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#LastYearToday #HongKongChronicles
Voluntary First aiders Haunted by Guilt after Escape: The #PolyUSiege was not just a Suppression, it was a Massacre!

Source: Apple Daily #Nov12

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#LastYearToday #HongKongChronicles
Voluntary First aiders Haunted by Guilt after Escape: The #PolyUSiege was not just a Suppression, it was a Massacre!

Voluntary first aiders 'Siu-Yu' and 'Tou-Tou' (alias) first met each other at the campus of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (#PolyU) on November 16, 2019.

When Tou-Tou and her friends who are also first aiders arrived at the campus in the evening, she saw Siu-Yu was alone, so she asked her to join them. They stayed until the evening of November 17, witnessed the intensifying conflicts within the PolyU, and became comrades-in-arms since then.

November 17, 2019 was a long day. Since afternoon, Cheong Wan Road opposite to the PolyU campus had been shrouded in smoke, as police had been relentlessly firing tear gas. Some tear gas grenades were shot onto the wall og the Hong Kong Museum of History, then bounced off and hit the protestors.

In the smoke, Siu-Yu and Tou-Tou were busy dragging the wounded protesters to safe places and used normal saline to cleanse their wounds.

Many protestors refused to take rest and insisted on going back to the field. The conflict on that day was much more tragic and miserable than those happened before in the Anti-ELAB movement.

Siu-Yu recalled, 'I did not think what police carried out that day was not just a suppression, it was a massacre!'

In the battle of the PolyU, a protestor was cut by the obstructions including iron sticks while he was taking flight, a palm-sized wound laid open to the bone was sustained, but there was a shortage of anesthetics in the campus, the first aiders then needed to stitch his wound up without any medication.

'The most heartbreaking thing is that the kids did not want to take any medicine, they said they would rather leave it to the next one, because they did not want to waste it, but in fact they desperately need it.'

Source: Apple Daily #Nov12

#FirstAiders #NeverForget #NeverForgive
#PolyU University Managememt Suppresses Students' Union's Commemorative Events, Bans Screenings and Newspaper Advertisement, Threatens Students with Penalties

Source: Stand News #Nov12

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#PolyU University Managememt Suppresses Students' Union's Commemorative Events, Bans
Screenings and Newspaper Advertisement, Threatens Students with Penalties

On the eve of the one-year mark of the siege of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University Students (PolyU), the Students' Union (#PUSU) planned to hold the screenings of two documentaries, 'Save PolyU ' and 'Inside the Red Brick Wall' on November 17 and 18, 2020, in addition to publishing a statement on the front page of Apple Daily.

However, the university management stated in an email sent to the Students' Union on Nov 11, 2020 that the screenings and the newspaper advertisement were banned. If the students do not comply, the university authorities will impose a series of punishments including terminating their use and management rights of the students' union venues; the university will also stop collecting the students union's fee for them, among other disciplinary penalties.

The Students Union condemned the university's intervention, describing it as an act intending to 'wipe out the bloody scenes in our campus'. Regarding the use of venues and operation in the future, the Union will rearrange the screenings and post the statement via their social media instead.

Source: Stand News #Nov12
#PoliticalSuppression #Censorship #University #NeverForget #NeverForgive
#CUHKSiege #HongKongChronicles
University Students: "President, you have to save us…I trust the humanistic spirit of CUHK!”

Source: Leung Kai Chi's Facebook #Nov12

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#CUHKSiege #HongKongChronicles
University Students: "President, you have to save us…I trust the humanistic spirit of CUHK!”

Dr. Leung Kai-chi is a columnist, commentator and guest lecturer at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He wrote the following comtemplation on the one-year mark of the siege of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK):

"I don’t think I posted this photo before.

Rushing around during those two days, I didn’t have time to take any pictures. But somehow, I subconsciously felt that I must record this scene: this was the moment when the [University] President walked into student dormintory in the afternoon.

On that day, several teaching staff reached the President's Residence and asked him to come down. Originally they hoped that the President would meet with the students, rather than asking him to go to the No. 2 Bridge.

After entering the dormintory and still arranging the venue, a student suddenly rushed over in the corridor, holding the President's legs and broke down entirely with a wailing cry.

“President, you have to save us…”

“President, you have to save us…”

“My family wants me to study abroad, but I didn’t want to. I have to study at CUHK! I trust the teachers in CUHK! I trust the humanistic spirit of CUHK!”

“Principal, you have to save us…”

Later, more students rushed over and helped that student up.

Afterwards, the President walked to the lawn behind the dormintory and had a short-talk with some seniors.

I never knew what they were talking about, for I was in the process of setting up the venue. Soon, the senior came over and said: “no need to prepare, the President is ready to go to the No. 2 Bridge.”

In the 56 years that the school was founded, how much has to be accumulated to have such a moment.

Running around in these two days, I was trying to cool down the situation all the way, but in vain. But looking back on this scene, the essence of the matter was not President Rocky Tuan or anybody else saving the students, but the spirit and value for one and all to protect the university together."

Source: Leung Kai Chi's Facebook #Nov12

#HongKongProtests #Students #Youths
Foreign Secretary declares breach of Sino-British Joint Declaration

Dominic Raab said,

“Beijing’s imposition of new rules to disqualify elected legislators in Hong Kong constitutes a clear breach of the legally binding Sino-British Joint Declaration.”

“China has once again broken its promises and undermined Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy. The UK will stand up for the people of and freedoms. With our international partners, we will hold China to the obligations it freely assumed under international law.”

Source: The government of UK website


#SinoBritish #China #UK #HongKong
Trump bans U.S. investments in companies linked to China military

U.S. President Donal Trump issued an order barring Americans from investing in companies that U.S. officials say are owned or controlled by the Chinese military.

Thursday’s order bars American investors from conducting any transactions in publicly traded securities issued by the secretary of defense as being linked to the Communist Party’s military wing, the People’s Liberation Army.

The Pentago earlier designated 31 companies military. Most of those companies have no share traded in the United States but many sell stocks, bonds and other securities in markets outside mainland China that are accessible to American investors.

Source: Global News #Nov12


#US #CCP #Sanction #China
Feds setting up new streams for Hong Kong residents to come to Canada

Source: CTV News #Nov12

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Feds setting up new streams for Hong Kong residents to come to Canada

The federal government is offering new immigration programs aimed at attracting young people from Hong Kong to Canada and is promising to expedite paperwork.

A new expedited three-year open work permit will be offered to recent Hong Kong graduates and those with essential work experience. Eligible applicants are those who have graduated from a recognized post-secondary institution in the last five year, and their spouses and children will also eligible to seek permanent Canadian residency.

There will be also be two new streams to permanent residency for “the best and the brightest” Hong Kong residents already in Canada who have graduated with a degree in the last three years, and for those with recent degrees and a year of full-time work experience in Canada who want to come back here, once the existing Covid-19 travel restrictions are lifted.

Source: CTV News #Nov12


#Canada #lifeboat #Hongkonger #HongKong
WHO Facebook Suspected of Banning Comments About Taiwan

The World Health Organisation posted a COVID-19 vaccine Q&A video on Facebook on Nov 12. The former secretary general of Demosistō, Joshua Wong, attempted to comment "Taiwan can help" on the video, but had his comment removed. Joshua believed that the WHO Facebook page's administrators had set a ban on comments mentioning Taiwan. He compared the ban to Lord Voldemort as a taboo in Harry Potter.

Joshua Wong said the WHO published a live video about COVID-19 vaccines at mid-night, Nov 12 HKT. He planned to write #TaiwanCanHelp to express his support on Taiwan joining the WHO meeting. However, the page limited his comment showing an exclamation mark in a red frame disallowing the comment.

Source: Stand News #Nov12

#Taiwan #WHO #JoshuaWong #Facebook

How CCP Infiltrate Media? Former Editor-in-Chief of a Canadian Newspaper Explains in a Hearing

Source: Apple Daily #Nov12

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How CCP Infiltrate Media? Former Editor-in-Chief of a Canadian Newspaper Explains in a Hearing

The Commons Special Committee on Canada-China Relations at House of Commons of Canada hosted a hearing. Victor Ho, the former editor-in-chief of a Chinese-language newspaper Sing Tao Daily B.C. edition, said that the Chinese government is using the identity of oversea Chinese to “brainwashes” Chinese Canadians, citing numerous examples of CCP constantly infiltrating the Canadian Chinese-language media.

The Ottawa news website "Blacklock’s Reporter" quoted Victor Ho, now living in Vancouver, saying that the Chinese consul general Tong Xiaoling gave a speech on July 23 this year at CHMB-AM (in Vancouver). She criticised some Hongkong people for deliberately slandering and undermining the Hong Kong National Security Law. She even accused Canadian activists for "trying to intimidate people who truly care about Hong Kong."

Victor Ho also noted that Thomas Leung, a Canadian radio commentator, showed his support of violent suppression and cracking down on Hong Kong pro-democracy demonstrators in a CJVB-AM program last year. He urged the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) to investigate such cases, safeguarding Chinese communities from being infiltrated by political directive and protecting the national interests of Canada.

#CCP #Canada #HongKong #China #VictorHo #Infiltration #Brainwash #China #Hearing #SingTaoDaily #CHMBAM #TongXiaoling #CJVBAM #ThomasLeung #CRTC

Source: Apple Daily #Nov12

Thailand No Longer Top Overseas Destination for Chinese Tourists

According to the survey conducted by HSBC from Oct 28 to Nov 2, Japan and South Korea emerge as preferred spots and short-haul travel seen recovering faster than long-haul.

Most survey respondents said they’d need at least six months after quarantine restrictions are relaxed to become comfortable with international travel and an effective vaccine is key to bossing confident. The survey also showed people are more confident about domestic travel thanks to China’s success in containing the virus.

Source: Bloomberg #Nov12


#China #Travel #Thailand #ChineseTourists #Tourism
Trudeau Say Canada Will Not Surrender To China's Coercive Diplomacy

Source: Apple Daily #Nov12

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Trudeau Say Canada Will Not Surrender To China's Coercive Diplomacy

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that Canada would not cave in to pressure from China and blow to its "Coercive Diplomacy" over the case of Meng Wanzhou, the chief financial officer of Huawei, who was was on a U.S. warrent and arrested while in transit through Canada two years ago.

“We don’t believe in coercive diplomacy and ... we actually deeply believe that if you start giving into that kind of pressure, you’ll leave yourself worse off for the long term.”, Trudeau said in an interview with Financial Time. “China continues to think that they can just put enough pressure on us and we will ... give in, but that’s exactly the opposite of our position,” he added.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Wang Wenbin denied that China was engaging in "Coercive Diplomacy" and said that Canadian and American authorities had allegedly abused the judicial process to illegally interrogate Meng Wanzhou and refused to disclose key evidence to the public, revealing the political nature of the case.

#Canada #US #China #Huawei #MengWanzhou #WangWandin #ChinaSuppression #CoerciveDiplomacy #FinancialTimes

Source: Apple Daily #Nov12

#PillarOfShame #Censorship
Danish Sculptor seeks immunity from Hong Kong's National Security Law

Source: Citizen News; #Nov12

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#PillarOfShame #Censorship
Danish Sculptor seeks immunity from Hong Kong's National Security Law

Danish artist Jens Galschiot created the Pillar of Shame, a statue that commemorates democracy students and citizens who died on June 4, 1989 during Beijing’s brutal crackdown. The University of Hong Kong (#HKU), where the statue was displayed, has earlier demanded its removal from the campus.

The artist has asked Hong Kong authorities for immunity from the #NationalSecurityLaw so that he can take the statue back to Denmark.

In an open letter issued on November 12, 2021, #JensGalschiot said he is willing to take the statue back to Denmark, but he needs to be in the city to make sure it is dismantled properly without causing significant and irreparable damage to the costly sculpture.

Galschiot also called for assurances that he and his colleagues would not be prosecuted under the national security law.

#Sculpture #NSL #Art #FreedomOfExpression #TiananmenMassacre #June4 #Denmark

Source: Citizen News; #Nov12
Another organisation asks the International Tribunal in The Hague to investigate China: Chinese personnel coerce overseas to arrest Uyghurs

Source: Stand News #Nov12
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Another organisation asks the International Tribunal in The Hague to investigate China: Chinese personnel coerce overseas to arrest Uyghurs

Another organisation filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hauge, accusing Chinese officials of conducting operations in foreign countries to force Uyghurs to return to China. Methods include creating visa problems and forcing Uyghurs to become informants.

This was the third complaint to ICC from Uyghur representatives for investigating China. The charges include crimes against humanity, genocide, and the use of force to coerce Uyghurs to return to China. In the past, ICC refused to handle as China is not a member of ICC, which is not within the jurisdiction.

However, according to the cases of Rohingya being targeted and mutilated in Bangladesh and Myanmar in 2018 and 2019, ICC still has jurisdiction since part of the criminal acts occurred in member states. Myanmar is not a member, but Bangladesh is. Although ICC did not accept China’s allegations of genocide against Uyghurs in 2020, they indicated that the case was not a closed file but required more evidence.

The indictment is from the government-in-exile of the Republic of East Turkistan and the East Turkic Awakening Movement. The Guardian quoted relevant court documents that the “internal witness testimony” from Uyghurs has matched the threshold of ICC. It said that the case involved the deportation of Uyghurs from Tajikistan, which is a member of ICC.

Source: Stand News #Nov12

#Uyghurs #Genocide #CCP #ICC