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🔻In Rus' beautiful girls were called 'зараза' (literally: infection) and the expression 'Какая же ты зараза! (What an infection you are!) made the girls blush with pleasure.

🔻The fact is that the origin of this word is closely related to the verb 'разить' (to strike). So, the girls were called this way when they amazed you with their beauty.

🔻 Nowadays the word 'зараза' is an insulting one⚠️ which can be used in reference to any object that irritates you:

• Вот зараза!
  [vot za-ra-za]
  Bloody hell! Holy cow! Shit! etc.

Video: AI Шедеврум



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🔻Sofia Shvygova, a resident of the Far East (Russia) from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, amazed the jury and spectators at a beauty contest when she presented an image in the Russian national style.

🔻The competition took place in the capital of India New Delhi. Sofia won the title of “Young Supermodel of the World - 2024”.

🔻She also confessed she's good at knitting.

🔻A real Russian beauty!

Source: goodphrase


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🔻A language learning application Duolingo confirmed that it has removed pro-LGBTQ (which is banned in Russia) content from its language learning service.

🔻Earlier, the RKN (Roskomnadzor) organized an inspection. There have been complaints that the service offers to repeat out loud the sentences like “Ben and Peter love each other. They're gay."

📎 You shall not pass! (c)

Source: https://t.me/rt_russian/203338


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🔻Before the reform of 1918, the Russian alphabet had 35 letters, not 33 as it is now.

🔻The following letters were removed from the alphabet: Ѣ (ять/yat), Ѳ (фита/fita), І (десятеричное/decimal 'и').

🔻At the same time, in the new version of the alphabet published by the Bolsheviks, there was also no fourth letter - ѵ (ижица/Izhitsa). No one even remembered about it, since it was practically never used in writing anyway.

🔻There were now 32 letters.

🔻The thirty-third letter, Ё, was added already under Stalin.


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🔻An emaciated little owlet with a broken wing was rescued in Domodedovo (Moscow).

🔻The bird was recently discovered by visitors of the park Yolochki (Ёлочки). They gave it some water to drink and took it to an ornithologist.

🔻The bird is now being cared about.

Напоить (perf.)
  To give enough water to drink

Source: RT на русском


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🌚 Хорошего вечера всем!

🔻View from the roof of one of the Moscow City skyscrapers. The tallest one has 85 floors.

Video: moscow.pov



Алые Паруса
  [a-ly-ye pa-ru-sa]

🔻The Scarlet Sails is an amazing celebration in St. Petersburg, the most massive and famous public event during the White Nights Festival every summer.

🔻Scarlet Sails is an event dedicated to school graduates. 

🔻This tradition began in 1968, when several Leningrad schools united to celebrate at the end of the school year in connection with the symbolism of the popular 1923 romantic novel Scarlet Sails by Alexander Grin.

🔻The show, apart from rock concerts, ballet and other classical acts, also includes a series of large-scale events on the waters of the Neva River, such as rowing and motorboat races and a massive battle with pirates culminating in the appearance of a tall ship sporting spectacular scarlet sails.

🔻The ship with scarlet sails floating along the Neva represents an allegoric encouragement to young people to believe in their dreams.

🔻This year the festival will be held on 28th of June.



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🔻Lubok, the cheap popular print is a Russian folk picture made by means of impression on paper, applied by a wooden printing block.

🔻Sold in the fairs as early as in the XVII century up to the beginning of the XX century, this popular print was considered one of the most mass arts of Rus'.

🔻The subject of the popular prints was quite various: ranging from religious and moral ones from folk epos and fairy tales to historical and medical ones.

🔻Townspeople and peasants willingly bought inexpensive, bright goods - fairy tales and parables, historical and biblical stories, instructive drawings dedicated to vicious addictions such as drunkenness or greed, illustrations for famous folk songs, pictures with pretty young ladies or views of cities.

🔻Nowadays this kind of craft is still alive and even popular in Russia.

Pictures: Marina Rusanova (1-3), Andrey Kuznetzov (4-7), lubok_RU (8-9)



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"Guide to choosing wives with the addition of good and evil about women"

🔻A detailed guide “for men only” was compiled by the professor of white and black magic Balthazar Mufiy.

🔻This book was published in 1916 and indeed contains some useful advice for its time on choosing a wife.

For example:
1. You must choose a girl at least twenty-five years old.

2. Blondes are almost always of good character.

3. Brunettes are ardent, passionate, capricious, but despite this, they love their husbands madly.

4. Cunning, deceit, fox-like malice, cowardice, these are the distinctive character traits of redheads.

5. You need to want your wife to be 1) obedient and quiet, 2) not capricious but hardworking, 3) to love her husband, 4) to be smart in housekeeping, 5) to be able to educate well their children.
...and etc

Read it online👇:
«Руководство къ выбору женъ съ прибавленiемъ добра и зла о женщинахъ»


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June 24, 1812 - Napoleon's army, crossing the Neman River, invaded the territory of the Russian Empire.

🔻The Patriotic War of 1812 began. By that time, the population of the French Empire, together with its vassal states, reached 71 million people while the population of Russia was only 41 million.

🔻Napoleon included 678 thousand people and 2.8 thousand artillery pieces in the army prepared for the invasion of Russia. The number of Russian troops on the western borders was much less numerous - about 220 thousand people and 942 guns.

🔻Anyway, the Patriotic War of 1812 led to the decline of Napoleon's empire. Before he started the war against Russia, no one in Europe could stop his troops and prevent the implementation of his political plans.


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1. Медовуха

🔻In Rus', a low-alcohol beverage made from honey, water, and yeast called "медовуха" was widely known. Today, this drink can still be found on Russian shelves.

2. Кротовуха

🔻In 2022, a video went viral online featuring a man tasting 'кротовуха' - an "alcohol drink made with a dead mole." (No, don't try that at home.)

🔻With the Russian economy allegedly its last legs under the weight of sanctions, the idea that Russians were "eating the last hedgehog and washing it down with mole-vodka" was quickly picked up by the Russians as a funny joke.

🔻However, 'кротовуха' wasn't enough for Russians!

3. Медвежжуха

🔻You can guess what animal the 'starving' Russians have moved on to, just by looking at the name and label.

🔻Reviews say it's a pleasant, low-alcohol drink with a pear honey flavour.

🔻If you're ever in Russia, be sure to give it a try!


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Imagine watching a video in your native language, with the original speaker's voice perfectly preserved. That's the power of AI voiceovers.

🔻Take this amazing example: Elon Musk's voice, dubbed in Russian, using AI technology! The results are astonishingly realistic, preserving the original intonation and delivery.

🔻This technology is changing the game for video localization, making it easier and more accessible than ever before.

What are your thoughts on this exciting development?


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Did you know that Russia has a monument to a firefighter cat named Semyon (Семён)?

🔻For several years, the striped "furball" lived at the 135th fire and rescue unit in the Tyumen region.  The cat used to go to the daily morning lineups of the changing fire crews.

🔻The fluffy friend helped to keep the fire station free of rodents and lifted the spirits of the firefighters.

🔻Semyon soon got his own personalized fire uniform and was promoted to the rank of warrant officer. He even had his own account on VK, which is now devoted to all cats-firefighters.

🔻Semyon tragically passed away in the spring of 2023. There is a monument to him as a tribute to all four-legged friends who are on "duty."

Photo: Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Tyumen region


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In Afghanistan, near the Salang Tunnel, a granite boulder with an inscription "Maltsev Sergey V. 1965-85." stands silently at 3,000 meters above sea level. 

🔻Sergey Maltsev was a 20-year-old driver from the Nizhny Novgorod region. He frequently transported cargo through the narrow and treacherous Salang Pass.

🔻One day, he saw a bus full of Afghan civilians speeding towards him.  With a sharp turn of the wheels, he steered his truck into a cliff, giving the bus safe passage. His truck was destroyed, and he had no chance of survival.

🔻The memorial was erected at the exact site of his death. It is consistently kept clean by the locals and recently received a water pipe, creating a small fountain.

🔻Afghan drivers frequently stop by the memorial, drink from the fountain, rest, and remember the heroism of a young Soviet soldier who saved dozens of lives with his ultimate sacrifice.


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A Soviet sniper and Siberian shaman, Semyon Danilovich Nomokonov was a legendary sniper, credited with killing 368 enemy soldiers during World War II.

🔻He marked each kill on his smoking pipe.

🔻When he was asked how many people he had killed, he replied, "None."  When he was asked about his numerous awards, he said, "I killed fascists."

🔻He once received a letter from a German woman in Hamburg who asked if her son, Gustav Ehrlich, was among the men marked on his pipe. She asked if he had prayed for his victims.

🔻Nomokonov replied, “It is quite possible, dear lady, that on the pipe I smoked on the front, there was a mark about your son - I did not remember all the robbers and murderers who came with the war to my land. If you, German women, saw with your own eyes what your sons did in Leningrad, you would curse them.”


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Сталинградская битва
  [sta-lin-grat-ska-ya bit-va]

🔻The Battle of Stalingrad (17.07.1942 - 02.02.1943) was one of the bloodiest battles in history, with an estimated 2 million casualties on both sides.

🔻The city of Stalingrad was almost completely destroyed during the battle.

🔻Pavlov's House was an apartment building converted into a fortified position, which Red Army defenders held for around 60 days!

🔻The average life expectancy of a soldier in the Stalingrad battle, either German or Russian, was about 15 minutes!

🔻Over 90,000 nazis were captured.

🔻The battle also had a profound impact on the course of the war, as it weakened the German war machine and allowed the Soviet Army to launch a counteroffensive that ultimately drove the Germans out of the Soviet Union.

▶️А virtual tour of the Battle of Stalingrad Museum-Reserve
(Click to watch on ▶️)

▶️Мамаев Курган (a memorial complex)


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Did you know Tetris was invented in the USSR?

🔻This iconic game was created in 1984 by a Soviet programmer named Alexey Pajitnov.

🔻He initially called it "Tetris" because the game's name was a combination of "tetra" (Greek for "four") and "tennis."

🔻Pajitnov didn't profit from Tetris for many years. His game was stolen and sold by a Soviet company for $87,000.

🔻Tetris is one of the best-selling games of all time. It has been played by billions of people worldwide.

Have you ever played Tetris?

#brief_and_interesting #Russian_culture

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Have you heard about one more Soviet electronic game?

• Ну, погоди!

  Well, just you wait!

🔻“Electronics IM-02” was an electronic game, the most famous and popular of the series of the first Soviet portable electronic games with a liquid crystal screen, produced under the Elektronika brand since 1984.

🔻The rules were simple: using the buttons you control the wolf who should catch eggs falling off 4 shelves.

🔻In addition to the game, the device has a clock and alarm function. The retail price was 25 rubles (later 23 rubles).

🔻Among children in the 1980s, there were various myths that when reaching 1000 points (which was extremely difficult), a prize melody would sound or the game would show the cartoon “Well, just you wait!”

You can try it online on Yandex: the link is in the comments over there👇.

How many scores can you get?


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Alexander Karelin is a thirteen-time champion of the USSR, CIS, and Russia in Greco-Roman wrestling up to 130 kg.

🔻He became the youngest Olympic champion in the 130 kg Greco-Roman wrestling category at the age of 21, a first for the sport.

🔻In 1986, he participated in fourteen tournaments, winning them all.

In 1988, Karelin competed in the Olympic Games for the first time. He weighed 112 kilograms at the time. Despite trailing Bulgarian wrestler Rangel Gerowski after the first period, he managed to snatch victory with just 15 seconds remaining in the bout, using a unique technique called the "reverse belt" (in the photo) that no other super heavyweight wrestler has been able to do.

🔻He is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the athlete who went undefeated in thirteen years of competition.


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Операция 'Белуха'

🔻In December 1984, 3,000 beluga whales were spotted in the Chukchi Peninsula’s waters. The whales were left in their small breathing pools, waiting for a miracle to break the ice and free them.

🔻When locals heard about the whales, they quickly came to help by feeding them frozen fish and digging the ice to let them breathe. But the winter is harsh in North-Eastern Russia, and the whales would soon die under the thick ice pack.

🔻In February 1985, the authorities called Moskva (a fierce Russian ice breaker) for help.

🔻However, when Moskva and its crew finally reached the whales, they were afraid of the giant ship and refused to follow it in the canal.

🔻What happened next sounds unreal! One person on the vessel recalled that marine mammals react to music. After multiple experiments, the belugas reacted to classical music and followed the icebreaker.

🔻The operation took 2 weeks and cost $200K.


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