear scaling came out on top as the most effective way to extend the context length, but the truncated basis method showed potential for future exploration. To propel the research community even further, the paper releases three game-changing long-context models, named Giraffe, with context lengths ranging from 4k to an astonishing 32k.

Paper link:
Code link:

A detailed unofficial overview of the paper:

#deeplearning #cv #nlp #largelanguagemodel #opensource #largecontext
⚡️ Most of the models from Mistral are now available for free via the API

What is this attraction of unprecedented generosity? Your queries will probably be used to train new models (although this is not accurate).

#mistral #opensource

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