de (daniel ewen)
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I know nothing. I now know something...
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With the [global] cost of living crisis only set to get worse, I now choose to stand in #solidarity with my fellow citizens. Those who are being forced to choose between heating and eating, who cannot afford food and live day to day using #foodbanks, whose children go hungry because we are being driven into food #poverty. I can no longer justify living in a world that displays such excessive #decadence, whilst so many others still experience continual #suffering.

I cannot change the world, but I can change myself. I am the change I wish to see in the world.

To be that change I first need to #wakeUp to the suffering being endured by my fellow beings. Then I can change my thoughts, feelings and actions and become mindful of my choices, and how they directly or indirectly impact on the suffering of others.

As far as excessive and unnecessary consumerism goes, I'm out! and I hope my friends are listening to what is going on around us. I choose a simple and humble life.

You may not like what I am saying, I honestly don't expect you to, but maybe you should question that sensation by first asking yourself why? I am not an idiot, and just because others do not see what I see, their ignorance does not make me wrong. All I am asking for is that we wake up and acknowledge reality and stop living in phantasy.

In an #enlightened and #compassionate #society, where we value and care for one another as equals, we do not celebrate our good fortune in the very faces of those who might die from a basic lack of water, food and adequate shelter. We stand with those who do not have the privileges we have, because it is the appropriate and the just thing to do.

Ultimately, if we do not all stand together and rise as one, sooner or later, there will be no one left to stand at all...

"The journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step..."

Delusional thinking and behaviour is expecting gratification after taking a single step...

Whereas gratitude, for the ability to take a single step, is an entirely different perspective.

The #delusional approach, in the search of immediate #gratification, will result in disappointment, and ultimately, failure to complete the journey.

The #gratitude approach, will #manifest its own #meaning and sense of deep #joy, #purpose and #fulfilment, and in that #moment, the journey becomes #effortless.

The emergence of meaning arises in the presence of #BEiNG. Meaning is for its own sake, there is no other meaning outside that of the experience of meaning.

The appropriate question is: "what is the meaning of #acceptance?"

Only when acceptance becomes absolute, will meaning become truly apparent...

The journey is #LiFE. The meaning of life, is the journey.

Note: Acceptance is a continuous process, not an absolute conclusion.
"i AM" the change I choose to see in the world...

We cannot change the world, but we can change ourselves, and when we change ourselves, we change our world, and that ripple effect moves into every aspect of the world we share with others... this is how we change the world...

#Integrity #Acceptance #Peace

I change myself, by answering the following two questions:

1. Who is i?
2. What do i want?

Here are two workable examples:

Question: Who is i?
Answer: "i AM". "i AM" #calm. "i AM" #peaceful.
A simple explanation: Who else can "I" be? The "i" will become apparent, the more "I" focus on #BEiNG who "i AM"...

Question: What do i want?
Answer: i do not want. i do not want to be #angry. i do not want to be #resentful.
A simple explanation: To want is to desire, and desire leads to suffering. To not want, is to not desire, so i can use the negative to create a positive by removing desire (i do not want), whilst also removing the object that i do not want (BEiNG angry, BEiNG resentful).

Do you see how the two questions now work together in #harmony? One is the force of #creation, one is the force of #destruction, yet both are working #together in the service of #conscious #intention. Both must exist in #equal measure, in order to have #balance and #unity (#peace).

How we use words and language is key to how we think, and how we think creates our #REALiTY. So, on a path to #ENLiGHTENMENT, we choose our words with conscious #consideration and #compassion, for these simple words create the spells that #manifest #magic...

In order to #respond appropriately, I must first become #responsible (response-able), and I cannot become responsible, whilst I continue to make excuses.

"i AM" responsible, or I am not responsible.

One is fully #conscious, the other is delusional.

One responds consciously, one reacts compulsively.

I know who YOU are, because I know who "i AM". When you know who "i AM", you will know your SELF.

Then you will also know who YOU are...
My short story…

A (Star Wars) parable for my dear friend David:

A long time ago, in a town far, far away, there was a boy who felt lost and confused. As the boy grew older, he began to realise that something was not right. He could feel a splinter inside his mind, driving him mad.

Sometimes he could ignore the splinter, sometimes he could distract himself from the splinter, but the splinter was always there, slowly driving him mad.

Then the boy watched Star Wars, and suddenly there was A New Hope within, that somewhere within his being, he knew what that splinter meant, but he did not know how to find it. The splinter inside his mind, continued to slowly drive the boy mad.

The boy began to believe in the Force and the Jedi. If only he could master the Force within, one day he would be free from the splinter inside his mind, that was slowly driving him mad.

The Force was about balance, strength, control, discipline, patience, compassion and above all else, peace. The Jedi, who had mastered the Force, were the guardians of peace and justice. The boy now knew that in order to find the splinter inside his mind, that was driving him slowly mad, he would need to learn about the Force.

When the boy got bigger, he declared himself a Jedi, but he was unworthy of the label, and so the splinter inside his mind, continued to drive him mad.

Money brought possibilities for endless distractions, and for a while the splinter inside his mind grew quiet. But soon the distractions lost their power, and the splinter inside his mind began to tempt the boy to the Dark Side. The boy never realised he had turned until it was too late. By then he had become the very thing he despised most. A servant of evil.

For years the boy wondered aimlessly, and everything he touched turned to ash. The Force of destruction and havoc had consumed him, and the splinter inside his mind had driven him mad.

Then, a Rey of light woke the boy up, and he realised he had been asleep for many years. He knew what he needed to do, but he did not have the courage to do it, so he waited, and waited… and waited… for tomorrow to arrive, in an unending waking nightmare.

Suddenly he realised what he must do, so he did. He asked someone for help.

The training was hard, and long, and required much courage and sacrifice, but then, in a single moment, everything changed, because finally the boy realised that one thing can change everything, and that he was that change. The Force is real and the Jedi returned, and like that, the boy vanished into the void.

As the boy sat within the infinite void of possibility, he began to play with reality. The boy realised that he could manipulate the physical world, like a fiddler playing the fiddle. The boy had become the fiddle and he was the fiddler. He had created the music that he had always heard inside his mind, that he had mistaken for a splinter, that was driving him mad. For the splinter was not madness, it was the truth, and the truth had finally set the boy free.

The boy now knew how the music ended, with the beginning of the song… the infinite now made manifest, where nothing is everything. In that moment, the boy was remade in a new image, that of the pen that wrote the note, that created the tune, that began the song, that filled the universe with music. The new child within became curious, and began to wonder… what comes next?

Only i can tell you what comes next whispered the Jedi Master… shall i show you? Let us begin… and remember, the Force will be with you, always, because "i AM" the force, and YOU are now a JEDi.
This is My 2 Step Program of Recovery, based on My 12 Step Program of Recovery.

1. Who is “i”? - “i AM”. “i AM” peace. “i AM” joy. (this is the future ME, NOW), “i AM” [whatever] i consciously choose to be, in this moment.
2. What do “i” want? - i do not want. i do not want to cause harm. i do not want suffering. (this is the past ME, NOW "i AM suffering" no more), i consciously choose [whatever] i do not want, that still subconsciously influences my perception and interpretation of REALiTY, in this moment.

*** We insert [whatever] word of our choosing, for each question ***

Note: To want is to desire and want and desire always leads to suffering. To not want, is to not desire, thus we are free from desire, and free from the cycle of suffering.

This is how "i AM":
This is why "i AM":
A genius #discovers (#articulates) reality before anyone else knows it even exists. For example, Isaac #Newton and Albert #Einstein.

An enlightened fellow #experiences #reality as it really is (nothing), without the #perception and #interpretation of the MiND. For example, Siddhartha Gautam (aka #Buddha) and #Jesus #Christ.

An #enlightened #genius lays a trail of #breadcrumbs, so that all other fellows move in the #direction of ENLiGHTENED GENiUS...

1. Who is "i"?

"i" am consciousness MANiFESTED.

...consciousness resides within the #void of the un-manifested (what we call #quantum reality) as #infinite #potential (nothing) and creates the #MANiFESTED PHYSiCAL REALiTY (what we call Newtonian reality), into the "i AM" SOMETHiNG, simply observing EVERYTHiNG.

#Space | #Time is the #language of consciousness and if we #practice, then #master Active #Listening and Active #Communication, we can then create "#magic" through what I call #Conscious #Intention and Conscious #Awareness...

Only the #MiND experiences the #illusion of Space | Time...

"i" (#consciousness) only ever #experience the #here and #now (the #present #moment)
In all situations, I strive to do the appropriate thing, for the appropriate reason.

However, this is not always possible, and so, occasionally, I may do an inappropriate thing, for an appropriate reason.

I actively avoid doing an appropriate thing, for an inappropriate reason.

I will not do an inappropriate thing, for an inappropriate reason.
Whether you are a right wing (fascist) or a left wing (communist), it is typically the mindlessly compliant masses that end up committing mass genocide throughout history.

There is an internal compass that knows what appropriate and inappropriate thoughts, feelings, and actions are. This compass is Conscious Awareness, and can be accessed through Conscious Intention. These are a more advanced form of Active Listening and Active Communication.

When I am calm and at peace, I know how to access and read the internal compass, and I make appropriate choices, for myself, and I act appropriately towards other beings, human, animal or otherwise.

When we act from a place of fear and anger, the rational and reasoning part of the brain cannot engage. It is quite literally suppressed by the fight or flight hormones, and we become susceptibile to abuse and manipulation.

When we act in a certain way, because someone told us to, or we do so to avoid being outcast from the herd or pack, we may already be acting in a compliant way, out of a fear of loss or isolation. All that need happen next, is for the dial to be turned up, and we are soon committing acts of aggression and hate towards ourselves, and our fellow beings.

Just look at the destruction of the natural world, for example. The fear of not having enough has caused, possibly irreparable, harm, and has placed the future of all life on this planet in jeopardy.

We must be mindful of our inner being (compass) before mindlessly complying, in any situation, just because it feels like the easy thing to do.

The next time work ask us to do something that feels inappropriate, or when the Government ask us to do something that feels inappropriate. Or, if I am asking someone else to do something inappropriate, I stop and ask myself, am I at peace right now? Is this thought, feeling or action appropriate, in this moment?

Acting appropriately is not always easy, especially when I am the only one willing to act that way. This is what Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi meant, when he said:

"It is easy to stand in a crowd, but it takes courage to stand alone."
...I do not confuse my own hate, my own anger, my own suffering, with god...

...that is not how god appears, god appears peacefully, quietly, from nowhere, as no thing, and restores the balance of all things through peace, acceptance, kindness and compassion...

...if I listen closely, I hear god, ever present in the silence of peace, the trick is to stop the talking, and learn to hear the peace and grace of god, then I am one with god, then "i AM" god...
The secret to happiness (joy) is eternal gratitude.

I give thanks for, and "i AM" grateful for, what I have, and what "i AM", now.

I move forwards with purpose, courage, and determination, to create a present moment that benefits all BEiNGS, human or otherwise.

#weAreAllOne #integrity #acceptance #peace
#NoMore #FreeAssangeNow

Free Julian Assange - I have donated £100 to each fund.

We rise and fall as one. No one should be persecuted, or prosecuted, for dealing in #truth.
The lesson here for the #UK #Conservatives party is, #STOP giving ideologically bankrupt Etonian children the keys to 10 Downing Street and start #listening to what "normal" #people need:

#Water, #Food & #Energy #Security.

We The #People demand #peace, not endless #war.

For those who have yet to realise that time and space are nothing more than the language of consciousness, and are not an actual "thing"...

…7 years ago to the day, I experienced / achieved enlightenment.

It took me about 5 years before I could even begin to speak with others about what I had experienced. That was because I did not have the "words" to properly articulate the meaning I wished to convey. Now I do.

Now I know who is "i".
Now I know what "i" want.

One of the many magical miracles that I experienced on the 9th July 2015 was the void of the unmanifested. "I" became "i" and "i" experience nothing or no thing. I was able to manipulate the physical reality I had taken for granted. I could move heat and sound and matter towards me and away from me, at will. Within that moment I experience the eternal and I saw the end and the beginning. Quantum Physics made absolute sense because I had become both the observer and the observed, outside the physical realm of time and space.

Upon returning from the void, I also experienced a shared consciousness. This was not just a subjective sensation within, but also a oneness or unity with all things in the physical realm. An ability to communicate and experience objective reality in a way that is active intention and active listening. To know a thing and see it happen (active intention or precognition) and then have that thing become reality and to be aware of it (active listening). Over the last 7 years I have refined this skill to what I now refer to as conscious intention and conscious awareness. This is the language and nature of reality, as we experience REALiTY in this physical realm.

For many years I could not explain what "enlightenment" is. Now I can.

Enlightenment is to observe REALiTY with conscious AWARENESS, for "i AM" consciousness MANiFESTED.

There is a technique for the identification of SELF called dependant arising. The premise is simple. Who is "i"? How do I define SELF? Who or what is this SELF? Is it this physical form? If so, which part of this physical form? When I drink a glass of water, am I now the water? When does the water stop being water and become me? What is that moment of transition?

This is the purpose of vipassana meditation or breathing meditation. What is the air that I breathe? When does that air out there, that I breathe in, cease to be air, and become me? When does that air that I breathe out cease to be me and become air? The truth is, there is no separateness, there is only the illusion of separateness, which is why most people are delusional, and this state of delusion is unhealthy. Unhealthy people have the potential to be dangerous, firstly to themselves, but also others, and by others I am not limiting myself to just other human beings, but all and every manifestation of consciousness.

This delusional behaviour, in and of itself, is acceptable, as consciousness "is", therefore the existence of humans is irrelevant. We are not the creators, nor are we the sole custodians of consciousness, we are simply CONSCiOUSNESS - the combination of conscious AWARENESS. If humans disappeared overnight, the infinite potential of consciousness, that resides in the void of the unmanifested, will manifest itself again as another unique expression of itself, BUT if humans value what we are experiencing, in this moment, through our CONSCiOUSNESS, we need to wake up to who is "i", and we need to do this now, because I have seen what comes next, and we only get there if we stop destroying everything that we touch.

The way to this salvation lies within. You will not find it in a distant temple, or at the top of a mountain, because it is always present. The key to unlocking this “lie” is to see beyond time and space and awaken to the reality that "i" have never experienced time or space, because "i AM" always present now and "i AM" always here.


We have created a world full of distraction. In essence, we are our own worst enemy. We are the devils that we see within the shadows. The universe does not work in this way. This is solely the doing of human will and imagination. This is our greatest gift, to see ourselves (consciousness) as we really are, through the reflective process of the MiND, but this is also our greatest curse. Each of us are the heroes of our own journey, but most do not have the courage to go beyond the realm of comfort and complacency, and therefore the path to enlightenment remains "the road less travelled".

This is no longer an option. We either awaken to the peace and acceptance that is innate within, and then walk the path of LiFE with integrity, or we do not. There is no more trying. We either do or we do not. If we do not then… muh, regardless of humans, this illusion will continue for an eternity, but without us humans.

If we do, then trust me, we ain't seen nothing yet...

Your first question may be… OK, so HOW do I change? and my answer to that question is: one thing can change everything, now “i AM” THE CHANGE…
The closer we are to the present moment, the more distant becomes the illusion of SELF. For without memory, who is "i" but the ever present...
Believe whatever you want to believe, but this collective Human concept we call “ownership” is nonsensical and will ultimately end in ruin.

“I” do not own anything, not even this body, which “i” inhabit. Everything is temporary and everything is transitory (except nothing, which is consistent and persistent). The illusion of permanence is the paradox created by CONSCiOUSNESS (consciousness MANiFESTED aka conscious AWARENESS).

AWARENESS (something) comes and goes, whereas consciousness (nothing) is ever present.

For example, if “I” own a piece of land next to the sea, and that land is consumed by the sea, do I now own the sea or the land beneath the sea, or does the “thing” that I thought I owned now no longer exist because it has changed?

Who currently owns Mars? If you apply the logic of ownership to Mars, and then work back to the concept on ownership on Earth, does that make any sense? Who has the authority to dictate ownership, and if the concept of ownership is only a construct of the collective human experience, we can dissolve that concept.

Dissolving the concept of ownership creates a sense of loss, but loss is only the absence of a capacity to fulfil desire. Desire is EGOIC, and we can unlearn desire-based wants (addictions), if we are humble enough to be satisfied with need fulfilment and limited/moderate want fulfilment.

In short, Humans have become domesticated and commercialised to the point where we are no longer capable of seeing beyond the vail of consumerism (want and desire) and this deception has enslaved us to a lie. The answer to this lie can only be found within when I ask the question:

Who is “i”?

This “experience” we are ALL collectively experiencing is about understanding consciousness MANiFESTED, and the paradox of the transitory nature of the physical realm (something), compared to the consistent and persistent nature of the quantum realm (nothing).