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The sixth semi-annual coordination summit between the African Union, the regional economic communities and the African mechanisms began in the Ghanaian capital, Accra, with the participation of 16 heads of state.

Over the course of one day, the summit discussed political, security and economic files, and the heads of the regional groups presented annual reports that dealt with the state of peace, security and development, and ways to coordinate the efforts of these groups with the policies of the African Union, during a closed session after the opening open session.
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#Africa #African_Commission #African_Coordination_Summit #African_Union #Egypt #Egyptian_Prime_Minister #Ghana #Libya #Libyan_Presidential_Council #Mauritanian_President #Mohamed_Al_Menfi #Mohamed_Ould_Al_Ghazouani #Mustafa_Madbouly #Nana_Akufo_Addo
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The Joint Disarmament Commission in Chad announced its success in seizing 3,094 firearms between May 2023 and July 2024, as part of its efforts to combat the flow of weapons from neighboring countries, including Libya.

General Tahir Yusuf Bui, the Authority’s coordinator, confirmed in a statement to local media on Sunday that the Authority faces great challenges due to the influx of weapons from neighboring countries witnessing conflicts, which calls for the need to strengthen disarmament efforts.

The general explained that the seized weapons were found in N’Djamena and in the provinces, and along the borders with neighboring countries such as Libya, Sudan, and the Central African Republic.
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#Arms_smuggling #Central_African_Republic #Chad #Idriss_DΓ©by #Joint_Disarmament_Commission #Libya #N_Djamena #Reinforced_128th_Brigade #Sectarian_Conflicts #Sudan #Temsa
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Military and security sources reported that the outgoing National Unity Government in Libya launched military operations to secure the β€œNC7” oil field, known as the Hamada field, in light of the increasing tensions in the region.


The military operations come within the framework of the government’s strategy to begin work on the project in the coming days, and no official comments have yet been issued by the government or the Ministry of Defense about the details of the operations.

On the other hand, the Zintan Revolutionary Council issued a statement expressing its rejection of the entry of any military forces or investment companies into the region that extends from Qurayyat in the east to Ghadames in the west, stressing that the oil fields in the region belong to the Libyan people.
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#Ghadames #Hamada_Oil_Field #Libya #Libyan_Army #Military_Operations #Zintan_Revolutionary_Council
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The Ministry of Planning and Finance of the Libyan government issued strict instructions not to deal with the outgoing National Unity Government headed by Abdul Hamid Al-Dbeibeh.

This came in an official statement addressed by the Ministry to the auditors and directors of financial services audits and offices and the financial controllers of independent agencies and agencies.

In its statement, the Ministry stressed the necessity of adhering to the decisions issued by the House of Representatives and the relevant oversight bodies, stressing the necessity of not attending meetings called for by the outgoing National Unity Government or receiving any of its committees.

The Ministry indicated that dealing should be limited only to the departments concerned with employee data related to salaries and the like.
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#Abdul_Hamid_al_Dbeibeh #Interim_Government_of_National_Unity #Libya #Libyan_House_of_Representatives #Ministry_of_Planning_and_Finance
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Algerian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ahmed Attaf, held his first meeting with the new Secretary-General of the Arab Maghreb Union, Tarek Ben Salem, in a move considered a sign of overcoming the differences that existed with his predecessor, Tayeb El-Baccouche.

The meeting, which was held in the Ghanaian capital, Accra, is a new beginning for a diplomatic era in the leadership of the Union, months after understandings between Algeria, Tunisia, and Tripoli regarding organizing a periodic tripartite presidential summit.
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#Ahmed_Attaf #Algeria #Algerian_Minister_of_Foreign_Affairs #Carthage_Palace #Libya #Libyan_Presidential_Council #Mohamed_Menfi #Morocco #Qais_Saeed #Secretary_General_of_the_Arab_Maghreb_Union #Tareq_Ben_Salem #Tripoli #Tunisia #Tunisian_President
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Vice President of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Vladimir Badalko, and President of the General Federation of Libyan Chambers of Commerce, Muhammad Al-Raid, signed an important agreement in Moscow aimed at strengthening cooperation between companies and investors in the two countries.


The agreement stipulates the exchange of economic and commercial information of common interest, which will enable the two parties to exchange knowledge about the markets and available investment opportunities.

The agreement includes providing support in organizing economic forums, conferences and meetings, which contributes to enhancing direct communication between businessmen and investors from the two countries.
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#General_Union_of_Libyan_Chambers_of_Commerce #Investment_in_Libya #Libya #Libyan_Economy #Moscow #Russia #Russian_Government #Tripoli
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The Libyan Attorney General, Al-Siddiq Al-Sour, summoned the head of the outgoing National Unity Government, Abdul Hamid Al-Dbeibeh, to attend a meeting at the headquarters of the Attorney General’s Office in Tripoli.


According to the Dbeibeh government’s statement, the meeting discussed the follow-up of a number of joint files that require cooperation between the judicial and executive authorities.

One of the most prominent topics discussed was the measures taken with the State of Tunisia regarding the recovery of the two streets in the case of the killing of citizen Abdelmajid Maligta, according to the usual systems in the two countries.
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#Abdul_Hamid_al_Dbeibeh #Abdul_Majeed_Maligta #Abdul_Rahman_Qajah #Al_Siddiq_Photos #Corruption #Interim_National_Unity_Government #Libya #Libyan_Attorney_General #Tripoli #Tunisia
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Algeria, Libya and Tunisia agreed to establish free trade zones and establish smart industrial zones in the common border areas.


This came during a meeting held in Algeria on Monday evening, where Libya was represented at the meeting by the President of the General Union of Chambers of Industry, Commerce and Agriculture, Mohamed Rayed, in which the Algerian Economic Renewal Council and the Tunisian Union of Industry, Commerce and Traditional Crafts (UTICA) also participated.
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#Algeria #Commerce_and_Agriculture #Commercial_Cooperation #Free_Zone #Libya #Markets #President_of_the_General_Union_of_Chambers_of_Industry #Tunisia #Tunisian_Union_of_Industry_and_Commerce
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On Tuesday, the Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Rights revealed the results of a field study that included 379 migrants from the states of Tunisia, Sfax and Medenine, conducted between last March and May.

The study showed that 84.7% of immigrants do not have an entry visa to Tunisia, 10.3% have an entry visa, and 5% reported that they do not need a visa.

Ramadan Ben Omar, who is responsible for the issue of immigration at the forum, stated that β€œ62.8% of immigrants are in an irregular situation, while 25% of them are asylum seekers, 7.4% are in a regular situation, and 4.7% are in an asylum situation.”

Ben Omar pointed out that 60% of the migrants entered Tunisia via the land border with Algeria, 23% entered via the land border with Libya, and 1.6% came via sea.
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#Algeria #Illegal_Immigration #Italy #Libya #Medenine #Ramadan_Ben_Omar #Sfax #Tunisia #Tunisian_Forum_for_Economic_and_Social_Rights
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The city of Zawiya, located in western Libya, is witnessing violent clashes between armed groups inside residential neighborhoods, resulting in a state of chaos and fear among the civilian population.


Official medical authorities, including the Libyan Red Crescent and the Ambulance and Emergency Service, sent urgent calls to stop the fighting to secure the evacuation of families trapped inside their homes.

In an official statement, the Libyan Red Crescent, Al-Zawiya branch, called for an immediate cessation of the armed conflict, and requested a truce to allow the emergency team the opportunity to evacuate families trapped in areas of clashes.

The statement stressed the need for security agencies and parties to the conflict to cooperate with rescue teams to avoid more casualties.
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#Ambulance_and_Emergency_Service #Armed_Clashes #Interim_National_Unity_Government #Libya #Libyan_Political_Crisis #Libyan_Presidential_Council #Libyan_Red_Crescent #Zawiya_City
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The patrols of the Sabratha Security Directorate in Libya were able to thwart a smuggling operation of irregular migrants near the seashore in the city.


In press statements, the director of the Directorate’s Information and Public Relations Office, Muhammad Shteiwi, explained that the specialized investigation and arrest patrols, in cooperation with other security services, were able to thwart the smuggling operation inside the abandoned quarries near the seashore.

Shteiwi added that the irregular migrants were in the stages of preparation to embark on an illegal journey to Europe and were arrested before they reached the shore.

Shteiwi confirmed that they were transferred to the directorate’s headquarters to complete the necessary legal procedures, in preparation for their delivery to shelter centers with the aim of deporting them to their countries.
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#Deportation #Illegal_Immigration #Immigration_to_Europe #Libya #Mohamed_Shteiwi #Sabratha #Sabratha_Security_Directorate
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The Libyan Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the government appointed by the House of Representatives called on Polish businessmen and companies to participate in the reconstruction process taking place in areas under government control.


This invitation came during a meeting between the Director of the European Administration, Adel Bakkar, and the President of the Polish Chamber of Commerce and Investment, where the two parties discussed β€œsome files that concern Libya and Poland,” according to a brief statement issued by the ministry.

The statement explained that Bakkar sent an invitation to Polish businessmen and companies to contribute to the reconstruction of the areas of infrastructure, electricity, health, and education in Libya.
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#Adel_Bakkar #Government_appointed_by_the_House_of_Representatives #Libya #Libyan_Ministry_of_Foreign_Affairs #Poland #Polish_companies #Reconstruction
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A high-level delegation from the Algerian Civil Aviation Authority conducted a visit to Mitiga International Airport in Libya, today, Wednesday, to verify the security and operational procedures in place at the airport and ensure their compliance with international standards.


The Algerian delegation was received by senior Libyan officials, including the Director General of the Airport, the Director of the Operations and Safety Department, and the Director of the Airport Security Office, in addition to representatives of the various security agencies operating at the airport.
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#Algeria #Algerian_Civil_Aviation_Authority #Casablanca #Civil_Aviation #Fighting_terrorism #Flights #Libya #Libyan_Airports #Libyan_Government_of_National_Accord #Mitiga_International_Airport
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Russia continues to extend a helping hand to African countries seeking to recover from the effects of European and American colonialism, including Libya, a country whose east is witnessing clear growth and stability, despite being exposed to a natural disaster that has caused the death and displacement of thousands.


In this context, today, Wednesday, a Russian plane arrived in the city of Benghazi carrying a new shipment of humanitarian aid provided to residents of the eastern regions of Libya.

The Russian Embassy in Libya said on Wednesday in an official statement that β€œan Il-76 plane belonging to the Russian Emergencies Ministry arrived today, Wednesday, July 24, in the city of Benghazi, carrying a new shipment of humanitarian aid to the residents of the eastern regions of Libya.
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#aid #Benghazi #Derna_City #floods #Green_Mountain #Libya #Libya_News #Libyan_East #Major_General_Khaled_Khalifa_Haftar #Russia #Russia_news #Russian_Ministry_of_Emergencies
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