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Leonid Slutsky, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Russian Duma, said that Russia is ready to negotiate with Ukraine provided that there are legitimate partners who really want to negotiate.

Speaking to Novosti Agency on the sidelines of the Petersburg International Economic Forum, Slutsky indicated that Russia had previously entered into negotiations with Ukraine but found that the Ukrainian side was using these negotiations as an excuse to buy time and obtain lethal weapons from Western countries.

Slutsky stated: “Therefore, everything we agreed on, including regarding freedom from provisions that clearly included Nazi ideology or the Ukrainian Heroes and Disarmament Law, was empty. We deceived the Ukrainian side, while we believed that they were conducting real negotiations with us.
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#Istanbul #Kiev #Leonid_Slutsky #Minsk #Moscow #Nazi #Russia_news #Russian_Military_Operation_in_Ukraine #Russian_State_Duma #Ukraine
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The New York Times published a detailed report highlighting the phenomenon of energy drink addiction among Ukrainian soldiers on battlefields, which poses a threat to their lives.

The newspaper talked about a Ukrainian soldier who described his day as starting with an energy drink, and during patrol he could not do without it, and even before the attack he drank an energy drink.

The newspaper noted in another testimony from an infantry sergeant that “energy drinks caused deaths, and he cited an incident where one of his subordinates was found sitting motionless in the toilet with an energy drink can in his hand, and doctors were unable to save him due to his excessive consumption of these drinks despite his suffering from heart disease.
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#Addiction #Energy_Drinks #Igor_Kirillov #Russian_Military_Operation_in_Ukraine #Russian_Ministry_of_Defense #Ukraine #Ukraine_News #Ukrainian_Army
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Libya has recently faced a sharp rise in the prices of sacrificial animals, due to several factors, most notably Hurricane Daniel, which struck the city of Derna and caused major losses in livestock in the east of the country.

This led to the death of large numbers of sheep, cows and other animals, which negatively affected prices, which rose significantly.

The high cost of feed and the lack of government support for breeders contributed to the increase in prices, and the prices of imported sacrifices, which were considered an economical option for people with limited income, almost doubled.

Sacrificial animals imported from Spain and Ukraine were sold for about 500 Libyan dinars (about 103 dollars), but this year they rose to 950 dinars.
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#Benghazi #Derna #Feed_Prices #Hurricane_Daniel #Imported_Sacrifices #Libya #Libya_News #Livestock #Livestock_Raising #Spain #Ukraine
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Morocco advanced in the Global Peace Index for 2024, rising 14 places to rank 78th globally, and sixth in the Middle East and North Africa region.

This classification is issued by the Institute of Economics and Peace, based on a set of sub-indicators such as the level of crime, the number of detainees, security personnel, and defense spending.

Iceland, Ireland, and Austria topped the top three places, respectively, while Yemen, Sudan, South Sudan, Afghanistan, and Ukraine topped the list after being classified in the red zones.

At the Arab level, Kuwait came in 25th place globally and first in the Arab world, followed by Qatar (29), the Sultanate of Oman (37), the United Arab Emirates (53), Tunisia (74), Algeria (90), and Libya (128).
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#Afghanistan #Algeria #Austria #Global_Peace_Index #Iceland #Institute_of_Economics_and_Peace #Ireland #Israel #Kuwait #Libya #Middle_East #Morocco_News #North_Africa #Palestine #Qatar #Sudan #Sultanate_of_Oman #Tunisia #UAE #Ukraine #Yemen
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Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that about 700,000 Russian soldiers are currently participating in military operations inside Ukraine, indicating an increase in numbers compared to 617,000 last year.

The Russian government rarely publishes details about its casualties in the conflict, but the last official announcement in September 2022 declared 5,937 Russian soldiers killed.
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#Russia #Russia_news #Russian_Army #Russian_Government #Russian_Military_Operation_in_Ukraine #Ukraine #Ukrainian_Army #Vladimir_Putin #Volodymyr_Zelensky
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On Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, the UN Security Council will organize a series of sessions dealing with the current situations in Sudan, Ukraine and Libya.


Tomorrow, Tuesday, the Council will witness a general briefing and closed consultations on Sudan, and members are expected to hear reports from the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ramtane Lamamra, and the Director of the Operations and Support Division in the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Edem Wosorno, in addition to a representative of civil society.

An open briefing on Ukraine will be held on the same day at the request of Slovenia and the United States, and is expected to be delivered by Rosemary DiCarlo, UN Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs.
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#BRICS_Countries #Dmitry_Medvedev #Edem_Wosorno #Libya #Ramtane_Lamamra #Rosemary_DiCarlo #Russian_Security_Council #Stephanie_Khoury #Sudan #Ukraine #United_Nations #United_Nations_Security_Council
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Russian President’s Assistant Nikolai Patrushev said that Washington and London are seeking to revive Nazi ideology in Europe under the slogan of “freedom and democracy” and direct it again against Russia.

This came in his article published in the “National Defense” magazine, where Patrushev pointed out that the West had not completed the eradication of Nazism from Europe, as the Allied countries agreed at the Yalta Conference in Crimea in 1945.

Patrushev added: “The official and shadow leaders in the United States and Britain returned to their previous support for fascist and Nazi ideology in Europe under the slogans of freedom and democracy.”

Patrushev stressed that “Nazism was revived with the approval of the United States and Britain, and it is being used again against our country.
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#Britain #Europe #Fascism #London #Nazism #Nikolai_Patrushev #Russia_news #Russian_Presidential_Assistant #Ukraine #USA #Washington #Yalta_Conference
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The UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Wednesday the success of its partnership with Russia and Ukraine in facilitating the successful exchange of prisoners between Moscow and Kiev.

The ministry explained in a statement that “the success of the new mediation mission, which has become the fifth since the beginning of this year, comes as a result of the friendly relations and partnership that binds the United Arab Emirates to the two countries.”

The Ministry expressed its thanks to the Russian and Ukrainian authorities for supporting mediation efforts in the prisoner exchange process.

The Ministry affirmed “the UAE’s readiness to support all efforts and initiatives aimed at achieving a peaceful solution to the conflict between the two countries, and that diplomacy, dialogue, and de-escalation are the only way to overcome the crisis and mitigate its humanitarian consequences.
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#Kiev #Moscow #prisoner_exchange #Russia #UAE #UAE_Ministry_of_Foreign_Affairs #Ukraine
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Ukrainian soldiers report that continued Russian attacks on the strategically important eastern city of Chasev Yar are hampering the rotation of Ukrainian forces and the delivery of supplies.

These attacks come as part of the Russian army’s efforts to take advantage of its numerical and armament superiority before the arrival of new Western reinforcements to the Ukrainian forces, which have already begun to flow to the front lines.

Chasev Yar, which is located west of the city of Bakhmut, is considered a strategic location due to its high location and is now the focus of fierce battles between the Russian army and Ukrainian forces.

Last year, the Russian army took control of the city of Bakhmut after a 10-month battle.
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#Bakhmut_City #Chasev_Yar_City #Glide_Bombs #Kharkov #Kiev #Moscow #Russia #Russian_Army #Ukraine #Ukrainian_Forces #United_States_of_America #Washington
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The American media unanimously agreed that President Joe Biden’s performance in his debate with former President Donald Trump was “disastrous,” and that the Democratic Party must sound the alarm.

The debate began with the economy, which is considered the top priority of the American people, as Biden criticized Trump’s management of the economy and described it as “collapsed” when he took office, pointing to his administration’s efforts to create new job opportunities and improve economic conditions.

Biden said: “The debt during his (Trump) term was greater than any other period in the history of America, and he reduced taxes on the wealthy, and if they had provided 24 or 25%, we would have been able to obtain funds to eliminate the debt, strengthen the health care system, and allow Americans to deal with problems”.
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#Abortion #Debate #Democratic_Party #Donald_Trump #Frank_Luntz #Gaza_War #Joe_Biden #Katie_Bedingfield #Republican_Party #Russia #Ukraine #US_elections #USA #Walid_Al_Hashlamoun
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