Silence DoGood, MBA
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God. Jesus. Holy Spirit. Family. Country. Silver Standard Supporter, Truth, Freedom, Father of 5, Blessed by God πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ»
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George Gammon is hiring Robert Barnes to go after the Fed by suing them with FOIA requests!

They started a GoFundMe yesterday and they have already raised $54,000!!! George runs the Rebel Capitalist and has fantastic content on YouTube.

If you donate, make sure you mention that @familyman20181 (Silence Dogood MBA) and @santasurfing & team sent you, we would love it if he followed us back!
George Gammon and Robert Barnes are doubling down on their FOIA requests into investigating the Federal Reserve.

The Federal Reserve said in their response (in writing) that they don't even know how to search their own indexes...🧐

I highly recommend and support them in their quest to #EndTheFed!!!
Forwarded from Wall Street Silver (Justin)
End the Fed from the bottom up at the state level under Article 1, Section 10, and not from the top down at the Federal level! Makes sense to me, the swamp is too deep!


Forwarded from Silence DoGood, MBA

I believe there is tremendous promise in blockchain as it pertains to solving complex problems. It also has the ability to make mundane, routine tasks seamless. Government does not like it because no matter how complex a government gets, blockchain can easily sift through every Federal Code, Statute, RSA and any other facet within the government to streamline everything. Unfortunately, it will also make every transaction readily available to any authoritarian government official who may want to know something about his political enemy. It's a dangerous, slippery slope. The funny thing is Congress is arguing, going back and forth about how they want to regulate the existing private crypto structure, while at the same time pursuing the launching of a CBDC through the Fed. I think eventually, tyrants will want a CBDC through Treasury and skip the Fed and commercial bankers all together. I was watching an interview today with Robert Barnes and George Gammon, and Barnes is a well-known attorney and he says that the way the law is written currently, CBDCs are technically illegal, as the law stipulates that the Federal Reserve cannot do business with any individuals, and there are licenses and approvals needed to become a bank. So Congress is trying to find a way to circumvent the existing law by passing a law without the people realizing what's in it! People need to push this fact that a CBDC is 100% illegal under the existing law. It was never intended for Central Bankers and the IRS to know every single transaction we do. They also are trying to figure out a way to make a CBDC required for the masses, but exempting their crony friends. If we expose it with education of the Truth, then they will be exposed and out in the open! #EndTheFed #StackSilver
Forwarded from Silence DoGood, MBA
So when does Congress eventually decide to formally bankrupt the Federal Reserve and transfer the function of money and bonds creation to the Treasury, who can then collaborate with the Post Office on announcing a dual physical and digital Gold and Silver product? Talk about ignoring the 1,000 pound gorilla in the room! In the meantime, God tells us to stack Precious Metals for our families and communities! BRICS+ will force the world onto a Gold standard whether any politician likes it or not. We know what happens to Silver when this happens...#StackOn #EndTheFed #SilverIsMoney
Forwarded from bullion, bitcoin & bullsh*t w/ GMONEY (GMONEY)
The Fed is insolvent by $2.5TRILION! LOL

Happy Leap Day!

Between this extra day being tacked on every 4 years, on top of daylight savings time, it's time to end the Gregorian calendar manipulation once and for all! We are supposed to have a 13 month calendar of 28 days each and no daylight savings.

We The People are done with counterfeit money and counterfeit time! #EndTheFed #EndDST #EndLeapDay