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Benin has blocked the export of a shipment of crude oil from Niger after refusing to open its land border, escalating political tensions between the two countries.

The export of the first crude oil shipment from Niger was hampered as it arrived at the port of Benin, as the Beninese authorities refused to open its land borders to goods from Niger.

According to a port official, at least three ships have been prevented from carrying the first shipment of crude oil from entering the port, in a move that could affect trade relations between the two countries.

For his part, Benin President Patrice Talon stressed the need for cooperation between the two countries, noting that Benin is ready to cooperate and facilitate transport operations, while accusing Niger of not cooperating and not allowing trucks coming from Benin to cross into its territory.

These obstacles are expected to be an obstacle to Niger’s plans to export crude oil, especially with its announcement of its intention to export its first shipment this month, as part of a loan with China National Petroleum Corporation worth $ 400 million.

#Benin #Benin_News #Niger #Niger_News #Oil_News #Patrice_Talon
Niger’s Prime Minister, Ali Mahamane Lamine Zein, criticized Benin’s decision to prevent the export of Nigerien oil through its port, saying it constituted a violation of bilateral agreements between the two countries.

Speaking at a news conference in Niamey, Zain said the decision was putting thousands of jobs and tax revenues at risk.

Zein pointed out that security reasons are behind keeping the common border with Benin closed, pointing to the presence of French bases in Benin that may harbor terrorists targeting Niger’s stability.

For his part, Beninese President Patrice Talon called on Niger to reopen borders and normalize bilateral relations, stressing that this depends on Niamey’s desire to export oil through the port of Simi Kabodji.

It should be noted that these differences come in the context of the restoration of relations between the two countries after a period of political turmoil in the region, as Benin reopened its border with Niger after announcing the end of sanctions imposed by ECOWAS over the military coup in Niger.

But Niger has kept its borders closed and has previously accused Benin of "seeking to undermine its security" in cooperation with France, which is contesting its last African colony after the rise of national liberation movements.

#Ali_Lamine_Zein #Benin #Benin_News #ECOWAS #France #French_bases #Niamey #Niger #Niger_News #Nigerian_Oil #Nigerian_Prime_Minister
Authorities in Benin have pledged 2,000 troops to participate in the multinational security support force to help the Republic of Haiti cope with the cycle of violence there.

According to Radio France Internationale on Tuesday, the move builds on the strong historical ties between Benin and Haiti, as the cultural and historical similarities and ties between the two countries are strong, especially thanks to voodoo (a syncretic religious doctrine rooted in West Africa and practiced in parts of the Caribbean, especially in Haiti and parts of the southern United States).

José Blea, who is in charge of President Patrice Talon’s mission for arts and culture in Benin, explained that “voodoo forms a strong bond between Benin and Haiti.
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#Bahamas #Bangladesh #Barbados #Benin_News #Chad #Haiti #Jamaica #José_Plia #Kenya #Multinational_Security_Support_Force #Patrice_Talon #Security_Council #Stephane_Dujarric #United_Nations #Voodoo_Religion
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Benin’s Minister of Energy, Samou Seydou Adambe, failed to meet with Niger’s transitional president, General Abderrahmane Tiane, to deliver a message from Benin’s president, Patrice Talon.

Minister Adambe confirmed in a statement he made to the Beninese press that General Tiani was unable to receive him to receive the message, without explaining the reasons.

Adambe visited the Nigerian capital, Niamey, to hold meetings with the Nigerien and Chinese parties regarding the pipeline used by the Chinese company “WAPCO” to export Nigerien crude oil from the Benin port of Simi.

The minister explained that Benin will continue to play its role in strengthening bilateral relations with Niger and committing to the pipeline project.
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#Abderrahmane_Tiane #Benin_News #Beninese_Port_of_Simi #Beninian_Minister_of_Energy #Beninian_President #China #ECOWAS #France #Niger_News #Niger_Transitional_President #Nigerian_Crude_Oil #Patrice_Talon #Samo_Seydou_Adambe #WAPCO
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Seven soldiers were killed in an attack carried out by suspected Islamist militants in the “Benjari” National Park in northern Benin yesterday, Wednesday.

“Reuters” quoted security sources as saying that the soldiers were killed after being ambushed near the town of “Tanguita”, while the Benin army did not officially announce the incident.

Burkina Faso and Niger, Benin’s northern neighbors, are facing an ongoing insurgency, making the region vulnerable to cross-border attacks by groups linked to “Al-Qaeda” and “ISIS”.

Last April, a border crossing with Niger was attacked by unknown gunmen, killing three people and wounding another.
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#Al_Qaeda #Armed_Attack #Benin_Army #Benin_News #Benjari_Park #Burkina_Faso #ISIS #Islamic_Militants #Niger #Terrorism
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Niger is facing a dangerous escalation in armed conflicts linked to the oil sector after a group opposed to the ruling military junta announced an attack on an oil pipeline funded by the Chinese company PetroChina.

This pipeline extends a distance of about two thousand kilometers from the Agadem field in Niger to the coast of the Republic of Benin, with a capacity of up to 90 thousand barrels per day and is part of a deal worth $400 million with the Chinese National Petroleum Corporation.

These attacks come in a complex context, as Niger has witnessed increasing political and security tensions since the July 2023 coup.

The National Liberation Front, which was formed after the coup, stated that the goal of its attacks was to pressure Chinese partners to cancel the oil export deal.
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#Al_Qaeda #Armed_Conflicts #Benin #Dossou #ISIS #Niger #Niger_Military_Junta #Niger_News #PetroChina
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Nigerian authorities confirmed on Friday that part of a pipeline transporting crude oil to Benin had been sabotaged.

The public channel “Tele Sahel” reported that “individuals with bad intentions sabotaged part of the pipeline in the Tusker area (central east) on the night of June 16 to 17.”

Zinder District Governor, Colonel Issoufou Labo, inspected the site of the attack and said: “We have collected information and evidence about the suspected perpetrators, and all those who participated in this act will be arrested and tried according to their terrorist behavior.”

“Tele Sahel” channel added that this “act of sabotage” led to damage to the pipeline and caused the leakage of crude oil.

The pipeline extends about 2,000 kilometers to transport crude oil from oil wells in Agadim (northeastern Niger) to the port of Simi Kaboudji in Benin.

#Agadim #Benin #Issoufou_Lapu #Niger_News #Nigerian_Authorities #Nigerian_Crude_Oil #Oil_News #Pipeline #Tasker_Zone #Terrorism
A senior American general visited Africa to discuss ways to maintain the American presence in West Africa, after Niger’s decision to expel the American army in favor of a partnership with Russia.

General Charles Brown, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US Air Forces, told reporters before arriving in Botswana for a meeting of African defense leaders that he would speak with several partners in the region.

Brown pointed to opportunities for cooperation with countries in West Africa to build relationships that would allow the United States to display some of the military capabilities that were present in Niger.

Brown did not reveal which countries were under consideration, but a US official reported that President Joe Biden’s administration had held preliminary talks with countries such as Benin, Ivory Coast and Ghana.
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#Benin #Charles_Brown #Counterterrorism #Ghana #Ivory_Coast #Joe_Biden #Niger #Russia #US_Army #US_General #USA #West_Africa
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A Moroccan Court of Appeal upheld a ruling requiring Maroc Telecom to pay compensation amounting to 6.3 billion dirhams, or about 630 million dollars, to its competitor, ‘Inwi’, due to unfair monopolistic practices.

‘Inwi’, the third largest telecommunications operator in the Kingdom, filed the case in 2021, accusing Maroc Telecom of abusing its dominant position in the market.

The fine exceeds Maroc Telecom’s 2023 profits, which amounted to 6.1 billion dirhams, indicating the significant impact of the ruling on the company’s financial performance.

In 2020, the Moroccan Telecommunications Regulatory Authority imposed a fine of 3.
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#Mauritania #Benin #Burkina_Faso #Casablanca_Stock_Exchange #Central_African_Republic #Chad #Cote_d_Ivoire #Court_of_Appeal #Euronext #Financial_Compensation #Gabon #Inwi #Maroc_Telecom #Morocco #Paris
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The draw ceremony for the 2025 African Cup of Nations, which Morocco will host during the period from December 21, 2025, to January 18, 2026, took place on Thursday in the capital of South Africa, Johannesburg.

The draw resulted in strong groups and anticipated confrontations, especially in the Egyptian national team, which fell into the third group.

The 48 participating teams were divided into 12 groups, with the top two teams from each group qualifying for the tournament finals in Morocco.
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#Mauritania #Africa_Cup_of_Nations_2025 #Algeria #Benin #Chad #Comoros #Congo #Egypt #Equatorial_Guinea #football #Gambia #Ghana #Ivory_Coast #Johannesburg #Libya #Madagascar #Mali #Morocco #Niger #Nigeria #Senegal #South_Africa #Sudan #Tunisia
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