de (daniel ewen)
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I know nothing. I now know something...
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The thing I am searching for is #peace.
peace is the innate quality of BEiNG.
peace is where "i AM".

When I let go of the distractions, and return to peace,
i manifest within that of my choosing.
If i choose joy and compassion, I am fulfilled,
along with those that I share this moment with.

I do not act out of #kindness,
I act from the source of peace.
From peace, all things follow… such as #compassion.
This is the peace and #grace of #god.

When I know who “i AM”
I know peace.
…and when all seems lost, I like to remind myself that the real "me", the me that is the #watcher, that is persistently there just observing "my" #thoughts, "my" #feelings and "my" #actions without judgement, the thing that even though "we are it", remains undefinable in terms of its actual existence, origin or nature of being, the thing we commonly refer to as "#CONSCiOUSNESS", is as Bill Hicks said, "one CONSCiOUSNESS experiencing itself #Subjectively"… that "me", is here to appreciate the simplicity of the #illusion that mostly keeps us distracted from appreciating the irony that whilst all this "appears" to (be) matter, we are in fact all part of an infinitely fluid moment, with unimaginable possibilities and unlimited #potential that continuously renews and recycles itself, ultimately returning to source to begin again…

…that literally none of this matters is both mentally terrifying and "spiritually" #enlightening...

...for me, it's about "being present in this moment", and allowing myself to return to what may be referred to as "the #peace and #grace of #god". From that innate place of rest, "i AM", as the self-actualised creator/created, get to choose what "I" manifest next…
We are not, nor have we ever been, fighting a "war on terror".

We are perpetuating a "war of terror" for the dominant ideology of our species.

This, in and of itself, is in direct contradiction to the very meaning of the word... "FREEDOM".
Our "freedom" appears to come at the cost of someone else's "freedom".

Who are the real "terrorists? 🤔 IMHO, anyone who believes the concept that we have to "fight for peace".

Peace is an innate quality of BEiNG and does not require anything to achieve it.

Do NOTHiNG, let go of the noise and the distractions, and "i AM" already at peace. From that centred place of #acceptance, #joy, #compassion, #love, #truth, #clarity, #respect, #understanding... all these things arise naturally and without effort.

If I look for peace outside of myself, I will never find it.

The truth, ironically, LiES within.

Only when "YOU" know who "i AM", will "YOU" know yourself... and only then will "YOU" know #peace.

As the Buddhist Proverb goes: "When a student is ready, the master appears."
"i AM" the change I choose to see in the world...

We cannot change the world, but we can change ourselves, and when we change ourselves, we change our world, and that ripple effect moves into every aspect of the world we share with others... this is how we change the world...

#Integrity #Acceptance #Peace

I change myself, by answering the following two questions:

1. Who is i?
2. What do i want?

Here are two workable examples:

Question: Who is i?
Answer: "i AM". "i AM" #calm. "i AM" #peaceful.
A simple explanation: Who else can "I" be? The "i" will become apparent, the more "I" focus on #BEiNG who "i AM"...

Question: What do i want?
Answer: i do not want. i do not want to be #angry. i do not want to be #resentful.
A simple explanation: To want is to desire, and desire leads to suffering. To not want, is to not desire, so i can use the negative to create a positive by removing desire (i do not want), whilst also removing the object that i do not want (BEiNG angry, BEiNG resentful).

Do you see how the two questions now work together in #harmony? One is the force of #creation, one is the force of #destruction, yet both are working #together in the service of #conscious #intention. Both must exist in #equal measure, in order to have #balance and #unity (#peace).

How we use words and language is key to how we think, and how we think creates our #REALiTY. So, on a path to #ENLiGHTENMENT, we choose our words with conscious #consideration and #compassion, for these simple words create the spells that #manifest #magic...

The secret to happiness (joy) is eternal gratitude.

I give thanks for, and "i AM" grateful for, what I have, and what "i AM", now.

I move forwards with purpose, courage, and determination, to create a present moment that benefits all BEiNGS, human or otherwise.

#weAreAllOne #integrity #acceptance #peace
The lesson here for the #UK #Conservatives party is, #STOP giving ideologically bankrupt Etonian children the keys to 10 Downing Street and start #listening to what "normal" #people need:

#Water, #Food & #Energy #Security.

We The #People demand #peace, not endless #war.

There is no unconditional love, only unconditional #acceptance.

Unconditional acceptance is pure #love.

Pure love is the innate #peace and #grace that remains hidden by the desire for attachment.

Attachment implies permanence within a reality where change is the only constant.