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🇺🇸 What if EVERYTHING you've ever been told is a LIE?
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⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇺🇸 America...
Jill Bai Den utilises Christina Aguilera to tell Americans they need to vote Democ🐀RAT so they can keep killing babies. . .

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🇮🇱 #IsraelWAR 🇺🇸/🇮🇱 WHAT's going on, Bubu!? 😳🧐 🗞►https://tt.vg/NetanyahuOVERTHROW 👉 FACTS vs. LIES! ☉ Rumble | Odysee
🔥 This could be HUGE!
🇺🇸/🌎 Brighteon Broadcast News, Mar 15, 2024 – Exclusive INTEL ALERT: Netanyahu OVERTHROW – US troops may OCCUPY GAZA in order to SAVE BIDEN

- US military construction, attempted coup against Netanyahu, and EMP weapons.
- Israel's loss in Gaza and resistance leader's claims of victory.
- Netanyahu and Israel's future.
- The real purpose of the Gaza shoreline pier.
- Bank failures and financial crisis.
- Financial collapse and asset preservation.
- Film "The War on Children" and its message about indoctrination.
- Child gender mutilations and media deception.
- Medical gender transitioning and child abuse.
- Child abuse and pedophilia in Hollywood.
- The "War on Children" and its implications.

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🌈 Meanwhile at 🇺🇸 The White House ...🥴
🐰Jo Bai Den hat den Ostersonntag, den 31. März, zum "Tag der Sichtbarkeit von Transgendern" erklärt.

An diesem Tag werden die Amerikaner aufgefordert, "sich für die Verbesserung des Lebens von Transgender-Personen einzusetzen". Laut Biden spielen sie "eine wichtige Rolle im Leben der Nation".

SERIOUSLY !!? 🤡 - Clown Country

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🇺🇸/🇷🇺/🌎 Greg Reese: On this episode we will discuss the brazen attack on conservative Americans by the Biden administration, look deeper into entities standing behind the global terrorist movement and reveal intriguing facts about upcoming solar eclipse event.

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🇺🇸/🌎 Brighteon Broadcast News, Apr 10, 2024 – Explosive video reveals coordinated deep state attack on Alex Jones as the smug, treacherous government DESTROYS innocent lives

- CIA and FBI entrapment of Alex Jones
- FBI agents in crowd during January 6 Capital riot
- Alex Jones' plans to sue the CIA and FBI
- Censorship, Twitter and lawsuits against big tech companies
- FDA inspections and regulatory compliance
- Censorship and free speech with Elon Musk and Brazil
- Ukraine funding terrorism and Biden family corruption
- Corruption in science and medicine with Dr. Judy Mikovits
- Government corruption and weaponization of agencies against the public
- Suppressed cancer and AIDS cures, government involvement
- Vaccine development and immune system manipulation
- Avoiding toxic food and pharmaceuticals, emphasizing the importance of clean and real food

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2/2 The entire US military has been deliberately dismantled since the Obama administration, to make it weak and pathetic. Then Trump came along and agreed to push death jabs on all military members to further destroy their health and lives. Biden finished the job by transforming the military into a transgender festival of cross dressers and virtue signaling woke idiots. When M.A.S.H. was a hit TV show in the 1970s, the "Klinger" character was a cross-dresser who tried to get kicked out of the military for mental health reasons. Today, Klinger would be made Secretary of Defense. 🥴

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Two years ago, when Steve Quayle and Mike Adams produced a 4-part video series called "Battlefield America" which said that America would be plunged into domestic warfare and violence, some people laughed. [NOT laughing today!]

"They're trying to kill Photosynthesis"

You can either listen to Steve Quayle today, or you can WISH you would have listened to him when you're caught completely unprepared for the 💩storm that has descended upon you. America is about to erupt into a nationwide warzone...

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⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇺🇸 ☭ 卐 America...
In a notable blend of Hollywood and politics, acclaimed director Steven Spielberg [☝️Better think TWICE, who you worship/ follow❗️] is collaborating with President Biden‘s reelection campaign, specifically offering strategic input for the Democratic National Convention slated for August.

Hollywood steps in to do what they do best… deceive🫵YOU.
[...but they also always tells us the truth! They have to…]

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⚠️ Meanwhile in 🇺🇸 America...
In a shocking turn of events, all Republican senators (49), led by Sen. Ron Johnson, have formally urged President Joe Biden to withdraw his support in expanding the World Holocaust Organisation’s (WHO) pandemic authority.

The letter, sent ahead of the 77th World Health Assembly scheduled from May 27 to June 1, 2024, in Geneva, Switzerland, argues that the WHO’s mishandling of the COVID-19 crisis underscores the need for major reforms rather than granting it more power. 👍

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Inzwischen in 🇺🇸 Amerika...
Eine ehemalige Mitarbeiterin der Obama-Kampagne und ihre Frau kamen letzte Woche bei einem schrecklichen Autounfall in Südkalifornien ums Leben.

Peggy Moore, 60, und Hope Wood, 48, waren Insassen eines Jeep-Pickup-Trucks, der am Freitag auf dem Highway 76 in der Nähe von Fallbrook mit einer Chrysler-Limousine zusammenstieß, wobei sie ums Leben kamen, wie NBC Bay Area berichtete.

Der 60-jährige Mann am Steuer des Jeeps kam ebenfalls ums Leben, ebenso wie der Fahrer des Chryslers, so der Sender.

Es gibt inzwischen nicht nur einen Clinton Body Count, sondern auch einen Obama Body Count. Obama holt beim Leichen zählen stark auf.
[das übrigens im Bild ist der echte Biden😉]

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🇺🇦 #UkraineWAR
🇺🇸/🌎 Tucker Carlson:500,000 Ukrainians dead for nothing.”

U.S. Senators continue to support the Russian/Ukraine war despite having no idea what the death toll is.

Today, Tucker is joined by political expert and economics professor Jeffrey Sachs to discuss the issues surrounding the war, the untold history of the Cold War, the CIA coups taking place around the world, Putin and Biden meeting about NATO’s expansion, and more.

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