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The Malian army announced the killing of five of its soldiers while repelling an attack carried out by militants linked to “Al-Qaeda” in the west of the country.

The army explained in a statement that the attack targeted a military site in the village of Mordia Gharbia, about 200 kilometers north of the capital, Bamako.

The statement stated that fighters from the “Supporting Islam and Muslims” group, which is linked to Al-Qaeda, carried out the attack using two suicide vehicles and fired shells at the military site.

The statement added that the Malian armed forces were able to repel the attack and inflicted “heavy losses in lives and property,” stressing that “a large number of terrorists were neutralized, and dozens wounded.
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#Al_Qaeda #Bamako #Combating_Terrorism #Group_for_the_Support_of_Islam_and_Muslims #ISIS #Mali_Army #Mali_News #Mordi_Village
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Experts on African affairs and international terrorism have warned of the escalation of terrorist operations in Mali after the departure of the European Union military mission.

The mission has been present in Mali since 2013 to train the armed forces to confront extremist groups such as ISIS and Al-Qaeda.

Mounir Adeeb, a researcher on extremist movements and international terrorism, said that the withdrawal of the international forces of the European Union mission from Mali comes in the context of the African continent being affected by several factors, including the military coups that led to the withdrawal of American and French forces, which enhances the chances of terrorism growing.
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#Al_Qaeda #Burkina_Faso_News #Chad #European_Union #European_Union_Military_Mission #ISIS #Mali_News #Military_Coups #Mounir_Adib #Niger_News #Salah_Halima #Senegal #Terrorism
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Seven soldiers were killed in an attack carried out by suspected Islamist militants in the “Benjari” National Park in northern Benin yesterday, Wednesday.

“Reuters” quoted security sources as saying that the soldiers were killed after being ambushed near the town of “Tanguita”, while the Benin army did not officially announce the incident.

Burkina Faso and Niger, Benin’s northern neighbors, are facing an ongoing insurgency, making the region vulnerable to cross-border attacks by groups linked to “Al-Qaeda” and “ISIS”.

Last April, a border crossing with Niger was attacked by unknown gunmen, killing three people and wounding another.
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#Al_Qaeda #Armed_Attack #Benin_Army #Benin_News #Benjari_Park #Burkina_Faso #ISIS #Islamic_Militants #Niger #Terrorism
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Niger is facing a dangerous escalation in armed conflicts linked to the oil sector after a group opposed to the ruling military junta announced an attack on an oil pipeline funded by the Chinese company PetroChina.

This pipeline extends a distance of about two thousand kilometers from the Agadem field in Niger to the coast of the Republic of Benin, with a capacity of up to 90 thousand barrels per day and is part of a deal worth $400 million with the Chinese National Petroleum Corporation.

These attacks come in a complex context, as Niger has witnessed increasing political and security tensions since the July 2023 coup.

The National Liberation Front, which was formed after the coup, stated that the goal of its attacks was to pressure Chinese partners to cancel the oil export deal.
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#Al_Qaeda #Armed_Conflicts #Benin #Dossou #ISIS #Niger #Niger_Military_Junta #Niger_News #PetroChina
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The Nigerian army announced the liquidation of “Abdullah Suleiman Adwal”, an influential leader within the “ISIS” organization in the west of the country, last Sunday night in the town of Mihana in the Tillaberi region bordering Mali and Burkina Faso.

The army explained in an official statement that the operation led to the “neutralization” of Adwal as part of the counter-terrorism efforts launched by its forces in the region, which is a stronghold for extremists linked to “Al-Qaeda” and “ISIS”.

The Nigerian army announced earlier last week that it had killed nine extremists and arrested 31 others in security operations that took place southeast of Tira, an area that witnessed repeated battles between soldiers and extremists.
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#Abdoulaye_Suleiman_Adwal #Al_Qaeda #ISIS #Islamic_State #Niger #Niger_News #Nigerian_Army #Terrorism #Tillaberi_Region
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A security force in Niger was attacked by terrorist groups in the west of the country. The attack resulted in the deaths of 20 soldiers and one civilian, and nine others were injured.

The Nigerian Ministry of Defense announced this incident via a television statement, stressing that a “coalition of armed terrorist groups” carried out the attack near the town of Tassia.

The ministry also indicated that “dozens” of attackers were killed in the confrontation, and that it deployed air and ground reinforcements to pursue those who fled.

The authorities declared a three-day national mourning, starting today, Wednesday, during which flags will be flown at half-mast.

The Ministry praised the security forces, describing them as having “steadfast determination” in confronting the challenges that threaten the country’s sovereignty.
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#Al_Qaeda #Armed_Groups #Burkina_Faso #ISIS #Mourning #Niger #Nigerian_Ministry_of_Defense #Tasia #Terrorist_Attacks
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On Wednesday, the International Criminal Court convicted Al-Hassan Ag Abdel Aziz Ag Mohamed Ag Mahmoud, affiliated with the Al-Qaeda terrorist organization, of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity in Mali.

During the sentencing hearing, Al-Hassan was found guilty of committing war crimes and crimes against humanity while terrorist organizations linked to Al-Qaeda controlled the city of Timbuktu, Mali, for nearly a year in 2012, and the court is expected to issue a life sentence to Al-Hassan at a later date.

The Malian government handed Al Hassan over to the International Criminal Court in 2018, and he appeared before a judge for the first time in 2019.
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#Ahmed_Al_Faqi_Al_Mahdi #Al_Qaeda #Alhassan_Ag_Abdelaziz_Ag_Mohamed_Ag_Mahmoud #Amadou_Toumani_Toure #Ansar_Dine_Front #City_of_Timbuktu #International_Criminal_Court #Terrorism #War_Crimes
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‘Reuters’ quoted local officials in Mali as saying that unidentified gunmen killed about 40 people in an attack on the village of Djiguibombo in the Mopti region in central Mali.

The attack, which occurred on Monday, targeted the village of Djiguibombo, one of several areas in northern and central Mali, where armed groups linked to Al-Qaeda and ISIS have been active for more than a decade.

The mayor of Bankass, Moulay Guindo, said that the attack was “very dangerous, as armed men surrounded the village and shot people,” noting that the attack occurred during a wedding, which led to a state of panic among the attendees.

The mayor was unable to determine the exact number of deaths, but other local officials reported that the attack killed about 40 people, most of them men.
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#Al_Qaeda #Armed_Attack #Bankass_municipality #Djiguibombo_Village #ISIS #Mali #Mopti #Moulay_Guindo #Terrorism
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The Nigerien army announced that a large number of escapees from the high-security Kotukale prison, near the capital Niamey, have been arrested after a mutiny that led to the escape of hundreds of detainees.

The army stated in a statement carried by Radio ‘France International” in its African bulletin on Monday that search operations are still continuing to find the rest of the fugitives.

The statement explained that the official number of fugitives who have been arrested has not been announced yet, even though a few days have passed since the mass escape.

The statement indicated that the prisoners in Kotukale prison are considered among the most dangerous, as they include extremists linked to “Al-Qaeda” and I”SIS”.
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#Al_Qaeda #Insurgency #ISIS #Jihadi_Militias #Kotukale_Prison #Niamey #Niger #Niger_Army #Niger_River #Terrorism
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The Nigerian Ministry of Defense announced that at least 15 soldiers were killed, and 16 others were injured during battles that broke out in the Tira region, southwest of the country, near the border with Burkina Faso.

The ministry said in a statement broadcast on state television: “A unit of the defense and security forces clashed on Monday during an operation with armed terrorist groups in the Bankilari-Tira axis on the outskirts of the village of Funikou in the Tillaberi region in the west of the country.”

The ministry added that “15 soldiers were killed according to a preliminary toll,” noting that “3 soldiers were missing and 16 were injured and were transferred to Tira Hospital.”

The statement stated that the Nigerian forces were able to kill 21 terrorists and destroy 8 motorcycles they were riding, and two Nigerian army vehicles were destroyed during the battles.
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#Al_Qaeda #Burkina_Faso #foneko #ISIS #Niger #Nigerian_Ministry_of_Defense #Terrorism #tillaberi
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