Silence DoGood, MBA
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God. Jesus. Holy Spirit. Family. Country. Silver Standard Supporter, Truth, Freedom, Father of 5, Blessed by God πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ»
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Forwarded from Dan Scavino πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ (Qtah)
The next 48 hours of your lives will never be forgotten. #GodWins πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
Good morning Patriots! If you haven't taken the plunge yet, history shows that these corrections that come from time to time end up being good times to dollar cost average into Silver (routine buying every 2 weeks or 1 month for example). We know the NWO (New World Order) has been using the IMF and BIS to push money around the globe to get weak hands to capitulate and give up their Precious Metals in exchange for the local fiat currency. Americans have been blessed by God and that we have been better protected than most other nations in regards to this, but there is much work to be done, and everyone can do their part, whether it's 1 ounce or 1,000 ounces. We are God's righteous mercenaries that say NO MORE MANIPULATION SATAN, YOUR TIME IS UP!! We are buying & holding, your centuries old game is over. Happy Monday! #GodWins #StackSilver
My soul watches the world from afar as people drift further and further away from the Lord. But He has a plan. Yes we all have our good days, our bad days and our moments, but we know there is only one God, we know we are human, and we know deep down what is real and what is not. There's an entire segment of the population that is living their lives so vastly different than our own. If they do not turn back from their ways, they will surely feel God's wrath at hand very soon. There are very few truths I can perceive with my senses. I can discern that the "zombies" walking around sense everything they are told as a truth, unless they are told by the authorities it is a conspiracy theory which then triggers them into an immediate frenzy attack on whatever you might lay out. In a way, we need these zombies to attack and lash out in order for the next round of awakened Patriots to see, and to be born again into our realm, God's realm! Be aware that God has a plan. And it's not on my time and it's not on your time. And I'm totally fine not having that responsibility πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ» #GodWins
Sounds like Putin is confirming that the "Atlantic" global elitists of the US and Europe are attempting one giant sacrifice to Ba'al for royally screwing up their evil plan! #GodWins
This basically sums up what the deep state would love to have happen; a three front global war, with the US going up against China, and the EU/NATO going against Russia, which would automatically turn the Middle East into a hot bed with Israel. God promised Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that he would protect the children of Israel, but He did not say that He would protect Khazarians who infiltrated Israel! #GodWins #StackOn #Saved

Forwarded from Silence DoGood, MBA
I feel for many millennials. We are the generation they really want to screw over for some reason. And they are about to turn on student loan repayments after not having them for 3 years. Of course it's all engineered! I've always tried to stay a few steps ahead whenever it's something I can control. Don't think owning is much fun! You have to do a personal SWOT analysis - your Strengths & Weaknesses, as well as property opportunities and threats. Owning is hard, it's all on you. Are you handy or have connections, or would you be finding expensive contractors for everything? Is your job settled or up in the air? Do you want to stay in one place or do you want to travel or see what's out there? Don't be afraid, go ahead by breaking conventional wisdom, by instilling wisdom into yourself by God, who is Perfect and Almighty! The easy answer is Pray on what you should do! If you buy and rates go down, then you can refinance! Many people should stay out of this market, but others may see great opportunities they haven't had in 4 years with little competition and dare I say, price negotiating! The 30-year mortgage is the biggest scam, as no one ever really keeps them for 30 years (maybe except ones at 2.75%)! But the banks now earn 7% interest on each payment, from Fiat currency created digitally from nothing, and then the notes are amortized so that the entire payment up front is essentially interest! But if we go into a hyperinflationary event, to which 50% of you see this as eventually happening, all the debt becomes worthless, and you could use some or even all of your precious metals to settle your debts, which will be worthless going into the new system!

#SilverIsMoney #Oil #BlackGold #Energy #GodWins

Not sure but you, but I got bombarded today with "Never Backs Down" material in the mail, and both text messages and ads through cookies online from the DeSantis campaign ad blitz! It seems the DEEP STATE (D's and R's and elites) are desperately working together to attempt to remove Donald John Trump from the Presidential process this go around, because the enemy has nearly run out of options as to how to keep all their schemes going!

Evil will do only what it knows, and that is an inflated ego, and no love, which is their biggest blind spot! God saves with the heart; even if you only have one second left to live, you can be saved! Let's hope it doesn't come to the wire for all of you!

In my House:

As ridiculous and tough as this process has been to witness this unlawfulness over the last 3 years, at least [Trump et al] will know who NOT to let into our beautiful and blessed Nation for the next 45 years!

Forwarded from Kellstribe
Media is too big
Good morning. I hope your day is filled with repentance and gratitude. Sending love and a hug your way. God be with you.

Acts 3:19-20
Therefore repent and turn back so that your sins may be wiped out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and so that he may send the Messiah appointed for youβ€”that is, Jesus.

Forwarded from Kellstribe
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Jesus doesn’t just get us. He SAVES us. God bless.