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An international report included Libya in the list of countries with the “most stifling” of freedom of expression in the world, which includes restricting the work of not only journalists or activists, but all people.


Libya came in the red box after receiving a score of 33, meaning “very restrictive” to freedom of expression, while it ranked 110th globally among the 161 countries included in the classification, according to the report issued by the “Article 19” group on freedoms.

The report monitored the state of freedom of expression in 161 countries using 25 indicators, and then set an average score for each country ranging from zero to 100, knowing that the higher the scores, the better it is in terms of freedom of expression.
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#Freedom_Of_Expression #Group_Article_19 #Iran #Lebanon #List_of_the_Most_Stifling_Countries #Sultanate_of_Oman #Syria #Tunisia #Yemen
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The organizers of the Petersburg International Economic Forum announced that nearly 17 thousand people and 3.4 thousand media representatives have so far confirmed their participation in the event held next week.

The “Ros Congress” Foundation, which is responsible for organizing the event, said, citing Anton Kobyakov, advisor to the Russian president and executive secretary of the forum’s organizing committee: “At present, 17.1 thousand people and 3.4 thousand media representatives from 136 countries and regions have confirmed their participation in the Petersburg Economic Forum.” International”.

Kobyakov pointed out that “the forum is now considered one of the sovereign centers for global development and performs a historically unique mission to maintain the global balance of power, build a multipolar international system and provide appropriate conditions for development on the basis of a unified and constructive agenda dictated by national interests.”
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#Advisor_to_the_Russian_President #Anton_Kobyakov #Banking_Services #Digital_Trade #Global_Food_Security_Issues #Petersburg_Economic_Forum #Ross_Congress_Foundation #Russia_news #Sultanate_of_Oman
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Morocco advanced in the Global Peace Index for 2024, rising 14 places to rank 78th globally, and sixth in the Middle East and North Africa region.

This classification is issued by the Institute of Economics and Peace, based on a set of sub-indicators such as the level of crime, the number of detainees, security personnel, and defense spending.

Iceland, Ireland, and Austria topped the top three places, respectively, while Yemen, Sudan, South Sudan, Afghanistan, and Ukraine topped the list after being classified in the red zones.

At the Arab level, Kuwait came in 25th place globally and first in the Arab world, followed by Qatar (29), the Sultanate of Oman (37), the United Arab Emirates (53), Tunisia (74), Algeria (90), and Libya (128).
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#Afghanistan #Algeria #Austria #Global_Peace_Index #Iceland #Institute_of_Economics_and_Peace #Ireland #Israel #Kuwait #Libya #Middle_East #Morocco_News #North_Africa #Palestine #Qatar #Sudan #Sultanate_of_Oman #Tunisia #UAE #Ukraine #Yemen
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Head of the Consular Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Alexei Klimov, announced ongoing negotiations between Russia and nine countries with the aim of mutual cancellation of entry visas.

According to Klimov, the agreements concluded over the past four years with more than 65 countries have entered into force, allowing citizens of these countries to enter Russia without a visa.

The countries concerned with the new discussions include Zimbabwe, Bahrain, Kuwait, the Sultanate of Oman, Saudi Arabia, and Malaysia, in addition to Myanmar, and negotiations are also underway with China to ease restrictions on tourist delegations.
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#Bahrain #Alexey_Klimov #Kuwait #Malaysia #Russia #Russian_Ministry_of_Foreign_Affairs #Saudi_Arabia #Sultanate_of_Oman #Tourism #Zimbabwe
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