Silence DoGood, MBA
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God. Jesus. Holy Spirit. Family. Country. Silver Standard Supporter, Truth, Freedom, Father of 5, Blessed by God 🙏🏻🙌🏻
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Market participants found out today that "J-Pow" at the Federal Reserve is going to flex his muscles even more than Paul Volcker did in taking down the economy, I give you this classic, from none other than South Park. This 1 minute 40 second video clip can hopefully teach you more about the long term implications of giving your Fiat currency to a bank, more than you could learn than by taking any financial classes! 😂


One of many benefits of stacking is the peace of mind, and nights full of easy sleep, not worrying about what the stock market does when you have even a little financial insurance!


I recommend Miles Franklin (Kaiser Johnson is my private broker, or 310-562-6400, you can mention Silence DoGood), I can also vouch for JM Bullion for smaller purchases, and I would encourage everyone to find a local coin store or pawn shop, look around, and establish a relationship!
*I am not compensated for any endorsements*

Forwarded from Silence DoGood, MBA
I feel for many millennials. We are the generation they really want to screw over for some reason. And they are about to turn on student loan repayments after not having them for 3 years. Of course it's all engineered! I've always tried to stay a few steps ahead whenever it's something I can control. Don't think owning is much fun! You have to do a personal SWOT analysis - your Strengths & Weaknesses, as well as property opportunities and threats. Owning is hard, it's all on you. Are you handy or have connections, or would you be finding expensive contractors for everything? Is your job settled or up in the air? Do you want to stay in one place or do you want to travel or see what's out there? Don't be afraid, go ahead by breaking conventional wisdom, by instilling wisdom into yourself by God, who is Perfect and Almighty! The easy answer is Pray on what you should do! If you buy and rates go down, then you can refinance! Many people should stay out of this market, but others may see great opportunities they haven't had in 4 years with little competition and dare I say, price negotiating! The 30-year mortgage is the biggest scam, as no one ever really keeps them for 30 years (maybe except ones at 2.75%)! But the banks now earn 7% interest on each payment, from Fiat currency created digitally from nothing, and then the notes are amortized so that the entire payment up front is essentially interest! But if we go into a hyperinflationary event, to which 50% of you see this as eventually happening, all the debt becomes worthless, and you could use some or even all of your precious metals to settle your debts, which will be worthless going into the new system!

#SilverIsMoney #Oil #BlackGold #Energy #GodWins

Stop looking at the price. Price means absolutely nothing, as you can tell by the manipulated computers and their algorithmic trading! US markets are closed today, but foreign markets are open. This is 💯% price control... We live in 1984... It is up to you to break out of that mindset, and do what needs to be done!! #StackOn #SilverIsMoney

You think insurance companies are bad, wait until banks get politicians on their side via the lobbyists , and the banks lawyers start writing "smart contracts" to enforce your contract, with about as much recourse as the local police finding stollen Bitcoin!
#SayNoToCBDC #SilverIsMoney
Forwarded from Silence DoGood, MBA
You should exit the system to the best of your ability. Of course, most people cannot fully exit 100%, but my motto is to only keep inside the system what you are willing to completely lose access to for a period of time, or forever. Silver squeeze was a wake up call, the hard asset movement is here, nothing can stop what is coming! #God #SilverIsMoney #StackOn #Gold #Energy #Water #Land #Farmland #Livestock #TheOldWithTheNew
2023 is 1775, as 2024 will be to ____.

You can fill in the blank.

2024 will be the year of either 1) A Revolution, or 2) a Civil War.

I am of the camp that both sides of the political aisle that align with Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi "crowds" have been stirring the "rallying cry" of "Civil War" to their soulless miscreants in the "District of Columbia" (who is the next place to have illegals as cops, who would have ever thought that day would come??!!)!!

A Revolution can be as simple as We The People reasserting our oaths to a 2024 Constitution that would more or less mirror image a 1776 US Constitution, and provide special emphasis on certain areas that the founding fathers struggled to "get a deal done" on, particularly with Article 1 Section 10, which although clearly states that debts are to be settled with Gold and Silver as legal tender, the message of avoiding central banks or making them illegal altogether was a topic of hot debate during the Bill of Rights period, and never made it into the final passage of the Bill of Rights in 1789.

The power of the pen has never been stronger as is today, contrary to popular belief. All it takes is someone of a brave stature, to stand up in front of God, and move forth with what they think is the Truth, so help them God! As Bruce Lee said, Be The Water. Let the world take you where it may, which is what I have done personally on my journey over the last 7 years of awakening, with God by my side! We have forgotten as a nation, the essence of a contract, and how it also binds us in a spiritual realm in ways we cannot really comprehend as we live our day-to-day lives (as Melissa Leggett teaches about generational deliverance, which you can help save by revoking those old contracts).

But mark my words, these contracts and words we speak into the present through direct actions of our tongues and fingertips to ink or keyboard, move the enemy greatly, for they know that Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming, from coming!!

2024 = We The People Are Coming!



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So when does Congress eventually decide to formally bankrupt the Federal Reserve and transfer the function of money and bonds creation to the Treasury, who can then collaborate with the Post Office on announcing a dual physical and digital Gold and Silver product? Talk about ignoring the 1,000 pound gorilla in the room! In the meantime, God tells us to stack Precious Metals for our families and communities! BRICS+ will force the world onto a Gold standard whether any politician likes it or not. We know what happens to Silver when this happens...#StackOn #EndTheFed #SilverIsMoney
Silence DoGood, MBA
The US added - checks notes - $275 billion in debt in, uh, ONE DAY Total US debt is now $33.442 trillion, hit $33 trillion just 2 weeks ago, and on pace to rise by $1 trillion in 1 month. WTF is going on 👀
🔔 Obama was the best gun salesman in the United States ever had.

🔔🔔 I think Biden & Powell are going to be the best Silver salesmen the United States ever had! 😉

Gold is the money of Kings and Queens
Silver is the money of gentlemen
Barter is the money of peasants
Fiat is the money of slaves

Don't be a slave in the coming reset, NO EXCUSES ! Everyone has $2.50 laying around to buy an old Silver dime!


Buy precious metals for delivery, 401k/IRA, or private vault storage:

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China reignites massive QE and holds interest rates steady to save their banking system.

Do the math - 500 billion Yuan maturing, 289 billion Yuan of fresh liquidity = 57.8% of loans are non-performing (read between the lines in these publications, because Reuters editor-in-chief doesn't want to just come out and tell you this point blank)!

Yikes. It's like all of these Politicians and Elites around the world figured out how to spend other people's money before filing bankruptcy! A global War would fix many of their masqueraded Fiat problems, and would inflate much of it away.

Learn history. PREPARE! #GotSilver? #StackOn #SilverIsMoney #OilAndGasIsEnergy #CentralBankDodos
Gold hitting all-time highs, Silver has some catching up to do!

Gold leading is a must in a Precious Metals bull market run.

Precious Metals stocks are firmly above their October lows.

Looking like things are about to fly!

#StackOn #SilverIsMoney

Buy Gold and Silver:

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Don't buy into the FOMO of investing in the "traditional stock market". Markets are pumped and primed for perfection, because the market likes certainty, and the market now knows that there are no more rate hikes coming. They also think that Uncle Jerome will come to the rescue with QE infinity at the first sign of major cracks that could take down the system (that is to be debated as to whether or not he will, or whether or not they will be able to stop the next avalanche).

Simply put, markets have no business being at all time highs with interest rates where they are at. Even with the prospect of lower rates, history tells us this is because the economy is about to crash. This bifurcation between Wall Street and Main Street should prove to everyone, more so than ever, that the Wall Street economy (stocks & bonds) no longer has anything to do with the Main Street economy, because the majority of Americans own no assets. The evil players behind the scenes want to own everything that isn't already theirs, and rent it back to you, who they consider chattel. They want you to open a margin brokerage account. They want you to speculate. And then BAM - an event that will catch most off guard will occur. That is when you will be glad you became a stacker. We are quite the community! 🙏🏻

#StackOn #SilverIsMoney
States are starting to realize they have the [[Constitutional Authority]] to CIRCUMVENT the Federal Reserve altogether by "repatriating" Gold and Silver within their borders, jurisdiction or general control on behalf of their citizens! Whether States make them Public programs, public-private, or entirely outsourcing this function is still better than holding Federal Reserve Fiat notes! And those in other states would gravitate to the best programs, there is no first-mover advantage because NO state has a good enough system for mass adoption! BUT IT WILL BE HERE AS SOON AS THE TYRANTS IN WASHINGTON & NEW YORK CITY TRY WHATEVER BS THEY HAVE CONCOCTED UP THEIR SLEEVES! WHATEVER THEY HAVE IS COMING IN 2024.... So you'd better be prepared to fight!

Let them try the CBDC... States would adopt Asset Backed Digital Currencies backed by Gold and Silver in a New York minute! Banks who don't have currency backed by Gold and Silver would swiftly go out of business.

Imagine your favorite Politicians and Elites taking your order at your local breakfast joint (the ones that didn't commit treason and become freed for time served)? 😂 Remember Jesus already served your time, you are a free person 🙏🏻🕊️

#StackOn #SilverIsMoney
Gold and Silver continue catching bids on their way to $2,100+ and $26+. Gold always leads in a new bull run. The Gold to Silver ratio will collapse once strong hands fold on the suppression.

Silence DoGood prefers Silver as a long term "multiples" play as the dollar gets decimated by Eurodollars coming home to roost, so the common people will seek real money. Gold is an excellent store value as well, and is far more liquid as the spread you buy it for and sell it back at is far less.

Keep stacking, my friends!

Purchase Gold and Silver to protect your wealth by emailing me at!



Buy Precious Metals:

New Hampshire's Legislature is poised to revolutionize our financial landscape with the passage of the Sound Money Act, led by Representative Keith Ammon. As the 2024 Legislative session nears, your involvement is pivotal for the success of this historic legislation, encapsulated in House Bill 1674.

Why the Sound Money Act is Essential:

1. Strengthening Economic Resilience: By establishing Gold and Silver as legal tender (HB 1674), the Sound Money Act is set to reinstate these precious metals' critical role in our monetary system, bolstering economic stability and protecting against inflation.

2. State Depository for Precious Metals: A cornerstone of the Act is the establishment of a state depository, ensuring a secure and trusted platform for storing and managing these valuable assets.

3. Upholding Foundational Values: Embodying our shared commitment to time-honored financial principles, the Sound Money Act signifies a return to a more tangible, value-based monetary system.


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Silence DoGood, MBA
"Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) are nothing more than unsigned checks written on a closed account". - Speaker-Rep. James Traficant, Jr. (Ohio) addressing the House in regards to the Bankruptcy of The United States; United States Congressional Record, March 17…
If you need assistance in exchanging your worthless FRNs into stacking some more Gold and Silver, email me at with your name and the best way for me to connect with you. Blessings! #StackOn #SilverIsMoney
At least everyone now knows why Gold went up $200 in over the last 30 days & $350 over the last 60 days!

Answer: Central bankers and global leaders were stockpiling Gold in advance of what they knew would be coming, which is a proxy war between Iran and Israel... Which is probably yet another smoke screen distraction for the next chess move.

Watch Silver! #StackOn #SilverIsMoney

Silver has officially held continually over $30 for three consecutive days plus a weekend!

It looks to me that $30 Silver is now the new floor (the old $20), and any purchases below $30 will be a great deal moving forward!
#StackOn #SilverIsMoney

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