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Local and international human rights organizations have issued a joint warning on the deteriorating conditions of refugees since the end of August in Egypt.

Twenty-seven human rights organizations revealed ill-treatment of Sudanese refugees in Egypt as a result of arrest, detention, and deportation campaigns by the Egyptian authorities.

According to human rights organizations, the Egyptian authorities’ decision No. 3326 allowed the arrest and detention of Sudanese refugees and asylum seekers in inhumane conditions.

Human rights organizations documented that the Egyptian authorities urgently issued travel documents for the purpose of deporting the Sudanese, noting that most of them were forced to sign documents considered as consent to “voluntary return.”
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#Egypt #Egyptian_Government #Human_Rights_Organizations #Sudan
The events in Niger summarize the nature of the conflict in West Africa in general and provide a model for the Russian-American geopolitical rivalry and the shifts in the international balance of power after France left one of its old colonies.
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#France #Mazen_Bilal #Niger #Russia #United_States
Libya’s Supreme Judicial Council announced a decision to pardon the rest of their sentences for convicts who have completed at least half of their sentences.

The council's press office said the pardon would be applied on relaxed terms, including serving a quarter of the term for convicts suffering from chronic illnesses or over the age of sixty. The decision includes those sentenced to life imprisonment provided that they have served at least fifteen years of their sentence, and that they are not involved in repeated crimes or organized criminal acts. The amnesty does not include those convicted of terrorism, state security crimes, murder, robbery under threat of violence, as well as drug-related offenses punishable by more than ten years. The pardon is the first this year, as the last pardon was issued in April last year, during which 1,057 prisoners were pardoned in implementation of Supreme Judicial Council Resolution No. 55 of 2023.

#Amnesty_Decision #Libya #Supreme_Judicial_Council
Finnish police announced that 3 minors were injured in a shooting attack at a Finnish school, and the shooter was arrested.

Finnish police said a shooting incident occurred at the Vertula school in Vantaa on Tuesday morning. Finnish media reported that all those involved in the incident were 12-year-old school students. Police confirmed that 3 people were injured in the shooting, explaining that the 12-year-old shooter was arrested.

#Breaking_News #Miscellaneous #Finland #School #Shooting
Arab and foreign countries condemned the bombing of the Iranian consulate by Israeli warplanes in the center of the Syrian capital Damascus, on Monday, killing 7 people, including diplomats.

In a statement, the Saudi Foreign Ministry expressed "Saudi Arabia's condemnation of the targeting of the Iranian consulate building in the Syrian capital Damascus," expressing "the Kingdom's categorical rejection of targeting diplomatic facilities for any justification, and under any pretext, which is a violation of international diplomatic laws and the rules of diplomatic immunity." The Iraqi Foreign Ministry said in a statement that it "expresses its condemnation of the targeting of the Iranian diplomatic mission in the Syrian capital Damascus," adding that "this attack represents a clear and flagrant violation of international law and Syrian sovereignty and warns of the danger of compromising the security of diplomatic missions that have diplomatic immunity under international laws.
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#Al_Khamenei #Damascus #Ebrahim_Raisi #Iran #Iranian_Consulate #Israel #Security_Council #Syria #United_States_of_America
A meeting chaired by the Minister of Interior of the government mandated by the Libyan House of Representatives, Essam Abu Zriba, was held to discuss the challenges facing the work of the security authorities in the southern city of Ghat.

The meeting focused on the security situation in Ghat and the surrounding border areas, and reviewed the municipality’s security efforts, the shortage of security services and the need to deal with them, according to a ministry statement.

The meeting was attended by the head of the branch of the General Directorate of Central Support, the head of the branch of the Anti-Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, the head of the Criminal Investigation Service branch and his deputy, in addition to the spokesman for the Ministry of Interior, the president of the General Assembly, and a number of members of the Tuareg Senate.
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#Appointed_Libyan_Government #Ezzam_Abu_Zriba #Ghadames #Libya
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The Director General of the Development and Reconstruction Fund for Libya, appointed by the House of Representatives, Belkacem Khalifa Haftar, signed work contracts with Turkish companies, with the aim of implementing a number of projects in the city of Benghazi.

The Reconstruction and Stability Committee, which was assigned by the House of Representatives, announced on its Facebook page that Belkacem signed with major Turkish companies specialized in the field of general contracting, equipment, and infrastructure, in order to start their work for several projects in the city of Benghazi.
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#Benghazi #Khalifa_Haftar #Libya #Libyan_Development_and_Reconstruction_Fund #Turkey
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The Russian Defense Ministry says the number of people joining the military has risen since last month’s terrorist attack on a concert hall near Moscow.

The Russian defense said in a statement that more than 100,000 recruits have registered since the beginning of the year, including about 16,000 in the past 10 days alone.

Interviews were conducted last week at test points in Russian cities, where most candidates indicated horror in revenge for those killed in the tragedy that occurred on March 22 in Moscow.

Earlier, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev announced that the number of Russians who voluntarily rushed to defend their homeland raised the astonishment of the Kiev regime.
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#Dmitry_Medvedev #Drafting #Kyiv #Russia #Russian_Army #Ukraine
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The English newspaper “The National” said in a report that Libya is seeking to recover looted artifacts, in an archaeological dispute with the United Kingdom.

The antiquities issue has sparked tensions between Libya and the United Kingdom, where they clash over the fate of historical artifacts belonging to the greater city of Leptis.

Libyans say these pieces were looted by the British in the nineteenth century, while the UK maintains they were gifts from the governor of coastal Tripoli in 1817 and has so far resisted all calls for their return.
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#Britain #Historical_Artifacts #Libya #Libyan_Antiquities #Louvre_Museum #Paris #Shahhat
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Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has made promises and pledges to achieve seven priorities during his new six-year presidency.

President El-Sisi pledged to protect and maintain Egypt’s national security in light of the turbulent regional and international environment, with a focus on building balanced relations with all parties to promote stability and development, stressing the need to strengthen national dialogue and implement recommendations that are agreed upon in various political, economic, and social sectors.

President Sisi expressed his commitment to adopting strategies that maximize Egypt’s economic capabilities and resources and enhance the resilience and resilience of the economy in the face of crises.

He also announced an increase in agricultural area and productivity in order to achieve food security and attract more local and foreign investments to create millions of jobs.
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#Abdel_Fattah_El_Sisi #Egypt #Egyptian_President
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The Interior Ministry of the Libyan Government of National Unity announced on Tuesday that an attempt to smuggle a quantity of mobile phones out of Libya was thwarted.

The ministry explained that a border guard patrol succeeded in arresting a person of Arab nationality in possession of a number of mobile phones while trying to smuggle them outside the Libyan border, in the Ghadames area.

The ministry confirmed that the necessary legal measures have been taken, including writing a report, seizing seizures, and referring the accused to the competent authorities to take the necessary legal measures against him.
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#Border_Guards #Ghadames #Government_of_National_Unity #Libya #Libyan_Authorities #Mobile_Phones #Smuggling_Crackdown
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The Egyptian government has begun consultations with the European Union to obtain a grant of two billion euros to finance the electricity interconnection projects between Egypt and Italy and Greece.

According to Egyptian government sources, the two projects aim to connect the Egyptian electrical grid to the European grid and provide clean energy to Europe.

The sources pointed to the continuation of feasibility studies for the two projects, while stressing that they will contribute to reducing carbon emissions and achieving benefits for all parties.

Discussions between the Egyptian government and EU officials have been underway for some time, and these talks have progressed in recent months, suggesting the seriousness that the parties concerned are giving to these projects.
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#Egypt #Electric_Grid #European_Union #Greece #Investment #Italy #Trade
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In his controversial remarks, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump described illegal immigrants in the United States as “animals” and “not humans” in a speech in Michigan.

Trump, who has appeared with several law enforcement officers, has detailed several criminal cases involving suspects who are in the United States illegally and warned that violence and chaos will wipe out the country if he does not win the November election.

Speaking about Lakin Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student from Georgia who is allegedly killed by an illegal immigrant from Venezuela, Trump said some immigrants were not human.

Trump, who served as president from 2017 to 2021, added: “Democrats say, ‘Please don’t call them animals. They are human beings. “I say, ‘No, they’re not human. They are animals.
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#Donald_Trump #Georgia #Illegal_Immigration #Joe_Biden #Michigan #Republican_Candidate #Trump #US_Presidential_Elections #Venezuela
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Sudan’s Minister of Culture and Information, Graham Abdel Qader, on Tuesday issued a decision to suspend the work of a number of television channels operating in Sudan and broadcast from the UAE, after accusing them of not adhering to professionalism.

The decision included “Al-Arabiya”, “Al-Hadath” and “Sky News Arabia”, noting that these channels did not renew their licenses to practice media work.

The Sudan News Agency (SUNA) explained that this decision was based on the guidelines and requirements of professionalism in media work, and to promote the interest of the Sudanese citizen and his values.
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#abu_dhabi #Rapid_Support_Forces #Security_Council #Sudan #Sudan_News #Sudanese_Media #UAE #United_Arab_Emirates #United_Nations
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A party attended by some players of the French national football team has sparked sharp criticism of the French Football Federation, after videos surfaced confirming the presence of drugs and alcohol, at a time when fasting players were excluded during Ramadan.

The famous French journalist Romain Molina appeared in a video recording in which he talked about the details of a party that was held by some players at the Sofital Hotel in Marseille, after the match, and the party was full of alcohol, drugs, and loud music, which caused annoyance among hotel guests.

This behaviour has led to accusations of double standards by the French Football Federation, where the behaviour of national players is condoned while Muslim players who wish to fast during Ramadan are penalized.
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#Football_news #France #France_News #French_League #French_National_Team #Ramadan
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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in the government mandated by the Libyan House of Representatives has launched an international campaign in solidarity with Libyan youth detained in Italy.

This campaign comes in support of young people arrested in Italy, against the background of their attempt to emigrate to Italy in 2015 to escape the conditions of war and instability.

The Ministry renewed its call on the Italian authorities to release these young people or hand them over to the Libyan authorities in accordance with international human rights law and international humanitarian law.
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#Germany #Cameroon #Illegal_Immigration #Italy #Libya_News #Libyan_Foreign_Ministry #Morocco #Spain #Switzerland #Tunisia
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The Central Bank of Libya announced that its official website had been hacked, which has put it out of service for the time being.

The bank said, in a statement, that its official website and foreign currency reservation platform for individuals were subjected to a cyber-attack.

The bank explained in the statement that the site and platform were subjected to a Distributor Denial of Service (DDoS) attack on Monday, which affected the accessibility of the system.

He pointed out that the attack on the platform was successfully countered by preventing access to the system from any registered network address outside the Libyan state, and that the platform is operating normally after the attack stops.

The bank confirmed that work is currently underway to address the attack on the site in order to restore it and prevent similar future breaches.
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#Central_Bank_of_Libya #Cyber_Attack #Libya #Libya_News
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Saif al Islam Gaddafi’s team, son of the late President Muammar Gaddafi, accused Britain of blatant interference in Libya’s internal affairs and trying to exclude him from political life in the country.

Saif al-Islam Muammar Gaddafi’s team issued a statement confirming that the British government continues to impose its exclusionary vision towards him and interfere in Libya’s internal affairs.

The statement stated that British representatives asked the UN envoy to work to exclude Saif al-Islam from the upcoming presidential elections in Libya, by exploiting his legal file politically.
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#Abdullah_Al_Lafi #Britain #David_Cameron #Libya #Libya_News #Libyan_Presidential_Council #Muammar_Gaddafi #Saif_al_Islam_Gaddafi
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Senegal’s new president, Basiro Diomaye Faye, has appointed his biggest backer in the election, Ousmane Sonko, as prime minister, one of the most vocal opponents of former Senegalese President Macky Sall.

“I understand the importance of the trust that President Faye has placed in me,” Sonko, 49, said on RTS, adding that he would form the new government “in the coming hours.”

Sonko was arrested in July 2023 on charges of “calling for disobedience”, and the Constitutional Council rejected his candidacy for the presidency in January, after which he supported the candidacy of his assistant Baciro Diomay Faye, who has been suspended since April 2023 on charges of “contempt of the judiciary” after broadcasting a message critical of the judiciary.
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#Bassirou_Diomaye_Faye #Macky_Sall #Ousmane_Sonko #Senegal #Senegal_News #Senegalese_President
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The Russian frigate “Marshal Shaposhnikov” visited the coast of Eritrea at the invitation to participate in the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

The frigate docked at the port of Massawa amid a welcome ceremony and in the presence of representatives of the local administration and the Eritrean navy.

The Pacific Fleet continued to dock for several days, after which the frigate continued to carry out its long-distance cruise schedule.

During the ship’s visit, a rich cultural and sports program was organized for the sailors, where the crew of the frigate visited important landmarks on tourist tours, and friendly sports matches were organized in honor of the sailors of the guest country.
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#Eritrea #Somalia #Asmar #Marshal_Shaposhnikov #Russia #Russian_Navy #Security_Council #United_Nations
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