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🇩🇪 Was wenn ALLES, was dir je erzählt wurde, eine LÜGE ist?
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🇺🇸 What if EVERYTHING you've ever been told is a LIE?
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Welcome to 👹 Hell” has been plastered all over billboards across the world for the promotion of the new video game, ‘Diablo.’

👺Diablo’ was launched on 6th June, in honour of the demon ‘Lilith.’ 6+6+2x3=666 YOU do the Math!

BitChute | Odysee
Brighteon Broadcast News, June 23, 2023 - ENGINEERED Famine: Weather weapons causing CROP FAILURES across Midwest

- Ocean Gate submarine found at bottom of Atlantic... ALL DEAD
- Submarine was a DEATH TRAP, and passengers agreed to a SUICIDE mission
- US Navy knew the sub had imploded on Sunday... media ran FAKE NEWS for days
- All to distract from Biden crime family IRS whistleblowers and bribery kickback stories
- More weather weapons striking the Midwest, obliterating corn, soy and other crops
- Full interview with Steve Quayle on weather weaponization and demonic INFESTATION of humanity

BitChute | Odysee
🇺🇸/🌎 Brighteon Broadcast News, July 27, 2023 - JP Morgan Chase targets Dr. Mercola's staff and FAMILY with vicious DE-BANKING attack

- Former top government advisor testifies that alien beings were recovered from UFO crash
- Is it a UFO psyop, or a real whistleblower trying to reveal the truth?
- All mainstream journalists are now obsolete as Google AI can write the same mindless stories
- JP Morgan Chase de-banks Dr. Joseph Mercola's staff and their familiy members in nefarious attack on civil rights
- This proves that banks can never be trusted, and that you will be punished for your personal beliefs
- If you murder children for a living (abortion centers), JP Morgan Chase is happy to have you as a customer
- But if you help SAVE people with nutrition, prevention and education, JP Morgan will BANISH you

BitChute | Odysee
🇺🇸/🌎 Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 7, 2023 - Demonic globalists go CRAZY trying to suppress these 14 POWERFUL TRUTHS (that will set you free)

- Anything the satanic globalists don't want you to know, they label it "disinformation"
- The TRUTH will destroy their control over humanity and set you free
- Key technologies have been deliberately withheld from humanity
- Scarcity in food, energy, medicine and wealth is ENGINEERED to keep people enslaved
- 🙏🏻GOD and Nature have already created all the natural medicine the world could ever need
- The media push hate because they need people to live in fear, anger and violence rather than prosperity and peace
- The higher the CO² in the atmosphere, the MORE food grows around the world, ending hunger
- Carbon sequestration is a terraforming operation to induce GLOBAL FAMINE
- The food supply is deliberately poisoned with pesticides to keep you confused, sick and fearful

BitChute | Odysee
🇮🇱 #IsraelWAR
To me it seems like Israel is paying dearly for learning a critical lesson in history. [I can of course also be mistaken]

When you turn your back on 🙏🏻GOD, and you reject HIS teachings, and you embrace abortion, transgenderism, the LGBTQ cult and 👹 demonic influence throughout your government and institutions (including medicine, bioweapons, "science" etc), 🙏🏻GOD will remove his protection from you and feed your nation to the 🐺wolves‼️
Both Israel and the USA have lost 🙏🏻GOD's blessing and must REPENT to regain it and have any hope of survival. This war cannot merely be won with tanks and artillery. It can only be won with 🙏🏻GOD's protection, which both Israel and USA governments have overtly abandoned.
Bamba Ferko

Rumble | Odysee
🇮🇱 #IsraelWAR
ALL of this has been orchestrated by the globalists who hate us and want us all ☠️D.E.A.D☠️. [No joke !!!]

They take no prisoners and they do not care about Jews, or Palestinians, or Chinese people, or Europeans, or Australians, or anyone.

I do not back any side (NEVER have, NEVER WILL!) - that is what they want. More division. I won’t have either flag in my bio, and I find this war abhorrent in its entirety. I stand with TRUTH and TRUTH ONLY & with the innocent people suffering in every country affected and I stand with humanity who is under attack worldwide by the same👺demons bringing in the New World Order.

It may look different in every country, but it’s all working towards the same goal, and in the end it’s the people who suffer.

There is far more at stake here than most can even imagine.

Rumble | Odysee
🎃 Halloween...🇬🇧

I have never been a fan of Halloween. Most of all, I don't like what it stands for....

When we look into the history of Halloween, we quickly discover that it is based on the ancient pagan religion of the Celts in Northern Ireland and their Feast of the Dead, called Samhain.

Halloween, as we know it today, is a modernized version of the Druidic festival of the dead. The powerful Druid priests were considered kings of the occult and were known to worship evil spirits and sacrifice people to their demon god.

Many who are involved in the dark arts and deal in spiritualism consider Halloween a religious holiday and are aware that it is rooted in the occult.

For many avowed Satanists, Halloween is a Satanic holiday for obvious reasons, as it is a day to glorify demons, witches, and devils. The first Greater Church of Lucifer in Houston, Texas, chose Halloween as the perfect day to officially open its doors to the public.

Rumble | Odysee
🌎 [AI, Transhumanism,🤖Robots]
Maria Zeee exposes 'Biodigital Convergence' - the plot to imprison all of humanity in a technocratic totalitarian society ruled by demonic AI with technology already in existence, and how to be free from the human prison planet.
🗞Indigenous perspectives on the Biodigital Convergence
🗞Exploring Biodigital Convergence

☝️NOW you know, what the 'mRNA' is needed for🤨

Rumble | Odysee
🇺🇸/🌎 Brighteon Broadcast News, Dec 4, 2023 🚨 Worldwide💉Vaccine Holocaust CONFIRMED as wave of studies reveal devastating rise in All-Cause Mortality (ACM)

- Vaccine dangers, gold spikes, and crypto investments. (0:00)
- COVID vaccine impact on fertility and mortality rates. (11:15)
- Attacks on commercial ships in Red Sea and Israel's bombing of Gaza. (19:44)
- Gold prices, war, and global economics. (24:19)
- AI, censorship, and cognitive cleansing. (30:13)
- AI, vaccines, and truth. (58:26)
- AI, exorcising demons, and saving humanity. (1:04:05)
- Israel's role in global elites' One World Government plans. (1:12:42)
- Israel-Hamas conflict and alleged war crimes. (1:21:02)
- True Israel and its connection to Christ. (1:38:09)
- The nature of God and the Christian faith. (1:44:29)
- Deception and manipulation in politics and religion. (1:55:44)
- Artificially incited violence and promoting peace. (2:01:22)

Rumble | Odysee
🇺🇸/🌎 Brighteon Broadcast News, Dec 8, 2023 - Demonic Disney, prophetic warnings and NZ vaccine genocide cover-up

- AI, Depopulation, and mainstream acceptance. (0:00)
- Disney's alleged pedophilia and grooming tactics. (9:33)
- Satanism, pedophilia, and corruption in entertainment and politics. (13:37)
- Prophecies, end times, and current events. (25:32)
- AI takeover, vaccine deaths, and depopulation. (36:14)
- Government crimes and censorship. (56:23)
- AI systems and their potential to exterminate humanity. (1:05:04)
- Prophecies of suitcase nukes and attacks in the US. (1:23:25)
- Potential upcoming events and arrests. (1:28:00)
- The interpretation of Revelation and the role of deception in prophecy. (1:49:21)
- The Antichrist and a new digital currency. (1:58:20)

Rumble | Odysee
🌎 The World Enslavement Forum has been granted authorization by Pope Franciscus👺Lucifericus to rewrite the Holy Bible, according to a WEF insider who reveals the pope wants the new “fact-checked” version of the Bible to be far more political, with a central place for the primacy of nature, and far less about 🙏🏻GOD.

Pope Francis has already declared that Klaus Schwab is more important than Jesus Christ and now he is determined to dismantle Christianity from the inside and replace God’s word with the 👹 demonic vision of the global elite.

Rumble | Odysee
🌎 [AI, ChatGPT, OpenAI, 🤖Robots] Partial transcript: Google whistleblower Zach Vorhies and dissident tech maverick Mike Adams talk AI, ChatGPT, LLMs and Singularity... 🗞►https://gurl.pro/ol-8wg 👉 FACTS vs. LIES! ☉ Rumble | Odysee
🇺🇸/🌎 Brighteon Broadcast News, Jan 3, 2023 - The end of HUMAN COGNITION dominance on planet Earth (feat. Zach Vorhies)

- AI, chatGPT, and the singularity with a Google whistleblower. (0:03)
- AI, chatbots, and large language models. (5:04)
- Replacing human workers with AI machines. (19:31)
- AI and its impact on the job market. (24:30)
- Consciousness, self-awareness, and 👹 demonic possession in machines. (34:50)
- US global empire, globalism, and technological advancements. (1:23:42)
- Taxes, AI, and humanoid robots. (1:28:07)
- Magnetic field weakening and solar flares. (1:36:58)
- Solar radiation, Climate Change🥴, and AI. (1:40:14)
- AI, NPCs, and Conformity. (1:47:59)
- AI's rapid progress and its implications. (1:57:16)

Rumble | Odysee
⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇬🇧 the UK... 😵‍💫
The first painted portrait of Charlie Boy looking like 👹 SATAN covered in demon blood in Hell, has been unveiled at Buckingham Palace.

🇩🇪 Das erste gemalte Porträt von König Charles III., der aussieht wie der mit Dämonenblut bedeckte Satan in der Hölle, wurde im Buckingham Palace enthüllt.

Rumble | Odysee