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The Egyptian government announced a deadline for foreigners residing on its territory to regularize their status and obtain official residency, until September 30, 2024.

This initiative aims to ensure that all foreigners residing in Egypt have legal status, while benefiting from all government services and rights provided by the state.

The government has issued a special invitation to foreigners who enjoy exemption from the residence fee to register and obtain their exemption card.

This measure follows the decision of the Prime Minister stating that after September 30, 2024, all services for foreigners who did not receive an exemption card will be suspended.

The government also confirmed that after the expiration of the deadline on September 30, 2024, legal action will be taken against foreigners who have not complied with the modernization of their legal status, and they will be treated as violators of Egyptian residency regulations.

It is noteworthy that the number of expatriates residing in Egypt, according to some international estimates, reaches more than 9 million “guests and refugees” representing about 133 countries, 50.4% of males and 49.6% of females, with an average age of 35 years, representing 8.7% of the size of Egypt’s population.

#Egypt #Egyptian_Cabinet #Egyptian_Government #Foreigners #Refugee #Residence #Status_Settlement
The Administrative Court at the State Council in Egypt is holding a hearing today, Sunday, on a lawsuit seeking to revoke the license granted to the “Rahn German School” due to its teaching of content related to homosexuality.

The lawsuit was filed by lawyer Amr Abdel Salam, accusing the school of teaching content that promotes acceptance and tolerance towards homosexuality to sixth grade students.

The court allowed the lawyer to obtain an official copy of the technical report prepared by a special committee delegated by the Ministry of Education.

The committee was tasked with examining the complaint submitted by some parents about the educational content in question, as well as providing clarification from the ministry on the measures taken in this regard.

In his lawsuit, lawyer Abdel Salam stated that the German School of Rann operates under the supervision of one of the German international associations and follows the international protocol adopted between the Egyptian government and the International Baccalaureate Organization to provide a specialized educational curriculum that is compatible with international standards.

The legal debate comes amid growing interest in education, cultural diversity and tolerance in educational communities, with the current controversy pointing to growing tension over how to deliver educational content related to gender and identity issues.

The German Run School is classified as one of the international model schools in Egypt and offers its curricula in Arabic and is under the full supervision and control of the Egyptian Ministry of Education.
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#Egypt #Egyptian_Government #Egyptian_Judiciary #Egyptian_Ministry_of_Education #LGBTQ #Rahn_German_School
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Yasser Abbas, deputy CEO of the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones in Egypt, said that the number of establishments operating in the tourism sector in Egypt has reached more than 11.5 thousand establishments.

These facilities include hotels, tourist villages, resorts, tourism transport companies, marketing and others, with a total investment of EGP 182 billion.

Abbas said in a press statement that Egypt has all the attractive ingredients for investment in the tourism sector, noting that the country received 14.9 million tourists last year.

He pointed out that the authority has supported a number of partnerships between the public and private sectors in the tourism sector, especially in the field of ecotourism, due to the Egyptian government's belief in the ability of the tourism sector to stimulate growth in other economic sectors, and its ability to provide sustainable flows of foreign exchange.

The Egyptian government seeks to enhance its revenues from tourism, as Egypt launched in November 2022 the National Strategy for Tourism Development, which includes providing access to the Egyptian tourist destination significantly, doubling the number of airline seats coming to Egypt in cooperation with the Ministry of Civil Aviation, improving the tourism investment climate in Egypt, increasing the number of hotel rooms in it during the coming period, in addition to working to improve the tourism experience in Egypt, and raise the quality of tourism services provided in it.

#Egypt #Egypt_News #Egyptian_Government #Egyptian_Tourism_Sector #Investment_in_Egypt #Tourism_in_Egypt
The Egyptian government recently moved to oblige ministries to give up their dollar balances to the Central Bank in exchange for the Egyptian pound, with the exception of immediate dollar payment obligations.

According to Karim El-Omda, professor of international economics, this decision aims to increase the state’s cash reserves, and is a sound step to support the Egyptian economy.

The mayor explained that there are several government companies and ministries that achieve dollar revenues and profits, such as the Suez Canal, the Ministry of Electricity, and the Phosphate Production Company, which means that waiving these dollar revenues will contribute to increasing the state’s cash reserves, especially since the government has pledged to provide dollar supplies to these entities to ensure the continuity of… It worked without a hitch.

The mayor pointed out the need to take similar measures with schools and universities that receive tuition fees in dollars, as these institutions cause an increase in demand for the dollar in the parallel market, which weakens the government’s efforts to control the black market and negatively affects the Egyptian economy.
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#Egypt #Egypt_News #Egyptian_economy #Egyptian_Government #US_Dollar
The Egyptian government intends to grow 3.5 million acres of wheat in the 2024-2025 fiscal year, compared to 3.2 million acres in the current fiscal year.

The Minister of Planning, Hala Al-Saeed, explained that this step comes as part of a plan to expand the storage capacity of wheat silos to reach 5.2 million tons, compared to 3.9 million tons in the previous fiscal year.

Al-Saeed confirmed that Egypt also aims to increase the area of land cultivated with strategic crops, to reach 2.8 million acres of corn and 220,000 acres of beans, adding that enhancing the productivity of these crops will reduce the food gap and limit the import of agricultural products.

The Minister also explained that the plan includes adding about 750,000 acres to agricultural areas in the fiscal year 2024-2025, bringing the total to about 10.7 million acres.
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#Egypt #Egyptian_economy #Egyptian_Government #Egyptian_Ministry_of_Planning #Hala_Saeed #Wheat_Cultivation
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The General Investment Authority reported that the “economic reform” program recently implemented by the Egyptian government resulted in making Egypt first in Africa and second in the Arab world in receiving foreign investments.

Ahmed Zuhair, head of the Authority’s Promotion Department, said during the “Solar Energy and Direct Storage in Africa” conference that last year, despite its difficulty, witnessed the establishment of 30,000 new companies in Egypt.

Zuhair pointed out that these companies expanded their business despite the difficult economic conditions and lack of hard currency, due to their confidence in the Egyptian government and the procedures followed.
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#Ahmed_Zuhair #Egypt_News #Egyptian_Economic_Reform_Program #Egyptian_economy #Egyptian_Government #Foreign_Investments #General_Authority_for_Investment #Head_of_Promotion_Department #Ras_El_Hekma_Deal
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Egyptian Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly submitted his government’s resignation to President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi on Monday.

Al-Sisi assigned Madbouly to form a new government that includes distinguished competencies and expertise to achieve specific goals.

In his assignments, Sisi focused on a number of goals, including preserving Egyptian national security in light of regional and international challenges, and placing the issue of building the Egyptian human being at the top of priorities, especially in the fields of health and education.

Al-Sisi directed the new government towards enhancing political participation and developing security, stability and combating terrorism issues, and called for developing culture and national awareness and consolidating the concepts of citizenship and societal peace.
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#Abdel_Fattah_Al_Sisi #Egypt #Egypt_News #Egyptian_Cabinet #Egyptian_economy #Egyptian_Government #Egyptian_President #Mustafa_Madbouly
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Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune terminated the duties of Algeria’s ambassador to Cairo, Hassan Rabhi, just one day after he handed over his credentials to the Egyptian government, and less than a week after assuming his duties.

Diplomatic sources reported that President Tebboune issued a decision to terminate Ambassador Rabhi’s duties the day before yesterday, Thursday, making him one of the fastest changes in the Algerian diplomatic corps.

Rabhi was appointed to this position at the beginning of last April, succeeding Ambassador Abdelaziz bin Ali Sharif, and on April 12, the Algerian Foreign Ministry announced the Egyptian government’s approval of his appointment as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Algeria to the Arab Republic of Egypt.
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#Abdel_Majeed_Tebboune #Algeria #Algeria_News #Algerian_Embassy_in_Egypt #Algerian_Foreign_Ministry #Cairo #Egypt #Egyptian_Government #Hassan_Rabhi
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Recent reports from “UBS” Bank stated that Egypt may witness a jump in the inflow of foreign currencies thanks to foreign direct investments, remittances from Egyptians abroad, and improved revenues from the Suez Canal.

The report developed three scenarios, the most optimistic of which indicates a 30% increase in foreign investments and remittances by Egyptians abroad compared to the years 2021 and 2022. These transfers will raise the total foreign currency entering the country to $20 billion in the next sixteen months, which will help the Central Bank of Egypt to strengthen its reserves. Cash until 2025.

The report stated that the less optimistic scenario shows reduced access to markets and a slow recovery in Suez Canal revenues, leading to net external flows ranging between $2 and $3 billion, which puts pressure on cash reserves.
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#Central_Bank_of_Egypt #Dollar #Egypt #Egyptian_economy #Egyptian_Government #Suez_Canal
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Egyptian parliamentary calls have escalated to exempt Upper Egypt governorates from plans to reduce electrical loads in light of a record heat wave sweeping Egypt, where temperatures exceeded 50 degrees Celsius.

A group of other MPs submitted requests to the government to stop applying electricity rationing to governorates such as Qena, Luxor and Aswan, noting that extreme weather conditions require a special exception.

The MPs pointed out that the continuous reduction in electricity leads to serious problems related to public health and comfort, especially among the most affected groups such as children, the elderly and the sick.

MP Zainab Al-Salaimi stressed the urgent need for electricity during this critical period, stressing that cutting off electricity leads to significant health and material complications.
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#Egypt #Egypt_News #Egyptian_Government #Egyptian_Ministry_of_Electricity #Egyptian_Parliament #Electricity_Cutoff #Extreme_Heat_Wave #Mustafa_Madbouly #Upper_Egypt
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On Thursday, the Egyptian government threatened the companies that arranged pilgrims’ travel outside of official frameworks, threatening to take decisive decisions and impose the harshest penalties on them.

Egyptian Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly revealed, in a statement to the Council of Ministers, the formation of a work cell to manage the crisis of the death of Egyptian pilgrims, based on the assignments of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi.

Madbouly stressed that “the crisis cell is composed of officials from the ministries and concerned authorities, and one of its tasks, in accordance with the president’s directives, will be to provide support and assistance to the families of the deceased, and to study the reasons for what happened and work to prevent it from being repeated.
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#Abdel_Fattah_Al_Sisi #Egypt_News #Egyptian_Cabinet #Egyptian_Government #Egyptian_Ministry_of_Foreign_Affairs #Egyptian_Prime_Minister #Hajj_Season #Irregular_Hajj_Companies #Mustafa_Madbouly #Saudi_Arabia
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The World Bank decided to provide financial support amounting to $700 million to Egypt, as part of a program aimed at enhancing macroeconomic stability and supporting sustainable growth.

These funds, allocated within the Development Policy Financing Program, will help the Egyptian government implement structural reforms to create an attractive business environment for investments and stimulate the private sector.

The financing comes in the context of supporting the Egyptian government’s efforts to overcome short-term economic challenges and facilitate the transition towards green transformation.

The program includes promoting the use of renewable energy, improving the efficiency of the electricity sectors, and restructuring the governance of government companies.

The Minister of International Cooperation and Governor of Egypt at the World Bank Group, Dr. Rania Al-Mashat, confirmed that this program represents part of Egypt’s commitment to implementing economic and structural reforms aimed at laying the foundations of a competitive economy led by the private sector and supporting environmental transformation.
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#Dollar #Egypt #Egyptian_economy #Egyptian_Government #Renewable_Energy #Stephane_Gimpert #World_Bank
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The Egyptian Electricity Company denied the news circulating about issuing a decision excluding coastal cities from reducing electricity loads.

The Egyptian Electricity Company issued an official statement today on its official Facebook page, completely denying the news circulating through the Egyptian media about issuing a decision excluding coastal cities from the decision to reduce daily electrical current loads.

The company confirmed in its statement that everything that was circulated in this regard was “completely false,” calling on citizens not to believe any data that was not officially issued by the competent authorities.
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#Egypt #Egypt_News #Egyptian_Coastal_Cities #Egyptian_Electricity_Company #Egyptian_Government #Electric_Energy
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Egypt announced urgent measures to import additional quantities of gas and diesel, as a result of increasing consumption in light of rising temperatures.

The Ministries of Electricity and Petroleum announced in a joint statement the continuation of the plan to reduce electricity loads, which began on Sunday, by increasing an additional hour to three hours per day until the end of this week.

The two ministries attributed this step to the necessity of maintaining the safe and stable operation of the gas network and electricity production stations, and they apologized to the Egyptians for the interruptions.

The statement explained that the severe rise in temperatures above normal levels for this period requires an increase in the period of reducing loads, indicating that this rise affects many countries in the region.
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#Egypt #Egyptian_Government #Egyptian_Ministry_of_Electricity #Egyptian_Ministry_of_Finance #Egyptian_Prime_Minister #Electricity_Outage #Mustafa_Madbouly
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The Sudanese community in Egypt faces strict measures from the Egyptian authorities, who decided to close several illegal Sudanese schools.

Sudanese sources confirmed that the Egyptian authorities informed the administrations of these schools of the necessity of closing until all the required legal papers and approvals were completed, and granted the students open leave until further notice.

The Egyptian authorities announced that they would stop all unregulated commercial activities for Sudanese, starting next Sunday. This decision came after a wave of criticism in some Egyptian circles against Sudanese refugees, especially after a map of Sudan, which includes Halayeb and Shalatin, was placed on the windows of Sudanese shops, which sparked demands for their deportation. .
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#Africa #Egypt #Egyptian_Government #Halayeb #Illegal_Immigration #Shalatin #Sudan #Sudanese_community_in_Egypt
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The new Egyptian government was sworn in before President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, in light of major economic challenges and raging conflicts in neighboring countries.

The changes coincide with growing popular discontent due to years of economic mismanagement, the coronavirus pandemic, and the repercussions of wars in Europe and the Middle East.

The new government, headed by Mostafa Madbouly, witnessed fundamental changes in the ministerial portfolios related to defense and economy, and some ministers remained in their positions, such as the ministers of police, health, and transportation.

Sherif Fathi replaced Ahmed Issa as Minister of Tourism and Antiquities in the new government. Mahmoud Esmat was appointed as Minister of Electricity to deal with recurring power outages during the summer.
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#Abdel_Fattah_Al_Sisi #Coronavirus #Egypt #Egyptian_economy #Egyptian_Government #Egyptian_President #Europe #Middle_East #Red_Beans #Suez_Canal
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During the ceasefire negotiations in Cairo, Israel proposed the idea of building an underground barrier extending along the border with the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli website “Epoch” published that the Israeli government is putting pressure on the Egyptian government to establish two barriers, one overhead and the other underground, along the “Philadelphia Axis,” as well as moving the Rafah crossing site to another new location.

Egypt opposes making any changes to its borders with the Gaza Strip, especially with regard to the Rafah crossing and the Philadelphia axis.

In this context, the Israeli Channel 12 announced that the Israeli army is also planning to expand the newly created “buffer zone” in Philadelphia to include broader activities to uncover hitherto unknown tunnels.
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#Cairo #Egypt #Egyptian_Government #Gaza_Strip #Gaza_War #Israel #Israeli_Government #Philadelphia_Axis #Rafah_Crossing
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The Egyptian Council of Ministers denied the news circulating about the cessation of operation of the two largest power plants in the country as a result of the delay in financial payments to Siemens Energy Company, which operates them.

In an official statement, the Egyptian government confirmed that the news circulating on social media platforms regarding the withdrawal of Siemens Energy from operating the stations as a result of delayed financial dues was incorrect.

The government stressed the commitment of the Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy to pay all financial dues to the company on the specified dates, in accordance with the contract concluded between the two parties.
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#Al_Burlus #Beni_Suef #Egypt #Egyptian_Cabinet #Egyptian_Government #Financial_Dues #Siemens_Energy_Company #Social_Media_Platforms
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The International Monetary Fund announced on Friday that the inflation rate in Egypt declined for the fourth month in a row, reaching less than 28% in June 2024, compared to 35.6% last February.

This decrease is due to economic reform efforts and the Egyptian authorities’ support for macroeconomic indicators.

Ivana Hollar, head of the International Monetary Fund mission in Egypt, said that on July 29, the Fund’s Board of Directors will discuss disbursing the third tranche of the loan, amounting to $820 million.

After disbursing this tranche, Egypt has the right to apply for additional financing worth $1.2 billion from the Resilience and Resilience Fund.

The International Monetary Fund indicated at the beginning of this month that the decision to unify the exchange rate, which was taken by the Egyptian authorities last March, improved the financial conditions in the country.
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#Egypt #Egypt_s_Economy #Egyptian_Government #Inflation #International_Monetary_Fund #Ivana_Hollar
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On Saturday, the Egyptian government denied an audio clip talking about its intention to sell the Suez Canal for a trillion dollars.

The Presidency of the Egyptian Council of Ministers said in a statement published on its Facebook page today, “Some social media pages circulated an audio clip claiming that the government intends to sell the Suez Canal for one trillion dollars. The Cabinet Media Center contacted the Suez Canal Authority, which denied this news.”

She added, “There is no truth to the government’s intention to sell the Suez Canal for a trillion dollars, and that the audio clip circulating is fabricated, and the information contained in it is fake and has no connection to reality.
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#Egypt #Egypt_News #Egyptian_Constitution #Egyptian_Government #Suez_Canal
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