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🇩🇪 Was wenn ALLES, was dir je erzählt wurde, eine LÜGE ist?
❗️Abonniere NUR, wenn Du die Wahrheit ertragen kannst‼️

🇺🇸 What if EVERYTHING you've ever been told is a LIE?
❗️Subscribe O͟N͟L͟Y, if you CAN handle the Truth‼️

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🪖War Pigs🐷 [RE-Upload]

Generals gathered in their masses
Just like witches at black masses
Evil minds that plot destruction
Sorcerers of death's construction
In the fields the bodies burning
As the war machine keeps turning
Death and hatred to mankind
Poisoning their brainwashed minds
Oh lord yeah!

Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that role to the poor

Time will tell on their power minds
Making war just for fun
Treating people just like pawns in chess
Wait 'til their judgement day comes

Now in darkness world stops turning
Ashes where the bodies burning
No more war pigs at the power
Hand of God has struck the hour
Day of judgement, God is calling
On their knees the war pig's crawling
Begging mercy for their sins
Satan laughing spreads his wings
oh lord yeah!

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🌎 Are the seals of Revelation beginning to be opened⁉️🧐
The CERN Hadron Collider will be fired up on April 8th in an effort to create dark matter and discover the history of the universe… NASA is sending up three rocket ships during the solar eclipse named with a mission named after the Egyptian serpent deity, APEP (the god of chaos), who is the nemesis of the solar god Ra. Ironically and incredibly, NASA and CERN both chose to represent their missions with the god of chaos!


👉 FACTS vs. LIES! 😐
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Jim Carrey Reveals How His Suffering Led Him to 🙏🏻GOD
Sometimes it's through suffering that we relate to the forgiveness Jesus gave us through the cross. 2nd Corinthians 4:17 says "our suffering is light and temporary and is producing for us an eternal glory that is greater than anything we can imagine."

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Meanwhile in 🇷🇺 Яussia...
🇩🇪 Die Regierung unterstützte den Vorschlag der Partei „Gerechtes Russland für die Wahrheit“, das Kooperationsabkommen mit der WHO auszusetzen, nicht.

Es sind nur noch wenige Tage, bis Russland das Pandemieabkommen und die neuen internationalen Gesundheits- und Hygienevorschriften annimmt, die die nationale Souveränität erheblich einschränken.

GOTT steh uns bei, wenn der neue Pandemievertrag nächsten Monat unterzeichnet wird!

🇬🇧 The government did not support the proposal of the “A Just Russia for Truth Party”, to suspend the Cooperation Agreement with WHO.

There are only a few days left before Russia adopts the Pandemic Agreement and new International Health and Sanitary Regulations, which significantly limit national sovereignty.

🙏🏻GOD help us if the New Pandemic Treaty is signed next month!

☝️They're ALL in on it❗️- 🤮🤮 ALLE machen mit‼️🤮🤮

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🌎 'These murderers will soon find themselves answering for their crimes, if not before the tribunal of the world, then certainly before God,' Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò wrote.

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🌎 [Cas9, CRISPR, mRNA, Gene-Editing, Transhumanism, WEF]
The VaxXed are NO LONGER HUMAN! P.E.R.I.O.D.
I've said it 4 years ago; here's some new EVIDENCE that confirms my assertion at the time.

They are WILLINGLY and KNOWINGLY altering/destroying 🙏🏻GOD's creation!


🇩🇪 Die Geimpften (=Genterapierten!) sind KEINE MENSCHEN MEHR! P.U.N.K.T.
Ich habe es schon vor vier Jahren gesagt; hier sind einige neue BEWEISE, die meine damalige Behauptung bestätigen.

Sie verändern/zerstören ABSICHTLICH und WISSENTLICH GOTTES Schöpfung!

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The art of nature…

Remember this
the next time some moron tries to tell you about "Evolution"🥴 [next Chapter]

"The heavens declare the glory of 🙏🏻GOD and the firmament sheweth his handywork."
{Psalm 19:1}

👉 FACTS vs. LIES!🤓
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🇺🇸 Tucker Carlson interviews 🇸🇻 Nayib Bukele, the most popular elected leader in the world.

The photos above were captured in an El Salvadoran prison that houses the many MS-13 gang members arrested under President Nayib Bukele’s watch.

Since taking office in 2019, President Bukele has completely changed El Salvador, transforming it from the murder capital of the world to perhaps the safest country in the Western Hemisphere.

How did he do it? He prayed and asked 🙏🏻GOD for wisdom. Maybe other world leaders could learn from El Salvador’s success.

Tucker sat down with Bukele just days after being sworn in for a second term. They discuss MS-13 secret satanic roots, Donald Trump’s conviction, economics, and more.

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*Astrologie und der Alchemie
Die Alchemie ist eng mit der sogenannten Hermetik verknüpft, einer spätantiken, religiösen Offenbarungs- und Geheimlehre. Der griechische Gott Hermes Trismegistos („Hermes der Dreimalgrößte“) wurde als „Schutzgeist“ der Alchemie bezeichnet; es ist der griechische Name für den ägyptischen Mondgötzen Thot, welchem astrologische, okkulte sowie theologische und philosophische Schriften zugeschrieben werden – die hermetische Literatur (Corpus hermeticum). Der Begriff „hermetisch“ steht daher für geheimnisvoll, völlig verschlossen, abgetrennt, unerreichbar.

Die religiöse Symbolik basiert auf den Traditionen der Gnosis, des Neuplatonismus und der hermetischen Schriften. Die Alchemie bezeichnet man auch als „hermetische Kunst“, ihre Arbeitsgeräte sind die hermetischen Gefäße.

Ziel der hermetischen Praxis war das Opus magnum (das „große Werk“), auch als Magisterium bezeichnet, nämlich die Vervollkommnung der Seele des Menschen durch eine Umwandlung (Transmutation - Dr. Haribo lässt grüßen‼️), das bedeutet einen Läuterungsprozess in Analogie zu chemischen Operationen und Umwandlungsprozessen. Die Veredelung der Stoffe war den Alchemisten nur ein Symbol der „Veredelung“ der Seele. Dieses Mysterium stellte, wie auch die angestrebte Herstellung des „Steins der Weisen“ (Lapis philosophorum), eine auf chemischem Wege sich vollziehende „Gottesgeburt“ [Dr. Haribo lässt nochmals grüßen‼️] dar.

kompletter GOTTloser Heiden-Scheiss also.

Wen der Scheiß nicht an die Trans-Agenda des WEF, der 🇺🇳 UN und der NWO erinnert, dem ist echt nicht zu helfen.


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🇦🇹 Neues aus dem Wapplerland: ...und der M-💩-M reagiert prompt "Orbanistan" Oidaaaa 🥴 Den💩Scheiß💩kann man sich nicht ausdenken! 🗞►https://is.gd/Orbanistan 👉 FACTS vs. LIES! ☉ Rumble | Odysee
Grüne 😱 fürchten „Orbanisierung“ der EU 😆
Jetzt fordern Grüne und SPD auch eine „Brandmauer“ im EU-Parlament. Diesmal soll sie Koalitionen mit der neuen Fraktion „Patrioten für Europa“ verhindern. Linke und Grüne fürchten nämlich eine „Orbanisierung“ der Europapolitik. Viktor Orbán hat gegenüber Russland ein friedenspolitisches Zeichen gesetzt.

Ein wahrer Alptraum für den Polit-Mainstream.
Die Grünen-Fraktionschefin Terry Reintke speit im Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland bereits Gift und Galle:

Diese abenteuerliche rechtsextreme Sammelbewegung darf keine Ausschussvorsitze bekommen, weil ihr einziges Ziel ist, Europa zu blockieren, Gesellschaften zu polarisieren, den Green Deal, die Demokratie, Rechtsstaatlichkeit und Pressefreiheit abzuschaffen.
[You're god damn right, BITCH!😉]

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Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò:
In short, it would be understood that the corrupt part of the civil authority -- the deep state -- and the corrupt part of ecclesiastical authority -- the deep church -- are two sides of the same coin, both instrumental to the establishment of the New World Order...

Faced with this bleak scenario of corruption and conflict of interest, it is indispensable that all those who are not subservient to the globalist plan unite in a compact and cohesive front, in order to defend their natural and religious rights, their own health and that of their loved ones, their freedom, and their goods.”

Everything that we know, discover, and understand about the global conspiracy currently unfolding shows us a tremendous reality that is also at the same time sharp and clearly-defined: there are two sides, the side of 🙏🏻GOD and the side of SATAN 👹, the side of the children of Light and the side of the children of darkness.

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‼️Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò in his latest open letter [from oct. 2021]:
With every passing day, thousands of people are dying or are being affected in their health by the illusion that the so-called vaccines guarantee a solution to the pandemic emergency.

The Catholic Church has the duty before 🙏🏻
GOD and all of humanity to denounce this tremendous and horrible crime with the utmost firmness, giving clear directions and taking a stand against those who, in the name of a pseudo-science subservient to the interests of the pharmaceutical companies and the globalist elite, have only intentions of death.

Joe Biden, who also defines himself as “Catholic,” could impose vaccination on 28 million children aged 5 to 11, is absolutely inconceivable, if only for the fact that there is practically zero risk of them developing the SARS-CoV-2 disease.

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Media is too big
‼️ ALL(!) The 🌎's a STAGE❗️☝️ALL of it‼️

🇺🇸 The TRUMPET🎺Thanks 🙏🏻GOD For Sparing His Life During 'Assassination' Attempt ...

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🌎 [CBDC, Digital 🆔, Great Reset, Social Credit System, WEF]
Bank for International Settlements [Bank of Banks - The Head of the🐲Dragon] (BIS), which is the financial arm of the proposed one-world secular materialist government, working to build wrap-around digital financial control through CBDCs;

🇺🇳 United Nations, the political arm of the proposed one-world government, working to erode national sovereignty and citizen loyalty to countries and constitutions, so as to transfer allegiance and submission to the UN;

World Health Organization, the military arm of the proposed one-world government, working to shorten life spans and reduce fertility through security “countermeasures” known as “mandatory vaccines” which are in truth, measures to counter human health, longevity, fertility, conscience, free will, and freely-willed faith in Almighty 🙏🏻GOD.

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Media is too big
"SATAN 👹 has a Part in Creating the World with🙏🏻GOD!"
You can NOT understand the World you're living in, without KNOWING and UNDERSTANDING this‼️

No Catholic will EVER tell you this!

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