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🇩🇪 Was wenn ALLES, was dir je erzählt wurde, eine LÜGE ist?
❗️Abonniere NUR, wenn Du die Wahrheit ertragen kannst‼️

🇺🇸 What if EVERYTHING you've ever been told is a LIE?
❗️Subscribe O͟N͟L͟Y, if you CAN handle the Truth‼️

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🇬🇧/🌎 Big Pharma 🟰 Organised Crime
This presentation & discussion for U.K. Column is jaw dropping.

The extent of criminal fraud and connivance between Pfizer and the U.K. regulator, MHRA is so bad, in relation to the official clinical trial (on the basis of which the “vaccine” was given emergency use authorization) that it would have made the Mafia blush with shame at such transparent lies.
Safe and effective, as they say, isn’t a lie.
It’s two lies.
The difficulty with criminal conspiracy of this magnitude is that almost nobody will believe it has happened.

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🇩🇪 🇦🇹🇨🇭🇪🇺 MEP Christine Anderson:
Eklat im EU-Parlament. Ich beantragte zur Aufklärung der Impfstoff-Deals zwischen EU-Kommission & Big Pharma eine kurzfristige Änderung der Tagesordnung.

⚠️ Als ich diese 3 Worte sage:
➡️ Von der Leyen
➡️ Pfizer
➡️ Korruption
🎤 schaltet die Parlamentspräsidentin sofort mein 🚫 Mikrofon ab‼️

Es folgt eine 7-sekündige Abstimmung ❗️, bei der alle anderen Parteien meinen Antrag ablehnen. (Ich habe den ungeheuerlichen Vorgang im Video extra ungeschnitten gelassen.)
Direkt danach vertagt sich das Parlament in die Pause. Das war’s.

Wenn in einem Pseudo-Parlament technokratischer Zentralismus auf zementierte Blockparteien trifft, die selbst an der Aufklärung schwerster Korruptionsvorwürfe im zweistelligen MILLIARDEN-Bereich gegen ihre eigene Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen (die Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt bereits) nicht interessiert sind, könnte man dieses bürgerfeindliche Konstrukt dann nicht zurecht als 🇻🇳☆☭EUdSSR bezeichnen?

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🇺🇸 Der Impfplan der US-amerikanischen Gesundheitsbehörde Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ist ein wahrer Albtraum.
Durch ein kostenfreies Impfprogramm wird sichergestellt, dass alle Babies vor 14 Krankheiten „immunisiert🫠 werden können. Allerdings ist es so, dass die heutigen Kinderärzte einen Großteil ihres Einkommens aus Zahlungen von ☤ Big Pharma beziehen und ermutigt werden, „Quoten“ bei der Abgabe von Kinderimpfungen zu erfüllen. Kindertagesstätten und Schulen erwarten den regelmäßigen Beleg dafür, dass die Immunisierungen erfolgt sind. Dabei sind ungeimpfte Kinder in jeder Hinsicht gesünder als geimpfte, und zwar sowohl die physische als auch die psychische Gesundheit betreffend.


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Ganz still und heimlich: EU stoppt Zulassung für Corona-"Impfstoff" von AstraZeneca‼️

💉Die Milliarden sind verdient, die Sau durch's Dorf getrieben und ☤ Big Pharma endlich satt. Heute wird bekannt, dass die EU-Kommission die Zulassung von Vaxzevria schon vor 5 Wochen in aller Stille widerrufen hat.

⚠️ Mit Wirksamkeit ab morgen, dem 7. Mai 2024.
PDF: https://is.gd/IVpWW1

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"Wir versuchen, das Thema eines sofortigen Waffenstillstands, der Kämpfe und des Beginns von Verhandlungen zu eröffnen. Ich denke, es ist besser, sich 10 Jahre lang am Verhandlungstisch zu streiten, als die Russen und die Ukrainer sich 10 Jahre lang gegenseitig umbringen zu lassen.

Die Frage ist: Wer will was? Ich habe den Eindruck, dass der Westen diesen Krieg extrem unterstützt. Diese Botschaft stammt aus dem Jahr 2022, als einige westliche Länder die Ukraine davon abhielten, ein Friedensabkommen mit Russland zu unterzeichnen, und sagten: Lasst uns den Krieg in der Ukraine nutzen, um Russland zu schwächen, lasst uns der Ukraine militärische und wirtschaftliche Hilfe geben, lasst uns Sanktionen gegen Russland verhängen und Russland als solches international, politisch, wirtschaftlich und finanziell schwächen. Das funktioniert nicht.

Der Krieg dauert nun schon seit zwei Jahren an. Wir erfahren, dass Russlands Gebietsgewinne größer sind als die der Ukraine. Auf beiden Seiten gibt es eine große Zahl von toten und verwundeten Soldaten. Russland geht es wirtschaftlich und politisch gut, Präsident Putin hat viel Rückhalt. Vielleicht ist es also berechtigt zu fragen, ob diese Strategie des Westens gut ist? Ich behaupte, dass die Strategie des Westens in der Ukraine nicht funktioniert.

Siehe auch: Fico gegen die WHO & ☤ Big Pharma.👇

[Hat so rein gar NIX mit GARNIX zu tun... ] 😐

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🌎 WHO-Generaldirektor und Pressesprecher von ☤ Big Pharma, Tedros (WasAuchImmerSeinNameIst):
Start der gemeinsamen Kampagne "Humanly Possible"

„In den vergangenen 50 Jahren hat EPI gezeigt, was möglich ist, wenn Partner zusammenarbeiten, auch solche, die heute zu uns stoßen: UNICEF, GAVI und die KILL-Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Heute starten wir eine gemeinsame Kampagne mit dem Titel Humanly Possible, in der wir alle führenden Politiker auffordern, sich für die Unterstützung und Finanzierung von Impfstoffen und 🤥Immunisierungsprogrammen einzusetzen, die diese 🤥lebensrettenden Produkte zur Verfügung stellen"

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HOW OFTEN have I said that the ✝️ Catholic Church serves ✝️ SATAN 👹???

The conference took place from April 26 to 28, 2018, i.e. before the Covid PLANdemic and perfectly embedded in the already well-known simulation games such as "Event 201".

The religious world of "Christians" [Catholics are NOT Christians!] was sworn in to the "blessings" of ☤ Big Pharma under the slogan "How 'Science'🥴, Technology and 21st Century Medicine Will Impact Culture and Society".
The first such conferences took place in 2011, 2013 and 2016. Four of them under the patronage of Pope Franciscus👺Lucifericus, whose predecessor Benedict XVI resigned from office under dubious circumstances.

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🌎 Former long-term and high-level employees at Pfizer have stepped forward to bravely expose what they describe as crimes against humanity perpetrated by the pharmaceutical giant.

This isn’t just another corporate scandal. It’s a tale of betrayal, manipulation, and mass murder on a scale that’s hard to fathom unless you hear it from those who were on the inside of one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies and understand Big Pharma’s role in implementing Agenda 2030 on behalf of the global elite.

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🇺🇸/🌎 Brighteon Broadcast News, June 10, 2024 – Rockefeller Medicine: 100+ years of exterminating humans in the name of “science”

- 💉Vaccine mandates and the Jacobson 1905 Supreme Court case.
- Class action lawsuits against government, hospitals, and others over COVID-19 vaccine mandates.
- Vaccine fraud and Big Pharma's reckoning.
- Toxic chemicals in food, water, and drugs.
- ☠️DEPOPULATION☠️ through poisoning, media manipulation, and gender confusion.
- Self-replicating vaccines,☣️Bioweapon, and their potential impact on humans.
- Using venom peptides in popular weight loss drugs.
- Weight loss drugs side effects resemble those of venomous snake🐍bites.
- Potential dangers of Western medicine and AI, risk of mass extermination.
- AI replacing human decision-makers in various fields.
- Humanity's self-destructive tendencies and potential global catastrophes.
- Impending doom due to AI, vaccines, and war, with a focus on spiritual survival...

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🌎Big Pharma – the global elite, in cahoots with ☤ Big Pharma, were responsible for the most heinous crime against humanity in the history of humankind when they mandated Covid ☣️Bioweapon and destroyed the health of millions of people in the process.

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Meanwhile in 🇷🇺 Яussia...
Russia just let the world know they will NOT protect Big Pharma’s predatory patents‼️

Protecting Russian lives is more important for Moscow than defending the intellectual property of Western pharmaceutical giants, an MP has argued during a debate on drug security in BRICS nations...

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🌎 Dr. Nicolas Hulscher, Dr. Roger Hodkinson, Dr. William Makis, Dr. Peter McCullough: Autopsy findings in cases of fatal COVID-19 vaccine-induced🫀Myocarditis 🗞►PubMed 👉 FACTS vs. LIES! ☉ Rumble | Odysee
🚨🌎 Dr. William Makis:: ‼️GREAT NEWS, SHARE‼️

LANCET CENSORED Paper is now peer reviewed and available online!

“A Systematic REVIEW of Autopsy findings in deaths after COVID-19 vaccination”

“325 autopsy cases”

“We found that 73.9% of deaths were directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination.”

“Our data suggest a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccination and death.”

This is a victory of SCIENCE over CENSORSHIP!!

Incredible perseverence by first author Dr. Nicolas Hulscher who didn’t give up after LANCET pulled the paper within 24 hours after 100,000s of downloads for no legitimate reason.

Big Pharma put the squeeze on the Lancet but has failed to stop the truth from coming out!

The paper was delayed by one year, and those actions of CENSORSHIP and CANCELLATION led to many deaths that could have been prevented.

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🇺🇸/🌎 Robert Redfield, ex CDC-Chef („US-Wieler”): Impfschäden wurden verschwiegen, die Impfpflicht war der größte Fehler, mRNA verhindert keine Infektion und hat Nebenwirkungen. 🇩🇪 Prof. Stefan Homburg: „So geht Aufarbeitung! Bei uns leider nicht, weil…
Turbo cancers are exploding among the vaccinated according to leading medical experts and government investigators in the Philippines who have slammed the mainstream media and ☤ Big Pharma for covering up the extent of the medical crisis engulfing the world.

The Philippines government has conducted a review of Covid vaccine roll out and the findings were conclusive: birth rates have fallen off a cliff and experimental mRNA injections have destroyed immune systems and opened a Pandora’s box of autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and infections.

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Media is too big
mRNA is designed to DEPOPULATE!
🇬🇧 Dr. Aseem Malhotra - Probably HALF of the published medical Literature is simply NOT TRUE; the Business Model of ☤ Big Pharma is FRAUD!

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Media is too big
W.T.F.? 🤯🥴
🇺🇸▪️The Year, Ladies & Gentlemen... is ... 1994‼️‼️‼️

"What's worse: having a BAD Headache, or not knowing if you have a BAD Headache?"

🐑Patient: "How can I be sure, if I have a Headache?"🤯😵‍💫
🐍Big Pharma: "We've developed h-h-t, the first 'at home Headache-Test'... If the test turns blue, you have a Headache. If it turns green, you don't... Inconclusive results may indicate 🧠Tumor..."

Predictive Programming for the FAKE PCR-Test! From 1994

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Just to bring it down to the ‘covid for dummies’ level ….

We need to remember that so called ‘viral pandemics’ should not even need to be ‘declared’. They should be self evident to everyone like floods, hurricanes, earthquakes and new fashion trends.

The very notion of ‘declaring’ a pandemic (one worthy of shutting down the planet) is as absurd as ‘declaring’ a flood. ‘Declaring’ a fire in a crowded theatre does not prove there is a fire… and neither does the subsequent stampede, or the damage that the stampede causes.

Another fact which never gets enough of a mention is that the WHO declared a pseudo pandemic only 11 years earlier, and it did so after changing the criteria for a ‘pandemic’ to be declared so that excess deaths and severity of illness were no longer necessary.

This declaration (a ‘level 6 alert’) triggered massive pre-arranged contracts for vaccines and other drugs in many countries. One does not need to have a degree in scamology to be able to join the dots.

A similar thing happened in 1976. In both cases even the mainstream media reported on the scandal.

Let’s also not forget that lockdown policies were (to a large extent) based on a mathematical model of contagion derived from an experiment involving SMARTPHONE APPS and GPS data and not sick people.

The experiment was conducted in 2017 by the BBC, Cambridge University and LSHTM. A documentary was made (Contagion! The BBC4 Pandemic’) and a couple of papers were published. By their own admission the data set from the smartphones formed the basis of government policy at the start of 2020.

The experiment involved no biology whatsoever.

This is presumably because over 200 very snotty human contagion studies conducted over the last century have spectacularly FAILED to demonstrate the contagion of any disease via proximity or the sharing of bodily fluids.

Had government policy been based on THOSE experiments the whole thing would have been (correctly) declared a nothing-burger from the outset. and Big Pharma would not have made any profits.

Modelling contagion with smartphones must surely qualify as the greatest and most audacious act of science fraud in history …?!

In the movie ‘Pulp Fiction’ the robber in the opening scene describes a recent bank robbery involving nothing more than a mobile phone and an alleged hostage (a little girl) on the other end of the phone line. The point of the anecdote was that you can now rob a bank with nothing more than a mobile phone.🤡

The joke comes when his girlfriend asks “Did they hurt the little girl?”

He looks bemused and replies “I dunno…. there probably never was a little girl”

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