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Freeland mum on whether Hong Kong asylum seekers will be granted refuge as bigger wave predicted

//Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland, asked about dozens of asylum claims made by Hong Kong protesters in Canada, praised the rich contribution immigrants from this former British colony have made to this country but declined to indicate whether Ottawa would grant the applicants refuge.

//46 Hong Kong citizens – many of whom took part in the massive demonstrations that began last year as China tightened its grip on the Asian city – are seeking asylum in Canada, citing harassment and brutality at the hands of police and fear of unjust prosecution.

//these cases are likely the beginning of a surge in refugee claims from Hong Kong as political turmoil there continues.

//Canada should proceed cautiously. “If Ottawa officially encourages and offers political asylum to protesters in Hong Kong, even [if] some of them clearly broke the law by being violent, Beijing is likely to interpret such a move as interfering in China’s domestic affairs, leading to adding more chill to an already cold-bilateral relationship.”

//Conservative MP Garnett Genuis, who sits on the House of Commons Canada-China committee, said there are valid reasons for granting asylum to pro-democracy activists from Hong Kong. He said he hopes Canada doesn’t turn away these claimants for fear of offending China.

//Mr. Saint-Jacques said he expects there will be a large influx of people coming from Hong Kong in the months ahead, including many of the 300,000 residents of the Asian city who hold Canadian passports.

//“I think these people would make a good contribution [to Canada] but the big dilemma for the federal government is that this is happening at the time when we need China’s goodwill to supply medical equipment we are desperate for,” he said.

//Today, as many as 500,000 Canadians of Hong Kong descent live in Canada

Full article: The Globe and Mail, (4 May)

#Asylum #Canada #HongKongProtest #Refuge
Hong Kong human rights activists are seeking YOUR shelter

Since the protests started last year, close to 9,000 pro-democracy protesters have been arrested and some of them have been charged with rioting which carries a maximum of 10-year prison sentence. “Rioting” means a noisy, violent and uncontrolled public meeting. There is no denying that there is violence in the pro-democracy movement of Hong Kong, in fact violence is used by both the police and protesters. Having said that, protesters resort to violence as defence against indiscriminate and arbitrary arrest that would be followed by trampling on human dignity, torture, or sexual assault; reports also claim that there are dissidents and their family members and friends missing, abducted, or even killed.

Is it fair to label pro-democracy activities as "riots" when protesters use bricks, sticks, and their bodies to protect others and their belief whereas riot policemen use rubber bullets, water cannons, tear gas or even live rounds? Furthermore, those injured protesters, some of them were either shot by guns or tortured by riot policemen, have been charged as rioters. Is there still “justice” in our society?

In fact, there is only social injustice in Hong Kong nowadays. Therefore, according to official figures, at least 62 Hong Kong SAR passport holders have applied for temporary protection visas onshore since November last year. Also, dozens have fled to Canada, while hundreds to Taiwan which has just drawn up a plan to provide humanitarian support to Hong Kongers. Those countries chosen by protesters are classified as pro-democracy “shelters”. In contrast, Hong Kongers do not believe in the Basic Law and CCP anymore. Honestly, they do not think that they could get fair trials in Hong Kong courts as the judiciary has been totally ruined by the political problems. The rule of law has disappeared in Hong Kong since #CCP interrupted the internal affairs of Hong Kong, the day when the “high degree of autonomy” was deteriorated.

Hong Kong is now in an abysmal condition due to police violence and the implementation of the national security law. Thanks for various countries that support Hong Kongers in different platforms and advocating the faith of the movement. Yet, there is no time for protesters who have been suffering to wait for the bright shines on Hong Kong. Those targeted protesters might be in danger as they are targeted by the local government or Beijing. No one knows what their consequences would be. So, I am here to ask pro-democracy countries to provide humanitarian assistance to Hong Kongers. I am sure most protesters are unwilling to leave Hong Kong as they care deeply about the place where they were born and raised. Sadly, they have no choice under the tyranny.

Your decision is about their life and death. Act now to help save lives.

//To be , or not to be? That is the question- Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer / The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune/ Or to take arms against a sea of troubles”/ And by opposing, end them? (Hamlet, William Shakespeare)

#HongKongProtesters #HumanRight #InternationalSupport #StandWithHongKong #Asylum

Videos and further reading:

N.Y.P.D. Officer Is Accused of Spying on Tibetans for China

//Federal prosecutors on Monday charged a New York City police officer with acting as an illegal agent of the Chinese government, accusing him of providing intelligence about Tibetans living in the United States to officials at the Chinese consulate.

//A 25-page criminal complaint unsealed in federal court in Brooklyn accused Mr. Angwang of reporting on the activities of ethnic Tibetans in New York at the behest of Chinese government officials, who were seeking to recruit intelligence sources in the community.

//He also is accused of inviting a Chinese official to N.Y.P.D. events, offering potential access to senior police officials, prosecutors said.

//The allegations raised serious questions about how much visibility Chinese government officials had inside the country’s largest police department and about the extent of Chinese efforts to conduct covert surveillance of Tibetan Americans.

//Chinese Communist Party was seeking to suppress dissent not only in Tibet, “but any place in the world where Tibetans are free to express themselves, starting with the United States of America.”

//Tibetans who agreed to become intelligence sources would be compensated by the Chinese government for information they provided.

//his position was valuable to China because he could provide sensitive information about the internal operations of the Police Department

//His parents are members of the Communist Party, and his father is a retired member of the Chinese military, the complaint said.

Full article: The New York Times, (21 Sep)

#Spy #Tibetan #China #CCP #NYPD #Angwang #Asylum
Canada begins accepting Hong Kong pro-democracy activists as refugees

A couple from Hong Kong were accepted as “Convention refugees” last month. Both in their early 30's, the man and his wife took to street protests in 2019 amid a series of pro-democracy mass demonstrations in Hong Kong.

Under Canadian Law, a “Convention refugee” refers to the United Nations Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and is defined as someone who cannot return to their home “due to a well-founded fear of persecution based on race, religion, political opinion” or other factors.

Accepting refugees from Hong Kong is an indictment of its justice system. It implies that the concerned persons have no internal flight alternative and cannot reasonably rely upon Hong Kong’s judicial structure for protection.

Source: The Globe and Mail #Oct07

#Hongkong #HongKongProtest #Canada #Lifeguardboat #asylum

Canada begins granting asylum to Hong Kong protesters: Canadian press

The suppression of human rights under Hong Kong's national security law has drawn the concern of the international community. In tow with the UK and Australia, the Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail indicated its country has also begun accepting Hong Kong pro-democracy activists claiming refugee status to seek asylum.

The Globe and Mail reported that in a letter dated 1 Sept, the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada notified a couple in their 30s that the refugee protection division considered them to be "Convention refugees" and accepted their claims for asylum.
As defined by the United Nations, a "Convention refugee" is a person who cannot return to their home country due to a fear of persecution based on race, religion, political opinion, etc.

#HongKong #Canada #ProDemocracy #Activism #Asylum #ConventionRefugee #UnitedNations #Refugee #RefugeeStatus #Immigration #PoliticalPersecution

Source: Stand News #Oct07

The Globe and Mail #Oct06
#Asylum #Refugee
#Germany grants a 3-year refugee status to pro-democracy student protester from Hong Kong

Source: Stand News; Haven Assistance #Oct19

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#Asylum #Refugee
#Germany grants a 3-year refugee status to pro-democracy student protester from Hong Kong

Germany has officially granted a 3-year refugee status for a 22-year-old Hong Kong pro-democracy protester on October 14, 2020.

While the person was the first protester of Hong Kong's anti-extradition law movement to receive asylum in Germany, the country had received two Hong Kong activists, Ray Wong Toi-Yeung and Alan Li Tung-Sing, of #HongKongIndigenous.

This student of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK) who was charged with riotting, fled Hong Kong last November.

In Germany, she had faced many hardships during the asylum application process. She had lived in refugee camps for nearly 11 months. During the time, she was hospitalised due to emotional issues and sexually assaulted by a refugee camp staff.

She expressed her gratitude towards the German government and hoped that the authorities could "consider simplifying the asylum application process for Hong Kong protesters, such as allowing them to choose freely their place of residence while waiting for the decision". She believed this would bring "great convenience and support" to the pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong.

[Editor's note: "Haven Assistance" is a group founded by four Hong Kong pro-democracy activists in exile, namely Ray Wong in Germany, Simon Cheng in the UK, Lam Wing-kee in Taiwan and Leung Gai-ping in the US.]

Source: Stand News; Haven Assistance #Oct19


HK Gov't blasts Germany for offering asylum to pro-democracy protester

The Hong Kong government condemned #Germany for “harbouring criminals” after Germany had granted #asylum to a Hong Kong student activist facing a riot charge.

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The 22-year-old student of Chinese University of Hong Kong skipped bail and fled to Germany last November after being arrested during the citywide pro-democracy protests, according to Haven Assistance, a group that offers immigration and asylum advice to Hongkongers.

Chief Secretary Matthew Cheung and Secretary for Security John Lee met with the German Consul-General Dieter Lamlé on October 21, 2020, expressing their stern opposition. The HK government representatives told Lamlé that Germany should “stop interfering with Hong Kong affairs, which are internal matters within the People’s Republic of China.”

Source: Apple Daily #Oct22
UK Launches Immigration Route for Hong Kong's BNO Holders and Families, Welcoming Pro-democracy Protesters

The British government announced on October 22, 2020, that the Hong Kong BNO Visa will open for application from January 31, 2021, with no quota being set.

British Consul-General Andrew Heyn stressed in his statement that no attempt would be made to reject applications from those being convicted for involving in non-violent protests or exercising the freedom of expression.

London originally planned to extend the immigration rights of BNO holders on July 1, 2020 the day after China imposed a draconian national security law on Hong Kong. The British government explained that the attempt to alter BNO status was a response to the Chinese Government's hindrane of the rights, freedoms and autonomy of Hong Kong citizens which was also a violation of the Sino-British Joint Declaration.

“The imposition of the National Security Law on Hong Kong marked a clear erosion of the rights and freedoms towards the people of this city,” said Andrew Heyn in a statement. “This new route to the UK is part of our commitment to the people of Hong Kong. The UK is ready to welcome BNO citizens and their dependents to the UK.”

Source: Stand News #Oct22
#GlobalSupport #Immigration
Trudeau Claims No Fear of China’s “Coercive Diplomacy”, Vows to Keep Speaking Out on Situation in Hong Kong and Other Global Human Rights Issues

The Chinese ambassador to Canada Cong Peiwu has warned Canada earlier not to grant political asylum to “violent criminals” from Hong Kong. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Canada would not stop speaking out loudly and clearly on global human rights issues, including the situation in Hong Kong and issues surrounding Uyghurs in Xinjiang. He added that he would continue criticizing China’s “coercive diplomacy.”

Just this September, Canada offered political asylum to a couple from Hong Kong and was met with objection from the Chinese government. Cong warned Canada on 15 October that it was unacceptable to offer political asylum to Hongkongers seeking protection from the Hong Kong national security law. Cong added that this move would affect the 300,000 Canadian passport holders in Hong Kong and the “health and safety” of Canadian companies in Hong Kong.

At a press conference held the following day, Trudeau responded by saying that while Canada did not want to escalate the situation, it would make it clear to its citizens that it would not stop speaking out on global human right issues and tolerate China’s “coercive diplomacy.”

Source: Stand News #Oct17

#Canada #HongKong #China #Trudeau #ConPeiwu #CoerciveDiplomacy #Asylum #Diplomacy

#USConsulate in Hong Kong Turns Down Asylum Seeking Students

Former convenor of the pro-democracy group #StudentLocalism Tony Chun Hon-Lam was arrested for "violating national security" on Oct 27, 2020, while going to the Consulate General of the U.S. in Hong Kong to seek for help.

According to the Voice of America, four students went to the Consulate General to seek for political asylum that afternoon, but were told that they would not be offered any aid.

A consulate officer said they could not offer any protection, one of the students, with the alias "Wong", recalled after discussing with the staff. The Consulate General noted the contact method of the students and asked the four to leave.

Under U.S. law, the U.S. only considers asylum for aliens who are physically present in the country. Acording to their website, the U.S. does not grant asylum in its diplomatic premises abroad. However, among the four students, Wong is a U.S. born U.S. citizen. Wong said his travel document has been confiscated by the Hong Kong authorities as he is currently on bail. Wong does not wish to disclose too many details of his case, as he is afraid the his family would be harrassed by the police and the national security bureau: All he wants is the U.S. government can help a U.S. citizen to return to the U.S..

Source: Stand News #Oct29
#Asylum #NationalSecurityLaw #PoliticalOppression #Arrest
#NationalSecurityLaw #Asylum
HK Pro-democracy activist and Former Lawmaker #SixtusLeung seeks political asylum in US

Source: Haven Assistance; RTHK; Reuters; #Dec11

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#NationalSecurityLaw #Asylum
HK Pro-democracy activist and Former Lawmaker #SixtusLeung seeks political asylum in US

Sixtus Leung Chung-heng told a reporter on December 11, 2020 that he has fled Hong Kong and is seeking political asylum in the United States.

On his Facebook, Leung declared the severance of all ties with his family in Hong Kong and resignation from his position and duties at the pro-independence political party #Youngspiration.

The former Youngspiration member said that after being "illegitimately deprived of his representation and voting rights", he'd been bankrupted, imprisoned and harassed under the National Security Law.

Leung opinioned that conditions have deteriorated since China forcefully imposed security laws in June, 2020 in Hong Kong. “Every day when we wake up, when we look at the mobile (phone) screen, the issue of first thing that pop up is: who of our friends are being arrested; who among our friends is being sentenced to jail."

See Haven Assistance's Statement:

Leung served four weeks in prison earlier in 2020 after being convicted of taking part in an unlawful assembly while trying to push his way into a Legco meeting four years ago. He also faces bankruptcy proceedings after Legco demanded him to return almost one million dollars in salary and other funding that he received prior to his disqualification.

Leung said in Washington that he hopes to meet with advisers of President-elect Joe Biden to urge him to ramp up pressure on China, pointing out that the United States should target Hong Kong's financial sector with tougher sanctions to deprive China of its 'ATM' and force Beijing to the negotiating table over its crackdown on the SAR.

He also suggested action to block Chinese banks from using Swift, a network used by banks globally to make financial transactions, and also target Hong Kong dollar's peg to the US currency "to try to force China to back to the negotiation table".

Source: Haven Assistance; RTHK; Reuters; #Dec11

#Oppression #HongKongProtests #DQ #LegCo #US #Refugee #HavenAssistance
#Asylum #HumanitarianCrisis
Student Shot by Police Flee Hong Kong: I Won't Get a Fair Trial Here

Source: Stand News; RTHK; Apple Daily #Dec22

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#Asylum #HumanitarianCrisis
Student Shot by Police Flee Hong Kong: I Won't Get a Fair Trial Here

Tsang Chi-kin, 19, was shot in the chest by a police officer at close distance in a pro-demicracy protest on October 1, 2019 in Hong Kong. Tsang was arrested and accused of riotting.

See videos of the shot:


Tsang was due to appear in court on Dec 22, 2020, but did not show up. On the same day, South China Morning Post and Apple Daily published their interview with him. In the interviews, he revealed that he was among the activists rejected by US consulate in Hong Kong earlier.

According to Apple Daily, Tsang without disclosing his current location has fled Hong Kong and sever contacts with his family and friends. Tsang said
he would not face a fair trial in Hong Kong and it was very likely that he would immediately be remanded into custody if he showed up.

"The national security law wasn’t there when I was arrested. But since the law was imposed, the repression is intensifying. The situation in Hong Kong is getting worse. I don’t think I can stay in Hong Kong,” Tsang said.

Tsang revealed that he was one of five protesters who had attempted to seek asylum at the US consulate in Hong Kong on October 27, 2020.

After they were turned down, Tsang was scared that the National Security Police were awaiting them, “Having sought help from the US consulate, I can now be charged with collusion with foreign forces under the national security law"

Tsang said it would be harder for him to stay in Hong Kong, "there is no turning back...I chose this path and I will walk on."

Tsang's girlfriend Aurora (alias), aged 15, revealed in an earlier interview that she was seeking asylum in the UK. Tsang has been worrying about her safety, "My situation puts her at risk. This is one of the reasons why I urgently need to leave. We have no other option but to separate for some time--at least one of us can stay safe. I miss her. I hope we can reunite soon in a place of freedom.”

Source: Stand News; RTHK; Apple Daily #Dec22




#TsangChiKin #Gunshot #NationalMourningDay #USConsulate #NationalSecurityLaw
Hong Kong junior high school student seeks asylum in UK

A 15-year-old girl is believed to have become the youngest Hong Kong protester ever to seek asylum in the UK. Called "Aurora," she joins a growing list of Hong Kong pro-democracy activists fleeing the territory in the wake of Beijing's increased crackdown on dissidents. DW Correspondent Phoebe Kong met "Aurora" before she travelled to the UK. Here's her story.

Source: DW #Dec18


#HongKongProtestor #Asylum #HKerExile #UK
#Asylum #SafeHaven
Australian Senator Urges Australian Government to Accept Hongkongers Holding #BNO Passports

Source: Stand News #Jan11

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#Asylum #SafeHaven
Australian Senator Urges Australian Government to Accept Hongkongers Holding #BNO Passports

#Australia, in response to the implementation of the National Security Law in Hong Kong in 2020, had established a "safe haven" policy for Hongkongers.

The Guardian, citing data from the Department of Home Affairs, have found that only around 3,000 Hongkongers have benefitted from this programme.

Independent Senator Rex Patrick in Australia proposed that Hong Kong BNO holders and their family members should also be included in the programme.

In January 2021, over 50 pan-democratic activists were arrested for violating the National Security Law, sparking another wave of concern regarding Hongkongers long-term civil rights.

The Australian Government had announced in July 2020 that it would provide Hongkongers with a policy of convenience, allowing a maximum five-year extension for Graduate and Temporary Skill Shortage Visas, the right to apply for permanent residence, and implementing innovation and immigration policies to attract Hong Kong talents.

The Australian Government had then stated that around ten thousand technical personnel, graduates and international students from Hong Kong, and 2,500 Hongkongers not then in Australia could benefit from the new policy, with them dealing with 1,250 applications for residency from Hongkongers then.

However, The Guardian, with the data they received, showed that only 2,584 Hongkongers had their visas extended since the implementation of the new policy, with around 586 Hongkongers applying for Business Innovation and Investment visas.

Independent Senator Rex Patrick urged the Australian Government to increase its support towards Hongkongers, including receiving Hongkongers holding BNO passports and their family. He warned that the Chinese Government have been accelerating its oppression on democracy, human rights, and rule of law in Hong Kong, and that "Australia should open its doors for our Hong Kong friends seeking refuge, to allow a chance of tasting democracy and liberty."

Source: Stand News #Jan11

#Visa #Refuge #Hongkongers
#Asylum #BrainDrain
Nearly 6,000 Hongkongers Apply for
#Immigration in #Canada in Just Three Months

Source: Stand News #May21

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