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An attack by an “al-Qaeda” armed group killed 73 people, including 32 civilians, and wounded 25 pro-government personnel.

According to security reports from Burkina Faso, the attack targeted a camp in Tauri, in the province of Tapua, and the attackers were able to take control of the camp, then went to the village and looted the property of the people and the weapons of the defense and security forces, leaving behind a large number of victims.

The incident came hours after Burkina Faso’s ruling military council announced the extension of the general mobilization against terrorism it decided in mid-April last year for an additional year.
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#Al_Qaeda #Burkina_Faso #Burkina_Faso_News #Captain_Ibrahim_Traoré #Terrorism #West_Africa
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Badr Ali Koulibaly, the Inspector General of State Services in Mali, announced today, Friday, the possibility of Mali stopping the use of the West African franc as its official currency this year.

Koulibaly stated that there is a plan to get rid of the West African franc, affirming his country’s desire not to use it in the future.

General Abdelrahmane Chiani, the head of the National Council for the Defense of the Nation in Niger, had previously agreed to establish a unified currency with Burkina Faso as part of the Sahel Alliance.

Chiani also pointed out the impossibility of continuing to use the West African franc because France considers it as its “milking cow.
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#Burkina_Faso #Burkina_Faso_News #France #French_Central_Bank #French_colonization #General_Abdelrahmane_Chiani #Mali_News #Niger #Paris #Sahel_Alliance #West_African_Franc
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Experts in international relations predicted that France’s problems in Africa will become more difficult in the coming period after a new leadership took power in Senegal, known for its orientation to “liberate Senegal from dependence on former colonizers.”

Senegal’s new president, Baciro Diomaye Faye, surprisingly won the presidential election, which took place last March, with 54.28 percent, to take over from President Macky Sall, who did not participate in these elections, and Faye won the election a few days after his release from prison, which was considered an indication of the popularity of his “ideas different from his predecessor.
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#Baciro_Diomaye_Faye #Burkina_Faso #Burkina_Faso_News #European_Colonialism #France #French_Colonialism #Macky_Sall #Mali_News #Niger #Niger_News #Senegal #Senegal_News
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Burkina Faso’s foreign ministry announced that it had expelled three French diplomats from the French embassy in Ouagadougou for subversive activities.

The ministry described the three diplomats as “persona non grata” and asked them to leave the country within the next 48 hours.

In a related context, French sources reported that on the first of December, four French officials were arrested in Ouagadougou and charged with espionage, where they were placed under house arrest.

Burkinabe authorities said at the time they were “intelligence agents”, but the French source said, “they were computer maintenance technicians”.
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#Burkina_Faso #Burkina_Faso_News #France #French_Forces #Ibrahim_Traore #Ouagadougou #Paris
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“The International Rescue Committee” has warned that some 7.5 million people are at risk of severe food insecurity in Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger.

In a statement, the committee confirmed that rates of acute food insecurity and malnutrition in these areas continue to rise, noting that the number affected is witnessing an increase of 5.4 million people compared to last year.

Some 70 million people live in these three countries, and climate shocks and other factors are exacerbating this crisis, driving young and old people into displacement within and outside the region.

Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger are on the United Nations list of the world’s 46 least developed countries.

For decades, France exploited African countries to leverage their resources at the expense of people who suffered poverty and deprivation before activating national liberation movements and forcing France to withdraw from many countries.
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#Burkina_Faso_News #Food_Insecurity #French_Military #International_Rescue_Committee #Mali_News #Niger_News #Russia_news
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The government of Burkina Faso announced the nationalization of the Libyan Arab Bank for Trade and Development, which has been established in partnership with Libya since 1984.


The decision came after a cabinet meeting in Ouagadougou, where Burkina Faso’s government justified its move by wanting to ensure “better governance of the bank”, blaming the Libyan side for the difficulties faced by the financial institution.

The government said in a statement: “After 36 years, the bank has not achieved its desired goals, as it suffers from great difficulties that prevent it from continuing its work properly.

The government explained in the statement that Libyan support to the bank was insufficient, and only provided its share of social capital, considering that this absence of funding often turned into opposition and conflict between shareholders on various topics, such as the selection of the general manager and structural reforms that Libya constantly opposes to.

The government noted that all initiatives it has taken from capital increase, support in terms of resource mobilization, capital opening, and the provision of resources in the form of shareholder current accounts have been rejected by the Libyan side.
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#Abu_Bakr_Nacanabo #Arab_Libyan_Bank_for_Trade_and_Development #Bank_Nationalization #Burkina_Faso #Burkina_Faso_News #Fateh_Allah_Zaini #Government_of_National_Unity #Libya_News #Libyan_Economy #Ouagadougou
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Burkina Faso announced the extension of the rule of the ruling military junta for another five years, according to a new charter approved by the participants in the national dialogue yesterday, Saturday.

This charter sets the transitional period to democracy at 60 months, starting next July. The charter also allows the interim leader of Burkina Faso, Ibrahim Traoré, to run for the presidency when elections are held.

The authorities have made it clear that security considerations will be the priority, with the possibility of holding elections sooner if the security situation allows.

Ibrahim Traoré, who currently holds the position of interim leader of Burkina Faso, is known for his advanced military career, as he joined the Burkina Faso army in 2009. During his career, he received training in the Air Defense Forces in Morocco, participated in the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Mali, and also played a role in... Operations against the jihadist insurgency in Burkina Faso and was promoted to the rank of captain in 2020.

Traoré has become a symbol of change in Burkina Faso and shows a move towards reviewing the country's international relations, including relations with France and rapprochement with Russia.

#Al_Qaeda #Burkina_Faso #Burkina_Faso_News #Ibrahim_Traore #ISIS
Senegalese President, Basserou Diomahi Faye, discussed with Malian leader, Assimi Goaita, in the Malian capital, Bamako, the issue of Mali remaining in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

“I understand Mali’s position, which, despite its rigidity, is not completely inflexible,” Fay said during his first official visit to Mali.

Fei stressed that all parties must work together to find positive ways to enhance integration, including through bilateral cooperation, and also “by trying to correct the mistakes we have observed in multilateral cooperation,” as he put it.

In the same context, Fay visited Burkina Faso on Thursday, and met with the head of the transitional authority, Ibrahim Traoré, in the capital, Ouagadougou.
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#Asmi_Goeta #Bamako #Bassero_Diomaye_Faye #Burkina_Faso_News #ECOWAS #Ibrahim_Traore #Mali_Leader #Mali_News #Niger_News #Ouagadougou #Senegal_News #Senegalese_President
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Experts on African affairs and international terrorism have warned of the escalation of terrorist operations in Mali after the departure of the European Union military mission.

The mission has been present in Mali since 2013 to train the armed forces to confront extremist groups such as ISIS and Al-Qaeda.

Mounir Adeeb, a researcher on extremist movements and international terrorism, said that the withdrawal of the international forces of the European Union mission from Mali comes in the context of the African continent being affected by several factors, including the military coups that led to the withdrawal of American and French forces, which enhances the chances of terrorism growing.
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#Al_Qaeda #Burkina_Faso_News #Chad #European_Union #European_Union_Military_Mission #ISIS #Mali_News #Military_Coups #Mounir_Adib #Niger_News #Salah_Halima #Senegal #Terrorism
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During a press conference at the conclusion of his visit to Burkina Faso, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov announced Russia’s plans to increase the number of military trainers in the country.

Lavrov said: “Russian trainers are working here (in Burkina Faso), and their number will increase later,” noting that Russia is also training members of the armed forces and law enforcement agencies in Burkina Faso and described this type of partnership as “specific and very advanced.”

Lavrov confirmed that Russia will supply Burkina Faso with additional military products to support its efforts to combat terrorism, explaining that Russian Deputy Defense Minister Yunusbek Yevkurov recently visited Burkina Faso to enhance this cooperation.
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#Anti_Terrorism #Burkina_Faso_News #Congo #Guinea #Ibrahim_Traore #Karamoko_Jean_Marie_Traoré #Ouagadougou #Russia_news #Russian_Foreign_Minister #Sergey_Lavrov #Vladimir_Putin #Yunus_Bek_Yevkurov
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