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The Libyan Public Prosecutor’s Office announced the imprisonment of defendants as part of a gang that detains irregular immigrants, with the aim of forcing their families to pay sums of money for their release.


The office’s statement on Friday stated that the migrants belong to the state of Pakistan, and that members of the Sabratha Security Directorate carried out careful investigations into seizing the freedom of migrants after receiving them from the facilitator of transporting them to Italian territory by sea.

The statement stated that the judicial officer confirmed the veracity of the incident and succeeded in arresting the accused red-handed in the crime of detaining six immigrants who showed signs of cruel, degrading, and inhuman treatment.
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#Blackmail #Gang #Human_Trafficking #Illegal_Immigration #Italy #Libya_News #Libyan_Public_Prosecution #Office_of_the_Libyan_Public_Prosecutor #Pakistan #Sabratha_Security_Directorate
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The 100 Cities for Peace Organization has included the city of Benghazi among the list of the most important cities that call for a culture of peace, in appreciation of its role in combating illegal immigration.


Foreign Minister Plenipotentiary Abdul Hadi Al-Hawaij received a letter from the organization’s director, Pablo Marquette Bonnell, announcing that Benghazi had been chosen as a city of peace for its role in working in the field of human rights and preventing the flow of migration across the Mediterranean, according to a statement issued by the Libyan government.

The director of the international organization stressed that Benghazi is a model to be emulated in this field worldwide.
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#100_Cities_for_Peace_Organization_in_the_World #Abdul_Hadi_Al_Hawaij #Benghazi_News #Human_Rights #Illegal_Immigration #Libya_News #Libyan_Government_in_Charge #Mediterranean_Sea #Pablo_Marquette_Bonnell #Peace
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A confidential United Nations report revealed that border guard forces in Tunisia arrested migrants and handed them over to the Libyan border guards, where they are subjected to horrific violations.


The report, dated January 23, stated that hundreds of migrants were arrested in Tunisia as part of a wave of arrests and expelled to Libya during the second half of last year.

The report published by Reuters was based on interviews with 18 people who had previously been detained, in addition to photographic evidence documenting torture.
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#Abdullah_Batili #Blackmail #Border_Guard #Human_Rights #Human_Trafficking #Illegal_Immigration #Libya_News #Libyan_Anti_Illegal_Immigration_Service #Libyan_Tunisian_Border #Tareq_Lamloum #Tripoli #Tunisia_News #United_Nations
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A Libyan court sentenced two Syrian defendants to eight years after they deliberately detained the freedom of three illegal immigrants of Egyptian nationality and demanded a ransom in exchange for their release.


The Office of the Public Prosecutor in Libya announced that the Syrian immigrants illegally detained the freedom of three Egyptian immigrants, with the aim of forcing their families to pay sums of money in exchange for their release.

In its last session, the Tripoli Court of Appeal ruled to convict the defendants, and issued an eight-year prison sentence. It also ordered the return of the benefits that the defendants obtained from the crime.

The situation in Libya is witnessing great complexity and challenges, including the problem of illegal migration across the Mediterranean, as many parties are making efforts to address this complex and dangerous problem.
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#Egypt #Egyptian_Migrants #Illegal_Immigration #Libya #Libya_News #Libyan_Court #Syria
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The Egyptian authorities deported 700 Sudanese who entered its territory illegally, and they were transported through the Arqin border crossing between the two countries.

These Sudanese had infiltrated Egypt through smuggling corridors, taking advantage of mafia networks that transported them under difficult circumstances to the Egyptian border, without legal papers proving their entry into the country through legal means.

The Egyptian authorities reported that the deported Sudanese were transported by 10 buses, including dozens of families, including many children and the elderly.

Two days ago, the authorities seized 7 buses loaded with Sudanese as they attempted to enter Egypt illegally on the outskirts of Qena Governorate in Upper Egypt.
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#Arqin_Border_Crossing #Egypt_News #Egyptian_Authorities #Illegal_Immigration #Qena_Governorate #Sudan_News #Sudanese_Refugee_Crisis
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An opinion Survey conducted by Princeton University revealed that 35% of Moroccans are considering emigrating, as a result of the deteriorating economic situation in Morocco.

The survey includes 2,400 Moroccans and showed that 53% of those thinking about immigrating intend to do so illegally, and the countries that most attract these young people are the United States (26%), followed by France and Canada (23%), and Italy and Spain (22% each). , and Germany (19%).

The survey indicated that the most prominent reasons for the desire to emigrate is the difficult economic situation, as the Moroccan economy was severely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and the September 2023 earthquake, which killed 3,000 people, and inflation reached 9.
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#Germany #Alboran_Sea #Canada #Canary_Islands #Colombia #COVID_19_Pandemic #France #Illegal_Immigration #Italy #Moroccan_Economic_Situation #Morocco_News #Opinion_Poll #Princeton_University #Spain #United_States_of_America #Venezuela
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Yesterday, Wednesday, the Moroccan Navy announced the rescue of 91 illegal immigrants off the shores of the Sahara region disputed with the Polisario Front, overlooking the Atlantic Ocean.

The Moroccan army statement, published on its official Facebook account, stated that a Royal Navy unit succeeded in rescuing a boat carrying 91 migrants from sub-Saharan African countries, off the coast of the city of Dakhla in the Sahara region, and the necessary aid was provided to the migrants before handing them over. To the Royal Gendarmerie to carry out the required legal procedures.

In a related context, the Moroccan Ministry of Interior announced on January 23 that it had thwarted 75,184 irregular immigration attempts during the year 2023, an increase of 6% compared to 2022.
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#Atlantic_Ocean #Europe #Illegal_Immigration #Kingdom_of_Morocco #Moroccan_Army #Moroccan_Ministry_of_Interior #Morocco #Morocco_News #Polisario_Front #Sahara_Province
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The Anti-Illegal Immigration Service in Tripoli, in coordination with the International Organization for Migration, yesterday, Tuesday, deported a number of irregular migrants from Libya to their countries of origin.


Media sources, citing security officials in the agency, reported that the deportation operation included 174 illegal immigrants of Nigerian origin, including 39 women and 6 children.

The same sources confirmed that these operations, which are carried out via air or land flights depending on the nationalities of the migrants, will continue during the coming weeks.
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It is noteworthy that the International Organization for Migration works throughout Libya and, through its voluntary humanitarian return program, provides assistance to migrants who are stranded in Libya or who are suffering from fragile situations, to return to their countries of origin.

#Africa #Illegal_Immigration #Libya #Migration_to_Europe #Nigeria #Tripoli
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The President of the Libyan Presidential Council, Mohamed Al-Manfi, discussed at the Council’s headquarters, with the European Union ambassadors accredited to Libya, the latest developments in the political situation in the country.


The media office of the President of the Presidential Council said in a statement that during the meeting, the support of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya was emphasized to facilitate a political process under Libyan leadership and ownership, and the call to hold and conduct municipal elections throughout the country was welcomed.

The office explained that during the meeting, it was emphasized to support Libya in removing fighters, mercenaries and foreign forces, and to work to find a national mechanism to distribute the budget and resources in a transparent and fair manner.
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#Corruption #European_Union #Illegal_Immigration #Libya #Libyan_Elections #Libyan_Political_Crisis #Libyan_Presidential_Council #Mohamed_Al_Manfi #Organized_Crime #Terrorism #United_Nations
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The Sudanese community in Egypt faces strict measures from the Egyptian authorities, who decided to close several illegal Sudanese schools.

Sudanese sources confirmed that the Egyptian authorities informed the administrations of these schools of the necessity of closing until all the required legal papers and approvals were completed, and granted the students open leave until further notice.

The Egyptian authorities announced that they would stop all unregulated commercial activities for Sudanese, starting next Sunday. This decision came after a wave of criticism in some Egyptian circles against Sudanese refugees, especially after a map of Sudan, which includes Halayeb and Shalatin, was placed on the windows of Sudanese shops, which sparked demands for their deportation. .
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#Africa #Egypt #Egyptian_Government #Halayeb #Illegal_Immigration #Shalatin #Sudan #Sudanese_community_in_Egypt
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Italian Interior Minister Matteo Piantidosi praised the close cooperation with Tunisia and Libya in efforts to reduce illegal migration flows to Italian coasts.


In statements reported by the Italian β€œNova” news agency, Piantidosi pointed out that β€œthe decrease in the number of landings is due to a decrease in the number of illegal departures, and reducing illegal departures can also mean reducing the risk of tragedies occurring.”

β€œThe fight against human trafficking in any form aims first and foremost to save lives,” Piantidosi stressed.
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#Human_Trafficking #Illegal_Immigration #Italy #Libya #Matteo_Piantidosi #Migrant_Rights #Resettlement #Tunisia
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Tens of thousands of Sudanese refugees fleeing conflict in their country suffer from difficult living conditions in the Libyan city of Kufra.


The local authorities exhausted the resources allocated to support them, which led to them stopping receiving more refugees.

The official in charge of the program to reduce illegal immigration and the voluntary return of Sudanese communities in Libya, Malik Al-Digawi, explained to β€œSudan Tribune” that the conditions in the border triangle, an area that lacks basic services, are getting worse daily with the arrival of more than a thousand refugees daily, especially after the escalation of Battles in El Fasher.
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#humanitarian_aid #Illegal_Immigration #Infidels #Libya #Malik_Al_Dejawi #Sudan #Sudanese_Refugees #War_in_Sudan
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French media reported, citing local authorities, that 4 people died while trying to cross the English Channel from France to Britain on Thursday and Friday.

Reports stated that the French Coast Guard was able to rescue 63 others after a migrant boat sank in the English Channel.

A French Coast Guard spokesman said that they are still collecting confirmed information about the sinking accident, indicating that he cannot provide further details at the present time.

The French Maritime Police explained that a patrol boat headed to the site of the accident after receiving a report of the sinking of the boat, where a helicopter recovered 4 bodies from the water and the rest were rescued.

This incident comes as migrants continue to attempt to cross the English Channel in search of a better life in Britain, despite the great risks they face during the sea journey.
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#Boat_Sinking #Britain #English_Channel #France #Illegal_Immigration #Immigration_to_Europe
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Tunisian Marine Guard units in the Sahel region received an urgent report about illegal immigration boats carrying Tunisians being damaged and leaking water at sea.

The General Administration of the Guard in Tunisia explained that rapid rescue units were immediately directed to the specified locations, where they were able to rescue and save 47 people, including a pregnant woman and an infant.

The administration confirmed that the necessary first aid was provided to passengers, especially pregnant women and infants, before transporting them to nearby ports to provide additional medical care, record their data, and take the necessary legal measures against them.
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#General_Administration_of_the_Guard_in_Tunisia #Illegal_Immigration #Sahel_Region #Tunisia #Tunisian_Naval_Guard
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