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Стеклянный пляж
  [stik-lan-nyj plyash]
  Glass beach

🔻This beach is a hidden gem near Vladivostok.

🔻The Glass Beach, located in a secluded bay near Vladivostok, Russia, is a unique and mesmerizing place. It's not a typical sandy beach, but a stunning mosaic of colourful glass fragments, created by nature's artistry.

🔻For decades, the bay was used as a dumping ground for glass bottles and other debris. Over time, the relentless waves and sand transformed the trash into a kaleidoscope of colors.

🔻The beach boasts an astounding array of colours, from deep blues and greens to fiery reds and oranges.

🔻The sun's rays refract through the fragments, creating a dazzling spectacle of light and colour.

🔻Recognizing its unique value, the Glass Beach is now a protected area. Visitors are encouraged to observe and appreciate the beauty of the beach without removing any glass fragments.

📍Geoposition: Vladivostok, Far East of Russia


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​​Karin Kneissl is an international researcher, orientalist, career diplomat, and served as Austria's Foreign Minister from 2017 to 2019. In 2022-2023, Kneissl lived in Lebanon, and in the summer of 2023, she began settling in Russia.

Currently, Kneissl heads the analytical center Geopolitical Observatory for Russia’s Key Issues (G.O.R.K.I.) at St. Petersburg State University.

"Russia is a free space where the big and the small harmoniously coexist," said Karin to a question from 5-tv.ru about what she associates with our country.

"I like the Russian language for its diminutive forms: 'секундочка,' 'минуточка' - the way you 'reduce' names. And this amazing combination of the big and the small - that's what I associate with Russia now: a vast expanse and the importance of small things.

And Russia for me - I realized this in recent months - is a love for life. It's saying 'yes' to life. I understood this when I saw how a doctor treated my sick dog, I see it in many other things. Russian people say 'yes' to life. That's what I associate Russia with," the politician shared during a conversation with journalists at the presentation of her book "Requiem for Europe" at RGGU.

Follow Кarin Kneissl's channel here: https://t.me/KarinKneisslofficial
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Our chat is ▶️here.


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👋Доброе утро, товарищи!
Всем отличного настроения!

Куколки (sg: куколка)
  [ku-kal-ki (ku-kal-ka)]
  Dolly-girl(s), baby-doll(s)

🔻 This is a diminutive form of a feminine noun:
Кукла (куклы)
  [kuk-la (kuk-ly)]

▶️🎵Матушка-земля (song)

Video: ™️alishkachi


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Forwarded from InfoDefenseENGLISH
Did you know that 63% of Russians own dachas, which are summer homes outside the city limits, and another 14% rent them?

Such is the plight of the sanctioned.

📱 InfoDefenseENGLISH
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🔢🔢🔢 Метро-2 /Metro-2:

1. Где находится билетная касса?
[gdye na-kho-di-tsa bi-let-na-ya kas-sa]
Where is the ticket office?

2. До какой станции мне нужно доехать, чтобы попасть в …?
[da ka-koy stan-tsy-i mnye nu-zhna da-ye-khat' shto-by pa-past' v ...]
Which station should I get to for the …?

3. Этот поезд идёт до …?
[e-tat po-yest' i-dyot da...]
Does this train go to the …?

4. Где мне нужно выйти, чтобы попасть в …?
[gdye mnye nu-zhna vyj-ti sho-by pa-past' v...]
Where do I get off for the …?

5. Какая ближайшая к … стaнция метро?
[ka-ka-ya bli-zhay-sha-ya k ... stan-tsy-ya mit-ro]
Which is the closest subway station to the …?

6. Где мне сделать пересадку?
[gdye mnye zde-lat' pi-ri-sat-ku]
Where should I change?

7. Пожалуйста, покажите мне на схеме метро.
[pa-zha-lu-sta pa-ka-zhy-te mnye na skhe-me mit-ro]
Please, show me on the map.


▶️ Metro-1 (Revision)

Video by: ™️izmetro



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🌝Всем привет!

🔻Russian adverbs 'сюда' and 'отсюда' are used to indicate location and direction in Russian.

1. Сюда
    To here / towards this place

Иди сюда!
   [i-di syu-da]
  Come here!

🔻'Сюда' is used with verbs of motion, such as 'идти' (to go, come).

2. Отсюда
     From here, away from here

• Я ухожу отсюда!
   [ya u-kha-zhu at-syu-da]
   I am leaving from here!

🔻'Отсюда' is used with verbs of motion, such as 'уходить' (to leave).

🎧🗣👇 Make up your own examples with сюда / туда!



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Mount Naujidza, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

Naujidza is located near the main tourist attractions of Kabardino-Balkaria, its height is 2948 metres.
The mount is famous for its mesmerising view of Elbrus and all the surrounding nature of the wild Caucasus. The views are breathtaking!
The mountain used to be called "Old Woman's Teeth".

#ILoveRussia ❤️

📱 InfoDefenseENGLISH
📱 InfoDefense
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1. Медовуха

🔻In Rus', a low-alcohol beverage made from honey, water, and yeast called "медовуха" was widely known. Today, this drink can still be found on Russian shelves.

2. Кротовуха

🔻In 2022, a video went viral online featuring a man tasting 'кротовуха' - an "alcohol drink made with a dead mole." (No, don't try that at home.)

🔻With the Russian economy allegedly its last legs under the weight of sanctions, the idea that Russians were "eating the last hedgehog and washing it down with mole-vodka" was quickly picked up by the Russians as a funny joke.

🔻However, 'кротовуха' wasn't enough for Russians!

3. Медвежжуха

🔻You can guess what animal the 'starving' Russians have moved on to, just by looking at the name and label.

🔻Reviews say it's a pleasant, low-alcohol drink with a pear honey flavour.

🔻If you're ever in Russia, be sure to give it a try!


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🔻Scarlet Sails dedicated to school graduates will be held today in St Petersburg.

🔻At 22 pm (Moscow time) there will be a livestream showing this festival.

You could join it ▶️ here (VK): https://vk.com/feed?z=video-142991372_456251240%2F98f08931d498dc83c9%2Fpl_post_-142991372_343112%2Fph_7e7244cb2e16890c7e


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Keep the track on what's happening in Russia.

@Russianhead - is a real Russian channel made for you by a Russian girl who is an FPV pilot.

Join the fight 👊
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Imagine watching a video in your native language, with the original speaker's voice perfectly preserved. That's the power of AI voiceovers.

🔻Take this amazing example: Elon Musk's voice, dubbed in Russian, using AI technology! The results are astonishingly realistic, preserving the original intonation and delivery.

🔻This technology is changing the game for video localization, making it easier and more accessible than ever before.

What are your thoughts on this exciting development?


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🤗Товарищи! It's time to make you think in Russiаn!

This is a rebus (the rules are here) for a well-known Russian noun (which is similar to its English equivalent😉).

Can you solve it?

Can't wait to see your answers in the comments!

The correct answer:
тат у 'и' ров к (towards) 'a' = татуировка.


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Идеальная татуировка
  [i-di-al'-na-ya ta-tu-i-rof-ka]
  An ideal tattoo

🔻In Russia you can also hear it's short form:
or its spoken version:
Татушка (татушки)
   [ta-tush-ka (ta-tush-ki)]

Сделать татуировку (perf.)
  [sde-lat' ta-tu-i-rof-ku]
Набить тату (colloquial, perf.)
  [na-bit' ta-tu-i-rof-ku]
  To get a tattoo

🔻'Татуировка' is a bit longer than the simple English "tattoo," isn't it?

🔻The reason for this difference lies in the origin of the word.  "Tattoo" comes from the Polynesian word "tatau," while "татуировка" is derived from the French "tatouage," which itself comes from "tatou". 




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Обезвредить (+ accusative))
  To neutralize

🔻Prefix ОБЕЗ- (ОБЕС-) + suffix -И- have the meaning 'to deprive of what is called a motivating noun':

ОБЕЗ + вред + и + ть (to deprive of the harm (вред))

Если вы устали от жены (подруги), обезвредьте её таким образом. Не благодарите!
[Yes-li vy us-tali аt zhe-ny (pаd-ru-gi), а-biz-vred'-te yi-yo ta-kim ob-ra-zam. ni bla-ga-da-ri-te]
🇬🇧 If you are tired of your wife (girlfriend), neutralize her in this way. Don't thank me!

Can you think of other words with ОБЕЗ- /ОБЕС- prefix?

▶️Избавиться (от) (Revision)

🎧🗣👇Отличного воскресенья всем!

Video: (?)


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