de (daniel ewen)
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I know nothing. I now know something...
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A genius #discovers (#articulates) reality before anyone else knows it even exists. For example, Isaac #Newton and Albert #Einstein.

An enlightened fellow #experiences #reality as it really is (nothing), without the #perception and #interpretation of the MiND. For example, Siddhartha Gautam (aka #Buddha) and #Jesus #Christ.

An #enlightened #genius lays a trail of #breadcrumbs, so that all other fellows move in the #direction of ENLiGHTENED GENiUS...

1. Who is "i"?

"i" am consciousness MANiFESTED.

...consciousness resides within the #void of the un-manifested (what we call #quantum reality) as #infinite #potential (nothing) and creates the #MANiFESTED PHYSiCAL REALiTY (what we call Newtonian reality), into the "i AM" SOMETHiNG, simply observing EVERYTHiNG.

#Space | #Time is the #language of consciousness and if we #practice, then #master Active #Listening and Active #Communication, we can then create "#magic" through what I call #Conscious #Intention and Conscious #Awareness...

Only the #MiND experiences the #illusion of Space | Time...

"i" (#consciousness) only ever #experience the #here and #now (the #present #moment)
The lesson here for the #UK #Conservatives party is, #STOP giving ideologically bankrupt Etonian children the keys to 10 Downing Street and start #listening to what "normal" #people need:

#Water, #Food & #Energy #Security.

We The #People demand #peace, not endless #war.
