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I know nothing. I now know something...
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To observe #REALiTY with #conscious #awareness.

To observe REALiTY with conscious awareness, “I” must first understand what “i” am observing with awareness.


#Objective REALiTY = #constructs and #concepts

– (“#facts” exist at this level)
#Subjective REALiTY = #perception and #interpretation
– (“#opinions” exist at this level)
CONSCiOUSNESS = #consistent and #persistent
– (“#truth” exists at this level)

Note: Objective REALiTY is only ever experienced #Subjectively.

To observe REALiTY with conscious awareness, “I” must first understand what “i” is.


There is no “i” in #SELF:


ALTER EGO = the “I” presented to “OTHER”
– (subconscious / “YOU” / THE DULUSIONAL SELF)
#EGO = the “I” that believes “OTHER”
– (subconscious / “you” / THE IMAGINARY SELF)
PERSONALITY = the “I” that experiences “OTHER”
– (awareness / “I” / THE EMERGENT SELF)
CONSCiOUSNESS = the “i” that observes
– (conscious / “i” / THE iNNATE SELF)

Note: The concept of #time and the construct of #space are only ever experienced consciously “#now” and “#here”.
"The journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step..."

Delusional thinking and behaviour is expecting gratification after taking a single step...

Whereas gratitude, for the ability to take a single step, is an entirely different perspective.

The #delusional approach, in the search of immediate #gratification, will result in disappointment, and ultimately, failure to complete the journey.

The #gratitude approach, will #manifest its own #meaning and sense of deep #joy, #purpose and #fulfilment, and in that #moment, the journey becomes #effortless.

The emergence of meaning arises in the presence of #BEiNG. Meaning is for its own sake, there is no other meaning outside that of the experience of meaning.

The appropriate question is: "what is the meaning of #acceptance?"

Only when acceptance becomes absolute, will meaning become truly apparent...

The journey is #LiFE. The meaning of life, is the journey.

Note: Acceptance is a continuous process, not an absolute conclusion.
"i AM" the change I choose to see in the world...

We cannot change the world, but we can change ourselves, and when we change ourselves, we change our world, and that ripple effect moves into every aspect of the world we share with others... this is how we change the world...

#Integrity #Acceptance #Peace

I change myself, by answering the following two questions:

1. Who is i?
2. What do i want?

Here are two workable examples:

Question: Who is i?
Answer: "i AM". "i AM" #calm. "i AM" #peaceful.
A simple explanation: Who else can "I" be? The "i" will become apparent, the more "I" focus on #BEiNG who "i AM"...

Question: What do i want?
Answer: i do not want. i do not want to be #angry. i do not want to be #resentful.
A simple explanation: To want is to desire, and desire leads to suffering. To not want, is to not desire, so i can use the negative to create a positive by removing desire (i do not want), whilst also removing the object that i do not want (BEiNG angry, BEiNG resentful).

Do you see how the two questions now work together in #harmony? One is the force of #creation, one is the force of #destruction, yet both are working #together in the service of #conscious #intention. Both must exist in #equal measure, in order to have #balance and #unity (#peace).

How we use words and language is key to how we think, and how we think creates our #REALiTY. So, on a path to #ENLiGHTENMENT, we choose our words with conscious #consideration and #compassion, for these simple words create the spells that #manifest #magic...